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Search Results

Lengths measurements in microvascular corrosion castings: two-dimensional versus three-dimensional morphometry., Minnich B, Lametschwandtner A., Scanning. January 1, 2000; 22 (3): 173-7.

Left-right asymmetric expression of lefty2 and nodal is induced by a signaling pathway that includes the transcription factor FAST2., Saijoh Y, Adachi H, Sakuma R, Yeo CY, Yashiro K, Watanabe M, Hashiguchi H, Mochida K, Ohishi S, Kawabata M, Miyazono K, Whitman M, Hamada H., Mol Cell. January 1, 2000; 5 (1): 35-47.   

Lithium modulates desensitization of the glutamate receptor subtype gluR3 in Xenopus oocytes., Karkanias NB, Papke RL., Neurosci Lett. December 31, 1999; 277 (3): 153-6.

Long-term denervation modulates differentially the accumulation of myogenin and MRF4 mRNA in adult Xenopus muscle., Nicolas N, Mira JC, Gallien CL, Chanoine C., Neurosci Lett. December 24, 1999; 277 (2): 107-10.

LAT2, a new basolateral 4F2hc/CD98-associated amino acid transporter of kidney and intestine., Rossier G, Meier C, Bauch C, Summa V, Sordat B, Verrey F, Kühn LC., J Biol Chem. December 3, 1999; 274 (49): 34948-54.

Luminal heterodimeric amino acid transporter defective in cystinuria., Pfeiffer R, Loffing J, Rossier G, Bauch C, Meier C, Eggermann T, Loffing-Cueni D, Kühn LC, Verrey F., Mol Biol Cell. December 1, 1999; 10 (12): 4135-47.

Lead inhibition of DNA-binding mechanism of Cys(2)His(2) zinc finger proteins., Hanas JS, Rodgers JS, Bantle JA, Cheng YG., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 1999; 56 (5): 982-8.

Localization of putative stem cells in dental epithelium and their association with Notch and FGF signaling., Harada H, Kettunen P, Jung HS, Mustonen T, Wang YA, Thesleff I., J Cell Biol. October 4, 1999; 147 (1): 105-20.   

Lysophosphatidic acid as a regulator of endothelial/leukocyte interaction., Rizza C, Leitinger N, Yue J, Fischer DJ, Wang DA, Shih PT, Lee H, Tigyi G, Berliner JA., Lab Invest. October 1, 1999; 79 (10): 1227-35.

Localized XId3 mRNA activation in Xenopus embryos by cytoplasmic polyadenylation., Afouda AB, Reynaud-Deonauth S, Mohun T, Spohr G., Mech Dev. October 1, 1999; 88 (1): 15-31.   

Lineages and transcription factors in the specification of vertebrate primary sensory neurons., Anderson DJ., Curr Opin Neurobiol. October 1, 1999; 9 (5): 517-24.

Loss of ectodermal competence for lateral line placode formation in the direct developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui., Schlosser G, Kintner C, Northcutt RG., Dev Biol. September 15, 1999; 213 (2): 354-69.   

Localization and function of the organic anion-transporting polypeptide Oatp2 in rat liver., Reichel C, Gao B, Van Montfoort J, Cattori V, Rahner C, Hagenbuch B, Stieger B, Kamisako T, Meier PJ., Gastroenterology. September 1, 1999; 117 (3): 688-95.

Lactose promotes organized photoreceptor outer segment assembly and preserves expression of photoreceptor proteins in retinal degeneration., Jablonski MM, Wohabrebbi A, Ervin CS., Mol Vis. August 11, 1999; 5 16.

Localized measurement of kinase activation in oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Linton J, Soughayer JS, Sims CE, Allbritton NL., Nat Biotechnol. August 1, 1999; 17 (8): 759-62.

Long QT syndrome-associated mutations in the S4-S5 linker of KvLQT1 potassium channels modify gating and interaction with minK subunits., Franqueza L, Lin M, Shen J, Splawski I, Keating MT, Sanguinetti MC., J Biol Chem. July 23, 1999; 274 (30): 21063-70.

