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Phosphoinositide phosphatase activity coupled to an intrinsic voltage sensor., Murata Y, Iwasaki H, Sasaki M, Inaba K, Okamura Y., Nature. June 30, 2005; 435 (7046): 1239-43.

Polo-like kinase 1 creates the tension-sensing 3F3/2 phosphoepitope and modulates the association of spindle-checkpoint proteins at kinetochores., Ahonen LJ, Kallio MJ, Daum JR, Bolton M, Manke IA, Yaffe MB, Stukenberg PT, Gorbsky GJ., Curr Biol. June 21, 2005; 15 (12): 1078-89.

PIASy mediates SUMO-2 conjugation of Topoisomerase-II on mitotic chromosomes., Azuma Y, Arnaoutov A, Anan T, Dasso M., EMBO J. June 15, 2005; 24 (12): 2172-82.

Phosphorylation of a tyrosine at the N-terminus regulates the surface expression of GIRK5 homomultimers., Mora SI, Escobar LI., FEBS Lett. June 6, 2005; 579 (14): 3019-23.

Phloem-localized, proton-coupled sucrose carrier ZmSUT1 mediates sucrose efflux under the control of the sucrose gradient and the proton motive force., Carpaneto A, Geiger D, Bamberg E, Sauer N, Fromm J, Hedrich R., J Biol Chem. June 3, 2005; 280 (22): 21437-43.

Phylogenetic footprinting and genome scanning identify vertebrate BMP response elements and new target genes., von Bubnoff A, Peiffer DA, Blitz IL, Hayata T, Ogata S, Zeng Q, Trunnell M, Cho KW., Dev Biol. May 15, 2005; 281 (2): 210-26.   

Protein-4.2 association with band 3 (AE1, SLCA4) in Xenopus oocytes: effects of three natural protein-4.2 mutations associated with hemolytic anemia., Toye AM, Ghosh S, Young MT, Jones GK, Sessions RB, Ramaugé M, Leclerc P, Basu J, Delaunay J, Tanner MJ., Blood. May 15, 2005; 105 (10): 4088-95.

Plasma concentrations of estradiol and testosterone, gonadal aromatase activity and ultrastructure of the testis in Xenopus laevis exposed to estradiol or atrazine., Hecker M, Kim WJ, Park JW, Murphy MB, Villeneuve D, Coady KK, Jones PD, Solomon KR, Van Der Kraak G, Carr JA, Smith EE, du Preez L, Kendall RJ, Giesy JP, Syngenta Crop Protection Inc., Aquat Toxicol. May 15, 2005; 72 (4): 383-96.

Polarization of a spherical cell in a nonuniform extracellular electric field., Lee DC, Grill WM., Ann Biomed Eng. May 1, 2005; 33 (5): 603-15.

Pharmacological comparison of two different insect models using the scorpion alpha-like toxin BmK M1 from Buthus martensii Karsch., Bosmans F, Brône B, Sun YM, Zhu RH, Xiong YM, Wang DC, Van Kerkhove E, Tytgat J., Protein Pept Lett. May 1, 2005; 12 (4): 363-7.

Presence of organic anion transporters 3 (OAT3) and 4 (OAT4) in human adrenocortical cells., Asif AR, Steffgen J, Metten M, Grunewald RW, Müller GA, Bahn A, Burckhardt G, Hagos Y., Pflugers Arch. May 1, 2005; 450 (2): 88-95.

Pronephric regulation of acid-base balance; coexpression of carbonic anhydrase type 2 and sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter-1 in the late distal segment., Zhou X, Vize PD., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2005; 233 (1): 142-4.   

Possible involvement of organic anion transporter 2 on the interaction of theophylline with erythromycin in the human liver., Kobayashi Y, Sakai R, Ohshiro N, Ohbayashi M, Kohyama N, Yamamoto T., Drug Metab Dispos. May 1, 2005; 33 (5): 619-22.

Pharmacology of acetylcholine-mediated cell signaling in the lateral line organ following efferent stimulation., Dawkins R, Keller SL, Sewell WF., J Neurophysiol. May 1, 2005; 93 (5): 2541-51.

PAT-related amino acid transporters regulate growth via a novel mechanism that does not require bulk transport of amino acids., Goberdhan DC, Meredith D, Boyd CA, Wilson C., Development. May 1, 2005; 132 (10): 2365-75.

