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Gene structure, transcripts and calciotropic effects of the PTH family of peptides in Xenopus and chicken., Pinheiro PL, Cardoso JC, Gomes AS, Fuentes J, Power DM, Canário AV., BMC Evol Biol. May 6, 2010; 10 373.   

GEMC1 is a TopBP1-interacting protein required for chromosomal DNA replication., Balestrini A, Cosentino C, Errico A, Garner E, Costanzo V., Nat Cell Biol. May 1, 2010; 12 (5): 484-91.   

Glycine311, a determinant of paxilline block in BK channels: a novel bend in the BK S6 helix., Zhou Y, Tang QY, Xia XM, Lingle CJ., J Gen Physiol. May 1, 2010; 135 (5): 481-94.   

Genomics. Frog DNA yields clues to vertebrate genome evolution., Pennisi E., Science. April 30, 2010; 328 (5978): 555.

Guard cell anion channel SLAC1 is regulated by CDPK protein kinases with distinct Ca2+ affinities., Geiger D, Scherzer S, Mumm P, Marten I, Ache P, Matschi S, Liese A, Wellmann C, Al-Rasheid KA, Grill E, Romeis T, Hedrich R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 27, 2010; 107 (17): 8023-8.

Gene expression profiling--Clusters of possibilities., Bergkvist A, Rusnakova V, Sindelka R, Garda JM, Sjögreen B, Lindh D, Forootan A, Kubista M., Methods. April 1, 2010; 50 (4): 323-35.

Green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) for measuring voltage., Siegel MS, Isacoff EY., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. April 1, 2010; 2010 (4): pdb.top76.

Gp93, the Drosophila GRP94 ortholog, is required for gut epithelial homeostasis and nutrient assimilation-coupled growth control., Maynard JC, Pham T, Zheng T, Jockheck-Clark A, Rankin HB, Newgard CB, Spana EP, Nicchitta CV., Dev Biol. March 15, 2010; 339 (2): 295-306.

GJB2 mutations in Mongolia: complex alleles, low frequency, and reduced fitness of the deaf., Tekin M, Xia XJ, Erdenetungalag R, Cengiz FB, White TW, Radnaabazar J, Dangaasuren B, Tastan H, Nance WE, Pandya A., Ann Hum Genet. March 1, 2010; 74 (2): 155-64.

G alpha(i) and G betagamma jointly regulate the conformations of a G betagamma effector, the neuronal G protein-activated K+ channel (GIRK)., Berlin S, Keren-Raifman T, Castel R, Rubinstein M, Dessauer CW, Ivanina T, Dascal N., J Biol Chem. February 26, 2010; 285 (9): 6179-85.

Genomic code for Sox10 activation reveals a key regulatory enhancer for cranial neural crest., Betancur P, Bronner-Fraser M, Sauka-Spengler T., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 23, 2010; 107 (8): 3570-5.   

Gene switching at Xenopus laevis metamorphosis., Mukhi S, Cai L, Brown DD., Dev Biol. February 15, 2010; 338 (2): 117-26.   

Gabor-based fusion technique for Optical Coherence Microscopy., Rolland JP, Meemon P, Murali S, Thompson KP, Lee KS., Opt Express. February 15, 2010; 18 (4): 3632-42.

Golgi-specific DHHC zinc finger protein GODZ mediates membrane Ca2+ transport., Hines RM, Kang R, Goytain A, Quamme GA., J Biol Chem. February 12, 2010; 285 (7): 4621-8.

Genetic control of hematopoietic development in Xenopus and zebrafish., Ciau-Uitz A, Liu F, Patient R., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (6-7): 1139-49.   

G protein-coupled receptor mediated trimethylamine sensing., Suska A, Ibáñez AB, Lundström I, Berghard A., Biosens Bioelectron. December 15, 2009; 25 (4): 715-20.

