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Spurred by resistance: mechanosensation in collective migration., Behrndt M, Heisenberg CP., Dev Cell. January 17, 2012; 22 (1): 3-4.

Serotonin signaling is required for Wnt-dependent GRP specification and leftward flow in Xenopus., Beyer T, Danilchik M, Thumberger T, Vick P, Tisler M, Schneider I, Bogusch S, Andre P, Ulmer B, Walentek P, Niesler B, Blum M, Schweickert A., Curr Biol. January 10, 2012; 22 (1): 33-9.   

Steric volume exclusion sets soluble protein concentrations in photoreceptor sensory cilia., Najafi M, Maza NA, Calvert PD., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 3, 2012; 109 (1): 203-8.

Signal propagation of the MAPK cascade in Xenopus oocytes: role of bistability and ultrasensitivity for a mixed problem., Blossey R, Bodart JF, Devys A, Goudon T, Lafitte P., J Math Biol. January 1, 2012; 64 (1-2): 1-39.

Sulfyhydryl-reactive site-directed cross-linking as a method for probing the tetrameric structure of histones H3 and H4., Bowman A, Owen-Hughes T., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2012; 833 373-87.

Supercooling agent icilin blocks a warmth-sensing ion channel TRPV3., Sherkheli MA, Gisselmann G, Hatt H., ScientificWorldJournal. January 1, 2012; 2012 982725.   

Sildenafil acts as potentiator and corrector of CFTR but might be not suitable for the treatment of CF lung disease., Leier G, Bangel-Ruland N, Sobczak K, Knieper Y, Weber WM., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2012; 29 (5-6): 775-90.

SmSak, the second Polo-like kinase of the helminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni: conserved and unexpected roles in meiosis., Long T, Vanderstraete M, Cailliau K, Morel M, Lescuyer A, Gouignard N, Grevelding CG, Browaeys E, Dissous C., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (6): e40045.   

Stimulation of HERG channel activity by β-catenin., Munoz C, Saxena A, Pakladok T, Bogatikov E, Wilmes J, Seebohm G, Föller M, Lang F., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (8): e43353.   

Studying plant salt tolerance with the voltage clamp technique., Chen ZH, Wu D, Eisenach C, Hills A, Zhang G, Blatt MR., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2012; 913 19-33.

Specificity determinants of the silkworm moth sex pheromone., Xu P, Hooper AM, Pickett JA, Leal WS., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (9): e44190.   

Studying regeneration in Xenopus., Beck CW., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2012; 917 525-39.

Stem-cell-like embryonic explants to study cardiac development., Afouda BA., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2012; 917 515-23.

Spatial regulation of translation through RNA localization., Gonsalvez GB, Long RM., F1000 Biol Rep. January 1, 2012; 4 16.   

Species-dependent effects of the phenolic herbicide ioxynil with potential thyroid hormone disrupting activity: modulation of its cellular uptake and activity by interaction with serum thyroid hormone-binding proteins., Akiyoshi S, Sai G, Yamauchi K., J Environ Sci (China). January 1, 2012; 24 (5): 949-55.

Synchronization ability of coupled cell-cycle oscillators in changing environments., Zhang W, Zou X., BMC Syst Biol. January 1, 2012; 6 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1): S13.   

Skin regeneration in adult axolotls: a blueprint for scar-free healing in vertebrates., Seifert AW, Monaghan JR, Voss SR, Maden M., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (4): e32875.   

Slow DNA loss in the gigantic genomes of salamanders., Sun C, López Arriaza JR, Mueller RL., Genome Biol Evol. January 1, 2012; 4 (12): 1340-8.   

Stimulation of TRPV1 by Green Laser Light., Gu Q, Wang L, Huang F, Schwarz W., Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. January 1, 2012; 2012 857123.   

Surface expression and subunit specific control of steady protein levels by the Kv7.2 helix A-B linker., Aivar P, Fernández-Orth J, Gomis-Perez C, Alberdi A, Alaimo A, Rodríguez MS, Giraldez T, Miranda P, Areso P, Villarroel A., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (10): e47263.   

