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Molecular Mechanisms for Drug Hypersensitivity Induced by the Malaria Parasite's Chloroquine Resistance Transporter., Richards SN, Nash MN, Baker ES, Webster MW, Lehane AM, Shafik SH, Martin RE., PLoS Pathog. July 21, 2016; 12 (7): e1005725.   

Mitotic noncoding RNA processing promotes kinetochore and spindle assembly in Xenopus., Grenfell AW, Heald R, Strzelecka M., J Cell Biol. July 18, 2016; 214 (2): 133-41.   

Membrane dynamics during cellular wound repair., Davenport NR, Sonnemann KJ, Eliceiri KW, Bement WM., Mol Biol Cell. July 15, 2016; 27 (14): 2272-85.   

Metabolic cost of osmoregulation in a hypertonic environment in the invasive African clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Peña-Villalobos I, Narváez C, Sabat P., Biol Open. July 15, 2016; 5 (7): 955-61.   

MutSα maintains the mismatch repair capability by inhibiting PCNA unloading., Kawasoe Y, Tsurimoto T, Nakagawa T, Masukata H, Takahashi TS., Elife. July 12, 2016; 5   

Mode of action of triflumezopyrim: A novel mesoionic insecticide which inhibits the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Cordova D, Benner EA, Schroeder ME, Holyoke CW, Zhang W, Pahutski TF, Leighty RM, Vincent DR, Hamm JC., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. July 1, 2016; 74 32-41.

Metabolic and immune impairments induced by the endocrine disruptors benzo[a]pyrene and triclosan in Xenopus tropicalis., Regnault C, Willison J, Veyrenc S, Airieau A, Méresse P, Fortier M, Fournier M, Brousseau P, Raveton M, Reynaud S., Chemosphere. July 1, 2016; 155 519-527.

Mechanisms of Mitotic Spindle Assembly., Petry S., Annu Rev Biochem. June 2, 2016; 85 659-83.

Musculocontractural Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and neurocristopathies: dermatan sulfate is required for Xenopus neural crest cells to migrate and adhere to fibronectin., Gouignard N, Maccarana M, Strate I, von Stedingk K, Malmström A, Pera EM., Dis Model Mech. June 1, 2016; 9 (6): 607-20.   

Mutant SOD1 protein increases Nav1.3 channel excitability., Kubat Öktem E, Mruk K, Chang J, Akin A, Kobertz WR, Brown RH., J Biol Phys. June 1, 2016; 42 (3): 351-70.

Myosin-10 independently influences mitotic spindle structure and mitotic progression., Sandquist JC, Larson ME, Hine KJ., Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). June 1, 2016; 73 (7): 351-64.

Melanopsin-Encoded Response Properties of Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells., Mure LS, Hatori M, Zhu Q, Demas J, Kim IM, Nayak SK, Panda S., Neuron. June 1, 2016; 90 (5): 1016-27.

Multisensory integration in the developing tectum is constrained by the balance of excitation and inhibition., Felch DL, Khakhalin AS, Aizenman CD., Elife. May 24, 2016; 5   

Mutation in the Monocarboxylate Transporter 12 Gene Affects Guanidinoacetate Excretion but Does Not Cause Glucosuria., Dhayat N, Simonin A, Anderegg M, Pathare G, Lüscher BP, Deisl C, Albano G, Mordasini D, Hediger MA, Surbek DV, Vogt B, Sass JO, Kloeckener-Gruissem B, Fuster DG., J Am Soc Nephrol. May 1, 2016; 27 (5): 1426-36.

Multivalent Interactions by the Set8 Histone Methyltransferase With Its Nucleosome Substrate., Girish TS, McGinty RK, Tan S., J Mol Biol. April 24, 2016; 428 (8): 1531-43.

Mechanism of NMDA Receptor Inhibition and Activation., Zhu S, Stein RA, Yoshioka C, Lee CH, Goehring A, Mchaourab HS, Gouaux E., Cell. April 21, 2016; 165 (3): 704-14.

MicroRNAs as key regulators of GTPase-mediated apical actin reorganization in multiciliated epithelia., Mercey O, Kodjabachian L, Barbry P, Marcet B., Small GTPases. April 2, 2016; 7 (2): 54-8.   