Local anesthetic anchoring to cardiac sodium channels. Implications into tissue-selective drug targeting., Li RA, Tsushima RG, Himmeldirk K, Dime DS, Backx PH., Circ Res. July 9, 1999; 85 (1): 88-98.

Lectin binding patterns in amphibian skin epithelium., Zaccone G, Fasulo S, Gabbay S, Mauceri A, Katz U., Acta Histochem. July 1, 1999; 101 (3): 317-26.

Low expression of the ClC-2 chloride channel during postnatal development: a mechanism for the paradoxical depolarizing action of GABA and glycine in the hippocampus., Mladini M, Becchetti A, Didelon F, Bradbury A, Cherubini E., Proc Biol Sci. June 22, 1999; 266 (1425): 1207-13.

Localization of an organic anion transporter-GFP fusion construct (rROAT1-GFP) in intact proximal tubules., Sweet DH, Miller DS, Pritchard JB., Am J Physiol. June 1, 1999; 276 (6): F864-73.

lynx1, an endogenous toxin-like modulator of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the mammalian CNS., Miwa JM, Ibanez-Tallon I, Crabtree GW, Sánchez R, Sali A, Role LW, Heintz N., Neuron. May 1, 1999; 23 (1): 105-14.

Localization of sodium and potassium currents at sites of nerve-muscle contact in embryonic Xenopus muscle cells in culture., Fry M, Moody-Corbett F., Pflugers Arch. May 1, 1999; 437 (6): 895-902.

Localization and age-dependent expression of the inward rectifier K+ channel subunit Kir 5.1 in a mammalian reproductive system., Salvatore L, D'Adamo MC, Polishchuk R, Salmona M, Pessia M., FEBS Lett. April 23, 1999; 449 (2-3): 146-52.

Long QT syndrome-associated mutations in the Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain of HERG potassium channels accelerate channel deactivation., Chen J, Zou A, Splawski I, Keating MT, Sanguinetti MC., J Biol Chem. April 9, 1999; 274 (15): 10113-8.

Light chain variable region diversity in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)., Widholm H, Lundbäck AS, Daggfeldt A, Magnadottir B, Warr GW, Pilström L., Dev Comp Immunol. April 1, 1999; 23 (3): 231-40.

Local inhibition and long-range enhancement of Dpp signal transduction by Sog., Ashe HL, Levine M., Nature. April 1, 1999; 398 (6726): 427-31.

Local anesthetic inhibition of baseline potassium channels with two pore domains in tandem., Kindler CH, Yost CS, Gray AT., Anesthesiology. April 1, 1999; 90 (4): 1092-102.

Long-range signaling within growing neurites mediated by neurotrophin-3., Chang S, Popov SV., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 30, 1999; 96 (7): 4095-100.   

Leukotriene binding, signaling, and analysis of HIV coreceptor function in mouse and human leukotriene B4 receptor-transfected cells., Martin V, Ronde P, Unett D, Wong A, Hoffman TL, Edinger AL, Doms RW, Funk CD., J Biol Chem. March 26, 1999; 274 (13): 8597-603.

Lens regeneration in Xenopus is not a mere repeat of lens development, with respect to crystallin gene expression., Mizuno N, Mochii M, Takahashi TC, Eguchi G, Okada TS., Differentiation. March 1, 1999; 64 (3): 143-9.   

Lack of regulation in the heart forming region of avian embryos., Ehrman LA, Yutzey KE., Dev Biol. March 1, 1999; 207 (1): 163-75.

Localization of mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA in the myoplasm of the early ascidian embryo., Oka T, Amikura R, Kobayashi S, Yamamoto H, Nishida H., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 1999; 41 (1): 1-8.

Light-induced calcium influx into retinal axons is regulated by presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activity in vivo., Edwards JA, Cline HT., J Neurophysiol. February 1, 1999; 81 (2): 895-907.

