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High concentrations of the neuroleptic remoxipride block voltage-activated Na+ channels in central and peripheral nerve membranes., Westlind-Danielsson A, Ericsson G, Sandell L, Elinder F, Arhem P., Eur J Pharmacol. November 24, 1992; 224 (1): 57-62.

Homeoboxes in flatworms., Oliver G, Vispo M, Mailhos A, Martínez C, Sosa-Pineda B, Fielitz W, Ehrlich R., Gene. November 16, 1992; 121 (2): 337-42.

Hepatitis B virus capsid particles are assembled from core-protein dimer precursors., Zhou S, Standring DN., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 1, 1992; 89 (21): 10046-50.

Host cell factors controlling vimentin organization in the Xenopus oocyte., Dent JA, Cary RB, Bachant JB, Domingo A, Klymkowsky MW., J Cell Biol. November 1, 1992; 119 (4): 855-66.

Histone H2B gene transcription during Xenopus early development requires functional cooperation between proteins bound to the CCAAT and octamer motifs., Hinkley C, Perry M., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 1992; 12 (10): 4400-11.

Heterogeneity in the substitution process of amino acid sites of proteins coded for by mitochondrial DNA., Reeves JH., J Mol Evol. July 1, 1992; 35 (1): 17-31.

Hebbian depression of isolated neuromuscular synapses in vitro., Dan Y, Poo MM., Science. June 12, 1992; 256 (5063): 1570-3.

High resolution studies of the Xenopus laevis ribosomal gene promoter in vivo and in vitro., Read C, Larose AM, Leblanc B, Bannister AJ, Firek S, Smith DR, Moss T., J Biol Chem. June 5, 1992; 267 (16): 10961-7.

Hypotonic solution increases the slowly activating potassium current IsK expressed in xenopus oocytes., Busch AE, Varnum M, Adelman JP, North RA., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 30, 1992; 184 (2): 804-10.

Hormonal regulation of adult type keratin gene expression in larval epidermal cells of the frog Xenopus laevis., Shimizu-Nishikawa K, Miller L., Differentiation. March 1, 1992; 49 (2): 77-83.

Histones H2A/H2B inhibit the interaction of transcription factor IIIA with the Xenopus borealis somatic 5S RNA gene in a nucleosome., Hayes JJ, Wolffe AP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 15, 1992; 89 (4): 1229-33.

How is the flagellar length of mature sperm determined? III. Comparison of initial growth rate of flagella in spermatids from Cynops and Xenopus in the presence and absence of cycloheximide., Abé S, Uemura M., Exp Cell Res. February 1, 1992; 198 (2): 373-4.

Homology of Rhizobium meliloti NodC to polysaccharide polymerizing enzymes., Atkinson EM, Long SR., Mol Plant Microbe Interact. January 1, 1992; 5 (5): 439-42.

Hepatitis B virus p25 precore protein accumulates in Xenopus oocytes as an untranslocated phosphoprotein with an uncleaved signal peptide., Yang SQ, Walter M, Standring DN., J Virol. January 1, 1992; 66 (1): 37-45.

Hybrid arrest technique to test for functional roles of cloned cDNAs and to identify homologies among ion channel genes., Lotan I., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1992; 207 605-12.

High level expression of a frog alpha-amidating enzyme, AE-II, in cultured cells and silkworm larvae using a Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus expression vector., Kobayashi J, Imanishi S, Inoue H, Ohsuye K, Yamaichi K, Tsuruoka N, Tanaka S., Cytotechnology. January 1, 1992; 8 (2): 103-8.

How embryos tell heads from tails., Marx J., Science. December 13, 1991; 254 (5038): 1586-8.

Homologous recombination catalyzed by a nuclear extract from Xenopus oocytes., Lehman CW, Carroll D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 1, 1991; 88 (23): 10840-4.

Hensen's node induces neural tissue in Xenopus ectoderm. Implications for the action of the organizer in neural induction., Kintner CR, Dodd J., Development. December 1, 1991; 113 (4): 1495-505.

Histone genes are located at the sphere loci of Xenopus lampbrush chromosomes., Callan HG, Gall JG, Murphy C., Chromosoma. December 1, 1991; 101 (4): 245-51.

High yield purification of active transcription factor IIIA expressed in E. coli., Del Río S, Setzer DR., Nucleic Acids Res. November 25, 1991; 19 (22): 6197-203.

Heterologous regulation of the cardiac Ca2+ channel alpha 1 subunit by skeletal muscle beta and gamma subunits. Implications for the structure of cardiac L-type Ca2+ channels., Wei XY, Perez-Reyes E, Lacerda AE, Schuster G, Brown AM, Birnbaumer L., J Biol Chem. November 15, 1991; 266 (32): 21943-7.

Halide transport in Xenopus oocytes., Katayama Y, Widdicombe JH., J Physiol. November 1, 1991; 443 587-99.

Heterologous in vivo processing of human preproendothelin 1 into bioactive peptides., Fabbrini MS, Vitale A, Patrono C, Zamai M, Vaghi F, Caiolfa V, Monaco L, Benatti L., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 15, 1991; 88 (20): 8939-43.

Histamine effects on the 5-HT1c receptor expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Shichijo S, Payan DG, Harrowe G, Mitsuhashi M., J Neurosci Res. October 1, 1991; 30 (2): 316-20.

