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FXYD8, a Novel Regulator of Renal Na+/K+-ATPase in the Euryhaline Teleost, Tetraodon nigroviridis., Wang PJ, Yang WK, Lin CH, Hwang HH, Lee TH., Front Physiol. January 1, 2017; 8 576.   

First parasitological study of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis, Amphibia) in Chile., Castillo C, Lobos G, González-Acuña D, Moreno L, González CE, Landaeta-Aqueveque C., Rev Bras Parasitol Vet. January 1, 2017; 26 (2): 243-247.

From cytoskeletal dynamics to organ asymmetry: a nonlinear, regulative pathway underlies left-right patterning., McDowell G, Rajadurai S, Levin M., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. December 19, 2016; 371 (1710):

Foxn4 promotes gene expression required for the formation of multiple motile cilia., Campbell EP, Quigley IK, Kintner C., Development. December 15, 2016; 143 (24): 4654-4664.   

Functional and molecular identification of a TASK-1 potassium channel regulating chloride secretion through CFTR channels in the shark rectal gland: implications for cystic fibrosis., Telles CJ, Decker SE, Motley WW, Peters AW, Mehr AP, Frizzell RA, Forrest JN., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. December 1, 2016; 311 (6): C884-C894.

Functionomics of NCC mutations in Gitelman syndrome using a novel mammalian cell-based activity assay., Valdez-Flores MA, Vargas-Poussou R, Verkaart S, Tutakhel OA, Valdez-Ortiz A, Blanchard A, Treard C, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ, Jeleń S., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. December 1, 2016; 311 (6): F1159-F1167.

Functional characterization of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxin receptors explains resistance in insects., Tanaka S, Endo H, Adegawa S, Kikuta S, Sato R., FEBS J. December 1, 2016; 283 (24): 4474-4490.

Functional aspects of early brain development are preserved in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) epileptogenic lesions., Ruffolo G, Iyer A, Cifelli P, Roseti C, Mühlebner A, van Scheppingen J, Scholl T, Hainfellner JA, Feucht M, Krsek P, Zamecnik J, Jansen FE, Spliet WG, Limatola C, Aronica E, Palma E., Neurobiol Dis. November 1, 2016; 95 93-101.

Functional assessment of SLC4A11, an integral membrane protein mutated in corneal dystrophies., Loganathan SK, Schneider HP, Morgan PE, Deitmer JW, Casey JR., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. November 1, 2016; 311 (5): C735-C748.

Formaldehyde impairs transepithelial sodium transport., Cui Y, Li H, Wu S, Zhao R, Du D, Ding Y, Nie H, Ji HL., Sci Rep. October 20, 2016; 6 35857.   

Fatty acid analogue N-arachidonoyl taurine restores function of I Ks  channels with diverse long QT mutations., Liin SI, Larsson JE, Barro-Soria R, Bentzen BH, Larsson HP., Elife. September 30, 2016; 5   

Fluorescent protein-scorpion toxin chimera is a convenient molecular tool for studies of potassium channels., Kuzmenkov AI, Nekrasova OV, Kudryashova KS, Peigneur S, Tytgat J, Stepanov AV, Kirpichnikov MP, Grishin EV, Feofanov AV, Vassilevski AA., Sci Rep. September 21, 2016; 6 33314.   

Functional Recovery of AQP2 Recessive Mutations Through Hetero-Oligomerization with Wild-Type Counterpart., El Tarazi A, Lussier Y, Da Cal S, Bissonnette P, Bichet DG., Sci Rep. September 19, 2016; 6 33298.   

Functional Human α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (nAChR) Generated from Escherichia coli., Tillman TS, Alvarez FJ, Reinert NJ, Liu C, Wang D, Xu Y, Xiao K, Zhang P, Tang P., J Biol Chem. August 26, 2016; 291 (35): 18276-82.

Fragile X mental retardation protein knockdown in the developing Xenopus tadpole optic tectum results in enhanced feedforward inhibition and behavioral deficits., Truszkowski TL, James EJ, Hasan M, Wishard TJ, Liu Z, Pratt KG, Cline HT, Aizenman CD., Neural Dev. August 8, 2016; 11 (1): 14.   

Formation of a "Pre-mouth Array" from the Extreme Anterior Domain Is Directed by Neural Crest and Wnt/PCP Signaling., Jacox L, Chen J, Rothman A, Lathrop-Marshall H, Sive H., Cell Rep. August 2, 2016; 16 (5): 1445-1455.   

Functional Conversion of CPD and (6-4) Photolyases by Mutation., Yamada D, Dokainish HM, Iwata T, Yamamoto J, Ishikawa T, Todo T, Iwai S, Getzoff ED, Kitao A, Kandori H., Biochemistry. August 2, 2016; 55 (30): 4173-83.

