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Functional characterization of a microbial aquaglyceroporin., Froger A, Rolland JP, Bron P, Lagrée V, Cahérec FL, Deschamps S, Hubert JF, Pellerin I, Thomas D, Delamarche C., Microbiology (Reading). May 1, 2001; 147 (Pt 5): 1129-1135.

FGF-10 stimulates limb regeneration ability in Xenopus laevis., Yokoyama H, Ide H, Tamura K., Dev Biol. May 1, 2001; 233 (1): 72-9.   

Functional heterogeneity of ROMK mutations linked to hyperprostaglandin E syndrome., Jeck N, Derst C, Wischmeyer E, Ott H, Weber S, Rudin C, Seyberth HW, Daut J, Karschin A, Konrad M., Kidney Int. May 1, 2001; 59 (5): 1803-11.

Functional roles of gamma2, gamma3 and gamma4, three new Ca2+ channel subunits, in P/Q-type Ca2+ channel expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Rousset M, Cens T, Restituito S, Barrere C, Black JL, McEnery MW, Charnet P., J Physiol. May 1, 2001; 532 (Pt 3): 583-93.

Fall in intracellular PO(2) at the onset of contractions in Xenopus single skeletal muscle fibers., Hogan MC., J Appl Physiol (1985). May 1, 2001; 90 (5): 1871-6.

Fibroblast growth factors 1 and 2 differently activate MAP kinase in Xenopus oocytes expressing fibroblast growth factor receptors 1 and 4., Cailliau K, Browaeys-Poly E, Vilain JP., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 23, 2001; 1538 (2-3): 228-33.

foxD5a, a Xenopus winged helix gene, maintains an immature neural ectoderm via transcriptional repression that is dependent on the C-terminal domain., Sullivan SA, Akers L, Moody SA., Dev Biol. April 15, 2001; 232 (2): 439-57.   

Functional organization of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of Xenopus laevis in relation to background adaptation., Kramer BM, Welting J, Berghs CA, Jenks BG, Roubos EW., J Comp Neurol. April 9, 2001; 432 (3): 346-55.   

FZD4S, a splicing variant of frizzled-4, encodes a soluble-type positive regulator of the WNT signaling pathway., Sagara N, Kirikoshi H, Terasaki H, Yasuhiko Y, Toda G, Shiokawa K, Katoh M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 6, 2001; 282 (3): 750-6.

Functionality of aquaporin-2 missense mutants in recessive nephrogenic diabetes insipidus., Marr N, Kamsteeg EJ, van Raak M, van Os CH, Deen PM., Pflugers Arch. April 1, 2001; 442 (1): 73-7.

Functional analysis and androgen-regulated expression of mouse organic anion transporting polypeptide 1 (Oatp1) in the kidney., Isern J, Hagenbuch B, Stieger B, Meier PJ, Meseguer A., Biochim Biophys Acta. March 19, 2001; 1518 (1-2): 73-8.

Filopodial calcium transients promote substrate-dependent growth cone turning., Gomez TM, Robles E, Poo M, Spitzer NC., Science. March 9, 2001; 291 (5510): 1983-7.

Functional heteromerization of HCN1 and HCN2 pacemaker channels., Ulens C, Tytgat J., J Biol Chem. March 2, 2001; 276 (9): 6069-72.

Functional integrity of the vesicle transporting machinery is required for complete activation of cFTR expressed in xenopus laevis oocytes., Weber WM, Segal A, Simaels J, Vankeerberghen A, Cassiman JJ, Van Driessche W., Pflugers Arch. March 1, 2001; 441 (6): 850-9.

Functional characterisation of human TASK-3, an acid-sensitive two-pore domain potassium channel., Meadows HJ, Randall AD., Neuropharmacology. March 1, 2001; 40 (4): 551-9.

Functional inhibition of native volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying anion channels in muscle cells and Xenopus oocytes by anti-ClC-3 antibody., Duan D, Zhong J, Hermoso M, Satterwhite CM, Rossow CF, Hatton WJ, Yamboliev I, Horowitz B, Hume JR., J Physiol. March 1, 2001; 531 (Pt 2): 437-44.