Stability of p53 homologs., Brandt T, Kaar JL, Fersht AR, Veprintsev DB., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (10): e47889.   

State-independent intracellular access of quaternary ammonium blockers to the pore of TREK-1., Rapedius M, Schmidt MR, Sharma C, Stansfeld PJ, Sansom MS, Baukrowitz T, Tucker SJ., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2012; 6 (6): 473-8.   

SecA alone can promote protein translocation and ion channel activity: SecYEG increases efficiency and signal peptide specificity., Hsieh YH, Zhang H, Lin BR, Cui N, Na B, Yang H, Jiang C, Sui SF, Tai PC., J Biol Chem. December 30, 2011; 286 (52): 44702-9.

Shaping development with ESCRTs., Rusten TE, Vaccari T, Stenmark H., Nat Cell Biol. December 22, 2011; 14 (1): 38-45.

Stereoselective inhibitory effect of flurbiprofen, ibuprofen and naproxen on human organic anion transporters hOAT1 and hOAT3., Honjo H, Uwai Y, Aoki Y, Iwamoto K., Biopharm Drug Dispos. December 1, 2011; 32 (9): 518-24.

Systems control of BMP morphogen flow in vertebrate embryos., Plouhinec JL, Zakin L, De Robertis EM., Curr Opin Genet Dev. December 1, 2011; 21 (6): 696-703.   

Scaling of morphogen gradients., Ben-Zvi D, Shilo BZ, Barkai N., Curr Opin Genet Dev. December 1, 2011; 21 (6): 704-10.

Snapshot of DNA methylation changes associated with hybridization in Xenopus., Koroma AP, Jones R, Michalak P., Physiol Genomics. November 21, 2011; 43 (22): 1276-80.

Stomatin-deficient cryohydrocytosis results from mutations in SLC2A1: a novel form of GLUT1 deficiency syndrome., Flatt JF, Guizouarn H, Burton NM, Borgese F, Tomlinson RJ, Forsyth RJ, Baldwin SA, Levinson BE, Quittet P, Aguilar-Martinez P, Delaunay J, Stewart GW, Bruce LJ., Blood. November 10, 2011; 118 (19): 5267-77.

Subunit contributions to insect olfactory receptor function: channel block and odorant recognition., Nichols AS, Chen S, Luetje CW., Chem Senses. November 1, 2011; 36 (9): 781-90.

Sera from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients induce the non-canonical activation of NMDA receptors "in vitro"., Texidó L, Hernández S, Martín-Satué M, Povedano M, Casanovas A, Esquerda J, Marsal J, Solsona C., Neurochem Int. November 1, 2011; 59 (6): 954-64.

Strong activation of ether-à-go-go-related gene 1 K+ channel isoforms by NS1643 in human embryonic kidney 293 and Chinese hamster ovary cells., Schuster AM, Glassmeier G, Bauer CK., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 2011; 80 (5): 930-42.

Stimulation of the CLIP-170--dependent capture of membrane organelles by microtubules through fine tuning of microtubule assembly dynamics., Lomakin AJ, Kraikivski P, Semenova I, Ikeda K, Zaliapin I, Tirnauer JS, Akhmanova A, Rodionov V., Mol Biol Cell. November 1, 2011; 22 (21): 4029-37.   

Structural messenger RNA contains cytokeratin polymerization and depolymerization signals., Kloc M, Dallaire P, Reunov A, Major F., Cell Tissue Res. November 1, 2011; 346 (2): 209-22.

Single cysteines in the extracellular and transmembrane regions modulate pannexin 1 channel function., Bunse S, Schmidt M, Hoffmann S, Engelhardt K, Zoidl G, Dermietzel R., J Membr Biol. November 1, 2011; 244 (1): 21-33.

Single-channel Ca(2+) imaging implicates Aβ1-42 amyloid pores in Alzheimer's disease pathology., Demuro A, Smith M, Parker I., J Cell Biol. October 31, 2011; 195 (3): 515-24.   

