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Search Results

Low temperature stimulates alpha-melanophore-stimulating hormone secretion and inhibits background adaptation in Xenopus laevis., Tonosaki Y, Cruijsen PM, Nishiyama K, Yaginuma H, Roubos EW., J Neuroendocrinol. November 1, 2004; 16 (11): 894-905.

Loss-of-function mutations in LEMD3 result in osteopoikilosis, Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome and melorheostosis., Hellemans J, Preobrazhenska O, Willaert A, Debeer P, Verdonk PC, Costa T, Janssens K, Menten B, Van Roy N, Vermeulen SJ, Savarirayan R, Van Hul W, Vanhoenacker F, Huylebroeck D, De Paepe A, Naeyaert JM, Vandesompele J, Speleman F, Verschueren K, Coucke PJ, Mortier GR., Nat Genet. November 1, 2004; 36 (11): 1213-8.

Localization and functional analyses of the MLC1 protein involved in megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts., Teijido O, Martínez A, Pusch M, Zorzano A, Soriano E, Del Río JA, Palacín M, Estévez R., Hum Mol Genet. November 1, 2004; 13 (21): 2581-94.

Lanthanum effect on the dynamics of tight junction opening and closing., Lacaz-Vieira F, Marques MM., J Membr Biol. November 1, 2004; 202 (1): 39-49.

Localization of Mel1b melatonin receptor-like immunoreactivity in ocular tissues of Xenopus laevis., Wiechmann AF, Udin SB, Summers Rada JA., Exp Eye Res. October 1, 2004; 79 (4): 585-94.   

Localization of RNAs to the mitochondrial cloud in Xenopus oocytes through entrapment and association with endoplasmic reticulum., Chang P, Torres J, Lewis RA, Mowry KL, Houliston E, King ML., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 2004; 15 (10): 4669-81.   

Linopirdine blocks alpha9alpha10-containing nicotinic cholinergic receptors of cochlear hair cells., Gomez-Casati ME, Katz E, Glowatzki E, Lioudyno MI, Fuchs P, Elgoyhen AB., J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. September 1, 2004; 5 (3): 261-9.

Localization of HB9 homeodomain protein and characterization of its nuclear localization signal during chick embryonic skin development., Kosaka Y, Akimoto Y, Yokozawa K, Obinata A, Hirano H., Histochem Cell Biol. September 1, 2004; 122 (3): 237-47.

Local anesthetics inhibit thromboxane A2 signaling in Xenopus oocytes and human k562 cells., Hönemann CW, Hahnenkamp K, Podranski T, Strumper D, Hollmann MW, Durieux ME., Anesth Analg. September 1, 2004; 99 (3): 930-937.

Lidocaine: a foot in the door of the inner vestibule prevents ultra-slow inactivation of a voltage-gated sodium channel., Sandtner W, Szendroedi J, Zarrabi T, Zebedin E, Hilber K, Glaaser I, Fozzard HA, Dudley SC, Todt H., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 2004; 66 (3): 648-57.

Lateral line-mediated rheotactic behavior in tadpoles of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)., Simmons AM, Costa LM, Gerstein HB., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. September 1, 2004; 190 (9): 747-58.

Loss of the Sall3 gene leads to palate deficiency, abnormalities in cranial nerves, and perinatal lethality., Parrish M, Ott T, Lance-Jones C, Schuetz G, Schwaeger-Nickolenko A, Monaghan AP., Mol Cell Biol. August 1, 2004; 24 (16): 7102-12.

Loss-of-function mutations of the K(+) channel gene KCNJ2 constitute a rare cause of long QT syndrome., Fodstad H, Swan H, Auberson M, Gautschi I, Loffing J, Schild L, Kontula K., J Mol Cell Cardiol. August 1, 2004; 37 (2): 593-602.

Ligand-binding residues integrate affinity and efficacy in the NMDA receptor., Kalbaugh TL, VanDongen HM, VanDongen AM., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2004; 66 (2): 209-19.