Growth and development of tadpoles (Xenopus laevis) exposed to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, fluoxetine and sertraline, throughout metamorphosis., Conners DE, Rogers ED, Armbrust KL, Kwon JW, Black MC., Environ Toxicol Chem. December 1, 2009; 28 (12): 2671-6.

GABA transporter lysine 448: a key residue for tricyclic antidepressants interaction., Cherubino F, Miszner A, Renna MD, Sangaletti R, Giovannardi S, Bossi E., Cell Mol Life Sci. December 1, 2009; 66 (23): 3797-808.

GTP is required for the microtubule catastrophe-inducing activity of MAP200, a tobacco homolog of XMAP215., Hamada T, Itoh TJ, Hashimoto T, Shimmen T, Sonobe S., Plant Physiol. December 1, 2009; 151 (4): 1823-30.

Glutathione S-transferase as a biomarker in the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica after exposure to the polychlorinated biphenyl mixture Aroclor 1254., Park H, Ahn IY, Kim H, Shin SC., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. November 1, 2009; 150 (4): 528-36.

Geminin stabilizes Cdt1 during meiosis in Xenopus oocytes., Narasimhachar Y, Coué M., J Biol Chem. October 2, 2009; 284 (40): 27235-42.

Generation of stable Xenopus laevis transgenic lines expressing a transgene controlled by weak promoters., L'hostis-Guidet A, Recher G, Guillet B, Al-Mohammad A, Coumailleau P, Tiaho F, Boujard D, Madigou T., Transgenic Res. October 1, 2009; 18 (5): 815-27.

Guanidino acids act as rho1 GABA(C) receptor antagonists., Chebib M, Gavande N, Wong KY, Park A, Premoli I, Mewett KN, Allan RD, Duke RK, Johnston GA, Hanrahan JR., Neurochem Res. October 1, 2009; 34 (10): 1704-11.

Gamma-amino butyric acid type A receptor mutations at beta2N265 alter etomidate efficacy while preserving basal and agonist-dependent activity., Desai R, Ruesch D, Forman SA., Anesthesiology. October 1, 2009; 111 (4): 774-84.

GABA analogues derived from 4-aminocyclopent-1-enecarboxylic acid., Locock KE, Johnston GA, Allan RD., Neurochem Res. October 1, 2009; 34 (10): 1698-703.

Greatwall maintains mitosis through regulation of PP2A., Vigneron S, Brioudes E, Burgess A, Labbé JC, Lorca T, Castro A., EMBO J. September 16, 2009; 28 (18): 2786-93.   

Glycyrretinic acid blocks cardiac sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Du Y, Zhang S, Wu H, Zou A, Lei M, Cheng L, Liao Y., J Ethnopharmacol. September 7, 2009; 125 (2): 318-23.

Generation of digital responses in stress sensors., Martiáñez T, Francès S, López JM., J Biol Chem. September 4, 2009; 284 (36): 23902-11.

Gene expression profiles of lens regeneration and development in Xenopus laevis., Malloch EL, Perry KJ, Fukui L, Johnson VR, Wever J, Beck CW, King MW, Henry JJ., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2009; 238 (9): 2340-56.   

GASZ is essential for male meiosis and suppression of retrotransposon expression in the male germline., Ma L, Buchold GM, Greenbaum MP, Roy A, Burns KH, Zhu H, Han DY, Harris RA, Coarfa C, Gunaratne PH, Yan W, Matzuk MM., PLoS Genet. September 1, 2009; 5 (9): e1000635.   

Genome-wide transcriptional response of Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis to infection with the deadly chytrid fungus., Rosenblum EB, Poorten TJ, Settles M, Murdoch GK, Robert J, Maddox N, Eisen MB., PLoS One. August 4, 2009; 4 (8): e6494.   

Genetic mouse models to investigate cell cycle regulation., Li W, Kotoshiba S, Kaldis P., Transgenic Res. August 1, 2009; 18 (4): 491-8.

