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Search Results

Xenopus LSm proteins bind U8 snoRNA via an internal evolutionarily conserved octamer sequence., Tomasevic N, Peculis BA., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2002; 22 (12): 4101-12.

Xic1 degradation in Xenopus egg extracts is coupled to initiation of DNA replication., You Z, Harvey K, Kong L, Newport J., Genes Dev. May 15, 2002; 16 (10): 1182-94.

Xpbx1b and Xmeis1b play a collaborative role in hindbrain and neural crest gene expression in Xenopus embryos., Maeda R, Ishimura A, Mood K, Park EK, Buchberg AM, Daar IO., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 16, 2002; 99 (8): 5448-53.   

Xenopus Cdc42 regulates convergent extension movements during gastrulation through Wnt/Ca2+ signaling pathway., Choi SC, Han JK., Dev Biol. April 15, 2002; 244 (2): 342-57.   

Xenopus Cdc6 performs separate functions in initiating DNA replication., Frolova NS, Schek N, Tikhmyanova N, Coleman TR., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2002; 13 (4): 1298-312.

Xenopus marginal coil (Xmc), a novel FGF inducible cytosolic coiled-coil protein regulating gastrulation movements., Frazzetto G, Klingbeil P, Bouwmeester T., Mech Dev. April 1, 2002; 113 (1): 3-14.   

Xenopus laevis Stromal cell-derived factor 1: conservation of structure and function during vertebrate development., Braun M, Wunderlin M, Spieth K, Knöchel W, Gierschik P, Moepps B., J Immunol. March 1, 2002; 168 (5): 2340-7.

XKCM1 acts on a single protofilament and requires the C terminus of tubulin., Niederstrasser H, Salehi-Had H, Gan EC, Walczak C, Nogales E., J Mol Biol. February 22, 2002; 316 (3): 817-28.

Xenopus Brachyury regulates mesodermal expression of Zic3, a gene controlling left-right asymmetry., Kitaguchi T, Mizugishi K, Hatayama M, Aruga J, Mikoshiba K., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 2002; 44 (1): 55-61.   

Xenopus Mcm10 binds to origins of DNA replication after Mcm2-7 and stimulates origin binding of Cdc45., Wohlschlegel JA, Dhar SK, Prokhorova TA, Dutta A, Walter JC., Mol Cell. February 1, 2002; 9 (2): 233-40.

Xenopus helveticus, an endangered species?, Rungger D., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2002; 46 (1): 49-63.

Xenopus small heat shock proteins, Hsp30C and Hsp30D, maintain heat- and chemically denatured luciferase in a folding-competent state., Abdulle R, Mohindra A, Fernando P, Heikkila JJ., Cell Stress Chaperones. January 1, 2002; 7 (1): 6-16.

XNAP, a conserved ankyrin repeat-containing protein with a role in the Notch pathway during Xenopus primary neurogenesis., Lahaye K, Kricha S, Bellefroid EJ., Mech Dev. January 1, 2002; 110 (1-2): 113-24.   

Xerl, a novel CNS-specific secretory protein, establishes the boundary between neural plate and neural crest., Kuriyama S, Kinoshita T., Int J Dev Biol. December 1, 2001; 45 (8): 845-52.   

Xenopus neuralized is a ubiquitin ligase that interacts with XDelta1 and regulates Notch signaling., Deblandre GA, Lai EC, Kintner C., Dev Cell. December 1, 2001; 1 (6): 795-806.   

Xiro-1 controls mesoderm patterning by repressing bmp-4 expression in the Spemann organizer., Glavic A, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Mayor R., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2001; 222 (3): 368-76.   

Xenopus phospho-CDK7/cyclin H expressed in baculoviral-infected insect cells., Lawrie AM, Tito P, Hernandez H, Brown NR, Robinson CV, Endicott JA, Noble ME, Johnson LN., Protein Expr Purif. November 1, 2001; 23 (2): 252-60.