Planar cell polarity genes regulate polarized extracellular matrix deposition during frog gastrulation., Goto T, Davidson L, Asashima M, Keller R., Curr Biol. April 26, 2005; 15 (8): 787-93.   

p90Rsk is not involved in cytostatic factor arrest in mouse oocytes., Dumont J, Umbhauer M, Rassinier P, Hanauer A, Verlhac MH., J Cell Biol. April 25, 2005; 169 (2): 227-31.   

Protein kinase A regulates caspase-9 activation by Apaf-1 downstream of cytochrome c., Martin MC, Allan LA, Lickrish M, Sampson C, Morrice N, Clarke PR., J Biol Chem. April 15, 2005; 280 (15): 15449-55.

Phosphorylation of maskin by Aurora-A participates in the control of sequential protein synthesis during Xenopus laevis oocyte maturation., Pascreau G, Delcros JG, Cremet JY, Prigent C, Arlot-Bonnemains Y., J Biol Chem. April 8, 2005; 280 (14): 13415-23.

Pontin and Reptin regulate cell proliferation in early Xenopus embryos in collaboration with c-Myc and Miz-1., Etard C, Gradl D, Kunz M, Eilers M, Wedlich D., Mech Dev. April 1, 2005; 122 (4): 545-56.   

Permeability of the nuclear envelope at isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei studied by scanning electrochemical microscopy., Guo J, Amemiya S., Anal Chem. April 1, 2005; 77 (7): 2147-56.

Programmed cell death during amphibian metamorphosis., Nakajima K, Fujimoto K, Yaoita Y., Semin Cell Dev Biol. April 1, 2005; 16 (2): 271-80.   

PIP2 hydrolysis underlies agonist-induced inhibition and regulates voltage gating of two-pore domain K+ channels., Lopes CM, Rohács T, Czirják G, Balla T, Enyedi P, Logothetis DE., J Physiol. April 1, 2005; 564 (Pt 1): 117-29.

Pharmacology of GABAC receptors: responses to agonists and antagonists distinguish A- and B-subtypes of homomeric rho receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Pan Y, Khalili P, Ripps H, Qian H., Neurosci Lett. March 7, 2005; 376 (1): 60-5.

Protein NO52--a constitutive nucleolar component sharing high sequence homologies to protein NO66., Eilbracht J, Kneissel S, Hofmann A, Schmidt-Zachmann MS., Eur J Cell Biol. March 1, 2005; 84 (2-3): 279-94.

Potassium channel gating in adhesion: from an oocyte-silicon to a neuron-astrocyte adhesion contact., Kiessling V, Vassanelli S., Eur Biophys J. March 1, 2005; 34 (2): 113-26.

PKC site mutations reveal differential modulation by insulin of NMDA receptors containing NR2A or NR2B subunits., Jones ML, Leonard JP., J Neurochem. March 1, 2005; 92 (6): 1431-8.

Pyrexia is a new thermal transient receptor potential channel endowing tolerance to high temperatures in Drosophila melanogaster., Lee Y, Bang S, Hyun S, Kang J, Hong ST, Bae E, Kaang BK, Kim J., Nat Genet. March 1, 2005; 37 (3): 305-10.

Profiling at recombinant homomeric and heteromeric rat P2X receptors identifies the suramin analogue NF449 as a highly potent P2X1 receptor antagonist., Rettinger J, Braun K, Hochmann H, Kassack MU, Ullmann H, Nickel P, Schmalzing G, Lambrecht G., Neuropharmacology. March 1, 2005; 48 (3): 461-8.

Pharmacological properties of homomeric and heteromeric pannexin hemichannels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Bruzzone R, Barbe MT, Jakob NJ, Monyer H., J Neurochem. March 1, 2005; 92 (5): 1033-43.

Pore-to-gate coupling of HCN channels revealed by a pore variant that contributes to gating but not permeation., Azene EM, Sang D, Tsang SY, Li RA., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 25, 2005; 327 (4): 1131-42.

p116Rip decreases myosin II phosphorylation by activating myosin light chain phosphatase and by inactivating RhoA., Koga Y, Ikebe M., J Biol Chem. February 11, 2005; 280 (6): 4983-91.