Functional analysis of novel allelic variants in URAT1 and GLUT9 causing renal hypouricemia type 1 and 2., Mancikova A, Krylov V, Hurba O, Sebesta I, Nakamura M, Ichida K, Stiburkova B., Clin Exp Nephrol. August 1, 2016; 20 (4): 578-584.

FACT Assists Base Excision Repair by Boosting the Remodeling Activity of RSC., Charles Richard JL, Shukla MS, Menoni H, Ouararhni K, Lone IN, Roulland Y, Papin C, Ben Simon E, Kundu T, Hamiche A, Angelov D, Dimitrov S., PLoS Genet. July 28, 2016; 12 (7): e1006221.   

Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Is Required to Maintain Visual Conditioning-Induced Behavioral Plasticity by Limiting Local Protein Synthesis., Liu HH, Cline HT., J Neurosci. July 6, 2016; 36 (27): 7325-39.

Functional characterization of neurotransmitter activation and modulation in a nematode model ligand-gated ion channel., Heusser SA, Yoluk Ö, Klement G, Riederer EA, Lindahl E, Howard RJ., J Neurochem. July 1, 2016; 138 (2): 243-53.

From meiosis to mitosis - the sperm centrosome defines the kinetics of spindle assembly after fertilization in Xenopus., Cavazza T, Peset I, Vernos I., J Cell Sci. July 1, 2016; 129 (13): 2538-47.   

Few Amino Acid Exchanges Expand the Substrate Spectrum of Monocarboxylate Transporter 10., Johannes J, Braun D, Kinne A, Rathmann D, Köhrle J, Schweizer U., Mol Endocrinol. July 1, 2016; 30 (7): 796-808.

From vestigial to vestigial-like: the Drosophila gene that has taken wing., Simon E, Faucheux C, Zider A, Thézé N, Thiébaud P., Dev Genes Evol. July 1, 2016; 226 (4): 297-315.

Formation of Functional Heterodimers by TREK-1 and TREK-2 Two-pore Domain Potassium Channel Subunits., Lengyel M, Czirják G, Enyedi P., J Biol Chem. June 24, 2016; 291 (26): 13649-61.

Functional and pharmacological characterization of two different ASIC1a/2a heteromers reveals their sensitivity to the spider toxin PcTx1., Joeres N, Augustinowski K, Neuhof A, Assmann M, Gründer S., Sci Rep. June 9, 2016; 6 27647.   

Functional sites involved in modulation of the GABAA receptor channel by the intravenous anesthetics propofol, etomidate and pentobarbital., Maldifassi MC, Baur R, Sigel E., Neuropharmacology. June 1, 2016; 105 207-214.

Fast-onset lidocaine block of rat NaV1.4 channels suggests involvement of a second high-affinity open state., Gingrich KJ, Wagner LE., Biochim Biophys Acta. June 1, 2016; 1858 (6): 1175-88.

Functional validation of the carbon dioxide receptor in labial palps of Helicoverpa armigera moths., Ning C, Yang K, Xu M, Huang LQ, Wang CZ., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. June 1, 2016; 73 12-9.

FoxH1 mediates a Grg4 and Smad2 dependent transcriptional switch in Nodal signaling during Xenopus mesoderm development., Reid CD, Steiner AB, Yaklichkin S, Lu Q, Wang S, Hennessy M, Kessler DS., Dev Biol. June 1, 2016; 414 (1): 34-44.   

Functional Analysis of a MATE Gene OsFRDL2 Revealed its Involvement in Al-Induced Secretion of Citrate, but a Lower Contribution to Al Tolerance in Rice., Yokosho K, Yamaji N, Fujii-Kashino M, Ma JF., Plant Cell Physiol. May 1, 2016; 57 (5): 976-85.

Functional identification of a GORK potassium channel from the ancient desert shrub Ammopiptanthus mongolicus (Maxim.) Cheng f., Li J, Zhang H, Lei H, Jin M, Yue G, Su Y., Plant Cell Rep. April 1, 2016; 35 (4): 803-15.

Follicle cell trypsin-like protease HrOvochymase: Its cDNA cloning, localization, and involvement in the late stage of oogenesis in the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi., Mino M, Sawada H., Mol Reprod Dev. April 1, 2016; 83 (4): 347-58.

Formin Is Associated with Left-Right Asymmetry in the Pond Snail and the Frog., Davison A, McDowell GS, Holden JM, Johnson HF, Koutsovoulos GD, Liu MM, Hulpiau P, Van Roy F, Wade CM, Banerjee R, Yang F, Chiba S, Davey JW, Jackson DJ, Levin M, Blaxter ML., Curr Biol. March 7, 2016; 26 (5): 654-60.   

