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Retinoid-X receptor agonists increase thyroid hormone competence in lower jaw remodeling of pre-metamorphic Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Mengeling BJ, Vetter LF, Furlow JD., PLoS One. April 13, 2022; 17 (4): e0266946.   

Raising and Maintaining Xenopus tropicalis from Tadpole to Adult., Lane M, Slocum M, Khokha MK., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. April 1, 2022; 2022 (4): Pdb.prot106369.

Remnants of the Balbiani body are required for formation of RNA transport granules in Xenopus oocytes., Yang C, Dominique GM, Champion MM, Huber PW., iScience. March 18, 2022; 25 (3): 103878.

Regulation of Myt1 kinase activity via its N-terminal region in Xenopus meiosis and mitosis., Aiba Y, Kim J, Imamura A, Okumoto K, Nakajo N., Cells Dev. March 1, 2022; 169 203754.

Reconstitution of an active human CENP-E motor., Craske B, Legal T, Welburn JPI., Open Biol. March 1, 2022; 12 (3): 210389.   

RedoxiFluor: A microplate technique to quantify target-specific protein thiol redox state in relative percentage and molar terms., Tuncay A, Noble A, Guille M, Cobley JN., Free Radic Biol Med. March 1, 2022; 181 118-129.

Revisiting ZAR proteins: the understudied regulator of female fertility and beyond., Wu YK, Fan HY., Cell Mol Life Sci. January 24, 2022; 79 (2): 92.

Recording Gap Junction Current from Xenopus Oocytes., Shui Y, Wang ZW., J Vis Exp. January 21, 2022; (179):

Roles for GADD45 in Development and Cancer., Patel K, Murray MG, Whelan KA., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2022; 1360 23-39.

Reduced Retinoic Acid Signaling During Gastrulation Induces Developmental Microcephaly., Gur M, Bendelac-Kapon L, Shabtai Y, Pillemer G, Fainsod A., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2022; 10 844619.   

Retinoic Acid is Required for Normal Morphogenetic Movements During Gastrulation., Gur M, Edri T, Moody SA, Fainsod A., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2022; 10 857230.   

Replication fork collapse in vitro using Xenopus egg extracts., Conwell SC, Cranford MT, Kavlashvili T, Dewar JM., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2022; 672 317-338.

Role of locomotor efference copy in vertebrate gaze stabilization., Straka H, Lambert FM, Simmers J., Front Neural Circuits. January 1, 2022; 16 1040070.   

Research-Relevant Background Lesions and Conditions in Common Avian and Aquatic Species., Mangus LM, França MS, Shivaprasad HL, Wolf JC., ILAR J. December 31, 2021; 62 (1-2): 169-202.

Rho and F-actin self-organize within an artificial cell cortex., Landino J, Leda M, Michaud A, Swider ZT, Prom M, Field CM, Bement WM, Vecchiarelli AG, Goryachev AB, Miller AL., Curr Biol. December 20, 2021; 31 (24): 5613-5621.e5.   

Revisiting the Role of Ser982 Phosphorylation in Stoichiometry Shift of the Electrogenic Na+/qHCO3- Cotransporter NBCe1., Alsufayan TA, Myers EJ, Quade BN, Brady CT, Marshall A, Haque N, Duffey ME, Parker MD., Int J Mol Sci. November 26, 2021; 22 (23):   

Retroposition of the Long Transcript from Multiexon IFN-β Homologs in Ancestry Vertebrate Gave Rise to the Proximal Transcription Elements of Intronless IFN-β Promoter in Humans., Chen SN, Gan Z, Nie P., J Immunol. November 15, 2021; 207 (10): 2512-2520.

Reconstitution of muscle cell microtubule organization in vitro., Nadkarni AV, Heald R., Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). October 1, 2021; 78 (10-12): 492-502.

Retinol binding protein 1 affects Xenopus anterior neural development via all-trans retinoic acid signaling., Flach H, Basten T, Schreiner C, Dietmann P, Greco S, Nies L, Roßmanith N, Walter S, Kühl M, Kühl SJ., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2021; 250 (8): 1096-1112.   