Metamorphic remodeling of the olfactory organ of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Dittrich K, Kuttler J, Hassenklöver T, Manzini I., J Comp Neurol. April 1, 2016; 524 (5): 986-98.   

Mutations in nuclear pore genes NUP93, NUP205 and XPO5 cause steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome., Braun DA, Sadowski CE, Kohl S, Lovric S, Astrinidis SA, Pabst WL, Gee HY, Ashraf S, Lawson JA, Shril S, Airik M, Tan W, Schapiro D, Rao J, Choi WI, Hermle T, Kemper MJ, Pohl M, Ozaltin F, Konrad M, Bogdanovic R, Büscher R, Helmchen U, Serdaroglu E, Lifton RP, Antonin W, Hildebrandt F., Nat Genet. April 1, 2016; 48 (4): 457-65.   

Molecular basis for multimerization in the activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor., Huang Y, Bharill S, Karandur D, Peterson SM, Marita M, Shi X, Kaliszewski MJ, Smith AW, Isacoff EY, Kuriyan J., Elife. March 28, 2016; 5   

MARCKS-like protein is an initiating molecule in axolotl appendage regeneration., Sugiura T, Wang H, Barsacchi R, Simon A, Tanaka EM., Nature. March 10, 2016; 531 (7593): 237-40.   

MALT1 is not alone after all: identification of novel paracaspases., Hulpiau P, Driege Y, Staal J, Beyaert R., Cell Mol Life Sci. March 1, 2016; 73 (5): 1103-16.

Making muscle: Morphogenetic movements and molecular mechanisms of myogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Sabillo A, Ramirez J, Domingo CR., Semin Cell Dev Biol. March 1, 2016; 51 80-91.

Multicellular Mathematical Modelling of Mesendoderm Formation in Amphibians., Brown LE, Middleton AM, King JR, Loose M., Bull Math Biol. March 1, 2016; 78 (3): 436-67.

Matrix metalloproteinases in neural development: a phylogenetically diverse perspective., Small CD, Crawford BD., Neural Regen Res. March 1, 2016; 11 (3): 357-62.

Molecular model for force production and transmission during vertebrate gastrulation., Pfister K, Shook DR, Chang C, Keller R, Skoglund P., Development. February 15, 2016; 143 (4): 715-27.   

MRN, CtIP, and BRCA1 mediate repair of topoisomerase II-DNA adducts., Aparicio T, Baer R, Gottesman M, Gautier J., J Cell Biol. February 15, 2016; 212 (4): 399-408.   

Muscle-Type Nicotinic Receptor Blockade by Diethylamine, the Hydrophilic Moiety of Lidocaine., Alberola-Die A, Fernández-Ballester G, González-Ros JM, Ivorra I, Morales A., Front Mol Neurosci. February 15, 2016; 9 12.   

Muscle-Type Nicotinic Receptor Modulation by 2,6-Dimethylaniline, a Molecule Resembling the Hydrophobic Moiety of Lidocaine., Alberola-Die A, Fernández-Ballester G, González-Ros JM, Ivorra I, Morales A., Front Mol Neurosci. February 15, 2016; 9 127.   

Mambalgin-1 Pain-relieving Peptide, Stepwise Solid-phase Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Functional Domain for Acid-sensing Ion Channel 1a Inhibition., Mourier G, Salinas M, Kessler P, Stura EA, Leblanc M, Tepshi L, Besson T, Diochot S, Baron A, Douguet D, Lingueglia E, Servent D., J Biol Chem. February 5, 2016; 291 (6): 2616-29.

Molecular cloning and expression of a GABA receptor subunit from the crayfish Procambarus clarkii., Jiménez-Vázquez EN, Díaz-Velásquez CE, Uribe RM, Arias JM, García U., J Neurosci Res. February 1, 2016; 94 (2): 190-203.

Modelling Feedback Excitation, Pacemaker Properties and Sensory Switching of Electrically Coupled Brainstem Neurons Controlling Rhythmic Activity., Hull MJ, Soffe SR, Willshaw DJ, Roberts A., PLoS Comput Biol. January 29, 2016; 12 (1): e1004702.   