Lectin-induced inhibition of desensitization of the kainate receptor GluR6 depends on the activation state and can be mediated by a single native or ectopic N-linked carbohydrate side chain., Everts I, Petroski R, Kizelsztein P, Teichberg VI, Heinemann SF, Hollmann M., J Neurosci. February 1, 1999; 19 (3): 916-27.

Localization of GABA receptor rho 2 and rho 3 subunits in rat brain and functional expression of homooligomeric rho 3 receptors and heterooligomeric rho 2 rho 3 receptors., Ogurusu T, Yanagi K, Watanabe M, Fukaya M, Shingai R., Recept Channels. January 1, 1999; 6 (6): 463-75.

Left-right axis malformations associated with mutations in ACVR2B, the gene for human activin receptor type IIB., Kosaki R, Gebbia M, Kosaki K, Lewin M, Bowers P, Towbin JA, Casey B., Am J Med Genet. January 1, 1999; 82 (1): 70-6.

Localization of the intracellular activity domain of Pasteurella multocida toxin to the N terminus., Wilson BA, Ponferrada VG, Vallance JE, Ho M., Infect Immun. January 1, 1999; 67 (1): 80-7.

Lymphocyte development in fish and amphibians., Hansen JD, Zapata AG., Immunol Rev. December 1, 1998; 166 199-220.

Long chain coenzyme A esters activate the pore-forming subunit (Kir6. 2) of the ATP-regulated potassium channel., Bränström R, Leibiger IB, Leibiger B, Corkey BE, Berggren PO, Larsson O., J Biol Chem. November 20, 1998; 273 (47): 31395-400.

Long-term desensitization of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors is regulated via protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation., Paradiso K, Brehm P., J Neurosci. November 15, 1998; 18 (22): 9227-37.

Localization of the kinesin-like protein Xklp2 to spindle poles requires a leucine zipper, a microtubule-associated protein, and dynein., Wittmann T, Boleti H, Antony C, Karsenti E, Vernos I., J Cell Biol. November 2, 1998; 143 (3): 673-85.   

Localization of a voltage gate in connexin46 gap junction hemichannels., Pfahnl A, Dahl G., Biophys J. November 1, 1998; 75 (5): 2323-31.

Localization of mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA in germ plasm of Xenopus embryos., Kobayashi S, Amikura R, Mukai M., Curr Biol. October 8, 1998; 8 (20): 1117-20.   

Longitudinal distribution of components of excitatory synaptic input to motoneurones during swimming in young Xenopus tadpoles: experiments with antagonists., Zhao FY, Wolf E, Roberts A., J Physiol. September 15, 1998; 511 ( Pt 3) 887-901.

Linker histone protection of chromatosomes reconstituted on 5S rDNA from Xenopus borealis:a reinvestigation., An W, van Holde K, Zlatanova J., Nucleic Acids Res. September 1, 1998; 26 (17): 4042-6.

Localized synaptic actions of neurotrophin-4., Wang X, Berninger B, Poo M., J Neurosci. July 1, 1998; 18 (13): 4985-92.

Linker DNA and H1-dependent reorganization of histone-DNA interactions within the nucleosome., Lee KM, Hayes JJ., Biochemistry. June 16, 1998; 37 (24): 8622-8.

Lipid-binding characteristics of the polybasic carboxy-terminal sequence of K-ras4B., Leventis R, Silvius JR., Biochemistry. May 19, 1998; 37 (20): 7640-8.

Localization of Myf-5, MRF4 and alpha cardiac actin mRNAs in regenerating Xenopus skeletal muscle., Nicolas N, Mira JC, Gallien CL, Chanoine C., C R Acad Sci III. May 1, 1998; 321 (5): 355-64.

Localization and function of five glutamate transporters cloned from the salamander retina., Eliasof S, Arriza JL, Leighton BH, Amara SG, Kavanaugh MP., Vision Res. May 1, 1998; 38 (10): 1443-54.

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