RETRACTED: Inhibition of interleukin-1β plays a protective role in Alzheimer's disease by promoting microRNA-9-5p and downregulating targeting protein for xenopus kinesin-like protein 2., Zhang YY, Dong LX, Bao HL, Liu Y, An FM, Zhang GW., Int Immunopharmacol. August 1, 2021; 97 107578.

Regulation of a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel by a semiconserved cationic lipid-binding site., Sridhar A, Lummis SCR, Pasini D, Mehregan A, Brams M, Kambara K, Bertrand D, Lindahl E, Howard RJ, Ulens C., J Biol Chem. August 1, 2021; 297 (2): 100899.   

RNA m6A Methyltransferase Mettl3 Regulates Spatial Neural Patterning in Xenopus laevis., Kim H, Jang S., Mol Cell Biol. July 23, 2021; 41 (8): e0010421.

Regulation of epithelial sodium channel activity by SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 proteins., Grant SN, Lester HA., Biophys J. July 20, 2021; 120 (14): 2805-2813.

Role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in neurodevelopmental deficits and experience-dependent plasticity in Xenopus laevis., Gore SV, James EJ, Huang LC, Park JJ, Berghella A, Thompson AC, Cline HT, Aizenman CD., Elife. July 20, 2021; 10   

Rab7 is required for mesoderm patterning and gastrulation in Xenopus., Kreis J, Wielath FM, Vick P., Biol Open. July 15, 2021; 10 (7):   

Resolving different presynaptic activity patterns within single olfactory glomeruli of Xenopus laevis larvae., Topci R, Alevra M, Rauf EHU, de Jong-Bolm D., Sci Rep. July 9, 2021; 11 (1): 14258.   

Radiographic and ultrasonographic appearance of pneumonia in a frog., Slater RT, Hanna A, Finch N, Pessier AP, Logsdon M., Vet Radiol Ultrasound. July 1, 2021; 62 (4): e35-e39.

Recurrent seizure-related GRIN1 variant: Molecular mechanism and targeted therapy., Xu Y, Song R, Chen W, Strong K, Shrey D, Gedela S, Traynelis SF, Zhang G, Yuan H., Ann Clin Transl Neurol. July 1, 2021; 8 (7): 1480-1494.   

Rspo2 inhibits TCF3 phosphorylation to antagonize Wnt signaling during vertebrate anteroposterior axis specification., Reis AH, Sokol SY., Sci Rep. June 28, 2021; 11 (1): 13433.   

Reconstitution of β-adrenergic regulation of CaV1.2: Rad-dependent and Rad-independent protein kinase A mechanisms., Katz M, Subramaniam S, Chomsky-Hecht O, Tsemakhovich V, Flockerzi V, Klussmann E, Hirsch JA, Weiss S, Dascal N., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 25, 2021; 118 (21):   

Role of KLHL3 and dietary K+ in regulating KS-WNK1 expression., Ostrosky-Frid M, Chávez-Canales M, Zhang J, Andrukhova O, Argaiz ER, Lerdo-de-Tejada F, Murillo-de-Ozores A, Sanchez-Navarro A, Rojas-Vega L, Bobadilla NA, Vazquez N, Castañeda-Bueno M, Alessi DR, Gamba G., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. May 1, 2021; 320 (5): F734-F747.   

RNA demethylation by FTO stabilizes the FOXJ1 mRNA for proper motile ciliogenesis., Kim H, Lee YS, Kim SM, Jang S, Choi H, Lee JW, Kim TD, Kim VN., Dev Cell. April 19, 2021; 56 (8): 1118-1130.e6.   

Retinoic acid production, regulation and containment through Zic1, Pitx2c and Cyp26c1 control cranial placode specification., Dubey A, Yu J, Liu T, Kane MA, Saint-Jeannet JP., Development. February 16, 2021; 148 (4):

Rab11fip5 regulates telencephalon development via ephrinB1 recycling., Yoon J, Garo J, Lee M, Sun J, Hwang YS, Daar IO., Development. February 2, 2021; 148 (3):   

Reconstitution of the recombinant human γ-tubulin ring complex., Würtz M, Böhler A, Neuner A, Zupa E, Rohland L, Liu P, Vermeulen BJA, Pfeffer S, Eustermann S, Schiebel E., Open Biol. February 1, 2021; 11 (2): 200325.   

