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Mode shifts in the voltage gating of the mouse and human HCN2 and HCN4 channels., Elinder F, Männikkö R, Pandey S, Larsson HP., J Physiol. September 1, 2006; 575 (Pt 2): 417-31.

Mechanism underlying flow stimulation of sodium absorption in the mammalian collecting duct., Morimoto T, Liu W, Woda C, Carattino MD, Wei Y, Hughey RP, Apodaca G, Satlin LM, Kleyman TR., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. September 1, 2006; 291 (3): F663-9.

Meiosis: separase strikes twice., Terret ME, Jallepalli PV., Nat Cell Biol. September 1, 2006; 8 (9): 910-1.

Model systems in ecology: dissecting the endophyte-grass literature., Saikkonen K, Lehtonen P, Helander M, Koricheva J, Faeth SH., Trends Plant Sci. September 1, 2006; 11 (9): 428-33.

Mechanism limiting centrosome duplication to once per cell cycle., Tsou MF, Stearns T., Nature. August 24, 2006; 442 (7105): 947-51.

Molecular and cellular characterization of a new aquaporin, AQP-x5, specifically expressed in the small granular glands of Xenopus skin., Kubota M, Hasegawa T, Nakakura T, Tanii H, Suzuki M, Tanaka S., J Exp Biol. August 1, 2006; 209 (Pt 16): 3199-208.

Molecular characterization of the first aromatic nutrient transporter from the sodium neurotransmitter symporter family., Meleshkevitch EA, Assis-Nascimento P, Popova LB, Miller MM, Kohn AB, Phung EN, Mandal A, Harvey WR, Boudko DY., J Exp Biol. August 1, 2006; 209 (Pt 16): 3183-98.

Microgravity-induced modifications of the vestibuloocular reflex in Xenopus laevis tadpoles are related to development and the occurrence of tail lordosis., Horn ER., J Exp Biol. August 1, 2006; 209 (Pt 15): 2847-58.

Metastasis-associated kinase modulates Wnt signaling to regulate brain patterning and morphogenesis., Kibardin A, Ossipova O, Sokol SY., Development. August 1, 2006; 133 (15): 2845-54.   

Mathematical model of morphogen electrophoresis through gap junctions., Esser AT, Smith KC, Weaver JC, Levin M., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2006; 235 (8): 2144-59.   

Mechanism of action of benzodiazepines on GABAA receptors., Campo-Soria C, Chang Y, Weiss DS., Br J Pharmacol. August 1, 2006; 148 (7): 984-90.

Mammalian CLASPs are required for mitotic spindle organization and kinetochore alignment., Mimori-Kiyosue Y, Grigoriev I, Sasaki H, Matsui C, Akhmanova A, Tsukita S, Vorobjev I., Genes Cells. August 1, 2006; 11 (8): 845-57.

Molecular evidence for deep evolutionary roots of bilaterality in animal development., Matus DQ, Pang K, Marlow H, Dunn CW, Thomsen GH, Martindale MQ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 25, 2006; 103 (30): 11195-200.   

Mutant neurogenin-3 in congenital malabsorptive diarrhea., Wang J, Cortina G, Wu SV, Tran R, Cho JH, Tsai MJ, Bailey TJ, Jamrich M, Ament ME, Treem WR, Hill ID, Vargas JH, Gershman G, Farmer DG, Reyen L, Martín MG., N Engl J Med. July 20, 2006; 355 (3): 270-80.

Mechanisms of ammonium transport, accumulation, and retention in ooyctes and yeast cells expressing Arabidopsis AtAMT1;1., Wood CC, Porée F, Dreyer I, Koehler GJ, Udvardi MK., FEBS Lett. July 10, 2006; 580 (16): 3931-6.

Mechanistic studies of the mitotic activation of Mos., Yue J, Ferrell JE., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 2006; 26 (14): 5300-9.   

Metazoan Scc4 homologs link sister chromatid cohesion to cell and axon migration guidance., Seitan VC, Banks P, Laval S, Majid NA, Dorsett D, Rana A, Smith J, Bateman A, Krpic S, Hostert A, Rollins RA, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Benard CY, Hekimi S, Newbury SF, Strachan T., PLoS Biol. July 1, 2006; 4 (8): e242.   

