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Survivin reads phosphorylated histone H3 threonine 3 to activate the mitotic kinase Aurora B., Kelly AE, Ghenoiu C, Xue JZ, Zierhut C, Kimura H, Funabiki H., Science. October 8, 2010; 330 (6001): 235-9.

Structure of RCC1 chromatin factor bound to the nucleosome core particle., Makde RD, England JR, Yennawar HP, Tan S., Nature. September 30, 2010; 467 (7315): 562-6.   

Subunit-dependent modulation of kainate receptors by muscarinic acetylcholine receptors., Benveniste M, Wilhelm J, Dingledine RJ, Mott DD., Dev Biol. September 17, 2010; 1352 61-9.

Self-assembly of filopodia-like structures on supported lipid bilayers., Lee K, Gallop JL, Rambani K, Kirschner MW., Science. September 10, 2010; 329 (5997): 1341-5.

Sucrose- and H-dependent charge movements associated with the gating of sucrose transporter ZmSUT1., Carpaneto A, Koepsell H, Bamberg E, Hedrich R, Geiger D., PLoS One. September 7, 2010; 5 (9): e12605.   

Subgroup II PAK-mediated phosphorylation regulates Ran activity during mitosis., Bompard G, Rabeharivelo G, Frank M, Cau J, Delsert C, Morin N., J Cell Biol. September 6, 2010; 190 (5): 807-22.   

Sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter NBCn1 in the kidney medullary thick ascending limb cell line is upregulated under acidic conditions and enhances ammonium transport., Lee S, Lee HJ, Yang HS, Thornell IM, Bevensee MO, Choi I., Exp Physiol. September 1, 2010; 95 (9): 926-37.

Serotonin 2B receptor signaling is required for craniofacial morphogenesis and jaw joint formation in Xenopus., Reisoli E, De Lucchini S, Nardi I, Ori M., Development. September 1, 2010; 137 (17): 2927-37.   

Specific sites within the ligand-binding domain and ion channel linkers modulate NMDA receptor gating., Talukder I, Borker P, Wollmuth LP., J Neurosci. September 1, 2010; 30 (35): 11792-804.

Stochastic fire-diffuse-fire model with realistic cluster dynamics., Calabrese A, Fraiman D, Zysman D, Ponce Dawson S., Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. September 1, 2010; 82 (3 Pt 1): 031910.

Structure and mechanism of proton transport through the transmembrane tetrameric M2 protein bundle of the influenza A virus., Acharya R, Carnevale V, Fiorin G, Levine BG, Polishchuk AL, Balannik V, Samish I, Lamb RA, Pinto LH, DeGrado WF, Klein ML., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 24, 2010; 107 (34): 15075-80.

Small molecule disruption of G beta gamma signaling inhibits the progression of heart failure., Casey LM, Pistner AR, Belmonte SL, Migdalovich D, Stolpnik O, Nwakanma FE, Vorobiof G, Dunaevsky O, Matavel A, Lopes CM, Smrcka AV, Blaxall BC., Circ Res. August 20, 2010; 107 (4): 532-9.

Sonic hedgehog expression during Xenopus laevis forebrain development., Domínguez L, González A, Moreno N., Dev Biol. August 6, 2010; 1347 19-32.   

Schistosoma mansoni Polo-like kinase 1: A mitotic kinase with key functions in parasite reproduction., Long T, Cailliau K, Beckmann S, Browaeys E, Trolet J, Grevelding CG, Dissous C., Int J Parasitol. August 1, 2010; 40 (9): 1075-86.

Stimulation of ENaC activity by rosiglitazone is PPARγ-dependent and correlates with SGK1 expression increase., Renauld S, Tremblay K, Ait-Benichou S, Simoneau-Roy M, Garneau H, Staub O, Chraïbi A., J Membr Biol. August 1, 2010; 236 (3): 259-70.

Small RNAs in the animal gonad: guarding genomes and guiding development., Lau NC., Int J Biochem Cell Biol. August 1, 2010; 42 (8): 1334-47.

