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Search Results

Neural and hormonal control of expression of myogenic regulatory factor genes during regeneration of Xenopus fast muscles: myogenin and MRF4 mRNA accumulation are neurally regulated oppositely., Nicolas N, Mira JC, Gallien CL, Chanoine C., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2000; 218 (1): 112-22.   

Neuroectodermal specification and regionalization of the Spemann organizer in Xenopus., Fetka I, Doederlein G, Bouwmeester T., Mech Dev. May 1, 2000; 93 (1-2): 49-58.   

Neuronal nicotinic receptors in the human brain., Paterson D, Nordberg A., Prog Neurobiol. May 1, 2000; 61 (1): 75-111.

Negative and translation termination-dependent positive control of FLI-1 protein synthesis by conserved overlapping 5' upstream open reading frames in Fli-1 mRNA., Sarrazin S, Starck J, Gonnet C, Doubeikovski A, Melet F, Morle F., Mol Cell Biol. May 1, 2000; 20 (9): 2959-69.

Nuclear export of the DEAD box An3 protein by CRM1 is coupled to An3 helicase activity., Askjaer P, Rosendahl R, Kjems J., J Biol Chem. April 21, 2000; 275 (16): 11561-8.

Nek2B, a novel maternal form of Nek2 kinase, is essential for the assembly or maintenance of centrosomes in early Xenopus embryos., Uto K, Sagata N., EMBO J. April 17, 2000; 19 (8): 1816-26.

Nota bene. Awakening aurora., Smith O., Science. April 7, 2000; 288 (5463): 69.

Neuropeptide FF and FMRFamide potentiate acid-evoked currents from sensory neurons and proton-gated DEG/ENaC channels., Askwith CC, Cheng C, Ikuma M, Benson C, Price MP, Welsh MJ., Neuron. April 1, 2000; 26 (1): 133-41.

Noelin-1 is a secreted glycoprotein involved in generation of the neural crest., Barembaum M, Moreno TA, LaBonne C, Sechrist J, Bronner-Fraser M., Nat Cell Biol. April 1, 2000; 2 (4): 219-25.

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channel block by meperidine is dependent on extracellular pH., Yamakura T, Sakimura K, Shimoji K., Anesth Analg. April 1, 2000; 90 (4): 928-32.

Novel gain-of-function mechanism in K(+) channel-related long-QT syndrome: altered gating and selectivity in the HERG1 N629D mutant., Lees-Miller JP, Duan Y, Teng GQ, Thorstad K, Duff HJ., Circ Res. March 17, 2000; 86 (5): 507-13.

Neutral amino acid transporter ASCT2 displays substrate-induced Na+ exchange and a substrate-gated anion conductance., Bröer A, Wagner C, Lang F, Bröer S., Biochem J. March 15, 2000; 346 Pt 3 705-10.

Nuclear export of MAP kinase (ERK) involves a MAP kinase kinase (MEK)-dependent active transport mechanism., Adachi M, Fukuda M, Nishida E., J Cell Biol. March 6, 2000; 148 (5): 849-56.   

Neurotrophins enhance electric field-directed growth cone guidance and directed nerve branching., McCaig CD, Sangster L, Stewart R., Dev Dyn. March 1, 2000; 217 (3): 299-308.

Nodal signaling patterns the organizer., Gritsman K, Talbot WS, Schier AF., Development. March 1, 2000; 127 (5): 921-32.

naked cuticle encodes an inducible antagonist of Wnt signalling., Zeng W, Wharton KA, Mack JA, Wang K, Gadbaw M, Suyama K, Klein PS, Scott MP., Nature. February 17, 2000; 403 (6771): 789-95.

neurogenin3 is required for the development of the four endocrine cell lineages of the pancreas., Gradwohl G, Dierich A, LeMeur M, Guillemot F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 15, 2000; 97 (4): 1607-11.

Neuronal and glial glycine transporters have different stoichiometries., Roux MJ, Supplisson S., Neuron. February 1, 2000; 25 (2): 373-83.

Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers inhibit the serotonin-type 3A receptor expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Min KT, Wu CL, Yang J., Anesth Analg. February 1, 2000; 90 (2): 476-81.

Nucleoplasmin-mediated chromatin remodelling is required for Xenopus sperm nuclei to become licensed for DNA replication., Gillespie PJ, Blow JJ., Nucleic Acids Res. January 15, 2000; 28 (2): 472-80.

NXP-1, a human protein related to Rad21/Scc1/Mcd1, is a component of the nuclear matrix., Sadano H, Sugimoto H, Sakai F, Nomura N, Osumi T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. January 7, 2000; 267 (1): 418-22.

New steps in the Wnt/beta-catenin signal transduction pathway., Sakanaka C, Sun TQ, Williams LT., Recent Prog Horm Res. January 1, 2000; 55 225-36.

Novel insights into the function of the thymic Hassall's bodies., Bodey B, Bodey B, Siegel SE, Kaiser HE., In Vivo. January 1, 2000; 14 (3): 407-18.

Novel mutations in 13 probands with galactokinase deficiency., Kolosha V, Anoia E, de Cespedes C, Gitzelmann R, Shih L, Casco T, Saborio M, Trejos R, Buist N, Tedesco T, Skach W, Mitelmann O, Ledee D, Huang K, Stambolian D., Hum Mutat. January 1, 2000; 15 (5): 447-53.

Nuclear pores collapse in response to CO2 imaged with atomic force microscopy., Oberleithner H, Schillers H, Wilhelmi M, Butzke D, Danker T., Pflugers Arch. January 1, 2000; 439 (3): 251-5.