Monoamine uptake inhibitors block alpha7-nAChR-mediated cerebral nitrergic neurogenic vasodilation., Long C, Chen MF, Sarwinski SJ, Chen PY, Si M, Hoffer BJ, Evans MS, Lee TJ., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. July 1, 2006; 291 (1): H202-9.

Molecular interactions between dipeptides, drugs and the human intestinal H+ -oligopeptide cotransporter hPEPT1., Sala-Rabanal M, Loo DD, Hirayama BA, Turk E, Wright EM., J Physiol. July 1, 2006; 574 (Pt 1): 149-66.

Molecular and Functional Differences between Heart mKv1.7 Channel Isoforms., Finol-Urdaneta RK, Strüver N, Terlau H., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2006; 128 (1): 133-45.   

Mutations in the gene encoding GlyT2 (SLC6A5) define a presynaptic component of human startle disease., Rees MI, Harvey K, Pearce BR, Chung SK, Duguid IC, Thomas P, Beatty S, Graham GE, Armstrong L, Shiang R, Abbott KJ, Zuberi SM, Stephenson JB, Owen MJ, Tijssen MA, van den Maagdenberg AM, Smart TG, Supplisson S, Harvey RJ., Nat Genet. July 1, 2006; 38 (7): 801-6.

Myosin heavy chain isoform composition and stretch activation kinetics in single fibres of Xenopus laevis iliofibularis muscle., Andruchova O, Stephenson GM, Andruchov O, Stephenson DG, Galler S., J Physiol. July 1, 2006; 574 (Pt 1): 307-17.

Myosin binding protein C is differentially phosphorylated upon myocardial stunning in canine and rat hearts-- evidence for novel phosphorylation sites., Yuan C, Guo Y, Ravi R, Przyklenk K, Shilkofski N, Diez R, Cole RN, Murphy AM., Proteomics. July 1, 2006; 6 (14): 4176-86.

Musashi regulates the temporal order of mRNA translation during Xenopus oocyte maturation., Charlesworth A, Wilczynska A, Thampi P, Cox LL, MacNicol AM., EMBO J. June 21, 2006; 25 (12): 2792-801.

Mapping the melatonin receptor. 7. Subtype selective ligands based on beta-substituted N-acyl-5-methoxytryptamines and beta-substituted N-acyl-5-methoxy-1-methyltryptamines., Tsotinis A, Vlachou M, Papahatjis DP, Calogeropoulou T, Nikas SP, Garratt PJ, Piccio V, Vonhoff S, Davidson K, Teh MT, Sugden D., J Med Chem. June 15, 2006; 49 (12): 3509-19.

Molecular and functional characterization of a spermidine transporter (TcPAT12) from Trypanosoma cruzi., Carrillo C, Canepa GE, Algranati ID, Pereira CA., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 9, 2006; 344 (3): 936-40.

Modulation of voltage-dependent Shaker family potassium channels by an aldo-keto reductase., Weng J, Cao Y, Moss N, Zhou M., J Biol Chem. June 2, 2006; 281 (22): 15194-200.

Membrane stretch slows the concerted step prior to opening in a Kv channel., Laitko U, Juranka PF, Morris CE., J Gen Physiol. June 1, 2006; 127 (6): 687-701.   

Mutations at the same residue (R50) of Kir6.2 (KCNJ11) that cause neonatal diabetes produce different functional effects., Shimomura K, Girard CA, Proks P, Nazim J, Lippiat JD, Cerutti F, Lorini R, Ellard S, Hattersley AT, Barbetti F, Ashcroft FM., Diabetes. June 1, 2006; 55 (6): 1705-12.

Mammalian K-ras2 is a corticosteroid-induced gene in vivo., Brennan FE, Fuller PJ., Endocrinology. June 1, 2006; 147 (6): 2809-16.

Measurement of activation energy and oxidative phosphorylation onset kinetics in isolated muscle fibers in the absence of cross-bridge cycling., Walsh B, Howlett RA, Stary CM, Kindig CA, Hogan MC., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. June 1, 2006; 290 (6): R1707-13.