Human cyclin E, a new cyclin that interacts with two members of the CDC2 gene family., Koff A, Cross F, Fisher A, Schumacher J, Leguellec K, Philippe M, Roberts JM., Cell. September 20, 1991; 66 (6): 1217-28.

Homeogenetic neural induction in Xenopus., Servetnick M, Grainger RM., Dev Biol. September 1, 1991; 147 (1): 73-82.   

Heterogeneity in the Xenopus ribosomal transcription factor xUBF has a molecular basis distinct from that in mammals., Bachvarov D, Normandeau M, Moss T., FEBS Lett. August 19, 1991; 288 (1-2): 55-9.

Hydrophobic substitution mutations in the S4 sequence alter voltage-dependent gating in Shaker K+ channels., Lopez GA, Jan YN, Jan LY., Neuron. August 1, 1991; 7 (2): 327-36.

Histone contributions to the structure of DNA in the nucleosome., Hayes JJ, Clark DJ, Wolffe AP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 1, 1991; 88 (15): 6829-33.

Hormone-regulated K+ channels in follicle-enclosed oocytes are activated by vasorelaxing K+ channel openers and blocked by antidiabetic sulfonylureas., Honoré E, Lazdunski M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 15, 1991; 88 (12): 5438-42.

Hyaluronan as a propellant for epithelial movement: the development of semicircular canals in the inner ear of Xenopus., Haddon CM, Lewis JH., Development. June 1, 1991; 112 (2): 541-50.   

Human elongation factor 1 beta: cDNA and derived amino acid sequence., von der Kammer H, Klaudiny J, Zimmer M, Scheit KH., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 31, 1991; 177 (1): 312-7.

Hyaluronic acid synthesis is absent in normal human endothelial cells irrespective of hyaluronic acid synthetase inhibitor activity, but is significantly high in transformed cells., Amanuma K, Mitsui Y., Biochim Biophys Acta. May 17, 1991; 1092 (3): 336-40.

Histological organization of the spleen: implications for immune functions in amphibians., Manning MJ., Res Immunol. May 1, 1991; 142 (4): 355-9.

Human estrogen receptor introduced into the Xenopus oocyte represses expression from an artificial frog estrogen response element., Watson CS., J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. April 1, 1991; 38 (4): 423-31.

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Tat does not transactivate mature trans-acting responsive region RNA species in the nucleus or cytoplasm of primate cells., Chin DJ, Selby MJ, Peterlin BM., J Virol. April 1, 1991; 65 (4): 1758-64.

Homologous radioimmunoassay for bullfrog growth hormone., Kobayashi T, Kikuyama S., Gen Comp Endocrinol. April 1, 1991; 82 (1): 14-22.

Horizontal and vertical pathways in neural induction., Guthrie S., Trends Neurosci. April 1, 1991; 14 (4): 123-6.

Hormonal regulation of vitellogenin genes: an estrogen-responsive element in the Xenopus A2 gene and a multihormonal regulatory region in the chicken II gene., Slater EP, Redeuilh G, Beato M., Mol Endocrinol. March 1, 1991; 5 (3): 386-96.

High channel-mediated water permeability in rabbit erythrocytes: characterization in native cells and expression in Xenopus oocytes., Tsai ST, Zhang RB, Verkman AS., Biochemistry. February 26, 1991; 30 (8): 2087-92.

High molecular weight-multicatalytic proteinases in premature and mature oocytes of Rana pipiens., Azuma Y, Tokumoto T, Ishikawa K., Mol Cell Biochem. February 2, 1991; 100 (2): 171-81.

HNF-1, a member of a novel class of dimerizing homeodomain proteins., Mendel DB, Crabtree GR., J Biol Chem. January 15, 1991; 266 (2): 677-80.

Histological preparation of Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos., Kelly GM, Eib DW, Moon RT., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 1991; 36 389-417.

Homomeric GluR1 excitatory amino acid receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Dawson TL, Nicholas RA, Dingledine R., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 1990; 38 (6): 779-84.

Hormonal regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors and messenger RNA activity in ovine pituitary culture., Sealfon SC, Laws SC, Wu JC, Gillo B, Miller WL., Mol Endocrinol. December 1, 1990; 4 (12): 1980-7.

Heterogeneity in spinal radial glia demonstrated by intermediate filament expression and HRP labelling., Holder N, Clarke JD, Kamalati T, Lane EB., J Neurocytol. December 1, 1990; 19 (6): 915-28.

Human potassium channel genes: Molecular cloning and functional expression., Ramaswami M, Gautam M, Kamb A, Rudy B, Tanouye MA, Mathew MK., Mol Cell Neurosci. December 1, 1990; 1 (3): 214-23.

Homoiogenetic Neural Inducing Activity of the Presumptive Neural Plate of Xenopus Laevis: (Xenopus laevis/neural induction/homoiogenetic induction/heteroplastic transplantation/Xenopus borealis)., Grunz H., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 1990; 32 (6): 583-589.

Hormone-sensitive stages in the sexual differentiation of laryngeal muscle fiber number in Xenopus laevis., Marin ML, Tobias ML, Kelley DB., Development. November 1, 1990; 110 (3): 703-11.

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