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Development of a new antibody to the human inhibin/activin betaB subunit and its application to improved inhibin B ELISAs., Ludlow H, Muttukrishna S, Hyvönen M, Groome NP., J Immunol Methods. January 1, 2008; 329 (1-2): 102-11.

Division versus differentiation in the early Xenopus embryo., Philpott A., SEB Exp Biol Ser. January 1, 2008; 59 145-65.

Differential effects of paramyotonia congenita mutations F1473S and F1705I on sodium channel gating., Groome JR, Larsen MF, Coonts A., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2008; 2 (1): 39-50.

Dicer inactivation causes heterochronic retinogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Decembrini S, Andreazzoli M, Barsacchi G, Cremisi F., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (8): 1099-103.   

DNA polymerase epsilon: a polymerase of unusual size (and complexity)., Pursell ZF, Kunkel TA., Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 82 101-45.

Diversity in the origins of sex chromosomes in anurans inferred from comparative mapping of sexual differentiation genes for three species of the Raninae and Xenopodinae., Uno Y, Nishida C, Yoshimoto S, Ito M, Oshima Y, Yokoyama S, Nakamura M, Matsuda Y., Chromosome Res. January 1, 2008; 16 (7): 999-1011.

Detection of nuclear beta-catenin in Xenopus embryos., Fagotto F, Brown CM., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 469 363-80.

Direct inhibition of GSK3beta by the phosphorylated cytoplasmic domain of LRP6 in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling., Piao S, Lee SH, Kim H, Yum S, Stamos JL, Xu Y, Lee SJ, Oh S, Han JK, Park BJ, Weis WI, Ha NC., PLoS One. January 1, 2008; 3 (12): e4046.   

Detection of planar polarity proteins in mammalian cochlea., Montcouquiol M, Jones JM, Sans N., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 468 207-19.

Distribution of (TTAGGG)n telomeric sequences in karyotypes of the Xenopus species complex., Nanda I, Fugate M, Steinlein C, Schmid M., Cytogenet Genome Res. January 1, 2008; 122 (3-4): 396-400.

Dorsal axis duplication as a functional readout for Wnt activity., Kühl M, Pandur P., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 469 467-76.

Different functional classes of genes are characterized by different compositional properties., D'Onofrio G, Ghosh TC, Saccone S., FEBS Lett. December 22, 2007; 581 (30): 5819-24.

Dissecting the facilitator and inhibitor allosteric metal sites of the P2X4 receptor channel: critical roles of CYS132 for zinc potentiation and ASP138 for copper inhibition., Coddou C, Acuña-Castillo C, Bull P, Huidobro-Toro JP., J Biol Chem. December 21, 2007; 282 (51): 36879-86.

Design, synthesis, and melatoninergic activity of new azido- and isothiocyanato-substituted indoles., Tsotinis A, Afroudakis PA, Davidson K, Prashar A, Sugden D., J Med Chem. December 13, 2007; 50 (25): 6436-40.

Disruption of mouse poly(A) polymerase mGLD-2 does not alter polyadenylation status in oocytes and somatic cells., Nakanishi T, Kumagai S, Kimura M, Watanabe H, Sakurai T, Kimura M, Kashiwabara S, Baba T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. December 7, 2007; 364 (1): 14-9.

Depolarization-evoked secretion requires two vicinal transmembrane cysteines of syntaxin 1A., Cohen R, Marom M, Atlas D., PLoS One. December 5, 2007; 2 (12): e1273.   

Disruption of the dynamic sub-cellular localization of the Xenopus tumorhead protein causes embryonic lethality at the early gastrula transition., Traverso EE, Cho MS, Wu CF, Sater AK, Larabell CA, Kloc M, Etkin LD., Differentiation. December 1, 2007; 75 (10): 947-56.   

Dkk3 is required for TGF-beta signaling during Xenopus mesoderm induction., Pinho S, Niehrs C., Differentiation. December 1, 2007; 75 (10): 957-67.   

Determination of the chromatin domain structure in arrayed repeat regions: organization of the somatic 5S RNA domain during embryogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Hair A, Vassetzky Y., J Cell Biochem. December 1, 2007; 102 (5): 1140-8.

