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Factor C*, the specific initiation component of the mouse RNA polymerase I holoenzyme, is inactivated early in the transcription process., Brun RP, Ryan K, Sollner-Webb B., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1994; 14 (7): 5010-21.

Function of type I and type II keratin head domains: their role in dimer, tetramer and filament formation., Hatzfeld M, Burba M., J Cell Sci. July 1, 1994; 107 ( Pt 7) 1959-72.

Fertilization of Xenopus eggs imposes a complete translational arrest of mRNAs containing 3'UUAUUUAU elements., Marinx O, Bertrand S, Karsenti E, Huez G, Kruys V., FEBS Lett. May 30, 1994; 345 (2-3): 107-12.

Functional expression of the nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive nucleoside transporter of human choriocarcinoma (BeWo) cells in isolated oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Boumah CE, Harvey CM, Paterson AR, Baldwin SA, Young JD, Cass CE., Biochem J. May 1, 1994; 299 ( Pt 3) 769-73.

Functional expression and properties of the human skeletal muscle sodium channel., Chahine M, Bennett PB, George AL, Horn R., Pflugers Arch. May 1, 1994; 427 (1-2): 136-42.

Follistatin, an antagonist of activin, is expressed in the Spemann organizer and displays direct neuralizing activity., Hemmati-Brivanlou A, Kelly OG, Melton DA., Cell. April 22, 1994; 77 (2): 283-95.   

Functional characterization of the Escherichia coli glycerol facilitator, GlpF, in Xenopus oocytes., Maurel C, Reizer J, Schroeder JI, Chrispeels MJ, Saier MH., J Biol Chem. April 22, 1994; 269 (16): 11869-72.

Functional independence of monomeric CHIP28 water channels revealed by expression of wild-type mutant heterodimers., Shi LB, Skach WR, Verkman AS., J Biol Chem. April 8, 1994; 269 (14): 10417-22.

FTZ-F1-related orphan receptors in Xenopus laevis: transcriptional regulators differentially expressed during early embryogenesis., Ellinger-Ziegelbauer H, Hihi AK, Laudet V, Keller H, Wahli W, Dreyer C., Mol Cell Biol. April 1, 1994; 14 (4): 2786-97.

Functional aspects of B-Myb in early Xenopus development., Bouwmeester T, van Wijk I, Wedlich D, Pieler T., Oncogene. April 1, 1994; 9 (4): 1029-38.

Functional nuclear pores reconstituted with beta 1-4 galactose-modified O-linked N-acetylglucosamine glycoproteins., Miller MW, Hanover JA., J Biol Chem. March 25, 1994; 269 (12): 9289-97.

Functional expression of Ca(2+)-mobilizing opioid receptors in Xenopus oocytes injected with rat brain mRNA., Kaneko S, Yuasa J, Takahashi H, Satoh M., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. March 1, 1994; 22 (1-4): 69-75.

Functional expression and characterization of human D2 and D3 dopamine receptors., Potenza MN, Graminski GF, Schmauss C, Lerner MR., J Neurosci. March 1, 1994; 14 (3 Pt 2): 1463-76.

Fibroblast growth factor, but not activin, is a potent activator of mitogen-activated protein kinase in Xenopus explants., Graves LM, Northrop JL, Potts BC, Krebs EG, Kimelman D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1994; 91 (5): 1662-6.

Floor plate and motor neuron induction by vhh-1, a vertebrate homolog of hedgehog expressed by the notochord., Roelink H, Augsburger A, Heemskerk J, Korzh V, Norlin S, Ruiz i Altaba A, Tanabe Y, Placzek M, Edlund T, Jessell TM., Cell. February 25, 1994; 76 (4): 761-75.   

Fertilization and ion channels., Nuccitelli R, Ferguson JE., Science. February 18, 1994; 263 (5149): 988.

Functional expression cloning of the canalicular sulfate transport system of rat hepatocytes., Bissig M, Hagenbuch B, Stieger B, Koller T, Meier PJ., J Biol Chem. January 28, 1994; 269 (4): 3017-21.

Features in the 5' non-coding sequences of rabbit alpha and beta-globin mRNAs that affect translational efficiency., Kozak M., J Mol Biol. January 7, 1994; 235 (1): 95-110.

Farnesylation of p21 Ras proteins in Xenopus oocytes., Zhao J, Kung HF, Manne V., Cell Mol Biol Res. January 1, 1994; 40 (4): 313-21.

Function and modulation of the cloned glycine receptor channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Akagi H, Majima T, Uchiyama M., Jpn J Physiol. January 1, 1994; 44 Suppl 2 S91-6.

Functional role of the NH2-terminal cytoplasmic domain of a mammalian A-type K channel., Tseng-Crank J, Yao JA, Berman MF, Tseng GN., J Gen Physiol. December 1, 1993; 102 (6): 1057-83.

Full-length and truncated Kv1.3 K+ channels are modulated by 5-HT1c receptor activation and independently by PKC., Aiyar J, Grissmer S, Chandy KG., Am J Physiol. December 1, 1993; 265 (6 Pt 1): C1571-8.

Functional consequences of expression of the neuron-specific, protein kinase C substrate RC3 (neurogranin) in Xenopus oocytes., Cohen RW, Margulies JE, Coulter PM, Watson JB., Dev Biol. November 5, 1993; 627 (1): 147-52.

FGF3 from Xenopus laevis., Kiefer P, Mathieu M, Close MJ, Peters G, Dickson C., EMBO J. November 1, 1993; 12 (11): 4159-68.

