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Lectin histochemistry shows fucosylated glycoconjugates in the primordial germ cells of Xenopus embryos., Alonso E, Sáez FJ, Madrid JF, Hernández F., J Histochem Cytochem. February 1, 2003; 51 (2): 239-43.

Loss-of-function and residual channel activity of connexin26 mutations associated with non-syndromic deafness., Bruzzone R, Veronesi V, Gomès D, Bicego M, Duval N, Marlin S, Petit C, D'Andrea P, White TW., FEBS Lett. January 2, 2003; 533 (1-3): 79-88.

Localization of RNAs in oocytes of Eleutherodactylus coqui, a direct developing frog, differs from Xenopus laevis., Beckham YM, Nath K, Elinson RP., Evol Dev. January 1, 2003; 5 (6): 562-71.

Long-term culture of Xenopus presumptive ectoderm in a nutrient-supplemented culture medium., Fukui Y, Furue M, Myoishi Y, Sato JD, Okamoto T, Asashima M., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 2003; 45 (5-6): 499-506.   

Life-cycle experiments of medaka fish aboard the international space station., Ijiri K., Adv Space Biol Med. January 1, 2003; 9 201-16.

Lefty-dependent inhibition of Nodal- and Wnt-responsive organizer gene expression is essential for normal gastrulation., Branford WW, Yost HJ., Curr Biol. December 23, 2002; 12 (24): 2136-41.   

Left-right asymmetry: all hands to the pump., Stern CD, Wolpert L., Curr Biol. December 10, 2002; 12 (23): R802-3.

Lipofection strategy for the study of Xenopus retinal development., Ohnuma S, Mann F, Boy S, Perron M, Harris WA., Methods. December 1, 2002; 28 (4): 411-9.

Larval antigen molecules recognized by adult immune cells of inbred Xenopus laevis: partial characterization and implication in metamorphosis., Izutsu Y, Tochinai S, Maéno M, Iwabuchi K, Onoé K., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2002; 44 (6): 477-88.   

Liddle's syndrome associated with a point mutation in the extracellular domain of the epithelial sodium channel gamma subunit., Hiltunen TP, Hannila-Handelberg T, Petäjäniemi N, Kantola I, Tikkanen I, Virtamo J, Gautschi I, Schild L, Kontula K., J Hypertens. December 1, 2002; 20 (12): 2383-90.

Loss of the AKT2/3 potassium channel affects sugar loading into the phloem of Arabidopsis., Deeken R, Geiger D, Fromm J, Koroleva O, Ache P, Langenfeld-Heyser R, Sauer N, May ST, Hedrich R., Planta. December 1, 2002; 216 (2): 334-44.

Linker histone subtype composition and affinity for chromatin in situ in nucleated mature erythrocytes., Koutzamani E, Loborg H, Sarg B, Lindner HH, Rundquist I., J Biol Chem. November 22, 2002; 277 (47): 44688-94.

Lef-1 and Tcf-3 transcription factors mediate tissue-specific Wnt signaling during Xenopus development., Roël G, Hamilton FS, Gent Y, Bain AA, Destrée O, Hoppler S., Curr Biol. November 19, 2002; 12 (22): 1941-5.

Localized synaptic potentiation by BDNF requires local protein synthesis in the developing axon., Zhang Xh, Poo MM., Neuron. November 14, 2002; 36 (4): 675-88.

Localization of divalent cation-binding site in the pore of a small conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel and its role in determining current-voltage relationship., Soh H, Park CS., Biophys J. November 1, 2002; 83 (5): 2528-38.

Large-scale induced fit recognition of an m(7)GpppG cap analogue by the human nuclear cap-binding complex., Mazza C, Segref A, Mattaj IW, Cusack S., EMBO J. October 15, 2002; 21 (20): 5548-57.

