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Basmisanil, a highly selective GABAA-α5 negative allosteric modulator: preclinical pharmacology and demonstration of functional target engagement in man., Hipp JF, Knoflach F, Comley R, Ballard TM, Honer M, Trube G, Gasser R, Prinssen E, Wallace TL, Rothfuss A, Knust H, Lennon-Chrimes S, Derks M, Bentley D, Squassante L, Nave S, Nöldeke J, Wandel C, Thomas AW, Hernandez MC., Sci Rep. April 8, 2021; 11 (1): 7700.

BRCA1-BARD1 regulates transcription through BRD4 in Xenopus nucleoplasmic extract., Barrows JK, Fullbright G, Long DT., Nucleic Acids Res. April 6, 2021; 49 (6): 3263-3273.   

Bora phosphorylation substitutes in trans for T-loop phosphorylation in Aurora A to promote mitotic entry., Tavernier N, Thomas Y, Vigneron S, Maisonneuve P, Orlicky S, Mader P, Regmi SG, Van Hove L, Levinson NM, Gasmi-Seabrook G, Joly N, Poteau M, Velez-Aguilera G, Gavet O, Castro A, Dasso M, Lorca T, Sicheri F, Pintard L., Nat Commun. March 26, 2021; 12 (1): 1899.   

Binding Dynamics of Disordered Linker Histone H1 with a Nucleosomal Particle., Wu H, Dalal Y, Papoian GA., J Mol Biol. March 19, 2021; 433 (6): 166881.

Biallelic variants in COPB1 cause a novel, severe intellectual disability syndrome with cataracts and variable microcephaly., Macken WL, Godwin A, Wheway G, Stals K, Nazlamova L, Ellard S, Alfares A, Aloraini T, AlSubaie L, Alfadhel M, Alajaji S, Wai HA, Self J, Douglas AGL, Kao AP, Guille M, Baralle D., Genome Med. February 25, 2021; 13 (1): 34.   

Bistable, Biphasic Regulation of PP2A-B55 Accounts for the Dynamics of Mitotic Substrate Phosphorylation., Kamenz J, Gelens L, Ferrell JE., Curr Biol. February 22, 2021; 31 (4): 794-808.e6.   

Beneficial actions of the [A14K] analog of the frog skin peptide PGLa-AM1 in mice with obesity and degenerative diabetes: A mechanistic study., Musale V, Moffett RC, Conlon JM, Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YH., Peptides. February 1, 2021; 136 170472.

Building a ciliated epithelium: Transcriptional regulation and radial intercalation of multiciliated cells., Collins C, Ventrella R, Mitchell BJ., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 145 3-39.

Bile Acids Gate Dopamine Transporter Mediated Currents., Romanazzi T, Zanella D, Cheng MH, Smith B, Carter AM, Galli A, Bahar I, Bossi E., Front Chem. January 1, 2021; 9 753990.

BMP Signaling: Lighting up the Way for Embryonic Dorsoventral Patterning., Yan Y, Wang Q., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 9 799772.   

Betel quid dependence mechanism and potential cessation therapy., Ko AM, Lee CH, Ko AM, Ko YC., Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. December 20, 2020; 103 109982.

Biochemical analysis of TOPBP1 oligomerization., Kim A, Montales K, Ruis K, Senebandith H, Gasparyan H, Cowan Q, Michael WM., DNA Repair (Amst). December 1, 2020; 96 102973.

Broadly Tuned Odorant Receptor AlinOR59 Involved in Chemoreception of Floral Scent in Adelphocoris lineolatus., Xiao Y, An XK, Khashaveh A, Shan S, Wang Q, Wang SN, Gu SH, Li ZY, Zhang YJ., J Agric Food Chem. November 25, 2020; 68 (47): 13815-13823.

Building neuromuscular junctions in vitro., Barbeau S, Tahraoui-Bories J, Legay C, Martinat C., Development. November 16, 2020; 147 (22):   

Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition Promotes Myelin Repair., Martin E, Aigrot MS, Grenningloh R, Stankoff B, Lubetzki C, Boschert U, Zalc B., Brain Plast. October 1, 2020; 5 (2): 123-133.   

BK channel openers NS1619 and NS11021 reverse hydrogen peroxide-induced membrane potential changes in skeletal muscle., Coskun C, Buyuknacar HS, Cicek F, Gunay I., J Recept Signal Transduct Res. October 1, 2020; 40 (5): 449-455.

Binding of the Treslin-MTBP Complex to Specific Regions of the Human Genome Promotes the Initiation of DNA Replication., Kumagai A, Dunphy WG., Cell Rep. September 22, 2020; 32 (12): 108178.   