Functional properties of a neuronal class C L-type calcium channel., Tomlinson WJ, Stea A, Bourinet E, Charnet P, Nargeot J, Snutch TP., Neuropharmacology. November 1, 1993; 32 (11): 1117-26.

Functional roles of the nucleotide-binding folds in the activation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator., Smit LS, Wilkinson DJ, Mansoura MK, Collins FS, Dawson DC., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 1, 1993; 90 (21): 9963-7.

Functional stoichiometry of Shaker potassium channel inactivation., MacKinnon R, Aldrich RW, Lee AW., Science. October 29, 1993; 262 (5134): 757-9.

Functional expression of the parathyroid cell calcium receptor in Xenopus oocytes., Racke FK, Hammerland LG, Dubyak GR, Nemeth EF., FEBS Lett. October 25, 1993; 333 (1-2): 132-6.

Functional expression and purification of a homomeric human alpha 1 glycine receptor in baculovirus-infected insect cells., Cascio M, Schoppa NE, Grodzicki RL, Sigworth FJ, Fox RO., J Biol Chem. October 15, 1993; 268 (29): 22135-42.

Functional analysis of the P box, a domain in cyclin B required for the activation of Cdc25., Zheng XF, Ruderman JV., Cell. October 8, 1993; 75 (1): 155-64.

Fast axonal diffusion of 3000 molecular weight dextran amines., Fritzsch B., J Neurosci Methods. October 1, 1993; 50 (1): 95-103.

Functional expression of Na(+)-dependent nucleoside transport systems of rat intestine in isolated oocytes of Xenopus laevis. Demonstration that rat jejunum expresses the purine-selective system N1 (cif) and a second, novel system N3 having broad specificity for purine and pyrimidine nucleosides., Huang QQ, Harvey CM, Paterson AR, Cass CE, Young JD., J Biol Chem. September 25, 1993; 268 (27): 20613-9.

Functional characterization of the alternatively spliced, placental human growth hormone receptor., Urbanek M, Russell JE, Cooke NE, Liebhaber SA., J Biol Chem. September 5, 1993; 268 (25): 19025-32.

Fetal liver kinase 1 is a receptor for vascular endothelial growth factor and is selectively expressed in vascular endothelium., Quinn TP, Peters KG, De Vries C, Ferrara N, Williams LT., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 15, 1993; 90 (16): 7533-7.

Functional analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana rRNA gene and spacer promoters in vivo and by transient expression., Doelling JH, Gaudino RJ, Pikaard CS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 15, 1993; 90 (16): 7528-32.

Functional expression of cAMP-dependent and independent urea transporters in Xenopus oocytes., Hasegawa H, Verkman AS., Am J Physiol. August 1, 1993; 265 (2 Pt 1): C514-20.

Functional comparison of the role of gamma subunits in recombinant human gamma-aminobutyric acidA/benzodiazepine receptors., Wafford KA, Bain CJ, Whiting PJ, Kemp JA., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 1993; 44 (2): 437-42.

Functional domains of transcription factor TFIIB., Buratowski S, Zhou H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 15, 1993; 90 (12): 5633-7.

Functional expression of a rapidly inactivating neuronal calcium channel., Ellinor PT, Zhang JF, Randall AD, Zhou M, Schwarz TL, Tsien RW, Horne WA., Nature. June 3, 1993; 363 (6428): 455-8.

Full activation of p34CDC28 histone H1 kinase activity is unable to promote entry into mitosis in checkpoint-arrested cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae., Stueland CS, Lew DJ, Cismowski MJ, Reed SI., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 1993; 13 (6): 3744-55.

FGF signalling in the early specification of mesoderm in Xenopus., Amaya E, Stein PA, Musci TJ, Kirschner MW., Development. June 1, 1993; 118 (2): 477-87.   

Function and spatial distribution in developing chick retina of the laminin receptor alpha 6 beta 1 and its isoforms., de Curtis I, Reichardt LF., Development. June 1, 1993; 118 (2): 377-88.

Functional expression and characterization of a Xenopus laevis peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase, AE-II, in insect-cell culture., Suzuki K, Ohta M, Okamoto M, Nishikawa Y., Eur J Biochem. April 1, 1993; 213 (1): 93-8.

Functional expression and molecular characterization of the thyrotrophin-releasing hormone receptor from the rat anterior pituitary gland., Sellar RE, Taylor PL, Lamb RF, Zabavnik J, Anderson L, Eidne KA., J Mol Endocrinol. April 1, 1993; 10 (2): 199-206.

Force relaxation, labile heat and parvalbumin content of skeletal muscle fibres of Xenopus laevis., Lännergren J, Elzinga G, Stienen GJ., J Physiol. April 1, 1993; 463 123-40.

Functional expression of recombinant G-protein-coupled receptors monitored by video imaging of pigment movement in melanophores., McClintock TS, Graminski GF, Potenza MN, Jayawickreme CK, Roby-Shemkovitz A, Lerner MR., Anal Biochem. March 1, 1993; 209 (2): 298-305.

Functional expression of adenosine A2b receptor in Xenopus oocytes., Yakel JL, Warren RA, Reppert SM, North RA., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 1993; 43 (2): 277-80.

Forward plasma membrane flow in growing nerve processes., Popov S, Brown A, Poo MM., Science. January 8, 1993; 259 (5092): 244-6.

Facilitated glucose transporters in epithelial cells., Thorens B., Annu Rev Physiol. January 1, 1993; 55 591-608.

Further characterization of an interleukin-2-like cytokine produced by Xenopus laevis T lymphocytes., Haynes L, Cohen N., Dev Immunol. January 1, 1993; 3 (3): 231-8.

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