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Structural and energetic determinants of adhesive binding specificity in type I cadherins., Vendome J, Felsovalyi K, Song H, Yang Z, Jin X, Brasch J, Harrison OJ, Ahlsen G, Bahna F, Kaczynska A, Katsamba PS, Edmond D, Hubbell WL, Shapiro L, Honig B., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 7, 2014; 111 (40): E4175-84.

Spindle orientation processes in epithelial growth and organisation., Panousopoulou E, Green JB., Semin Cell Dev Biol. October 1, 2014; 34 124-32.

SGLT2 inhibitor lowers serum uric acid through alteration of uric acid transport activity in renal tubule by increased glycosuria., Chino Y, Samukawa Y, Sakai S, Nakai Y, Yamaguchi J, Nakanishi T, Tamai I., Biopharm Drug Dispos. October 1, 2014; 35 (7): 391-404.   

Sterol carrier protein 2 regulates proximal tubule size in the Xenopus pronephric kidney by modulating lipid rafts., Cerqueira DM, Tran U, Romaker D, Abreu JG, Wessely O., Dev Biol. October 1, 2014; 394 (1): 54-64.   

Structural basis of PI(4,5)P2-dependent regulation of GluA1 by phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha (PIP5K2A)., Seebohm G, Wrobel E, Pusch M, Dicks M, Terhag J, Matschke V, Rothenberg I, Ursu ON, Hertel F, Pott L, Lang F, Schulze-Bahr E, Hollmann M, Stoll R, Strutz-Seebohm N., Pflugers Arch. October 1, 2014; 466 (10): 1885-97.   

Structure-activity analysis of a CFTR channel potentiator: Distinct molecular parts underlie dual gating effects., Csanády L, Töröcsik B., J Gen Physiol. October 1, 2014; 144 (4): 321-36.   

Specific induction of cranial placode cells from Xenopus ectoderm by modulating the levels of BMP, Wnt and FGF signaling., Watanabe T, Kanai Y, Matsukawa S, Michiue T., Genesis. October 1, 2014; .

Sperm and spermatids contain different proteins and bind distinct egg factors., Teperek M, Miyamoto K, Simeone A, Feret R, Deery MJ, Gurdon JB, Jullien J., Int J Mol Sci. September 19, 2014; 15 (9): 16719-40.   

Site- and kinase-specific phosphorylation-mediated activation of SLAC1, a guard cell anion channel stimulated by abscisic acid., Maierhofer T, Diekmann M, Offenborn JN, Lind C, Bauer H, Hashimoto K, S Al-Rasheid KA, Luan S, Kudla J, Geiger D, Hedrich R., Sci Signal. September 9, 2014; 7 (342): ra86.

Structural and functional studies of the modulator NS9283 reveal agonist-like mechanism of action at α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Olsen JA, Ahring PK, Kastrup JS, Gajhede M, Balle T., J Biol Chem. September 5, 2014; 289 (36): 24911-21.

Spatiotemporal lipid profiling during early embryo development of Xenopus laevis using dynamic ToF-SIMS imaging., Tian H, Fletcher JS, Thuret R, Henderson A, Papalopulu N, Vickerman JC, Lockyer NP., J Lipid Res. September 1, 2014; 55 (9): 1970-80.

Short term exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce oxidative stress and DNA damage in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Saria R, Mouchet F, Perrault A, Flahaut E, Laplanche C, Boutonnet JC, Pinelli E, Gauthier L., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. September 1, 2014; 107 22-9.

Symmetry breakage in the vertebrate embryo: when does it happen and how does it work?, Blum M, Schweickert A, Vick P, Wright CV, Danilchik MV., Dev Biol. September 1, 2014; 393 (1): 109-23.   

Subtype-specific mechanisms for functional interaction between α6β4* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and P2X receptors., Limapichat W, Dougherty DA, Lester HA., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 2014; 86 (3): 263-74.

Substrate- and dose-dependent drug interactions with grapefruit juice caused by multiple binding sites on OATP2B1., Shirasaka Y, Mori T, Murata Y, Nakanishi T, Tamai I., Pharm Res. August 1, 2014; 31 (8): 2035-43.

Sirtuin inhibitor Ex-527 causes neural tube defects, ventral edema formations, and gastrointestinal malformations in Xenopus laevis embryos., Ohata Y, Matsukawa S, Moriyama Y, Michiue T, Morimoto K, Sato Y, Kuroda H., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2014; 56 (6): 460-8.   

