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The integrin-binding motif RGDS induces protein tyrosine phosphorylation without activation in Bufo arenarum (Amphibia) oocytes., Mouguelar VS, Cabada MO, Coux G., Reproduction. May 1, 2011; 141 (5): 581-93.

The spindle assembly function of Caenorhabditis elegans katanin does not require microtubule-severing activity., McNally KP, McNally FJ., Mol Biol Cell. May 1, 2011; 22 (9): 1550-60.   

The Retinal Homeobox (Rx) gene is necessary for retinal regeneration., Martinez-De Luna RI, Kelly LE, El-Hodiri HM., Dev Biol. May 1, 2011; 353 (1): 10-8.   

The poly(rC)-binding protein alphaCP2 is a noncanonical factor in X. laevis cytoplasmic polyadenylation., Vishnu MR, Sumaroka M, Klein PS, Liebhaber SA., RNA. May 1, 2011; 17 (5): 944-56.

Tail regenerative capacity and iNOS immunolocalization in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Franchini A, Bertolotti E., Cell Tissue Res. May 1, 2011; 344 (2): 261-9.

The small GTPase Cdc42 promotes membrane protrusion during polar body emission via ARP2-nucleated actin polymerization., Leblanc J, Zhang X, McKee D, Wang ZB, Li R, Ma C, Sun QY, Liu XJ., Mol Hum Reprod. May 1, 2011; 17 (5): 305-16.

Thyroid disruption by Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) and mono-n-butyl phthalate (MBP) in Xenopus laevis., Shen O, Wu W, Du G, Liu R, Yu L, Sun H, Han X, Jiang Y, Shi W, Hu W, Song L, Xia Y, Wang S, Wang X., PLoS One. April 22, 2011; 6 (4): e19159.   

Two neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, alpha4beta4 and alpha7, show differential agonist binding modes., Puskar NL, Xiu X, Lester HA, Dougherty DA., J Biol Chem. April 22, 2011; 286 (16): 14618-27.

Theoretical basis of the community effect in development., Saka Y, Lhoussaine C, Kuttler C, Ullner E, Thiel M., BMC Syst Biol. April 17, 2011; 5 54.   

Transporters involved in the hepatic uptake of (99m)Tc-mebrofenin and indocyanine green., de Graaf W, Häusler S, Heger M, van Ginhoven TM, van Cappellen G, Bennink RJ, Kullak-Ublick GA, Hesselmann R, van Gulik TM, Stieger B., J Hepatol. April 1, 2011; 54 (4): 738-45.

Trapping and dissociation of propafenone derivatives in HERG channels., Windisch A, Timin E, Schwarz T, Stork-Riedler D, Erker T, Ecker G, Hering S., Br J Pharmacol. April 1, 2011; 162 (7): 1542-52.

The sodium-dependent di- and tricarboxylate transporter, NaCT, is not responsible for the uptake of D-, L-2-hydroxyglutarate and 3-hydroxyglutarate into neurons., Brauburger K, Burckhardt G, Burckhardt BC., J Inherit Metab Dis. April 1, 2011; 34 (2): 477-82.   

Temporally selective processing of communication signals by auditory midbrain neurons., Elliott TM, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Kelley DB., J Neurophysiol. April 1, 2011; 105 (4): 1620-32.

The nucleoporin Nup88 is interacting with nuclear lamin A., Lussi YC, Hügi I, Laurell E, Kutay U, Fahrenkrog B., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2011; 22 (7): 1080-90.   

The effective opening of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with single agonist binding sites., Williams DK, Stokes C, Horenstein NA, Papke RL., J Gen Physiol. April 1, 2011; 137 (4): 369-84.   

The cation channel mucolipin-1 is a bifunctional protein that facilitates membrane remodeling via its serine lipase domain., LaPlante JM, Falardeau JL, Brown EM, Slaugenhaupt SA, Vassilev PM., Exp Cell Res. April 1, 2011; 317 (6): 691-705.

The penultimate arginine of the carboxyl terminus determines slow desensitization in a P2X receptor from the cattle tick Boophilus microplus., Bavan S, Farmer L, Singh SK, Straub VA, Guerrero FD, Ennion SJ., Mol Pharmacol. April 1, 2011; 79 (4): 776-85.

