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Differential modulation of GABA(A) receptor function by aryl pyrazoles., Mascia MP, Ledda G, Orrù A, Marongiu A, Loriga G, Maciocco E, Biggio G, Ruiu S., Eur J Pharmacol. June 15, 2014; 733 1-6.

Dissection of a Ciona regulatory element reveals complexity of cross-species enhancer activity., Chen WC, Pauls S, Bacha J, Elgar G, Loose M, Shimeld SM., Dev Biol. June 15, 2014; 390 (2): 261-72.   

Differential effects of genetically-encoded Gβγ scavengers on receptor-activated and basal Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channel current in rat atrial myocytes., Kienitz MC, Mintert-Jancke E, Hertel F, Pott L., Cell Signal. June 1, 2014; 26 (6): 1182-1192.

Discovery of potent positive allosteric modulators of the α3β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor by a chemical space walk in ChEMBL., Bürgi JJ, Awale M, Boss SD, Schaer T, Marger F, Viveros-Paredes JM, Bertrand S, Gertsch J, Bertrand D, Reymond JL., ACS Chem Neurosci. May 21, 2014; 5 (5): 346-59.

Downregulation of chloride channel ClC-2 by Janus kinase 3., Warsi J, Elvira B, Hosseinzadeh Z, Shumilina E, Lang F., J Membr Biol. May 1, 2014; 247 (5): 387-93.

Distal expression of sprouty (spry) genes during Xenopus laevis limb development and regeneration., Wang YH, Beck CW., Gene Expr Patterns. May 1, 2014; 15 (1): 61-6.   

Development, Metamorphosis, Morphology and Diversity: The Evolution of Chordate muscles and the Origin of Vertebrates., Diogo R, Ziermann JM., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2014; .

Development and evolution of vertebrate cranial placodes., Schlosser G., Dev Biol. May 1, 2014; 389 (1): 1.

DUF221 proteins are a family of osmosensitive calcium-permeable cation channels conserved across eukaryotes., Hou C, Tian W, Kleist T, He K, Garcia V, Bai F, Hao Y, Luan S, Li L., Cell Res. May 1, 2014; 24 (5): 632-5.   

Diverse mutational pathways converge on saturable chloroquine transport via the malaria parasite's chloroquine resistance transporter., Summers RL, Dave A, Dolstra TJ, Bellanca S, Marchetti RV, Nash MN, Richards SN, Goh V, Schenk RL, Stein WD, Kirk K, Sanchez CP, Lanzer M, Martin RE., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 29, 2014; 111 (17): E1759-67.

Discovery of a potent and selective α3β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist from an α-conotoxin synthetic combinatorial library., Chang YP, Banerjee J, Dowell C, Wu J, Gyanda R, Houghten RA, Toll L, McIntosh JM, Armishaw CJ., J Med Chem. April 24, 2014; 57 (8): 3511-21.   

DNA ligase I is not essential for mammalian cell viability., Han L, Masani S, Hsieh CL, Yu K., Cell Rep. April 24, 2014; 7 (2): 316-320.   

Distinct permeation profiles of the connexin 30 and 43 hemichannels., Hansen DB, Braunstein TH, Nielsen MS, MacAulay N., FEBS Lett. April 17, 2014; 588 (8): 1446-57.

Direct action and modulating effect of (+)- and (-)-nicotine on ion channels expressed in trigeminal sensory neurons., Schreiner BS, Lehmann R, Thiel U, Ziemba PM, Beltrán LR, Sherkheli MA, Jeanbourquin P, Hugi A, Werner M, Gisselmann G, Hatt H., Eur J Pharmacol. April 5, 2014; 728 48-58.

Discovery and mode of action of afoxolaner, a new isoxazoline parasiticide for dogs., Shoop WL, Hartline EJ, Gould BR, Waddell ME, McDowell RG, Kinney JB, Lahm GP, Long JK, Xu M, Wagerle T, Jones GS, Dietrich RF, Cordova D, Schroeder ME, Rhoades DF, Benner EA, Confalone PN., Vet Parasitol. April 2, 2014; 201 (3-4): 179-89.

Design and use of transgenic reporter strains for detecting activity of signaling pathways in Xenopus., Tran HT, Vleminckx K., Methods. April 1, 2014; 66 (3): 422-32.