Simultaneous rather than ordered cleavage of two sites within the BMP4 prodomain leads to loss of ligand in mice., Tilak A, Nelsen SM, Kim HS, Donley N, McKnite A, Lee H, Christian JL., Development. August 1, 2014; 141 (15): 3062-71.   

Structural basis of nucleoside and nucleoside drug selectivity by concentrative nucleoside transporters., Johnson ZL, Lee JH, Lee K, Lee M, Kwon DY, Hong J, Lee SY., Elife. July 31, 2014; 3 e03604.   

Single cell wound generates electric current circuit and cell membrane potential variations that requires calcium influx., Luxardi G, Reid B, Maillard P, Zhao M., Integr Biol (Camb). July 24, 2014; 6 (7): 662-72.

Sulf1 influences the Shh morphogen gradient during the dorsal ventral patterning of the neural tube in Xenopus tropicalis., Ramsbottom SA, Maguire RJ, Fellgett SW, Pownall ME., Dev Biol. July 15, 2014; 391 (2): 207-18.   

State-dependent network connectivity determines gating in a K+ channel., Bollepalli MK, Fowler PW, Rapedius M, Shang L, Sansom MS, Tucker SJ, Baukrowitz T., Structure. July 8, 2014; 22 (7): 1037-46.   

Spontaneous calcium transients manifest in the regenerating muscle and are necessary for skeletal muscle replenishment., Tu MK, Borodinsky LN., Cell Calcium. July 1, 2014; 56 (1): 34-41.

Stereoselective inhibition of serotonin transporters by antimalarial compounds., Beckman ML, Pramod AB, Perley D, Henry LK., Neurochem Int. July 1, 2014; 73 98-106.

Sodium and proton effects on inward proton transport through Na/K pumps., Mitchell TJ, Zugarramurdi C, Olivera JF, Gatto C, Artigas P., Biophys J. June 17, 2014; 106 (12): 2555-65.

Smooth muscle BK channel activity influences blood pressure independent of vascular tone in mice., Sachse G, Faulhaber J, Seniuk A, Ehmke H, Pongs O., J Physiol. June 15, 2014; 592 (12): 2563-74.

Structure-activity relationship studies of N-methylated and N-hydroxylated spider polyamine toxins as inhibitors of ionotropic glutamate receptors., Nørager NG, Poulsen MH, Jensen AG, Jeppesen NS, Kristensen AS, Strømgaard K., J Med Chem. June 12, 2014; 57 (11): 4940-9.

Submembrane assembly and renewal of rod photoreceptor cGMP-gated channel: insight into the actin-dependent process of outer segment morphogenesis., Nemet I, Tian G, Imanishi Y., J Neurosci. June 11, 2014; 34 (24): 8164-74.   

Symmetry breakage in the frog Xenopus: role of Rab11 and the ventral-right blastomere., Tingler M, Ott T, Tözser J, Kurz S, Getwan M, Tisler M, Schweickert A, Blum M., Genesis. June 1, 2014; 52 (6): 588-99.   

Sema6a and Plxna2 mediate spatially regulated repulsion within the developing eye to promote eye vesicle cohesion., Ebert AM, Childs SJ, Hehr CL, Cechmanek PB, McFarlane S., Development. June 1, 2014; 141 (12): 2473-82.

Stochastic specification of primordial germ cells from mesoderm precursors in axolotl embryos., Chatfield J, O'Reilly MA, Bachvarova RF, Ferjentsik Z, Redwood C, Walmsley M, Patient R, Loose M, Johnson AD., Development. June 1, 2014; 141 (12): 2429-40.   

Sizing and shaping the nucleus: mechanisms and significance., Jevtić P, Edens LJ, Vuković LD, Levy DL., Curr Opin Cell Biol. June 1, 2014; 28 16-27.

Signal transmission within the P2X2 trimeric receptor., Keceli B, Kubo Y., J Gen Physiol. June 1, 2014; 143 (6): 761-82.   

Sequence variations at I260 and A1731 contribute to persistent currents in Drosophila sodium channels., Gao R, Du Y, Wang L, Nomura Y, Satar G, Gordon D, Gurevitz M, Goldin AL, Dong K., Neuroscience. May 30, 2014; 268 297-308.

Six1 is a key regulator of the developmental and evolutionary architecture of sensory neurons in craniates., Yajima H, Suzuki M, Ochi H, Ikeda K, Sato S, Yamamura K, Ogino H, Ueno N, Kawakami K., BMC Biol. May 29, 2014; 12 40.   