Pertussis-toxin-sensitive Galpha subunits selectively bind to C-terminal domain of neuronal GIRK channels: evidence for a heterotrimeric G-protein-channel complex., Clancy SM, Fowler CE, Finley M, Suen KF, Arrabit C, Berton F, Kosaza T, Casey PJ, Slesinger PA., Mol Cell Neurosci. February 1, 2005; 28 (2): 375-89.

PR72, a novel regulator of Wnt signaling required for Naked cuticle function., Creyghton MP, Roël G, Eichhorn PJ, Hijmans EM, Maurer I, Destrée O, Bernards R., Genes Dev. February 1, 2005; 19 (3): 376-86.   

Preferential phosphorylation of R-domain Serine 768 dampens activation of CFTR channels by PKA., Csanády L, Seto-Young D, Chan KW, Cenciarelli C, Angel BB, Qin J, McLachlin DT, Krutchinsky AN, Chait BT, Nairn AC, Gadsby DC., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2005; 125 (2): 171-86.   

Picrotoxin accelerates relaxation of GABAC receptors., Qian H, Pan Y, Zhu Y, Khalili P., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 2005; 67 (2): 470-9.

Prion protein NMR structures of chickens, turtles, and frogs., Calzolai L, Lysek DA, Pérez DR, Güntert P, Wüthrich K., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 18, 2005; 102 (3): 651-5.

Phylogeny determined by protein domain content., Yang S, Doolittle RF, Bourne PE., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 11, 2005; 102 (2): 373-8.

Potentiation of human alpha4beta2 neuronal nicotinic receptors by a Flustra foliacea metabolite., Sala F, Mulet J, Reddy KP, Bernal JA, Wikman P, Valor LM, Peters L, König GM, Criado M, Sala S., Neurosci Lett. January 10, 2005; 373 (2): 144-9.

Purification and assay of Mad2: a two-state inhibitor of anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome., Luo X, Yu H., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2005; 398 246-55.

Phenotypic flexibility in the intestinal enzymes of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Sabat P, Riveros JM, López-Pinto C., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. January 1, 2005; 140 (1): 135-9.

POLO kinase regulates the Drosophila centromere cohesion protein MEI-S332., Clarke AS, Tang TT, Ooi DL, Orr-Weaver TL., Dev Cell. January 1, 2005; 8 (1): 53-64.

pH dependence of extracellular calcium sensing receptor activity determined by a novel technique., Doroszewicz J, Waldegger P, Jeck N, Seyberth H, Waldegger S., Kidney Int. January 1, 2005; 67 (1): 187-92.

Putting RNAs in the right place at the right time: RNA localization in the frog oocyte., King ML, Messitt TJ, Mowry KL., Biol Cell. January 1, 2005; 97 (1): 19-33.

Perturbation analysis of the voltage-sensitive conformational changes of the Na+/glucose cotransporter., Loo DD, Hirayama BA, Cha A, Bezanilla F, Wright EM., J Gen Physiol. January 1, 2005; 125 (1): 13-36.   

Protein kinase A regulates cell cycle progression of mouse fertilized eggs by means of MPF., Yu B, Wang Y, Liu Y, Li X, Wu D, Zong Z, Zhang J, Yu D., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2005; 232 (1): 98-105.

Purification of the Ndc80 kinetochore subcomplex from Xenopus eggs., McCleland ML, Stukenberg PT., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2005; 296 383-91.

Phosphorylation of Cdc25C by pp90Rsk contributes to a G2 cell cycle arrest in Xenopus cycling egg extracts., Chun J, Chau AS, Maingat FG, Edmonds SD, Ostergaard HL, Shibuya EK., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2005; 4 (1): 148-54.

PIP1 and PIP2 aquaporins are differentially expressed during tobacco anther and stigma development., Bots M, Feron R, Uehlein N, Weterings K, Kaldenhoff R, Mariani T., J Exp Bot. January 1, 2005; 56 (409): 113-21.

Pancreatic two P domain K+ channels TALK-1 and TALK-2 are activated by nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species., Duprat F, Girard C, Jarretou G, Lazdunski M., J Physiol. January 1, 2005; 562 (Pt 1): 235-44.

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