Novel structure having antagonist actions at both the glycine site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor and neuronal voltage-sensitive sodium channels: biochemical, electrophysiological, and behavioral characterization., Snell LD, Claffey DJ, Ruth JA, Valenzuela CF, Cardoso R, Wang Z, Levinson SR, Sather WA, Williamson AV, Ingersoll NC, Ovchinnikova L, Bhave SV, Hoffman PL, Tabakoff B., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. January 1, 2000; 292 (1): 215-27.

Neuronal calcium sparks and intracellular calcium "noise"., Melamed-Book N, Kachalsky SG, Kaiserman I, Rahamimoff R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 21, 1999; 96 (26): 15217-21.

NMR structure and functional characteristics of the hydrophilic N terminus of the potassium channel beta-subunit Kvbeta1.1., Wissmann R, Baukrowitz T, Kalbacher H, Kalbitzer HR, Ruppersberg JP, Pongs O, Antz C, Fakler B., J Biol Chem. December 10, 1999; 274 (50): 35521-5.

Nuclear tRNA aminoacylation and its role in nuclear export of endogenous tRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae., Sarkar S, Azad AK, Hopper AK., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 7, 1999; 96 (25): 14366-71.

Norpropoxyphene-induced cardiotoxicity is associated with changes in ion-selectivity and gating of HERG currents., Ulens C, Daenens P, Tytgat J., Cardiovasc Res. December 1, 1999; 44 (3): 568-78.

Neuromodulation during motor development and behavior., Pflüger HJ., Curr Opin Neurobiol. December 1, 1999; 9 (6): 683-9.

Nuclear accumulation of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase in transcriptionally active cells during development of Xenopus laevis., Radomski N, Kaufmann C, Dreyer C., Mol Biol Cell. December 1, 1999; 10 (12): 4283-98.   

Nickel block of three cloned T-type calcium channels: low concentrations selectively block alpha1H., Gomora JC, Cribbs LL, Perez-Reyes E., Biophys J. December 1, 1999; 77 (6): 3034-42.

NF-Y associates with H3-H4 tetramers and octamers by multiple mechanisms., Caretti G, Motta MC, Mantovani R., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 1999; 19 (12): 8591-603.

Nuclear retention elements of U3 small nucleolar RNA., Speckmann W, Narayanan A, Terns R, Terns MP., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 1999; 19 (12): 8412-21.

Novel structural elements identified during tail resorption in Xenopus laevis metamorphosis: lessons from tailed frogs., Elinson RP, Remo B, Brown DD., Dev Biol. November 15, 1999; 215 (2): 243-52.   

Nuclear hourglass technique: an approach that detects electrically open nuclear pores in Xenopus laevis oocyte., Danker T, Schillers H, Storck J, Shahin V, Krämer B, Wilhelmi M, Oberleithner H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 9, 1999; 96 (23): 13530-5.

Na(+) sensitivity of ROMK1 K(+) channel: role of the Na(+)/H(+) antiporter., Sabirov RZ, Azimov RR, Ando-Akatsuka Y, Miyoshi T, Okada Y., J Membr Biol. November 1, 1999; 172 (1): 67-76.

Neuralization of the Xenopus embryo by inhibition of p300/ CREB-binding protein function., Kato Y, He X., J Neurosci. November 1, 1999; 19 (21): 9364-73.   

Nonhomologous DNA end joining in cell-free systems., Labhart P., Eur J Biochem. November 1, 1999; 265 (3): 849-61.

Neuregulin induces the expression of mesodermal genes in the ectoderm of Xenopus laevis., Chung HG, Chung HM., Mol Cells. October 31, 1999; 9 (5): 497-503.

New insights into cystic fibrosis ion channel., Hagmann M., Science. October 15, 1999; 286 (5439): 388-9.

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: the era of gene therapy., Tomita K., Intern Med. October 1, 1999; 38 (10): 755-6.

Novel functional epsilon-subunit polypeptide generated by a single nucleotide deletion in acetylcholine receptor deficiency congenital myasthenic syndrome., Croxen R, Newland C, Betty M, Vincent A, Newsom-Davis J, Beeson D., Ann Neurol. October 1, 1999; 46 (4): 639-47.

Notch around the clock., Pourquié O., Curr Opin Genet Dev. October 1, 1999; 9 (5): 559-65.

Neural tube closure in Xenopus laevis involves medial migration, directed protrusive activity, cell intercalation and convergent extension., Davidson LA, Keller RE., Development. October 1, 1999; 126 (20): 4547-56.   

Novel 2-phenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridine derivatives as potent and selective ligands for peripheral benzodiazepine receptors: synthesis, binding affinity, and in vivo studies., Trapani G, Franco M, Latrofa A, Ricciardi L, Carotti A, Serra M, Sanna E, Biggio G, Liso G., J Med Chem. September 23, 1999; 42 (19): 3934-41.

NMR solution structure of a complex of calmodulin with a binding peptide of the Ca2+ pump., Elshorst B, Hennig M, Försterling H, Diener A, Maurer M, Schulte P, Schwalbe H, Griesinger C, Krebs J, Schmid H, Vorherr T, Carafoli E., Biochemistry. September 21, 1999; 38 (38): 12320-32.

Nuclear localization signal recognition causes release of importin-alpha from aggregates in the cytosol., Percipalle P, Butler PJ, Finch JT, Jans DA, Rhodes D., J Mol Biol. September 17, 1999; 292 (2): 263-73.

Number of subunits comprising the epithelial sodium channel., Eskandari S, Snyder PM, Kreman M, Zampighi GA, Welsh MJ, Wright EM., J Biol Chem. September 17, 1999; 274 (38): 27281-6.

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