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The Thumb Domain Mediates Acid-sensing Ion Channel Desensitization., Krauson AJ, Carattino MD., J Biol Chem. May 20, 2016; 291 (21): 11407-19.

Transcription factors Mix1 and VegT, relocalization of vegt mRNA, and conserved endoderm and dorsal specification in frogs., Sudou N, Garcés-Vásconez A, López-Latorre MA, Taira M, Del Pino EM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 17, 2016; 113 (20): 5628-33.   

The Molecular Basis of Radial Intercalation during Tissue Spreading in Early Development., Szabó A, Cobo I, Omara S, McLachlan S, Keller R, Mayor R., Dev Cell. May 9, 2016; 37 (3): 213-25.   

Technique to Target Microinjection to the Developing Xenopus Kidney., DeLay BD, Krneta-Stankic V, Miller RK., J Vis Exp. May 3, 2016; (111):

The hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels contain multiple S-palmitoylation sites., Itoh M, Ishihara K, Nakashima N, Takano M., J Physiol Sci. May 1, 2016; 66 (3): 241-8.

Tob1 is expressed in developing and adult gonads and is associated with the P-body marker, Dcp2., Shapouri F, Saeidi S, de Iongh RU, Casagranda F, Western PS, McLaughlin EA, Sutherland JM, Hime GR, Familari M., Cell Tissue Res. May 1, 2016; 364 (2): 443-51.

The far C-terminus of MCAK regulates its conformation and spindle pole focusing., Zong H, Carnes SK, Moe C, Walczak CE, Ems-McClung SC., Mol Biol Cell. May 1, 2016; 27 (9): 1451-64.   

TPX2 in human clear cell renal carcinoma: Expression, function and prognostic significance., Chen QI, Cao B, Nan N, Wang YU, Zhai XU, Li Y, Chong T., Oncol Lett. May 1, 2016; 11 (5): 3515-3521.

The role and mechanisms of action of SIRT6 in the suppression of postoperative epidural scar formation., Fan X, Chen J, Shi D, Jia J, He J, Li L, Lei T, Chen X., Int J Mol Med. May 1, 2016; 37 (5): 1337-44.

The ICl,swell inhibitor DCPIB blocks Kir channels that possess weak affinity for PIP2., Deng W, Mahajan R, Baumgarten CM, Logothetis DE., Pflugers Arch. May 1, 2016; 468 (5): 817-24.

The Influence of Ionic Environment and Histone Tails on Columnar Order of Nucleosome Core Particles., Berezhnoy NV, Liu Y, Allahverdi A, Yang R, Su CJ, Liu CF, Korolev N, Nordenskiöld L., Biophys J. April 26, 2016; 110 (8): 1720-1731.

The Kunitz-Type Protein ShPI-1 Inhibits Serine Proteases and Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels., García-Fernández R, Peigneur S, Pons T, Alvarez C, González L, Chávez MA, Tytgat J., Toxins (Basel). April 13, 2016; 8 (4): 110.   

The origin of in situ hybridization - A personal history., Gall JG., Methods. April 1, 2016; 98 4-9.

The anti-tumour agent lonidamine is a potent inhibitor of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier and plasma membrane monocarboxylate transporters., Nancolas B, Guo L, Zhou R, Nath K, Nelson DS, Leeper DB, Blair IA, Glickson JD, Halestrap AP., Biochem J. April 1, 2016; 473 (7): 929-36.

Tumor protein Tctp regulates axon development in the embryonic visual system., Roque CG, Wong HH, Lin JQ, Holt CE., Development. April 1, 2016; 143 (7): 1134-48.   

Thyroid endocrine disruption of azocyclotin to Xenopus laevis during metamorphosis., Li M, Cao C, Li S, Gui W, Zhu G., Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. April 1, 2016; 43 61-7.

Tet proteins enhance the developmental hourglass., Hendrickson PG, Cairns BR., Nat Genet. April 1, 2016; 48 (4): 345-7.   

Targeting the γ-Aminobutyric Acid A Receptor α4 Subunit in Airway Smooth Muscle to Alleviate Bronchoconstriction., Yocum GT, Gallos G, Zhang Y, Jahan R, Stephen MR, Varagic Z, Puthenkalam R, Ernst M, Cook JM, Emala CW., Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. April 1, 2016; 54 (4): 546-53.

The Arabidopsis AtPP2CA Protein Phosphatase Inhibits the GORK K+ Efflux Channel and Exerts a Dominant Suppressive Effect on Phosphomimetic-activating Mutations., Lefoulon C, Boeglin M, Moreau B, Véry AA, Szponarski W, Dauzat M, Michard E, Gaillard I, Chérel I., J Biol Chem. March 18, 2016; 291 (12): 6521-33.