Rewiring Endogenous Bioelectric Circuits in the Xenopus laevis Embryo Model., Nanos V, Levin M., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2021; 2258 93-103.

Real-Time Monitoring of APC /C-Mediated Substrate Degradation Using Xenopus laevis Egg Extracts., Kamenz J, Qiao R, Yang Q, Ferrell JE., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2021; 2329 29-38.

Retinoic Acid Fluctuation Activates an Uneven, Direction-Dependent Network-Wide Robustness Response in Early Embryogenesis., Parihar M, Bendelac-Kapon L, Gur M, Abbou T, Belorkar A, Achanta S, Kinberg K, Vadigepalli R, Fainsod A., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 9 747969.   

Rare heterozygous GDF6 variants in patients with renal anomalies., Martens H, Hennies I, Getwan M, Christians A, Weiss AC, Brand F, Gjerstad AC, Christians A, Gucev Z, Geffers R, Seeman T, Kispert A, Tasic V, Bjerre A, Lienkamp SS, Haffner D, Weber RG., Eur J Hum Genet. December 1, 2020; 28 (12): 1681-1693.   

Reduced Activation of the Synaptic-Type GABAA Receptor Following Prolonged Exposure to Low Concentrations of Agonists: Relationship between Tonic Activity and Desensitization., Pierce SR, Germann AL, Evers AS, Steinbach JH, Akk G., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 2020; 98 (6): 762-769.

Recent evolution of a TET-controlled and DPPA3/STELLA-driven pathway of passive DNA demethylation in mammals., Mulholland CB, Nishiyama A, Ryan J, Nakamura R, Yiğit M, Glück IM, Trummer C, Qin W, Bartoschek MD, Traube FR, Parsa E, Ugur E, Modic M, Acharya A, Stolz P, Ziegenhain C, Wierer M, Enard W, Carell T, Lamb DC, Takeda H, Nakanishi M, Bultmann S, Leonhardt H., Nat Commun. November 24, 2020; 11 (1): 5972.   

Review: Examining the Natural Role of Amphibian Antimicrobial Peptide Magainin., McMillan KAM, Coombs MRP., Molecules. November 20, 2020; 25 (22):   

R-spondins are BMP receptor antagonists in Xenopus early embryonic development., Lee H, Seidl C, Sun R, Glinka A, Niehrs C., Nat Commun. November 4, 2020; 11 (1): 5570.   

RINGO/Speedy proteins, a family of non-canonical activators of CDK1 and CDK2., Gonzalez L, Nebreda AR., Semin Cell Dev Biol. November 1, 2020; 107 21-27.   

Role of epigenetics and miRNAs in orofacial clefts., Garland MA, Sun B, Zhang S, Reynolds K, Ji Y, Zhou CJ., Birth Defects Res. November 1, 2020; 112 (19): 1635-1659.

rad21 Is Involved in Corneal Stroma Development by Regulating Neural Crest Migration., Zhang BN, Liu Y, Yang Q, Leung PY, Wang C, Wong TCB, Tham CC, Chan SO, Pang CP, Chen LJ, Dekker J, Zhao H, Chu WK., Int J Mol Sci. October 21, 2020; 21 (20):   

Raising Antibodies for Use in Xenopus., Piccinni MZ, Guille MJ., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. September 1, 2020; 2020 (9): 105585.

RNA-Seq analysis on ets1 mutant embryos of Xenopus tropicalis identifies microseminoprotein beta gene 3 as an essential regulator of neural crest migration., Wang C, Qi X, Zhou X, Sun J, Cai D, Lu G, Chen X, Jiang Z, Yao YG, Chan WY, Zhao H., FASEB J. September 1, 2020; 34 (9): 12726-12738.

Rapid Shifts in the Temperature Dependence of Locomotor Performance in an Invasive Frog, Xenopus laevis, Implications for Conservation., Araspin L, Martinez AS, Wagener C, Courant J, Louppe V, Padilla P, Measey J, Herrel A., Integr Comp Biol. August 1, 2020; 60 (2): 456-466.   

RanBP1 controls the Ran pathway in mammalian cells through regulation of mitotic RCC1 dynamics., Yau KC, Arnaoutov A, Aksenova V, Kaufhold R, Chen S, Dasso M., Cell Cycle. August 1, 2020; 19 (15): 1899-1916.   

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