Brachyury in the gastrula of basal vertebrates., Bruce AEE, Winklbauer R., Mech Dev. September 1, 2020; 163 103625.   

Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Genes in Orange-Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus coioides): Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis During Sex Reversal., Xiao L, Guo Y, Wang D, Zhao M, Hou X, Li S, Lin H, Zhang Y., Front Genet. March 4, 2020; 11 161.   

Bupropion Inhibits Serotonin Type 3AB Heteromeric Channels at Clinically Relevant Concentrations., Stuebler AG, Jansen M., Mol Pharmacol. March 1, 2020; 97 (3): 171-179.   

Bringing immersive science to undergraduate laboratory courses using CRISPR gene knockouts in frogs and butterflies., Martin A, Wolcott NS, O'Connell LA., J Exp Biol. February 7, 2020; 223 (Pt Suppl 1):

Biased modulators of NMDA receptors control channel opening and ion selectivity., Perszyk RE, Swanger SA, Shelley C, Khatri A, Fernandez-Cuervo G, Epplin MP, Zhang J, Le P, Bülow P, Garnier-Amblard E, Gangireddy PKR, Bassell GJ, Yuan H, Menaldino DS, Liotta DC, Liebeskind LS, Traynelis SF., Nat Chem Biol. February 1, 2020; 16 (2): 188-196.   

Biochemical reconstitution of branching microtubule nucleation., Alfaro-Aco R, Thawani A, Petry S., Elife. January 14, 2020; 9   

Biochemical responses revealed in an amphibian species after exposure to a forgotten contaminant: An integrated biomarker assessment., Dahms-Verster S, Nel A, van Vuren JHJ, Greenfield R., Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. January 1, 2020; 73 103272.

Blood-Brain Barrier Protein Claudin-5 Expressed in Paired Xenopus laevis Oocytes Mediates Cell-Cell Interaction., Brunner N, Stein L, Cornelius V, Knittel R, Fallier-Becker P, Amasheh S., Front Physiol. January 1, 2020; 11 857.   

Binding site location on GABAA receptors determines whether mixtures of intravenous general anaesthetics interact synergistically or additively in vivo., Kent DE, Savechenkov PY, Bruzik KS, Miller KW., Br J Pharmacol. December 1, 2019; 176 (24): 4760-4772.

Bottom up proteomics reveals novel differentiation proteins in neuroblastoma cells treated with 13-cis retinoic acid., Halakos EG, Connell AJ, Glazewski L, Wei S, Mason RW., J Proteomics. October 30, 2019; 209 103491.

Bioinformatics Screening of Genes Specific for Well-Regenerating Vertebrates Reveals c-answer, a Regulator of Brain Development and Regeneration., Korotkova DD, Lyubetsky VA, Ivanova AS, Rubanov LI, Seliverstov AV, Zverkov OA, Martynova NY, Nesterenko AM, Tereshina MB, Peshkin L, Zaraisky AG., Cell Rep. October 22, 2019; 29 (4): 1027-1040.e6.   

Bayesian Confidence Intervals for Multiplexed Proteomics Integrate Ion-statistics with Peptide Quantification Concordance., Peshkin L, Gupta M, Ryazanova L, Wühr M., Mol Cell Proteomics. October 1, 2019; 18 (10): 2108-2120.   

BAP1 regulates epigenetic switch from pluripotency to differentiation in developmental lineages giving rise to BAP1-mutant cancers., Kuznetsov JN, Aguero TH, Owens DA, Kurtenbach S, Field MG, Durante MA, Rodriguez DA, King ML, Harbour JW., Sci Adv. September 18, 2019; 5 (9): eaax1738.   

BFSP1 C-terminal domains released by post-translational processing events can alter significantly the calcium regulation of AQP0 water permeability., Tapodi A, Clemens DM, Uwineza A, Jarrin M, Goldberg MW, Thinon E, Heal WP, Tate EW, Nemeth-Cahalan K, Vorontsova I, Hall JE, Quinlan RA., Exp Eye Res. August 1, 2019; 185 107585.   

Binding Interactions of NS6740, a Silent Agonist of the α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor., Blunt CEW, Dougherty DA., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2019; 96 (2): 212-218.

Biochemical Hallmarks of Oxidative Stress-Induced Overactivation of Xenopus Eggs., Tokmakov AA, Awamura M, Sato KI., Biomed Res Int. July 2, 2019; 2019 7180540.   

Bile acids inhibit human purinergic receptor P2X4 in a heterologous expression system., Ilyaskin AV, Sure F, Nesterov V, Haerteis S, Korbmacher C., J Gen Physiol. June 3, 2019; 151 (6): 820-833.   

Biology of multiciliated cells., Boutin C, Kodjabachian L., Curr Opin Genet Dev. June 1, 2019; 56 1-7.   