Frogs as integrative models for understanding digestive organ development and evolution., Womble M, Pickett M, Nascone-Yoder N., Semin Cell Dev Biol. March 1, 2016; 51 92-105.

FSH Regulates mRNA Translation in Mouse Oocytes and Promotes Developmental Competence., Franciosi F, Manandhar S, Conti M., Endocrinology. February 1, 2016; 157 (2): 872-82.

Functional joint regeneration is achieved using reintegration mechanism in Xenopus laevis., Tsutsumi R, Yamada S, Agata K., Regeneration (Oxf). February 1, 2016; 3 (1): 26-38.   

Functional Cloning Using a Xenopus Oocyte Expression System., Plautz CZ, Williams HC, Grainger RM., J Vis Exp. January 30, 2016; (107): e53518.

Frog Virus 3 dissemination in the brain of tadpoles, but not in adult Xenopus, involves blood brain barrier dysfunction., De Jesús Andino F, Jones L, Maggirwar SB, Robert J., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 22508.   

Functional mutagenesis screens reveal the 'cap structure' formation in disulfide-bridge free TASK channels., Goldstein M, Rinné S, Kiper AK, Ramírez D, Netter MF, Bustos D, Ortiz-Bonnin B, González W, Decher N., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 19492.   

Functional Expression and Characterization of Plant ABC Transporters in Xenopus laevis Oocytes for Transport Engineering Purposes., Xu D, Veres D, Belew ZM, Olsen CE, Nour-Eldin HH, Halkier BA., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2016; 576 207-24.

Flexibility vs. robustness in cell cycle regulation of timing of M-phase entry in Xenopus laevis embryo cell-free extract., Debowski M, El Dika M, Malejczyk J, Zdanowski R, Prigent C, Tassan JP, Kloc M, Lachowicz M, Kubiak JZ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (7-8-9): 305-314.   

Functionality and stability data of detergent purified nAChR from Torpedo using lipidic matrixes and macroscopic electrophysiology., Padilla-Morales LF, Colón-Sáez JO, González-Nieves JE, Quesada-González O, Lasalde-Dominicci JA., Data Brief. December 25, 2015; 6 433-7.   

Flexible subunit stoichiometry of functional human P2X2/3 heteromeric receptors., Kowalski M, Hausmann R, Schmid J, Dopychai A, Stephan G, Tang Y, Schmalzing G, Illes P, Rubini P., Neuropharmacology. December 1, 2015; 99 115-30.

Functional characterization of a transition metal ion transporter, OsZIP6 from rice (Oryza sativa L.)., P G K, Kuruvilla S, Mathew MK., Plant Physiol Biochem. December 1, 2015; 97 165-74.

Functional Characterization of a Novel Class of Morantel-Sensitive Acetylcholine Receptors in Nematodes., Courtot E, Charvet CL, Beech RN, Harmache A, Wolstenholme AJ, Holden-Dye L, O'Connor V, Peineau N, Woods DJ, Neveu C., PLoS Pathog. December 1, 2015; 11 (12): e1005267.   

Frontoparietal Bone in Extinct Palaeobatrachidae (Anura): Its Variation and Taxonomic Value., Roček Z, Boistel R, Lenoir N, Mazurier A, Pierce SE, Rage JC, Smirnov SV, Schwermann AH, Valentin X, Venczel M, Wuttke M, Zikmund T., Anat Rec (Hoboken). November 1, 2015; 298 (11): 1848-63.

Fluorescent ratiometric pH indicator SypHer2: Applications in neuroscience and regenerative biology., Matlashov ME, Bogdanova YA, Ermakova GV, Mishina NM, Ermakova YG, Nikitin ES, Balaban PM, Okabe S, Lukyanov S, Enikolopov G, Zaraisky AG, Belousov VV., Biochim Biophys Acta. November 1, 2015; 1850 (11): 2318-28.   

Functional Impact of 14 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Causing Missense Mutations of Human α7 Nicotinic Receptor., Zhang Q, Du Y, Zhang J, Xu X, Xue F, Guo C, Huang Y, Lukas RJ, Chang Y., PLoS One. September 4, 2015; 10 (9): e0137588.   

Ferritin H subunit gene is specifically expressed in melanophore precursor-derived white pigment cells in which reflecting platelets are formed from stage II melanosomes in the periodic albino mutant of Xenopus laevis., Fukuzawa T., Cell Tissue Res. September 1, 2015; 361 (3): 733-44.   

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