Lipid discrimination in phospholipid monolayers by the antimicrobial frog skin peptide PGLa. A synchrotron X-ray grazing incidence and reflectivity study., Konovalov O, Myagkov I, Struth B, Lohner K., Eur Biophys J. October 1, 2002; 31 (6): 428-37.

Long-term regulation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels by gabapentin., Kang MG, Felix R, Campbell KP., FEBS Lett. September 25, 2002; 528 (1-3): 177-82.

Localization of choline acetyltransferase in the developing and adult retina of Xenopus laevis., López JM, Moreno N, González A., Neurosci Lett. September 13, 2002; 330 (1): 61-4.

Lysine uptake by cloned hCAT-2B: comparison with hCAT-1 and with trophoblast surface membranes., Furesz TC, Heath-Monnig E, Kamath SG, Smith CH., J Membr Biol. September 1, 2002; 189 (1): 27-33.

Local and target-derived brain-derived neurotrophic factor exert opposing effects on the dendritic arborization of retinal ganglion cells in vivo., Lom B, Cogen J, Sanchez AL, Vu T, Cohen-Cory S., J Neurosci. September 1, 2002; 22 (17): 7639-49.

LB50053: a 5-hydroxytrypamine(1a) agent with a high binding affinity and a potency evoking a K(+) current., Kim HS, Cho T, Joo H, Kim S, Min CK., Pharmacology. August 1, 2002; 65 (4): 175-81.

L-Maf, a downstream target of Pax6, is essential for chick lens development., Reza HM, Ogino H, Yasuda K., Mech Dev. August 1, 2002; 116 (1-2): 61-73.

Lineage of anuran epidermal basal cells and their differentiation potential in relation to metamorphic skin remodeling., Suzuki K, Utoh R, Kotani K, Obara M, Yoshizato K., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 2002; 44 (3): 225-38.

Low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatase is a positive component of the fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway., Park EK, Warner N, Mood K, Pawson T, Daar IO., Mol Cell Biol. May 1, 2002; 22 (10): 3404-14.

Localized calcium signals along the cleavage furrow of the Xenopus egg are not involved in cytokinesis., Noguchi T, Mabuchi I., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2002; 13 (4): 1263-73.   

Low and high affinity amino acid H+-cotransporters for cellular import of neutral and charged amino acids., Fischer WN, Loo DD, Koch W, Ludewig U, Boorer KJ, Tegeder M, Rentsch D, Wright EM, Frommer WB., Plant J. March 1, 2002; 29 (6): 717-31.

Lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (LAP2) expression in fish and amphibians., Del-Pino EM, Sáenz FE, Pérez OD, Brown FD, Avila ME, Barragán VA, Haddad N, Paulin-Levasseur M, Krohne G., Int J Dev Biol. March 1, 2002; 46 (2): 227-34.

Low-affinity Ca(2+) and Ba(2+) binding sites in the pore of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Lyford LK, Rosenberg RL., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 10, 2002; 1559 (1): 69-78.

Low density detergent-insoluble membrane of Xenopus eggs: subcellular microdomain for tyrosine kinase signaling in fertilization., Sato K, Iwasaki T, Ogawa K, Konishi M, Tokmakov AA, Fukami Y., Development. February 1, 2002; 129 (4): 885-96.

Lidocaine induces a reversible decrease in alveolar epithelial fluid clearance in rats., Laffon M, Jayr C, Barbry P, Wang Y, Folkesson HG, Pittet JF, Clerici C, Matthay MA., Anesthesiology. February 1, 2002; 96 (2): 392-9.

Localization of organic anion transport protein 2 in the apical region of rat retinal pigment epithelium., Gao B, Wenzel A, Grimm C, Vavricka SR, Benke D, Meier PJ, Remè CE., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. February 1, 2002; 43 (2): 510-4.

Lattice-like array particles on Xenopus oocyte plasma membrane., Lau JM, You HX, Yu L., Scanning. January 1, 2002; 24 (5): 224-31.