Bile acids are potent inhibitors of rat P2X2 receptors., Schmidt A, Joussen S, Hausmann R, Gründer S, Wiemuth D., Purinergic Signal. June 1, 2019; 15 (2): 213-221.

Barhl2 maintains T cell factors as repressors and thereby switches off the Wnt/β-Catenin response driving Spemann organizer formation., Sena E, Rocques N, Borday C, Muhamad Amin HS, Parain K, Sitbon D, Chesneau A, Durand BC., Development. May 22, 2019; 146 (10):   

Bisphenol A, Bisphenol AF, di-n-butyl phthalate, and 17β-estradiol have shared and unique dose-dependent effects on early embryo cleavage divisions and development in Xenopus laevis., Arancio AL, Cole KD, Dominguez AR, Cohenour ER, Kadie J, Maloney WC, Cilliers C, Schuh SM., Reprod Toxicol. March 1, 2019; 84 65-74.   

Biallelic KARS pathogenic variants cause an early-onset progressive leukodystrophy., Itoh M, Dai H, Horike SI, Gonzalez J, Kitami Y, Meguro-Horike M, Kuki I, Shimakawa S, Yoshinaga H, Ota Y, Okazaki T, Maegaki Y, Nabatame S, Okazaki S, Kawawaki H, Ueno N, Goto YI, Kato Y., Brain. March 1, 2019; 142 (3): 560-573.

Broad applicability of a streamlined ethyl cinnamate-based clearing procedure., Masselink W, Reumann D, Murawala P, Pasierbek P, Taniguchi Y, Bonnay F, Meixner K, Knoblich JA, Tanaka EM., Development. February 1, 2019; 146 (3):   

Bipolar switching by HCN voltage sensor underlies hyperpolarization activation., Cowgill J, Klenchin VA, Alvarez-Baron C, Tewari D, Blair A, Chanda B., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 8, 2019; 116 (2): 670-678.   

Bcl11b controls odorant receptor class choice in mice., Enomoto T, Nishida H, Iwata T, Fujita A, Nakayama K, Kashiwagi T, Hatanaka Y, Kondo H, Kajitani R, Itoh T, Ohmoto M, Matsumoto I, Hirota J., Commun Biol. January 1, 2019; 2 296.   

Bone regeneration after traumatic skull injury in Xenopus tropicalis., Muñoz D, Castillo H, Henríquez JP, Marcellini S., Mech Dev. December 1, 2018; 154 153-161.   

Bumepamine, a brain-permeant benzylamine derivative of bumetanide, does not inhibit NKCC1 but is more potent to enhance phenobarbital's anti-seizure efficacy., Brandt C, Seja P, Töllner K, Römermann K, Hampel P, Kalesse M, Kipper A, Feit PW, Lykke K, Toft-Bertelsen TL, Paavilainen P, Spoljaric I, Puskarjov M, MacAulay N, Kaila K, Löscher W., Neuropharmacology. December 1, 2018; 143 186-204.

Brief Local Application of Progesterone via a Wearable Bioreactor Induces Long-Term Regenerative Response in Adult Xenopus Hindlimb., Herrera-Rincon C, Golding AS, Moran KM, Harrison C, Martyniuk CJ, Guay JA, Zaltsman J, Carabello H, Kaplan DL, Levin M., Cell Rep. November 6, 2018; 25 (6): 1593-1609.e7.   

Bapx1 is required for jaw joint development in amphibians., Lukas P, Olsson L., Evol Dev. November 1, 2018; 20 (6): 192-206.

B-973, a Novel α7 nAChR Ago-PAM: Racemic and Asymmetric Synthesis, Electrophysiological Studies, and in Vivo Evaluation., Garai S, Raja KS, Papke RL, Deschamps JR, Damaj MI, Thakur GA., ACS Med Chem Lett. October 11, 2018; 9 (11): 1144-1148.

Bulk Electroporation-Mediated Gene Transfer into Xenopus Tadpole Brain., Sáenz de Miera C, Parr E, Denver RJ., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. October 1, 2018; 2018 (10):

Bighead is a Wnt antagonist secreted by the Xenopus Spemann organizer that promotes Lrp6 endocytosis., Ding Y, Colozza G, Sosa EA, Moriyama Y, Rundle S, Salwinski L, De Robertis EM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 25, 2018; 115 (39): E9135-E9144.   

Bifurcations of Limit Cycles in a Reduced Model of the Xenopus Tadpole Central Pattern Generator., Ferrario A, Merrison-Hort R, Soffe SR, Li WC, Borisyuk R., J Math Neurosci. July 18, 2018; 8 (1): 10.   

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