Generation of functional eyes from pluripotent cells., Viczian AS, Solessio EC, Lyou Y, Zuber ME., PLoS Biol. August 1, 2009; 7 (8): e1000174.   

Generation of Transgenic Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum)., Khattak S, Richter T, Tanaka EM., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. August 1, 2009; 2009 (8): pdb.prot5264.

Genome-wide silencing in Drosophila captures conserved apoptotic effectors., Chew SK, Chen P, Link N, Galindo KA, Pogue K, Abrams JM., Nature. July 2, 2009; 460 (7251): 123-7.

GABA-induced intersubunit conformational movement in the GABAA receptor alpha 1M1-beta 2M3 transmembrane subunit interface: experimental basis for homology modeling of an intravenous anesthetic binding site., Bali M, Jansen M, Akabas MH., J Neurosci. March 11, 2009; 29 (10): 3083-92.

Genome-wide identification of Xenopus matrix metalloproteinases: conservation and unique duplications in amphibians., Fu L, Das B, Mathew S, Shi YB., BMC Genomics. February 17, 2009; 10 81.   

G2 acquisition by transcription-independent mechanism at the zebrafish midblastula transition., Dalle Nogare DE, Pauerstein PT, Lane ME., Dev Biol. February 1, 2009; 326 (1): 131-42.

Generation of a calmodulin-based EPR calcium indicator., Shao J, Cieslak J, Gross A., Biochemistry. January 27, 2009; 48 (3): 639-44.

GDF3 is a BMP inhibitor that can activate Nodal signaling only at very high doses., Levine AJ, Levine ZJ, Brivanlou AH., Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 325 (1): 43-8.   

Generation of transgenic frogs., Loeber J, Pan FC, Pieler T., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 561 65-72.

Gating currents from neuronal K(V)7.4 channels: general features and correlation with the ionic conductance., Miceli F, Cilio MR, Taglialatela M, Bezanilla F., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2009; 3 (4): 274-83.

Gradual loss of DNA-PK activity from the cytoplasm is coincident with the nuclear translocation of its activator Ku during early development of Xenopus laevis., Kanungo J., Folia Biol (Praha). January 1, 2009; 55 (6): 218-23.

Generating asymmetries in the early vertebrate embryo: the role of the Cerberus-like family., Belo JA, Silva AC, Borges AC, Filipe M, Bento M, Gonçalves L, Vitorino M, Salgueiro AM, Texeira V, Tavares AT, Marques S., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 53 (8-10): 1399-407.

Genetic and physical interaction between the NPHP5 and NPHP6 gene products., Schäfer T, Pütz M, Lienkamp S, Ganner A, Bergbreiter A, Ramachandran H, Gieloff V, Gerner M, Mattonet C, Czarnecki PG, Sayer JA, Otto EA, Hildebrandt F, Kramer-Zucker A, Walz G., Hum Mol Genet. December 1, 2008; 17 (23): 3655-62.   

General anesthetics sensitize the capsaicin receptor transient receptor potential V1., Cornett PM, Matta JA, Ahern GP., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 2008; 74 (5): 1261-8.

GABA(A) receptor properties in catastrophic infantile epilepsy., Jansen LA, Peugh LD, Ojemann JG., Epilepsy Res. October 1, 2008; 81 (2-3): 188-97.

GATA transcription factors integrate Wnt signalling during heart development., Afouda BA, Martin J, Liu F, Ciau-Uitz A, Patient R, Hoppler S., Development. October 1, 2008; 135 (19): 3185-90.   

Gene organization, evolution and expression of the microtubule-associated protein ASAP (MAP9)., Venoux M, Delmouly K, Milhavet O, Vidal-Eychenié S, Giorgi D, Rouquier S., BMC Genomics. September 9, 2008; 9 406.   

Glycolytic activation at the onset of contractions in isolated Xenopus laevis single myofibres., Walsh B, Stary CM, Howlett RA, Kelley KM, Hogan MC., Exp Physiol. September 1, 2008; 93 (9): 1076-84.

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