Tweaking Subtype Selectivity and Agonist Efficacy at (S)-2-Amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl)propionic acid (AMPA) Receptors in a Small Series of BnTetAMPA Analogues., Wang SY, Larsen Y, Navarrete CV, Jensen AA, Nielsen B, Al-Musaed A, Frydenvang K, Kastrup JS, Pickering DS, Clausen RP., J Med Chem. March 10, 2016; 59 (5): 2244-54.

The cell proliferation antigen Ki-67 organises heterochromatin., Sobecki M, Mrouj K, Camasses A, Parisis N, Nicolas E, Llères D, Gerbe F, Prieto S, Krasinska L, David A, Eguren M, Birling MC, Urbach S, Hem S, Déjardin J, Malumbres M, Jay P, Dulic V, Lafontaine DLj, Feil R, Fisher D., Elife. March 7, 2016; 5 e13722.   

The prototoxin LYPD6B modulates heteromeric α3β4-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, but not α7 homomers., Ochoa V, George AA, Nishi R, Whiteaker P., FASEB J. March 1, 2016; 30 (3): 1109-19.

Thyroid hormone-disrupting activity and ecological risk assessment of phosphorus-containing flame retardants by in vitro, in vivo and in silico approaches., Zhang Q, Ji C, Yin X, Yan L, Lu M, Zhao M., Environ Pollut. March 1, 2016; 210 27-33.

The Lhx9-integrin pathway is essential for positioning of the proepicardial organ., Tandon P, Wilczewski CM, Williams CE, Conlon FL., Development. March 1, 2016; 143 (5): 831-40.   

Towards the bridging of molecular genetics data across Xenopus species., Riadi G, Ossandón F, Larraín J, Melo F., BMC Genomics. March 1, 2016; 17 161.   

The Prozone Effect Accounts for the Paradoxical Function of the Cdk-Binding Protein Suc1/Cks., Ha SH, Kim SY, Ferrell JE., Cell Rep. February 16, 2016; 14 (6): 1408-1421.

The Enigma of the Dichotomic Pressure Response of GluN1-4a/b Splice Variants of NMDA Receptor: Experimental and Statistical Analyses., Bliznyuk A, Gradwohl G, Hollmann M, Grossman Y., Front Mol Neurosci. February 15, 2016; 9 40.   

The replication foci targeting sequence (RFTS) of DNMT1 functions as a potent histone H3 binding domain regulated by autoinhibition., Misaki T, Yamaguchi L, Sun J, Orii M, Nishiyama A, Nakanishi M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 12, 2016; 470 (3): 741-747.

The Ascaris suum nicotinic receptor, ACR-16, as a drug target: Four novel negative allosteric modulators from virtual screening., Zheng F, Robertson AP, Abongwa M, Yu EW, Martin RJ., Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. February 10, 2016; 6 (1): 60-73.   

Tuning of the Na,K-ATPase by the beta subunit., Hilbers F, Kopec W, Isaksen TJ, Holm TH, Lykke-Hartmann K, Nissen P, Khandelia H, Poulsen H., Sci Rep. February 5, 2016; 6 20442.   

The D-amino acid transport by the invertebrate SLC6 transporters KAAT1 and CAATCH1 from Manduca sexta., Vollero A, Imperiali FG, Cinquetti R, Margheritis E, Peres A, Bossi E., Physiol Rep. February 1, 2016; 4 (4):   

Transport of 3-fluoro-L-α-methyl-tyrosine (FAMT) by organic ion transporters explains renal background in [(18)F]FAMT positron emission tomography., Wei L, Tominaga H, Ohgaki R, Wiriyasermkul P, Hagiwara K, Okuda S, Kaira K, Kato Y, Oriuchi N, Nagamori S, Kanai Y., J Pharmacol Sci. February 1, 2016; 130 (2): 101-9.

Tet3 Reads 5-Carboxylcytosine through Its CXXC Domain and Is a Potential Guardian against Neurodegeneration., Jin SG, Zhang ZM, Dunwell TL, Harter MR, Wu X, Johnson J, Li Z, Liu J, Szabó PE, Lu Q, Xu GL, Song J, Pfeifer GP., Cell Rep. January 26, 2016; 14 (3): 493-505.

The Physiological Characterization of Connexin41.8 and Connexin39.4, Which Are Involved in the Striped Pattern Formation of Zebrafish., Watanabe M, Sawada R, Aramaki T, Skerrett IM, Kondo S., J Biol Chem. January 15, 2016; 291 (3): 1053-63.