XCL-2 is a novel m-type calpain and disrupts morphogenetic movements during embryogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Cao Y, Zhao H, Grunz H., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2001; 43 (5): 563-71.   

Xe991 reveals differences in K(+) channels regulating chloride secretion in murine airway and colonic epithelium., MacVinish LJ, Guo Y, Dixon AK, Murrell-Lagnado RD, Cuthbert AW., Mol Pharmacol. October 1, 2001; 60 (4): 753-60.

Xenopus rhodopsin promoter. Identification of immediate upstream sequences necessary for high level, rod-specific transcription., Mani SS, Batni S, Whitaker L, Chen S, Engbretson G, Knox BE., J Biol Chem. September 28, 2001; 276 (39): 36557-65.

Xenopus kidney hyaluronidase-1 (XKH1), a novel type of membrane-bound hyaluronidase solely degrades hyaluronan at neutral pH., Reitinger S, Müllegger J, Lepperdinger G., FEBS Lett. September 14, 2001; 505 (2): 213-6.

Xenopus Na,K-ATPase: primary sequence of the beta2 subunit and in situ localization of alpha1, beta1, and gamma expression during pronephric kidney development., Eid SR, Brändli AW., Differentiation. September 1, 2001; 68 (2-3): 115-25.   

X-Serrate-1 is involved in primary neurogenesis in Xenopus laevis in a complementary manner with X-Delta-1., Kiyota T, Jono H, Kuriyama S, Hasegawa K, Miyatani S, Kinoshita T., Dev Genes Evol. September 1, 2001; 211 (8-9): 367-76.

XMeis3 protein activity is required for proper hindbrain patterning in Xenopus laevis embryos., Dibner C, Elias S, Frank D., Development. September 1, 2001; 128 (18): 3415-26.   

Xenopus eggs express an identical DNA methyltransferase, Dnmt1, to somatic cells., Shi L, Suetake I, Kawakami T, Aimoto S, Tajima S., J Biochem. September 1, 2001; 130 (3): 359-66.

Xenopus Dan, a member of the Dan gene family of BMP antagonists, is expressed in derivatives of the cranial and trunk neural crest., Eimon PM, Harland RM., Mech Dev. September 1, 2001; 107 (1-2): 187-9.   

Xenopus U3 snoRNA GAC-Box A' and Box A sequences play distinct functional roles in rRNA processing., Borovjagin AV, Gerbi SA., Mol Cell Biol. September 1, 2001; 21 (18): 6210-21.

Xenopus cadherin-11 restrains cranial neural crest migration and influences neural crest specification., Borchers A, David R, Wedlich D., Development. August 1, 2001; 128 (16): 3049-60.   

XMAP215 is a long thin molecule that does not increase microtubule stiffness., Cassimeris L, Gard D, Tran PT, Erickson HP., J Cell Sci. August 1, 2001; 114 (Pt 16): 3025-33.

XMog1, a nuclear ran-binding protein in Xenopus, is a functional homologue of Schizosaccharomyces pombe mog1p that co-operates with RanBP1 to control generation of Ran-GTP., Nicolás FJ, Moore WJ, Zhang C, Clarke PR., J Cell Sci. August 1, 2001; 114 (Pt 16): 3013-23.

Xenopus FRS2 is involved in early embryogenesis in cooperation with the Src family kinase Laloo., Kusakabe M, Masuyama N, Hanafusa H, Nishida E., EMBO Rep. August 1, 2001; 2 (8): 727-35.

Xenopus Bcl-X(L) selectively protects Rohon-Beard neurons from metamorphic degeneration., Coen L, du Pasquier D, Le Mevel S, Brown S, Tata J, Mazabraud A, Demeneix BA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 3, 2001; 98 (14): 7869-74.

Xenopus Dishevelled signaling regulates both neural and mesodermal convergent extension: parallel forces elongating the body axis., Wallingford JB, Harland RM., Development. July 1, 2001; 128 (13): 2581-92.   