LIS1-no more no less., Reiner O, Cahana A, Escamez T, Martinez S., Mol Psychiatry. January 1, 2002; 7 (1): 12-6.

Loss of neurofilaments alters axonal growth dynamics., Walker KL, Yoo HK, Undamatla J, Szaro BG., J Neurosci. December 15, 2001; 21 (24): 9655-66.

Leptin enhances NMDA receptor function and modulates hippocampal synaptic plasticity., Shanley LJ, Irving AJ, Harvey J., J Neurosci. December 15, 2001; 21 (24): RC186.

Limb development in a "nonmodel" vertebrate, the direct-developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui., Hanken J, Carl TF, Richardson MK, Olsson L, Schlosser G, Osabutey CK, Klymkowsky MW., J Exp Zool. December 15, 2001; 291 (4): 375-88.

Ligand-induced signal transduction within heterodimeric GABA(B) receptor., Margeta-Mitrovic M, Jan YN, Jan LY., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 4, 2001; 98 (25): 14643-8.

L-NAME-induced dispersion of melanosomes in melanophores activates PKC, MEK and ERK1., Nilsson HM, Svensson SP, Sundqvist T., Pigment Cell Res. December 1, 2001; 14 (6): 450-5.

LIP1, a cytoplasmic protein functionally linked to the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome kinase LKB1., Smith DP, Rayter SI, Niederlander C, Spicer J, Jones CM, Ashworth A., Hum Mol Genet. December 1, 2001; 10 (25): 2869-77.

Localization of p24 putative cargo receptors in the early secretory pathway depends on the biosynthetic activity of the cell., Kuiper RP, Bouw G, Janssen KP, Rötter J, van Herp F, Martens GJ., Biochem J. December 1, 2001; 360 (Pt 2): 421-9.

Lysine and polyamines are substrates for transglutamination of Rho by the Bordetella dermonecrotic toxin., Schmidt G, Goehring UM, Schirmer J, Uttenweiler-Joseph S, Wilm M, Lohmann M, Giese A, Schmalzing G, Aktories K., Infect Immun. December 1, 2001; 69 (12): 7663-70.

Loss of Smad4 function in pancreatic tumors: C-terminal truncation leads to decreased stability., Maurice D, Pierreux CE, Howell M, Wilentz RE, Owen MJ, Hill CS., J Biol Chem. November 16, 2001; 276 (46): 43175-81.

Local photolysis using tapered quartz fibres., Eberius C, Schild D., Pflugers Arch. November 1, 2001; 443 (2): 323-30.

Localization of organic anion transporting polypeptide 4 (Oatp4) in rat liver and comparison of its substrate specificity with Oatp1, Oatp2 and Oatp3., Cattori V, van Montfoort JE, Stieger B, Landmann L, Meijer DK, Winterhalter KH, Meier PJ, Hagenbuch B., Pflugers Arch. November 1, 2001; 443 (2): 188-95.

Luciferase as a model for the site of inhaled anesthetic action., Zhang Y, Stabernack CR, Dutton R, Sonner J, Trudell JR, Mihic SJ, Yamakura T, Harris RA, Gong D, Eger EI., Anesth Analg. November 1, 2001; 93 (5): 1246-52.

Location and orientation of minK within the I(Ks) potassium channel complex., Tapper AR, George AL., J Biol Chem. October 12, 2001; 276 (41): 38249-54.

Lead inhibition of NMDA channels in native and recombinant receptors., Gavazzo P, Gazzoli A, Mazzolini M, Marchetti C., Neuroreport. October 8, 2001; 12 (14): 3121-5.

Long-QT syndrome-associated missense mutations in the pore helix of the HERG potassium channel., Huang FD, Chen J, Lin M, Keating MT, Sanguinetti MC., Circulation. August 28, 2001; 104 (9): 1071-5.

Lateral gene transfer or viral colonization?, Salzberg SL, Eisen JA., Science. August 10, 2001; 293 (5532): 1048.

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