Ligand-dependent activation of Slo family channels is defined by interchangeable cytosolic domains., Xia XM, Zhang X, Lingle CJ., J Neurosci. June 16, 2004; 24 (24): 5585-91.

Linker-gating ring complex as passive spring and Ca(2+)-dependent machine for a voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated potassium channel., Niu X, Qian X, Magleby KL., Neuron. June 10, 2004; 42 (5): 745-56.

Linear systems approach to analysis of complex dynamic behaviours in biochemical networks., Schmidt H, Jacobsen EW., Syst Biol (Stevenage). June 1, 2004; 1 (1): 149-58.

LIM-homeodomain genes as developmental and adult genetic markers of Xenopus forebrain functional subdivisions., Moreno N, Bachy I, Rétaux S, González A., J Comp Neurol. April 19, 2004; 472 (1): 52-72.   

Lipid rafts mediate chemotropic guidance of nerve growth cones., Guirland C, Suzuki S, Kojima M, Lu B, Zheng JQ., Neuron. April 8, 2004; 42 (1): 51-62.

Lipid rafts as organizing platforms for cell chemotaxis and axon guidance., Ibáñez CF., Neuron. April 8, 2004; 42 (1): 3-5.

Loop domain peptides from the SOS ras-guanine nucleotide exchange protein, identified from molecular dynamics calculations, strongly inhibit ras signaling., Chie L, Friedman FK, Duncan T, Chen JM, Chung D, Pincus M., Protein J. April 1, 2004; 23 (3): 229-34.

LDFF, the large molecular weight DNA fragmentation factor, is responsible for the large molecular weight DNA degradation during apoptosis in Xenopus egg extracts., Lu ZG, Zhang CM, Zhai ZH., Cell Res. April 1, 2004; 14 (2): 134-40.

Loose protein packing around the extracellular half of the GABA(A) receptor beta1 subunit M2 channel-lining segment., Goren EN, Reeves DC, Akabas MH., J Biol Chem. March 19, 2004; 279 (12): 11198-205.

Lefty blocks a subset of TGFbeta signals by antagonizing EGF-CFC coreceptors., Cheng SK, Olale F, Brivanlou AH, Schier AF., PLoS Biol. February 1, 2004; 2 (2): E30.   

Low levels of sodium and potassium in the water from wetlands in Minnesota that contained malformed frogs affect the rate of Xenopus development., Garber EA, Erb JL, Magner J, Larsen G., Environ Monit Assess. January 1, 2004; 90 (1-3): 45-64.

Lkb1 and GSK3-beta: kinases at the center and poles of the action., Green JB., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2004; 3 (1): 12-4.

Localization of epithelial sodium channels by atomic force microscopy., Smith PR, Benos DJ., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2004; 242 281-89.

Left-right asymmetric morphogenesis in the Xenopus digestive system., Muller JK, Prather DR, Nascone-Yoder NM., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2003; 228 (4): 672-82.   

Loss-of-function mutations in the human GLI2 gene are associated with pituitary anomalies and holoprosencephaly-like features., Roessler E, Du YZ, Mullor JL, Casas E, Allen WP, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Roeder ER, Ming JE, Ruiz i Altaba A, Muenke M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 11, 2003; 100 (23): 13424-9.   

LDH-A and alpha-actin as tools to assess the effects of temperature on the vertebrate genome: some problems., Clay O, Arhondakis S, D'Onofrio G, Bernardi G., Gene. October 23, 2003; 317 (1-2): 157-60.

Long-chain acyl-CoA esters and phosphatidylinositol phosphates modulate ATP inhibition of KATP channels by the same mechanism., Schulze D, Rapedius M, Krauter T, Baukrowitz T., J Physiol. October 15, 2003; 552 (Pt 2): 357-67.

LKB1 (XEEK1) regulates Wnt signalling in vertebrate development., Ossipova O, Bardeesy N, DePinho RA, Green JB., Nat Cell Biol. October 1, 2003; 5 (10): 889-94.