Following passage through the oviduct, the coelomic envelope of Discoglossus pictus (amphibia) acquires fertilizability upon reorganization, conversion of gp 42 to gp 40, extensive glycosylation, and formation of a specific layer., Caputo M, Infante V, Talevi R, Vaccaro MC, Carotenuto R, Campanella C., Mol Reprod Dev. March 1, 2001; 58 (3): 318-29.

Frogs without polliwogs: evolution of anuran direct development., Callery EM, Fang H, Elinson RP., Bioessays. March 1, 2001; 23 (3): 233-41.

Functional expression of the new gap junction gene connexin47 transcribed in mouse brain and spinal cord neurons., Teubner B, Odermatt B, Guldenagel M, Sohl G, Degen J, Bukauskas F, Kronengold J, Verselis VK, Jung YT, Kozak CA, Schilling K, Willecke K., J Neurosci. February 15, 2001; 21 (4): 1117-26.

Functional projection distances of spinal interneurons mediating reciprocal inhibition during swimming in Xenopus tadpoles., Soffe SR, Zhao FY, Roberts A., Eur J Neurosci. February 1, 2001; 13 (3): 617-27.

Functional characterization and genetic mapping of alk8., Payne TL, Postlethwait JH, Yelick PC., Mech Dev. February 1, 2001; 100 (2): 275-89.   

Foregut endoderm is required at head process stages for anteriormost neural patterning in chick., Withington S, Beddington R, Cooke J., Development. February 1, 2001; 128 (3): 309-20.

Functional domains of the LIM homeodomain protein Xlim-1 involved in negative regulation, transactivation, and axis formation in Xenopus embryos., Hiratani I, Mochizuki T, Tochimoto N, Taira M., Dev Biol. January 15, 2001; 229 (2): 456-67.

Functional involvement of Xenopus LIM kinases in progression of oocyte maturation., Takahashi T, Koshimizu U, Abe H, Obinata T, Nakamura T., Dev Biol. January 15, 2001; 229 (2): 554-67.

Functional analysis of a dominant mutation of human connexin26 associated with nonsyndromic deafness., Bruzzone R, Gomès D, Denoyelle E, Duval N, Perea J, Veronesi V, Weil D, Petit C, Gabellec MM, D'Andrea P, White TW., Cell Commun Adhes. January 1, 2001; 8 (4-6): 425-31.

Features of vestibuloocular reflex modulations induced by altered gravitational forces in tadpoles (Xenopus laevis)., Sebastian C, Horn E., Adv Space Res. January 1, 2001; 28 (4): 579-88.

Factors in serum regulate Nkx2.5 and MEF2C function., Jamali M, Karamboulas C, Wilton S, Skerjanc IS., In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. January 1, 2001; 37 (10): 635-7.

Frog oocytes: a living test tube for studies on metabolic regulation., Ureta T, Preller A, Kessi E., IUBMB Life. January 1, 2001; 51 (1): 5-10.

FLRF, a novel evolutionarily conserved RING finger gene, is differentially expressed in mouse fetal and adult hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors., Abdullah JM, Li X, Nachtman RG, Jurecic R., Blood Cells Mol Dis. January 1, 2001; 27 (1): 320-33.

Fox (forkhead) genes are involved in the dorso-ventral patterning of the Xenopus mesoderm., El-Hodiri H, Bhatia-Dey N, Kenyon K, Ault K, Dirksen M, Jamrich M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2001; 45 (1): 265-71.   

Functional analysis of the Xenopus frizzled 7 protein domains using chimeric receptors., Swain RK, Medina A, Steinbeisser H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2001; 45 (1): 259-64.

Formation of a functional morphogen gradient by a passive process in tissue from the early Xenopus embryo., McDowell N, Gurdon JB, Grainger DJ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2001; 45 (1): 199-207.