Measuring Absolute RNA Copy Numbers at High Temporal Resolution Reveals Transcriptome Kinetics in Development., Owens ND, Blitz IL, Lane MA, Patrushev I, Overton JD, Gilchrist MJ, Cho KW, Khokha MK., Cell Rep. January 26, 2016; 14 (3): 632-47.   

Molecular Interactions between Tarantula Toxins and Low-Voltage-Activated Calcium Channels., Salari A, Vega BS, Milescu LS, Milescu M., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 23894.   

Morphological, biochemical, transcriptional and epigenetic responses to fasting and refeeding in intestine of Xenopus laevis., Tamaoki K, Okada R, Ishihara A, Shiojiri N, Mochizuki K, Goda T, Yamauchi K., Cell Biosci. January 21, 2016; 6 2.   

Modulations of DNA Contacts by Linker Histones and Post-translational Modifications Determine the Mobility and Modifiability of Nucleosomal H3 Tails., Stützer A, Liokatis S, Kiesel A, Schwarzer D, Sprangers R, Söding J, Selenko P, Fischle W., Mol Cell. January 21, 2016; 61 (2): 247-59.

Mutagenesis in Xenopus and Zebrafish using TALENs., Liu Y, Zhao H, Cheng CH., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1338 207-27.

Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a glucose transporter (CsGLUT) in Clonorchis sinensis., Ahn SK, Cho PY, Na BK, Hong SJ, Nam HW, Sohn WM, Ardelli BF, Park YK, Kim TS, Cha SH., Parasitol Res. January 1, 2016; 115 (1): 347-54.

Melanopsin and the Non-visual Photochemistry in the Inner Retina of Vertebrates., Díaz NM, Morera LP, Guido ME., Photochem Photobiol. January 1, 2016; 92 (1): 29-44.

Monitoring Smad Activity In Vivo Using the Xenopus Model System., Montagner M, Martello G, Piccolo S., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1344 245-59.

Molecular and histological endpoints for developmental reproductive toxicity in Xenopus tropicalis: Levonorgestrel perturbs anti-Müllerian hormone and progesterone receptor expression., Säfholm M, Jansson E, Fick J, Berg C., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. January 1, 2016; 181-182 9-18.

MPX-004 and MPX-007: New Pharmacological Tools to Study the Physiology of NMDA Receptors Containing the GluN2A Subunit., Volkmann RA, Fanger CM, Anderson DR, Sirivolu VR, Paschetto K, Gordon E, Virginio C, Gleyzes M, Buisson B, Steidl E, Mierau SB, Fagiolini M, Menniti FS., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (2): e0148129.   

Mechanotransduction During Vertebrate Neurulation., Sokol SY., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 117 359-76.

Mutation Linked to Autosomal Dominant Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy Reduces Low-Sensitivity α4β2, and Increases α5α4β2, Nicotinic Receptor Surface Expression., Nichols WA, Henderson BJ, Marotta CB, Yu CY, Richards C, Dougherty DA, Lester HA, Cohen BN., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (6): e0158032.   

Model Organisms for Studying the Cell Cycle., Tang Z., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1342 21-57.

More similar than you think: Frog metamorphosis as a model of human perinatal endocrinology., Buchholz DR., Dev Biol. December 15, 2015; 408 (2): 188-95.   

Molecular asymmetry in the 8-cell stage Xenopus tropicalis embryo described by single blastomere transcript sequencing., De Domenico E, Owens ND, Grant IM, Gomes-Faria R, Gilchrist MJ., Dev Biol. December 15, 2015; 408 (2): 252-68.   

Modeling human development and disease in Xenopus. Preface., LaBonne C, Zorn AM., Dev Biol. December 15, 2015; 408 (2): 179.

Molecular characterization and expression of an oocyte-specific histone stem-loop binding protein in Carassius gibelio., Liu Z, Zhang XJ, Wang W, Zhang J, Li Z, Gui JF., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. December 1, 2015; 190 46-53.

Mechanisms of ammonia and ammonium transport by rhesus-associated glycoproteins., Caner T, Abdulnour-Nakhoul S, Brown K, Islam MT, Hamm LL, Nakhoul NL., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. December 1, 2015; 309 (11): C747-58.

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