Truncated RASSF7 promotes centrosomal defects and cell death., Gulsen T, Hadjicosti I, Li Y, Zhang X, Whitley PR, Chalmers AD., Dev Biol. January 15, 2016; 409 (2): 502-17.   

The transcriptional repressor Blimp-1 acts downstream of BMP signaling to generate primordial germ cells in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus., Nakamura T, Extavour CG., Development. January 15, 2016; 143 (2): 255-63.

TrpA1 Regulates Defecation of Food-Borne Pathogens under the Control of the Duox Pathway., Du EJ, Ahn TJ, Kwon I, Lee JH, Park JH, Park SH, Kang TM, Cho H, Kim TJ, Kim HW, Jun Y, Lee HJ, Lee YS, Kwon JY, Kang K., PLoS Genet. January 4, 2016; 12 (1): e1005773.   

The α4 isoform of the Na⁺,K⁺-ATPase is tuned for changing extracellular environments., Clausen MV, Nissen P, Poulsen H., FEBS J. January 1, 2016; 283 (2): 282-93.

The evolution of basal progenitors in the developing non-mammalian brain., Nomura T, Ohtaka-Maruyama C, Yamashita W, Wakamatsu Y, Murakami Y, Calegari F, Suzuki K, Gotoh H, Ono K., Development. January 1, 2016; 143 (1): 66-74.   

The residue I257 at S4-S5 linker in KCNQ1 determines KCNQ1/KCNE1 channel sensitivity to 1-alkanols., Xie C, Liu HW, Pan N, Ding JP, Yao J., Acta Pharmacol Sin. January 1, 2016; 37 (1): 124-33.   

The Chordin Morphogenetic Pathway., De Robertis EM, Moriyama Y., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 116 231-45.

The cataract related mutation N188T in human connexin46 (hCx46) revealed a critical role for residue N188 in the docking process of gap junction channels., Schadzek P, Schlingmann B, Schaarschmidt F, Lindner J, Koval M, Heisterkamp A, Preller M, Ngezahayo A., Biochim Biophys Acta. January 1, 2016; 1858 (1): 57-66.   

The Human Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter (hSGLT1) Is a Disulfide-Bridged Homodimer with a Re-Entrant C-Terminal Loop., Sasseville LJ, Morin M, Coady MJ, Blunck R, Lapointe JY., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (5): e0154589.   

The Male Abnormal Gene Family 21 (Mab21) Members Regulate Eye Development., Huang ZX, Xiang JW, Zhou L, Nie Q, Wang L, Chen ZG, Hu XH, Xiao Y, Qing WJ, Liu YF, Sun Q, Tang XC, Liu FY, Luo ZW, Liu WB, Li DW., Curr Mol Med. January 1, 2016; 16 (7): 660-667.

Tau Tubulin Kinase TTBK2 Sensitivity of Glutamate Receptor GluK2., Nieding K, Matschke V, Meuth SG, Lang F, Seebohm G, Strutz-Seebohm N., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2016; 39 (4): 1444-52.

Thermal ecological physiology of native and invasive frog species: do invaders perform better?, Cortes PA, Puschel H, Acuña P, Bartheld JL, Bozinovic F., Conserv Physiol. January 1, 2016; 4 (1): cow056.   

The Natural Plant Product Rottlerin Activates Kv7.1/KCNE1 Channels., Matschke V, Piccini I, Schubert J, Wrobel E, Lang F, Matschke J, Amedonu E, Meuth SG, Strünker T, Strutz-Seebohm N, Greber B, Scherkenbeck J, Seebohm G., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2016; 40 (6): 1549-1558.

The master Greatwall kinase, a critical regulator of mitosis and meiosis., Vigneron S, Robert P, Hached K, Sundermann L, Charrasse S, Labbé JC, Castro A, Lorca T., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (7-8-9): 245-254.

The N Terminus of the Retinoblastoma Protein Inhibits DNA Replication via a Bipartite Mechanism Disrupted in Partially Penetrant Retinoblastomas., Borysov SI, Nepon-Sixt BS, Alexandrow MG., Mol Cell Biol. December 28, 2015; 36 (5): 832-45.

Thrombopoietin induces production of nucleated thrombocytes from liver cells in Xenopus laevis., Tanizaki Y, Ichisugi M, Obuchi-Shimoji M, Ishida-Iwata T, Tahara-Mogi A, Meguro-Ishikawa M, Kato T., Sci Rep. December 21, 2015; 5 18519.   

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