Flow cytometric analysis of inflammatory markers in KCS: 6-month treatment with topical cyclosporin A., Brignole F, Pisella PJ, De Saint Jean M, Goldschild M, Goguel A, Baudouin C., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. January 1, 2001; 42 (1): 90-5.

Fast kinetics of chromatin assembly revealed by single-molecule videomicroscopy and scanning force microscopy., Ladoux B, Quivy JP, Doyle P, du Roure O, Almouzni G, Viovy JL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 19, 2000; 97 (26): 14251-6.

Functional characterization of a water channel of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans., Kuwahara M, Asai T, Sato K, Shinbo I, Terada Y, Marumo F, Sasaki S., Biochim Biophys Acta. December 15, 2000; 1517 (1): 107-12.

Functional differences between cardiac and renal isoforms of the rat Na+-Ca2+ exchanger NCX1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Ruknudin A, He S, Lederer WJ, Schulze DH., J Physiol. December 15, 2000; 529 Pt 3 (Pt 3): 599-610.

FGF signaling restricts the primary blood islands to ventral mesoderm., Kumano G, Smith WC., Dev Biol. December 15, 2000; 228 (2): 304-14.   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in small cytosolic compartments depends critically on the diffusion model used., Gennerich A, Schild D., Biophys J. December 1, 2000; 79 (6): 3294-306.

FGF-8 stimulates neuronal differentiation through FGFR-4a and interferes with mesoderm induction in Xenopus embryos., Hardcastle Z, Chalmers AD, Papalopulu N., Curr Biol. November 30, 2000; 10 (23): 1511-4.   

Functional and evolutionary consequences of pyrethroid resistance mutations in S6 transmembrane segments of a voltage-gated sodium channel., Zhao Y, Park Y, Adams ME., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 30, 2000; 278 (3): 516-21.

Functional roles of charged residues in the putative voltage sensor of the HCN2 pacemaker channel., Chen J, Mitcheson JS, Lin M, Sanguinetti MC., J Biol Chem. November 17, 2000; 275 (46): 36465-71.

FTZ-F1alpha is expressed in the developing gonad of frogs., Takase M, Nakajima T, Nakamura M., Biochim Biophys Acta. November 15, 2000; 1494 (1-2): 195-200.

Functional analyses of three Csx/Nkx-2.5 mutations that cause human congenital heart disease., Zhu W, Shiojima I, Hiroi Y, Zou Y, Akazawa H, Mizukami M, Toko H, Yazaki Y, Nagai R, Komuro I., J Biol Chem. November 10, 2000; 275 (45): 35291-6.

Functional characterization of the human high-affinity choline transporter., Okuda T, Haga T., FEBS Lett. November 3, 2000; 484 (2): 92-7.

Functional consequences of Rett syndrome mutations on human MeCP2., Yusufzai TM, Wolffe AP., Nucleic Acids Res. November 1, 2000; 28 (21): 4172-9.

Functional interactions in Ca(2+) signaling over different time and distance scales., Marchant JS, Parker I., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2000; 116 (5): 691-6.

Functional incorporation of exogenous proteins into the Xenopus oocyte membrane does not depend on intracellular calcium increase., Gal B, Ivorra I, Morales A., Pflugers Arch. October 1, 2000; 440 (6): 852-7.

Functional suppression of sodium channels by beta(1)-subunits as a molecular mechanism of idiopathic ventricular fibrillation., Wan X, Wang Q, Kirsch GE., J Mol Cell Cardiol. October 1, 2000; 32 (10): 1873-84.

Forskolin modulates acetylcholine receptor gating by interacting with the small extracellular loop between the M2 and M3 transmembrane domains., Chen Z, White MM., Cell Mol Neurobiol. October 1, 2000; 20 (5): 569-77.

Fingerprinting taste buds: intermediate filaments and their implication for taste bud formation., Witt M, Reutter K, Ganchrow D, Ganchrow JR., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. September 29, 2000; 355 (1401): 1233-7.

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