Long-range communication between chromatin and microtubules in Xenopus egg extracts., Carazo-Salas RE, Karsenti E., Curr Biol. September 30, 2003; 13 (19): 1728-33.

La protein is associated with terminal oligopyrimidine mRNAs in actively translating polysomes., Cardinali B, Carissimi C, Gravina P, Pierandrei-Amaldi P., J Biol Chem. September 12, 2003; 278 (37): 35145-51.

Left-right asymmetry: nodal points., Mercola M., J Cell Sci. August 15, 2003; 116 (Pt 16): 3251-7.   

Localization of PIP2 activation gate in inward rectifier K+ channels., Xiao J, Zhen XG, Yang J., Nat Neurosci. August 1, 2003; 6 (8): 811-8.

Left and right contributions to the Xenopus heart: implications for asymmetric morphogenesis., Gormley JP, Nascone-Yoder NM., Dev Genes Evol. August 1, 2003; 213 (8): 390-8.

Local tissue interactions across the dorsal midline of the forebrain establish CNS laterality., Concha ML, Russell C, Regan JC, Tawk M, Sidi S, Gilmour DT, Kapsimali M, Sumoy L, Goldstone K, Amaya E, Kimelman D, Nicolson T, Gründer S, Gomperts M, Clarke JD, Wilson SW., Neuron. July 31, 2003; 39 (3): 423-38.

Lef/Tcf-dependent Wnt/beta-catenin signaling during Xenopus axis specification., Geng X, Xiao L, Lin GF, Hu R, Wang JH, Rupp RA, Ding X., FEBS Lett. July 17, 2003; 547 (1-3): 1-6.

Looking for nuclear translation using xenopus oocytes., Cosson B, Philippe M., Biol Cell. July 1, 2003; 95 (5): 321-5.

Local anesthetic block of Kv channels: role of the S6 helix and the S5-S6 linker for bupivacaine action., Nilsson J, Madeja M, Arhem P., Mol Pharmacol. June 1, 2003; 63 (6): 1417-29.

Links between tumor suppressors: p53 is required for TGF-beta gene responses by cooperating with Smads., Cordenonsi M, Dupont S, Maretto S, Insinga A, Imbriano C, Piccolo S., Cell. May 2, 2003; 113 (3): 301-14.   

Loss of maternal Smad5 in zebrafish embryos affects patterning and morphogenesis of optic primordia., Hammerschmidt M, Kramer C, Nowak M, Herzog W, Wittbrodt J., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2003; 227 (1): 128-33.

Local activation of protein kinase A inhibits morphogenetic movements during Xenopus gastrulation., Song BH, Choi SC, Han JK., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2003; 227 (1): 91-103.   

Localization of two IQGAPs in cultured cells and early embryos of Xenopus laevis., Yamashiro S, Noguchi T, Mabuchi I., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. May 1, 2003; 55 (1): 36-50.

Localization of human equilibrative nucleoside transporters, hENT1 and hENT2, in renal epithelial cells., Mangravite LM, Xiao G, Giacomini KM., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. May 1, 2003; 284 (5): F902-10.

Lidocaine block of neonatal Nav1.3 is differentially modulated by co-expression of beta1 and beta3 subunits., Lenkowski PW, Shah BS, Dinn AE, Lee K, Patel MK., Eur J Pharmacol. April 25, 2003; 467 (1-3): 23-30.

Lamina-associated polypeptide 2beta (LAP2beta) is contained in a protein complex together with A- and B-type lamins., Lang C, Krohne G., Eur J Cell Biol. March 1, 2003; 82 (3): 143-53.

Local anaesthetics have different mechanisms and sites of action at the recombinant N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors., Sugimoto M, Uchida I, Mashimo T., Br J Pharmacol. March 1, 2003; 138 (5): 876-82.

Loss of XChk1 function triggers apoptosis after the midblastula transition in Xenopus laevis embryos., Carter AD, Sible JC., Mech Dev. March 1, 2003; 120 (3): 315-23.   

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