Stimulation of the amino acid transporter SLC6A19 by JAK2., Bhavsar SK, Hosseinzadeh Z, Merches K, Gu S, Bröer S, Lang F., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 28, 2011; 414 (3): 456-61.

Synthesis, biological, and antitumor activity of a highly potent 6-substituted pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine thienoyl antifolate inhibitor with proton-coupled folate transporter and folate receptor selectivity over the reduced folate carrier that inhibits β-glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase., Wang L, Desmoulin SK, Cherian C, Polin L, White K, Kushner J, Fulterer A, Chang MH, Mitchell-Ryan S, Stout M, Romero MF, Hou Z, Matherly LH, Gangjee A., J Med Chem. October 27, 2011; 54 (20): 7150-64.

Structural basis of specific binding between Aurora A and TPX2 by molecular dynamics simulations., Cheng Y, Zhang F, Chen Q, Gao J, Cui W, Ji M, Tung CH., J Chem Inf Model. October 24, 2011; 51 (10): 2626-35.

Synergic reprogramming of mammalian cells by combined exposure to mitotic Xenopus egg extracts and transcription factors., Ganier O, Bocquet S, Peiffer I, Brochard V, Arnaud P, Puy A, Jouneau A, Feil R, Renard JP, Méchali M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 18, 2011; 108 (42): 17331-6.

Skin impulse excitation of spinal sensory neurons in developing Xenopus laevis (Daudin) tadpoles., James LJ, Soffe SR., J Exp Biol. October 15, 2011; 214 (Pt 20): 3341-50.

Stage-specific malformations and phenotypic changes induced in embryos of amphibian (Xenopus tropicalis) by triphenyltin., Yuan J, Zhang X, Yu L, Sun Z, Zhu P, Wang X, Shi H., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. October 1, 2011; 74 (7): 1960-6.

Substitutions of amino acids in the pore domain of homomeric α7 nicotinic receptors for analogous residues present in heteromeric receptors modify gating, rectification and binding properties., Criado M, Svobodová L, Mulet J, Sala F, Sala S., J Neurochem. October 1, 2011; 119 (1): 40-9.

Sequence determinants for the tandem recognition of UGU and CUG rich RNA elements by the two N--terminal RRMs of CELF1., Edwards J, Malaurie E, Kondrashov A, Long J, de Moor CH, Searle MS, Emsley J., Nucleic Acids Res. October 1, 2011; 39 (19): 8638-50.   

Subtype-selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists enhance the responsiveness to citalopram and reboxetine in the mouse forced swim test., Andreasen JT, Nielsen EØ, Christensen JK, Olsen GM, Peters D, Mirza NR, Redrobe JP., J Psychopharmacol. October 1, 2011; 25 (10): 1347-56.

Structural constraints in collaborative competition of transcription factors against the nucleosome., Moyle-Heyrman G, Tims HS, Widom J., J Mol Biol. September 30, 2011; 412 (4): 634-46.

Selective bypass of a lagging strand roadblock by the eukaryotic replicative DNA helicase., Fu YV, Yardimci H, Long DT, Ho TV, Guainazzi A, Bermudez VP, Hurwitz J, van Oijen A, Schärer OD, Walter JC., Cell. September 16, 2011; 146 (6): 931-41.

Split-inteins for simultaneous, site-specific conjugation of quantum dots to multiple protein targets in vivo., Charalambous A, Antoniades I, Christodoulou N, Skourides PA., J Nanobiotechnology. September 15, 2011; 9 37.   

Similar effects of all WNK3 variants on SLC12 cotransporters., Cruz-Rangel S, Melo Z, Vázquez N, Meade P, Bobadilla NA, Pasantes-Morales H, Gamba G, Mercado A., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2011; 301 (3): C601-8.

Single-cell electroporation in Xenopus., Liu XF, Haas K., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. September 1, 2011; 2011 (9): .

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