Transcellular movement of hydroxyurea is mediated by specific solute carrier transporters., Walker AL, Franke RM, Sparreboom A, Ware RE., Exp Hematol. April 1, 2011; 39 (4): 446-56.

The expression of αA- and βB1-crystallin during normal development and regeneration, and proteomic analysis for the regenerating lens in Xenopus laevis., Zhao Y, Ju F, Zhao Y, Wang L, Sun Z, Liu M, Gao L., Mol Vis. March 23, 2011; 17 768-78.   

The effect of the interaction between aquaporin 0 (AQP0) and the filensin tail region on AQP0 water permeability., Nakazawa Y, Oka M, Furuki K, Mitsuishi A, Nakashima E, Takehana M., Mol Vis. March 23, 2011; 17 3191-9.   

The Ca(2+) increase by the sperm factor in physiologically polyspermic newt fertilization: Its signaling mechanism in egg cytoplasm and the species-specificity., Harada Y, Kawazoe M, Eto Y, Ueno S, Iwao Y., Dev Biol. March 15, 2011; 351 (2): 266-76.

Transdifferentiation of tadpole pancreatic acinar cells to duct cells mediated by Notch and stromelysin-3., Mukhi S, Brown DD., Dev Biol. March 15, 2011; 351 (2): 311-7.   

Transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants over-expressing a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gene from Xenopus laevis (xPPARα) show increased susceptibility to infection by virulent Pseudomonas syringae pathogens., Valenzuela-Soto JH, Iruegas-Bocardo F, Martínez-Gallardo NA, Molina-Torres J, Gómez-Lim MA, Délano-Frier JP., Planta. March 1, 2011; 233 (3): 507-21.

The multiple functions of collagen XVIII in development and disease., Seppinen L, Pihlajaniemi T., Matrix Biol. March 1, 2011; 30 (2): 83-92.

The protective role of aquaporins in the freeze-tolerant insect Eurosta solidaginis: functional characterization and tissue abundance of EsAQP1., Philip BN, Kiss AJ, Lee RE., J Exp Biol. March 1, 2011; 214 (Pt 5): 848-57.

The complexity of amphibian population declines: understanding the role of cofactors in driving amphibian losses., Blaustein AR, Han BA, Relyea RA, Johnson PT, Buck JC, Gervasi SS, Kats LB., Ann N Y Acad Sci. March 1, 2011; 1223 108-19.   

The involvement of Eph-Ephrin signaling in tissue separation and convergence during Xenopus gastrulation movements., Park EC, Cho GS, Kim GH, Choi SC, Han JK., Dev Biol. February 15, 2011; 350 (2): 441-50.   

TRPM7 regulates gastrulation during vertebrate embryogenesis., Liu W, Su LT, Khadka DK, Mezzacappa C, Komiya Y, Sato A, Habas R, Runnels LW., Dev Biol. February 15, 2011; 350 (2): 348-57.   

Translocation of the cytoplasmic domain of ADAM13 to the nucleus is essential for Calpain8-a expression and cranial neural crest cell migration., Cousin H, Abbruzzese G, Kerdavid E, Gaultier A, Alfandari D., Dev Cell. February 15, 2011; 20 (2): 256-63.   

Towards high throughput production of artificial egg oocytes using microfluidics., Jimenez AM, Roché M, Pinot M, Panizza P, Courbin L, Gueroui Z., Lab Chip. February 7, 2011; 11 (3): 429-34.

The N-terminal coiled-coil of Ndel1 is a regulated scaffold that recruits LIS1 to dynein., Zyłkiewicz E, Kijańska M, Choi WC, Derewenda U, Derewenda ZS, Stukenberg PT., J Cell Biol. February 7, 2011; 192 (3): 433-45.   

TMEM16A(a)/anoctamin-1 shares a homodimeric architecture with CLC chloride channels., Fallah G, Römer T, Detro-Dassen S, Braam U, Markwardt F, Schmalzing G., Mol Cell Proteomics. February 1, 2011; 10 (2): M110.004697.   