Developmental expression and role of Kinesin Eg5 during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis., Fernández JP, Agüero TH, Vega López GA, Marranzino G, Cerrizuela S, Aybar MJ., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2014; 243 (4): 527-40.   

Degradation of M(r) 25,000 protein by cathepsin L-like protease in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Islam A, Horinouchi T, Hashimoto E., Protein J. April 1, 2014; 33 (2): 150-6.

Down-regulation of the epithelial Na⁺ channel ENaC by Janus kinase 2., Hosseinzadeh Z, Luo D, Sopjani M, Bhavsar SK, Lang F., J Membr Biol. April 1, 2014; 247 (4): 331-8.

Disk-shaped amperometric enzymatic biosensor for in vivo detection of D-serine., Polcari D, Kwan A, Van Horn MR, Danis L, Pollegioni L, Ruthazer ES, Mauzeroll J., Anal Chem. April 1, 2014; 86 (7): 3501-7.

Dual regulation of G proteins and the G-protein-activated K+ channels by lithium., Farhy Tselnicker I, Tsemakhovich V, Rishal I, Kahanovitch U, Dessauer CW, Dascal N., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 1, 2014; 111 (13): 5018-23.

Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationship of a novel series of GluN2C-selective potentiators., Zimmerman SS, Khatri A, Garnier-Amblard EC, Mullasseril P, Kurtkaya NL, Gyoneva S, Hansen KB, Traynelis SF, Liotta DC., J Med Chem. March 27, 2014; 57 (6): 2334-56.   

Dkk2/Frzb in the dermal papillae regulates feather regeneration., Chu Q, Cai L, Fu Y, Chen X, Yan Z, Lin X, Zhou G, Han H, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Wu W, Yue Z., Dev Biol. March 15, 2014; 387 (2): 167-78.   

Differences in shoot Na+ accumulation between two tomato species are due to differences in ion affinity of HKT1;2., Almeida P, de Boer GJ, de Boer AH., J Plant Physiol. March 15, 2014; 171 (6): 438-47.

Determinants of RNA binding and translational repression by the Bicaudal-C regulatory protein., Zhang Y, Park S, Blaser S, Sheets MD., J Biol Chem. March 14, 2014; 289 (11): 7497-504.

Domain-domain interactions determine the gating, permeation, pharmacology, and subunit modulation of the IKs ion channel., Zaydman MA, Kasimova MA, McFarland K, Beller Z, Hou P, Kinser HE, Liang H, Zhang G, Shi J, Tarek M, Cui J., Elife. March 12, 2014; 3 e03606.   

Dissection of Xenopus laevis neural crest for in vitro explant culture or in vivo transplantation., Milet C, Monsoro-Burq AH., J Vis Exp. March 11, 2014; (85):

Distinct functional and pharmacological properties of Triheteromeric GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2B NMDA receptors., Hansen KB, Ogden KK, Yuan H, Traynelis SF., Neuron. March 5, 2014; 81 (5): 1084-1096.

Dominant-negative effects of KCNQ2 mutations are associated with epileptic encephalopathy., Orhan G, Bock M, Schepers D, Ilina EI, Reichel SN, Löffler H, Jezutkovic N, Weckhuysen S, Mandelstam S, Suls A, Danker T, Guenther E, Scheffer IE, De Jonghe P, Lerche H, Maljevic S., Ann Neurol. March 1, 2014; 75 (3): 382-94.

Deletion of α-subunit exon 11 of the epithelial Na+ channel reveals a regulatory module., Chen J, Kleyman TR, Sheng S., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. March 1, 2014; 306 (5): F561-7.

Distinct patterns of HSP30 and HSP70 degradation in Xenopus laevis A6 cells recovering from thermal stress., Khan S, Heikkila JJ., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. February 1, 2014; 168 1-10.

Discovery, identification and sequence analysis of RNAs selected for very short or long poly A tail in immature bovine oocytes., Gohin M, Fournier E, Dufort I, Sirard MA., Mol Hum Reprod. February 1, 2014; 20 (2): 127-38.

Drug-induced ion channel opening tuned by the voltage sensor charge profile., Ottosson NE, Liin SI, Elinder F., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2014; 143 (2): 173-82.   