Molecular characterization of the mercurial sensitivity of a frog urea transporter (fUT)., Stewart GS, Smith CP, Cooper GJ., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. June 1, 2006; 290 (6): F1437-42.

Molecular cloning and pharmacological characterization of serotonin 5-HT(3A) receptor subtype in dog., Jensen TN, Nielsen J, Frederiksen K, Ebert B., Eur J Pharmacol. May 24, 2006; 538 (1-3): 23-31.

Mediator is a transducer of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling., Kim S, Xu X, Hecht A, Boyer TG., J Biol Chem. May 19, 2006; 281 (20): 14066-75.

Modulation of basal and receptor-induced GIRK potassium channel activity and neuronal excitability by the mammalian PINS homolog LGN., Wiser O, Qian X, Ehlers M, Ja WW, Roberts RW, Reuveny E, Jan YN, Jan LY., Neuron. May 18, 2006; 50 (4): 561-73.

Mutation of an upstream cleavage site in the BMP4 prodomain leads to tissue-specific loss of activity., Goldman DC, Hackenmiller R, Nakayama T, Sopory S, Wong C, Kulessa H, Christian JL., Development. May 1, 2006; 133 (10): 1933-42.

Mesoderm induction: from caps to chips., Kimelman D., Nat Rev Genet. May 1, 2006; 7 (5): 360-72.

Mitochondrial clustering at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction during presynaptic differentiation., Lee CW, Peng HB., J Neurobiol. May 1, 2006; 66 (6): 522-36.

Mutations of L293 in transmembrane two of the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine3A receptor alter gating and alcohol modulatory actions., Hu XQ, Hayrapetyan V, Gadhiya JJ, Rhubottom HE, Lovinger DM, Machu TK., Br J Pharmacol. May 1, 2006; 148 (1): 88-101.

Molecular determinants of HERG channel block., Kamiya K, Niwa R, Mitcheson JS, Sanguinetti MC., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2006; 69 (5): 1709-16.

Marked swelling with coalescing ecchymoses of the lower mandible in a Xenopus laevis frog., Cannon CZ, Linder K, Brizuela BJ, Harvey SB., Lab Anim (NY). May 1, 2006; 35 (5): 19-22.

Molecular cloning and functional expression of a sodium bicarbonate cotransporter from guinea-pig parotid glands., Koo NY, Li J, Hwang SM, Choi SY, Lee SJ, Oh SB, Kim JS, Park K., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 21, 2006; 342 (4): 1114-22.

Molecular regions responsible for differences in activation between heag channels., Ju M, Wray D., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 21, 2006; 342 (4): 1088-97.

Mxi1 is essential for neurogenesis in Xenopus and acts by bridging the pan-neural and proneural genes., Klisch TJ, Souopgui J, Juergens K, Rust B, Pieler T, Henningfeld KA., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 470-85.   

Mosaic and regulative development: two faces of one coin., Lawrence PA, Levine M., Curr Biol. April 4, 2006; 16 (7): R236-9.

Messages diffuse faster than messengers., Pando B, Dawson SP, Mak DO, Pearson JE., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 4, 2006; 103 (14): 5338-42.

Multiple mechanisms promote the retained expression of gene duplicates in the tetraploid frog Xenopus laevis., Chain FJ, Evans BJ., PLoS Genet. April 1, 2006; 2 (4): e56.   

M-phase MELK activity is regulated by MPF and MAPK., Badouel C, Körner R, Frank-Vaillant M, Couturier A, Nigg EA, Tassan JP., Cell Cycle. April 1, 2006; 5 (8): 883-9.

Mutations in voltage-gated potassium channel KCNC3 cause degenerative and developmental central nervous system phenotypes., Waters MF, Minassian NA, Stevanin G, Figueroa KP, Bannister JP, Nolte D, Mock AF, Evidente VG, Fee DB, Müller U, Dürr A, Brice A, Papazian DM, Pulst SM., Nat Genet. April 1, 2006; 38 (4): 447-51.

Migrating anterior mesoderm cells and intercalating trunk mesoderm cells have distinct responses to Rho and Rac during Xenopus gastrulation., Ren R, Nagel M, Tahinci E, Winklbauer R, Symes K., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2006; 235 (4): 1090-9.

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