Xenopus frizzled-7 morphant displays defects in dorsoventral patterning and convergent extension movements during gastrulation., Sumanas S, Ekker SC., Genesis. July 1, 2001; 30 (3): 119-22.   

Xenopus ADAM 13 is a metalloprotease required for cranial neural crest-cell migration., Alfandari D, Cousin H, Gaultier A, Smith K, White JM, Darribère T, DeSimone DW., Curr Biol. June 26, 2001; 11 (12): 918-30.   

Xenopus Polycomblike 2 (XPcl2) controls anterior to posterior patterning of the neural tissue., Kitaguchi T, Nakata K, Nagai T, Aruga J, Mikoshiba K., Dev Genes Evol. June 1, 2001; 211 (6): 309-14.

Xenopus Smad3 is specifically expressed in the chordoneural hinge, notochord and in the endocardium of the developing heart., Howell M, Mohun TJ, Hill CS., Mech Dev. June 1, 2001; 104 (1-2): 147-50.   

Xebf3 is a regulator of neuronal differentiation during primary neurogenesis in Xenopus., Pozzoli O, Bosetti A, Croci L, Consalez GG, Vetter ML., Dev Biol. May 15, 2001; 233 (2): 495-512.   

Xenopus Eya1 demarcates all neurogenic placodes as well as migrating hypaxial muscle precursors., David R, Ahrens K, Wedlich D, Schlosser G., Mech Dev. May 1, 2001; 103 (1-2): 189-92.   

Xenopus frizzled-5: a frizzled family member expressed exclusively in the neural retina of the developing eye., Sumanas S, Ekker SC., Mech Dev. May 1, 2001; 103 (1-2): 133-6.   

Xenopus Sprouty2 inhibits FGF-mediated gastrulation movements but does not affect mesoderm induction and patterning., Nutt SL, Dingwell KS, Holt CE, Amaya E., Genes Dev. May 1, 2001; 15 (9): 1152-66.   

xCt cystine transporter expression in HEK293 cells: pharmacology and localization., Shih AY, Murphy TH., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 20, 2001; 282 (5): 1132-7.

Xwig1, a novel putative endoplasmic reticulum protein expressed during epithelial morphogenesis and in response to embryonic wounding., Klingbeil P, Frazzetto G, Bouwmeester T., Int J Dev Biol. April 1, 2001; 45 (2): 379-85.   

Xenopus p63 expression in early ectoderm and neurectoderm., Lu P, Barad M, Vize PD., Mech Dev. April 1, 2001; 102 (1-2): 275-8.   

Xpitx3: a member of the Rieg/Pitx gene family expressed during pituitary and lens formation in Xenopus laevis., Pommereit D, Pieler T, Hollemann T., Mech Dev. April 1, 2001; 102 (1-2): 255-7.   

Xenopus brevican is expressed in the notochord and the brain during early embryogenesis., Sander V, Müllegger J, Lepperdinger G., Mech Dev. April 1, 2001; 102 (1-2): 251-3.   

Xenopus Enhancer of Zeste (XEZ); an anteriorly restricted polycomb gene with a role in neural patterning., Barnett MW, Seville RA, Nijjar S, Old RW, Jones EA., Mech Dev. April 1, 2001; 102 (1-2): 157-67.   

Xenopus tropicalis oocytes as an advantageous model system for the study of intracellular Ca(2+) signalling., Marchant JS, Parker I., Br J Pharmacol. April 1, 2001; 132 (7): 1396-410.

Xmeis1, a protooncogene involved in specifying neural crest cell fate in Xenopus embryos., Maeda R, Mood K, Jones TL, Aruga J, Buchberg AM, Daar IO., Oncogene. March 15, 2001; 20 (11): 1329-42.

Xath2, a bHLH gene expressed during a late transition stage of neurogenesis in the forebrain of Xenopus embryos., Taelman V, Opdecamp K, Avalosse B, Ryan K, Bellefroid EJ., Mech Dev. March 1, 2001; 101 (1-2): 199-202.   

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