Solution NMR structure of the C-terminal DNA binding domain of Mcm10 reveals a conserved MCM motif., Robertson PD, Chagot B, Chazin WJ, Eichman BF., J Biol Chem. July 23, 2010; 285 (30): 22942-9.

Superresolution localization of single functional IP3R channels utilizing Ca2+ flux as a readout., Wiltgen SM, Smith IF, Parker I., Biophys J. July 21, 2010; 99 (2): 437-46.

Stargazin modulates neuronal voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channel Ca(v)2.2 by a Gbetagamma-dependent mechanism., Tselnicker I, Tsemakhovich VA, Dessauer CW, Dascal N., J Biol Chem. July 2, 2010; 285 (27): 20462-71.

Serotonin decreases alveolar epithelial fluid transport via a direct inhibition of the epithelial sodium channel., Goolaerts A, Roux J, Ganter MT, Shlyonsky V, Chraibi A, Stéphane R, Mies F, Matthay MA, Naeije R, Sariban-Sohraby S, Howard M, Pittet JF., Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. July 1, 2010; 43 (1): 99-108.

Strategies for DNA interstrand crosslink repair: insights from worms, flies, frogs, and slime molds., McVey M., Environ Mol Mutagen. July 1, 2010; 51 (6): 646-58.

SUMO modification regulates the transcriptional activity of MAML1., Lindberg MJ, Popko-Scibor AE, Hansson ML, Wallberg AE., FASEB J. July 1, 2010; 24 (7): 2396-404.

Structure and expression of myelin basic protein gene products in Xenopus laevis., Nanba R, Fujita N, Nagata S., Gene. July 1, 2010; 459 (1-2): 32-8.   

Stimulating effect of external Myo-inositol on the expression of mutant forms of aquaporin 2., Lussier Y, Bissonnette P, Bichet DG, Lapointe JY., J Membr Biol. July 1, 2010; 236 (2): 225-32.

Solution structure of GxTX-1E, a high-affinity tarantula toxin interacting with voltage sensors in Kv2.1 potassium channels ., Lee S, Milescu M, Jung HH, Lee JY, Bae CH, Lee CW, Kim HH, Swartz KJ, Kim JI., Biochemistry. June 29, 2010; 49 (25): 5134-42.

Selectivity of lynx proteins on insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens., Yang B, Yao X, Gu S, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Zhang Y., Insect Mol Biol. June 1, 2010; 19 (3): 283-9.

Synthesis of water-soluble polyamine derivatives effective as N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists., Masuko T, Yoshida S, Metori K, Kizawa Y, Kusama T, Miyake M., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). June 1, 2010; 58 (6): 862-7.

Sodium-coupled electrogenic transport of pyroglutamate (5-oxoproline) via SLC5A8, a monocarboxylate transporter., Miyauchi S, Gopal E, Babu E, Srinivas SR, Kubo Y, Umapathy NS, Thakkar SV, Ganapathy V, Prasad PD., Biochim Biophys Acta. June 1, 2010; 1798 (6): 1164-71.

Serotonin controls the maturation of the GABA phenotype in the ventral spinal cord via 5-HT1b receptors., Allain AE, Ségu L, Meyrand P, Branchereau P., Ann N Y Acad Sci. June 1, 2010; 1198 208-19.

State-Dependent Modification of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels by Pyrethroids., Soderlund DM., Pestic Biochem Physiol. June 1, 2010; 97 (2): 78-86.

State-dependent electrostatic interactions of S4 arginines with E1 in S2 during Kv7.1 activation., Wu D, Delaloye K, Zaydman MA, Nekouzadeh A, Rudy Y, Cui J., J Gen Physiol. June 1, 2010; 135 (6): 595-606.   

Ser123 is essential for the water channel activity of McPIP2;1 from Mesembryanthemum crystallinum., Amezcua-Romero JC, Pantoja O, Vera-Estrella R., J Biol Chem. May 28, 2010; 285 (22): 16739-47.

Stoichiometry of expressed alpha(4)beta(2)delta gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors depends on the ratio of subunit cDNA transfected., Wagoner KR, Czajkowski C., J Biol Chem. May 7, 2010; 285 (19): 14187-94.