The effects of the SLCO2B1 c.1457C > T polymorphism and apple juice on the pharmacokinetics of fexofenadine and midazolam in humans., Imanaga J, Kotegawa T, Imai H, Tsutsumi K, Yoshizato T, Ohyama T, Shirasaka Y, Tamai I, Tateishi T, Ohashi K., Pharmacogenet Genomics. February 1, 2011; 21 (2): 84-93.

Triclosan affects thyroid hormone-dependent metamorphosis in anurans., Helbing CC, van Aggelen G, Veldhoen N., Toxicol Sci. February 1, 2011; 119 (2): 417-8; author reply 419-22.

The use of Xenopus oocytes in drug screening., Kvist T, Hansen KB, Bräuner-Osborne H., Expert Opin Drug Discov. February 1, 2011; 6 (2): 141-53.

The nephrogenic potential of the transcription factors osr1, osr2, hnf1b, lhx1 and pax8 assessed in Xenopus animal caps., Drews C, Senkel S, Ryffel GU., BMC Dev Biol. January 31, 2011; 11 5.   

Transdifferentiation from cornea to lens in Xenopus laevis depends on BMP signalling and involves upregulation of Wnt signalling., Day RC, Beck CW., BMC Dev Biol. January 26, 2011; 11 54.   

The response of early neural genes to FGF signaling or inhibition of BMP indicate the absence of a conserved neural induction module., Rogers CD, Ferzli GS, Casey ES., BMC Dev Biol. January 26, 2011; 11 74.   

The thyroid hormone responsive protein (THRP) has a critical role in the embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis., Lim W, Haas MJ, Mooradian AD., Neurosci Lett. January 25, 2011; 488 (3): 272-4.

The evolutionary history of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene family in vertebrates., Castro LF, Wilson JM, Gonçalves O, Galante-Oliveira S, Rocha E, Cunha I., BMC Evol Biol. January 24, 2011; 11 132.   

Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein interacts with renal outer medullary potassium channel ROMK2 and regulates its function., Renigunta A, Renigunta V, Saritas T, Decher N, Mutig K, Waldegger S., J Biol Chem. January 21, 2011; 286 (3): 2224-35.

The GABAA receptor alpha+beta- interface: a novel target for subtype selective drugs., Ramerstorfer J, Furtmüller R, Sarto-Jackson I, Varagic Z, Sieghart W, Ernst M., J Neurosci. January 19, 2011; 31 (3): 870-7.

The kinase SGK1 in the endoderm and mesoderm promotes ectodermal survival by down-regulating components of the death-inducing signaling complex., Endo T, Kusakabe M, Sunadome K, Yamamoto T, Nishida E., Sci Signal. January 18, 2011; 4 (156): ra2.

The secreted integrin ligand nephronectin is necessary for forelimb formation in Xenopus tropicalis., Abu-Daya A, Nishimoto S, Fairclough L, Mohun TJ, Logan MP, Zimmerman LB., Dev Biol. January 15, 2011; 349 (2): 204-12.   

The role of histone H4 biotinylation in the structure of nucleosomes., Filenko NA, Kolar C, West JT, Smith SA, Hassan YI, Borgstahl GE, Zempleni J, Lyubchenko YL., PLoS One. January 7, 2011; 6 (1): e16299.   

Transcript profiles and triiodothyronine regulation of sex steroid- and thyroid hormone-related genes in the gonad-mesonephros complex of Silurana tropicalis., Duarte-Guterman P, Trudeau VL., Mol Cell Endocrinol. January 1, 2011; 331 (1): 143-9.

The transcriptional coactivators Yap and TAZ are expressed during early Xenopus development., Nejigane S, Haramoto Y, Okuno M, Takahashi S, Asashima M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2011; 55 (1): 121-6.   

Transmembrane potential of GlyCl-expressing instructor cells induces a neoplastic-like conversion of melanocytes via a serotonergic pathway., Blackiston D, Adams DS, Lemire JM, Lobikin M, Levin M., Dis Model Mech. January 1, 2011; 4 (1): 67-85.   

Tissue-specific expression of Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPases (ATP2A/SERCA) 1, 2, 3 during Xenopus laevis development., Pegoraro C, Pollet N, Monsoro-Burq AH., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2011; 11 (1-2): 122-8.   

TRPML2 and the evolution of mucolipins., Flores EN, García-Añoveros J., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2011; 704 221-8.

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