Selective modulation of cellular voltage-dependent calcium channels by hyperbaric pressure-a suggested HPNS partial mechanism., Aviner B, Gradwohl G, Mor Aviner M, Levy S, Grossman Y., Front Cell Neurosci. May 27, 2014; 8 136.   

Systematic family-wide analysis of sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCn1/SLC4A7 interactions with PDZ scaffold proteins., Lee HJ, Kwon MH, Lee S, Hall RA, Yun CC, Choi I., Physiol Rep. May 20, 2014; 2 (5):   

Smad1 transcription factor integrates BMP2 and Wnt3a signals in migrating cardiac progenitor cells., Song J, McColl J, Camp E, Kennerley N, Mok GF, McCormick D, Grocott T, Wheeler GN, Münsterberg AE., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 20, 2014; 111 (20): 7337-42.

SAR-studies on the importance of aromatic ring topologies in search for selective 5-HT(7) receptor ligands among phenylpiperazine hydantoin derivatives., Handzlik J, Bojarski AJ, Satała G, Kubacka M, Sadek B, Ashoor A, Siwek A, Więcek M, Kucwaj K, Filipek B, Kieć-Kononowicz K., Eur J Med Chem. May 6, 2014; 78 324-39.

SecAAA trimer is fully functional as SecAA dimer in the membrane: existence of higher oligomers?, Wang H, Ma Y, Hsieh YH, Yang H, Li M, Wang B, Tai PC., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 2, 2014; 447 (2): 250-4.

Sequence similarity and functional comparisons of pheromone receptor orthologs in two closely related Helicoverpa species., Jiang XJ, Guo H, Di C, Zhu L, Huang LQ, Wang CZ., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. May 1, 2014; .

Setting appropriate boundaries: fate, patterning and competence at the neural plate border., Groves AK, LaBonne C., Dev Biol. May 1, 2014; 389 (1): 2-12.   

State-dependent and site-directed photodynamic transformation of HCN2 channel by singlet oxygen., Gao W, Su Z, Liu Q, Zhou L., J Gen Physiol. May 1, 2014; 143 (5): 633-44.   

Sp8 regulates inner ear development., Chung HA, Medina-Ruiz S, Harland RM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 29, 2014; 111 (17): 6329-34.   

Stoichiometry and specific assembly of Best ion channels., Bharill S, Fu Z, Palty R, Isacoff EY., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 29, 2014; 111 (17): 6491-6.   

Stable closure of the cytoplasmic half-channel is required for efficient proton transport at physiological membrane potentials in the bacteriorhodopsin catalytic cycle., Wang T, Oppawsky C, Duan Y, Tittor J, Oesterhelt D, Facciotti MT., Biochemistry. April 15, 2014; 53 (14): 2380-90.   

Structure-function elucidation of a new α-conotoxin, Lo1a, from Conus longurionis., Lebbe EK, Peigneur S, Maiti M, Devi P, Ravichandran S, Lescrinier E, Ulens C, Waelkens E, D'Souza L, Herdewijn P, Tytgat J., J Biol Chem. April 4, 2014; 289 (14): 9573-83.

Selective nuclear export of specific classes of mRNA from mammalian nuclei is promoted by GANP., Wickramasinghe VO, Andrews R, Ellis P, Langford C, Gurdon JB, Stewart M, Venkitaraman AR, Laskey RA., Nucleic Acids Res. April 1, 2014; 42 (8): 5059-71.   

Spalt-like 4 promotes posterior neural fates via repression of pou5f3 family members in Xenopus., Young JJ, Kjolby RA, Kong NR, Monica SD, Harland RM., Development. April 1, 2014; 141 (8): 1683-93.   

S/T phosphorylation of DLL1 is required for full ligand activity in vitro but dispensable for DLL1 function in vivo during embryonic patterning and marginal zone B cell development., Braune EB, Schuster-Gossler K, Lyszkiewicz M, Serth K, Preusse K, Madlung J, Macek B, Krueger A, Gossler A., Mol Cell Biol. April 1, 2014; 34 (7): 1221-33.

Stoichiometry of altered hERG1 channel gating by small molecule activators., Wu W, Sachse FB, Gardner A, Sanguinetti MC., J Gen Physiol. April 1, 2014; 143 (4): 499-512.   

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