Dysphagia and disrupted cranial nerve development in a mouse model of DiGeorge (22q11) deletion syndrome., Karpinski BA, Maynard TM, Fralish MS, Nuwayhid S, Zohn IE, Moody SA, LaMantia AS., Dis Model Mech. February 1, 2014; 7 (2): 245-57.   

Development of fore- and hindlimb muscles in frogs: morphogenesis, homeotic transformations, digit reduction, and the forelimb-hindlimb enigma., Diogo R, Ziermann JM., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. February 1, 2014; 322 (2): 86-105.

Discovery of novel ligands for mouse olfactory receptor MOR42-3 using an in silico screening approach and in vitro validation., Bavan S, Sherman B, Luetje CW, Abaffy T., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (3): e92064.   

Diurnal variation of tight junction integrity associates inversely with matrix metalloproteinase expression in Xenopus laevis corneal epithelium: implications for circadian regulation of homeostatic surface cell desquamation., Wiechmann AF, Ceresa BP, Howard EW., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (11): e113810.   

Discovery and characterization of a potent and selective inhibitor of Aedes aegypti inward rectifier potassium channels., Raphemot R, Rouhier MF, Swale DR, Days E, Weaver CD, Lovell KM, Konkel LC, Engers DW, Bollinger SR, Bollinger SF, Hopkins C, Piermarini PM, Denton JS., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (11): e110772.   

Differential expression of arid5b isoforms in Xenopus laevis pronephros., Le Bouffant R, Cunin AC, Buisson I, Cartry J, Riou JF, Umbhauer M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (5): 363-8.   

Diuresis by intravenous administration of xanthurenic acid in rats, and inhibition by probenecid., Uwai Y, Nakashima Y, Honjo E, Kawasaki T, Nabekura T., Biomed Res. January 1, 2014; 35 (3): 223-6.

Domain III S4 in closed-state fast inactivation: insights from a periodic paralysis mutation., Groome JR, Jurkat-Rott K, Lehmann-Horn F., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2014; 8 (5): 467-71.   

Downregulation of peptide transporters PEPT1 and PEPT2 by oxidative stress responsive kinase OSR1., Warsi J, Elvira B, Bissinger R, Shumilina E, Hosseinzadeh Z, Lang F., Kidney Blood Press Res. January 1, 2014; 39 (6): 591-9.

Distinct action of flavonoids, myricetin and quercetin, on epithelial Cl⁻ secretion: useful tools as regulators of Cl⁻ secretion., Sun H, Niisato N, Nishio K, Hamilton KL, Marunaka Y., Biomed Res Int. January 1, 2014; 2014 902735.   

Developmental expression of Pitx2c in Xenopus trigeminal and profundal placodes., Jeong YH, Park BK, Saint-Jeannet JP, Lee YH., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (9): 701-4.   

Directional collective cell migration emerges as a property of cell interactions., Woods ML, Carmona-Fontaine C, Barnes CP, Couzin ID, Mayor R, Page KM., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (9): e104969.   

Detection and measurement of the intracellular calcium variation in follicular cells., Herrera-Navarro AM, Terol-Villalobos IR, Jiménez-Hernández H, Peregrina-Barreto H, Gonzalez-Barboza JJ., Comput Math Methods Med. January 1, 2014; 2014 484656.   

Dynamic PIP2 interactions with voltage sensor elements contribute to KCNQ2 channel gating., Zhang Q, Zhou P, Chen Z, Li M, Jiang H, Gao Z, Yang H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 10, 2013; 110 (50): 20093-8.

Development: sketch for a theory of Oct4., Wagner RT, Zwaka TP., Curr Biol. November 18, 2013; 23 (22): R1014-R1016.

Design, synthesis, and activity of a series of arylpyrid-3-ylmethanones as type I positive allosteric modulators of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Hogenkamp DJ, Ford-Hutchinson TA, Li WY, Whittemore ER, Yoshimura RF, Tran MB, Johnstone TB, Bascom GD, Rollins H, Lu L, Gee KW., J Med Chem. November 14, 2013; 56 (21): 8352-65.

Differential regulation of two histidine ammonia-lyase genes during Xenopus development implicates distinct functions during thyroid hormone-induced formation of adult stem cells., Luu N, Wen L, Fu L, Fujimoto K, Shi YB, Sun G., Cell Biosci. November 13, 2013; 3 (1): 43.   

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