Differential distribution of orexin-A-like and orexin receptor 1 (OX1R)-like immunoreactivities in the Xenopus pituitary., Suzuki H, Takemoto Y, Yamamoto T., Tissue Cell. December 1, 2007; 39 (6): 423-30.

Divergent functions of two ancient Hydra Brachyury paralogues suggest specific roles for their C-terminal domains in tissue fate induction., Bielen H, Oberleitner S, Marcellini S, Gee L, Lemaire P, Bode HR, Rupp R, Technau U., Development. December 1, 2007; 134 (23): 4187-97.

Design and synthesis of indole-based peptoids as potent noncompetitive antagonists of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1., Quintanar-Audelo M, Fernandez-Carvajal A, Nest WV, Carreño C, Ferrer-Montiel A, Albericio F., J Med Chem. November 29, 2007; 50 (24): 6133-43.

Developmental biology: micro(RNA)-managing nodal., Martin BL, Kimelman D., Curr Biol. November 20, 2007; 17 (22): R975-7.

Distinct and cooperative roles of mammalian Vg1 homologs GDF1 and GDF3 during early embryonic development., Andersson O, Bertolino P, Ibáñez CF., Dev Biol. November 15, 2007; 311 (2): 500-11.

Design and synthesis of new N-OMe fluoro-indole melatoninergics., Tsotinis A, Gourgourinis J, Eleutheriades A, Davidson K, Sugden D., Med Chem. November 1, 2007; 3 (6): 561-71.

Discovery of a novel nicotinic receptor antagonist for the treatment of nicotine addiction: 1-(3-Picolinium)-12-triethylammonium-dodecane dibromide (TMPD)., Dwoskin LP, Joyce BM, Zheng G, Neugebauer NM, Manda VK, Lockman P, Papke RL, Bardo MT, Crooks PA., Biochem Pharmacol. October 15, 2007; 74 (8): 1271-82.

Design of a specific activator for skeletal muscle sodium channels uncovers channel architecture., Cohen L, Ilan N, Gur M, Stühmer W, Gordon D, Gurevitz M., J Biol Chem. October 5, 2007; 282 (40): 29424-30.

Does spike timing-dependent synaptic plasticity underlie memory formation?, Letzkus JJ, Kampa BM, Stuart GJ., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. October 1, 2007; 34 (10): 1070-6.

Differential effects of volatile and intravenous anesthetics on the activity of human TASK-1., Putzke C, Hanley PJ, Schlichthörl G, Preisig-Müller R, Rinné S, Anetseder M, Eckenhoff R, Berkowitz C, Vassiliou T, Wulf H, Eberhart L., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. October 1, 2007; 293 (4): C1319-26.

Design and synthesis of new N1 and C3-substituted 4-fluoroindolic melatoninergics., Tsotinis A, Eleutheriades A, Davidson K, Sugden D., Curr Drug Discov Technol. October 1, 2007; 4 (3): 198-207.

Distal truncation of KCC3 in non-French Canadian HMSN/ACC families., Salin-Cantegrel A, Rivière JB, Dupré N, Charron FM, Shekarabi M, Karéméra L, Gaspar C, Horst J, Tekin M, Deda G, Krause A, Lippert MM, Willemsen MA, Jarrar R, Lapointe JY, Rouleau GA., Neurology. September 25, 2007; 69 (13): 1350-5.

Depolarization activates the phosphoinositide phosphatase Ci-VSP, as detected in Xenopus oocytes coexpressing sensors of PIP2., Murata Y, Okamura Y., J Physiol. September 15, 2007; 583 (Pt 3): 875-89.

Differential requirements for MCM proteins in DNA replication in Drosophila S2 cells., Crevel G, Hashimoto R, Vass S, Sherkow J, Yamaguchi M, Heck MM, Cotterill S., PLoS One. September 5, 2007; 2 (9): e833.   

Distinct profiles of alpha7 nAChR positive allosteric modulation revealed by structurally diverse chemotypes., Grønlien JH, Håkerud M, Ween H, Thorin-Hagene K, Briggs CA, Gopalakrishnan M, Malysz J., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 2007; 72 (3): 715-24.