Spatial expression profiles in the Xenopus laevis oocytes measured with qPCR tomography., Sindelka R, Sidova M, Svec D, Kubista M., Methods. May 1, 2010; 51 (1): 87-91.

SB431542 treatment promotes the hypertrophy of skeletal muscle fibers but decreases specific force., Watt KI, Jaspers RT, Atherton P, Smith K, Rennie MJ, Ratkevicius A, Wackerhage H., Muscle Nerve. May 1, 2010; 41 (5): 624-9.

Structural and biological properties of erythropoietin in Xenopus laevis., Nogawa-Kosaka N, Hirose T, Kosaka N, Aizawa Y, Nagasawa K, Uehara N, Miyazaki H, Komatsu N, Kato T., Exp Hematol. May 1, 2010; 38 (5): 363-72.

Sex-changing weed killer., Biello D., Sci Am. May 1, 2010; 302 (5): 24, 26-7.

Stretch-activated cation channel from larval bullfrog skin., Hillyard SD, Willumsen NJ, Marrero MB., J Exp Biol. May 1, 2010; 213 (Pt 10): 1782-7.

Structurally diverse amphiphiles exhibit biphasic modulation of GABAA receptors: similarities and differences with neurosteroid actions., Chisari M, Shu HJ, Taylor A, Steinbach JH, Zorumski CF, Mennerick S., Br J Pharmacol. May 1, 2010; 160 (1): 130-41.

Scientists have used various species of amphibians as experimental systems in cell and developmental biology., Kloc M., Methods. May 1, 2010; 51 (1): 1-2.

Scaling of morphogen gradients by an expansion-repression integral feedback control., Ben-Zvi D, Barkai N., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 13, 2010; 107 (15): 6924-9.

Systematic discovery of nonobvious human disease models through orthologous phenotypes., McGary KL, Park TJ, Woods JO, Cha HJ, Wallingford JB, Marcotte EM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 6, 2010; 107 (14): 6544-9.   

Synaptic maturation of the Xenopus retinotectal system: effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on synapse ultrastructure., Nikolakopoulou AM, Meynard MM, Marshak S, Cohen-Cory S., J Comp Neurol. April 1, 2010; 518 (7): 972-89.

Structural determinants in phycotoxins and AChBP conferring high affinity binding and nicotinic AChR antagonism., Bourne Y, Radic Z, Aráoz R, Talley TT, Benoit E, Servent D, Taylor P, Molgó J, Marchot P., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 30, 2010; 107 (13): 6076-81.

Sodium channel carboxyl-terminal residue regulates fast inactivation., Nguyen HM, Goldin AL., J Biol Chem. March 19, 2010; 285 (12): 9077-89.

Solving the alpha-conotoxin folding problem: efficient selenium-directed on-resin generation of more potent and stable nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists., Muttenthaler M, Nevin ST, Grishin AA, Ngo ST, Choy PT, Daly NL, Hu SH, Armishaw CJ, Wang CI, Lewis RJ, Martin JL, Noakes PG, Craik DJ, Adams DJ, Alewood PF., J Am Chem Soc. March 17, 2010; 132 (10): 3514-22.

Structural insight into the sequence dependence of nucleosome positioning., Wu B, Mohideen K, Vasudevan D, Davey CA., Structure. March 14, 2010; 18 (4): 528-36.

Structural and functional characterization of a novel homodimeric three-finger neurotoxin from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah (king cobra)., Roy A, Zhou X, Chong MZ, D'hoedt D, Foo CS, Rajagopalan N, Nirthanan S, Bertrand D, Sivaraman J, Kini RM., J Biol Chem. March 12, 2010; 285 (11): 8302-15.

Sperm-borne protein, PAWP, initiates zygotic development in Xenopus laevis by eliciting intracellular calcium release., Aarabi M, Qin Z, Xu W, Mewburn J, Oko R., Mol Reprod Dev. March 1, 2010; 77 (3): 249-56.

Selective potentiation of homomeric P2X2 ionotropic ATP receptors by a fast non-genomic action of progesterone., De Roo M, Boué-Grabot E, Schlichter R., Neuropharmacology. March 1, 2010; 58 (3): 569-77.

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