Dynamic expression of FXYD6 in the inner ear suggests a role of the protein in endolymph homeostasis and neuronal activity., Delprat B, Puel JL, Geering K., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2007; 236 (9): 2534-40.

Dark rearing rescues P23H rhodopsin-induced retinal degeneration in a transgenic Xenopus laevis model of retinitis pigmentosa: a chromophore-dependent mechanism characterized by production of N-terminally truncated mutant rhodopsin., Tam BM, Moritz OL., J Neurosci. August 22, 2007; 27 (34): 9043-53.   

Development of the vomeronasal amygdala in anuran amphibians: hodological, neurochemical, and gene expression characterization., Moreno N, González A., J Comp Neurol. August 20, 2007; 503 (6): 815-31.

Distribution of BDE-99 and effects on metamorphosis of BDE-99 and -47 after oral exposure in Xenopus tropicalis., Carlsson G, Kulkarni P, Larsson P, Norrgren L., Aquat Toxicol. August 15, 2007; 84 (1): 71-9.

Does sumoylation control K2P1/TWIK1 background K+ channels?, Feliciangeli S, Bendahhou S, Sandoz G, Gounon P, Reichold M, Warth R, Lazdunski M, Barhanin J, Lesage F., Cell. August 10, 2007; 130 (3): 563-9.

Disparate effects of p24alpha and p24delta on secretory protein transport and processing., Strating JR, Bouw G, Hafmans TG, Martens GJ., PLoS One. August 8, 2007; 2 (8): e704.   

Delayed effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB-77) and non-polar sediment extracts detected in the prolonged-FETAX., Gutleb AC, Mossink L, Schriks M, van den Berg HJ, Murk AJ., Sci Total Environ. August 1, 2007; 381 (1-3): 307-15.

Deciphering PiT transport kinetics and substrate specificity using electrophysiology and flux measurements., Ravera S, Virkki LV, Murer H, Forster IC., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. August 1, 2007; 293 (2): C606-20.

Diverse inhibitory actions of quaternary ammonium cholinesterase inhibitors on Torpedo nicotinic ACh receptors transplanted to Xenopus oocytes., Olivera-Bravo S, Ivorra I, Morales A., Br J Pharmacol. August 1, 2007; 151 (8): 1280-92.

Differential subcellular sequestration of proapoptotic and antiapoptotic proteins and colocalization of Bcl-x(L) with the germ plasm, in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Kloc M, Shirato Y, Bilinski S, Browder LW, Johnston J., Genesis. August 1, 2007; 45 (8): 523-31.   

Drug and toxicant handling by the OAT organic anion transporters in the kidney and other tissues., Nigam SK, Bush KT, Bhatnagar V., Nat Clin Pract Nephrol. August 1, 2007; 3 (8): 443-8.

Design, synthesis, and biological activity of novel triazole amino acids used to probe binding interactions between ligand and neutral amino acid transport protein SN1., Gajewski M, Seaver B, Esslinger CS., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. August 1, 2007; 17 (15): 4163-6.

DPP10 splice variants are localized in distinct neuronal populations and act to differentially regulate the inactivation properties of Kv4-based ion channels., Jerng HH, Lauver AD, Pfaffinger PJ., Mol Cell Neurosci. August 1, 2007; 35 (4): 604-24.

Domain topology of the p62 complex within the 3-D architecture of the nuclear pore complex., Schwarz-Herion K, Maco B, Sauder U, Fahrenkrog B., J Mol Biol. July 20, 2007; 370 (4): 796-806.

Design, synthesis and melatoninergic activity of new unsubstituted and beta,beta'-difunctionalised 2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolo[3,2,1-ij]quinolin-6-alkanamides., Tsotinis A, Panoussopoulou M, Eleutheriades A, Davidson K, Sugden D., Eur J Med Chem. July 1, 2007; 42 (7): 1004-13.

Dexmedetomidine inhibits muscarinic type 3 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes and muscarine-induced intracellular Ca2+ elevation in cultured rat dorsal root ganglia cells., Takizuka A, Minami K, Uezono Y, Horishita T, Yokoyama T, Shiraishi M, Sakurai T, Shigematsu A, Ueta Y., Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. July 1, 2007; 375 (5): 293-301.

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