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Nucleolin is a histone chaperone with FACT-like activity and assists remodeling of nucleosomes., Angelov D, Bondarenko VA, Almagro S, Menoni H, Mongélard F, Hans F, Mietton F, Studitsky VM, Hamiche A, Dimitrov S, Bouvet P., EMBO J. April 19, 2006; 25 (8): 1669-79.

Neuronal leucine-rich repeat 6 (XlNLRR-6) is required for late lens and retina development in Xenopus laevis., Wolfe AD, Henry JJ., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2006; 235 (4): 1027-41.   

New technologies, new findings, and new concepts in the study of vertebrate cis-regulatory sequences., Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Lenhard B, Becker TS., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2006; 235 (4): 870-85.

Na(+)-D-glucose cotransporter in the kidney of Squalus acanthias: molecular identification and intrarenal distribution., Althoff T, Hentschel H, Luig J, Schütz H, Kasch M, Kinne RK., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. April 1, 2006; 290 (4): R1094-104.

Neutral amino acid transport mediated by ortholog of imino acid transporter SIT1/SLC6A20 in opossum kidney cells., Ristic Z, Camargo SM, Romeo E, Bodoy S, Bertran J, Palacin M, Makrides V, Furrer EM, Verrey F., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. April 1, 2006; 290 (4): F880-7.

Novel function of POSH, a JNK scaffold, as an E3 ubiquitin ligase for the Hrs stability on early endosomes., Kim GH, Park E, Kong YY, Han JK., Cell Signal. April 1, 2006; 18 (4): 553-63.

Nickel differentially affects NMDA receptor channels in developing cultured rat neurons., Gavazzo P, Mazzolini M, Tedesco M, Marchetti C., Dev Biol. March 17, 2006; 1078 (1): 71-9.

Nucleosome regulator Xhmgb3 is required for cell proliferation of the eye and brain as a downstream target of Xenopus rax/Rx1., Terada K, Kitayama A, Kanamoto T, Ueno N, Furukawa T., Dev Biol. March 15, 2006; 291 (2): 398-412.   

Novel cross talk of Kruppel-like factor 4 and beta-catenin regulates normal intestinal homeostasis and tumor repression., Zhang W, Chen X, Kato Y, Evans PM, Yuan S, Yang J, Rychahou PG, Yang VW, He X, Evers BM, Liu C., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 2006; 26 (6): 2055-64.

Nodal signals pattern vertebrate embryos., Tian T, Meng AM., Cell Mol Life Sci. March 1, 2006; 63 (6): 672-85.

Neural responses to water surface waves in the midbrain of the aquatic predator Xenopus laevis laevis., Behrend O, Branoner F, Zhivkov Z, Ziehm U., Eur J Neurosci. February 1, 2006; 23 (3): 729-44.

Nuclear envelope breakdown is coordinated by both Nup358/RanBP2 and Nup153, two nucleoporins with zinc finger modules., Prunuske AJ, Liu J, Elgort S, Joseph J, Dasso M, Ullman KS., Mol Biol Cell. February 1, 2006; 17 (2): 760-9.

Nuclear envelope barrier leak induced by dexamethasone., Kastrup L, Oberleithner H, Ludwig Y, Schafer C, Shahin V., J Cell Physiol. February 1, 2006; 206 (2): 428-34.

New pathways from PKA to the Cdc2/cyclin B complex in oocytes: Wee1B as a potential PKA substrate., Han SJ, Conti M., Cell Cycle. February 1, 2006; 5 (3): 227-31.

Nuclear pore complex structure and plasticity revealed by electron and atomic force microscopy., Maco B, Fahrenkrog B, Huang NP, Aebi U., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 273-88.

Novel beta subunit mutation causes a slow-channel syndrome by enhancing activation and decreasing the rate of agonist dissociation., Navedo MF, Lasalde-Dominicci JA, Báez-Pagán CA, Díaz-Pérez L, Rojas LV, Maselli RA, Staub J, Schott K, Zayas R, Gomez CM., Mol Cell Neurosci. January 1, 2006; 32 (1-2): 82-90.

Neuroanatomical distribution of cannabinoid receptor gene expression in the brain of the rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa., Hollis DM, Coddington EJ, Moore FL., Brain Behav Evol. January 1, 2006; 67 (3): 135-49.

NMDA receptor subunit-dependent modulation by conantokin-G and Ala7-conantokin-G., Ragnarsson L, Yasuda T, Lewis RJ, Dodd PR, Adams DJ., J Neurochem. January 1, 2006; 96 (1): 283-91.

Nuclear remodeling assay in Xenopus egg extract., Gonda K, Kikyo N., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 348 247-58.

Nuclear import of spliceosomal snRNPs., Rollenhagen C, Panté N., Can J Physiol Pharmacol. January 1, 2006; 84 (3-4): 367-76.

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor properties are modulated by surrounding lipids: an in vivo study., Morales A, de Juan E, Fernández-Carvajal AM, Martinez-Pinna J, Poveda JA, Encinar JA, Ivorra I, González-Ros JM., J Mol Neurosci. January 1, 2006; 30 (1-2): 5-6.

Noelins modulate the timing of neuronal differentiation during development., Moreno TA, Bronner-Fraser M., Dev Biol. December 15, 2005; 288 (2): 434-47.   

Novel seizure phenotype and sleep disruptions in knock-in mice with hypersensitive alpha 4* nicotinic receptors., Fonck C, Cohen BN, Nashmi R, Whiteaker P, Wagenaar DA, Rodrigues-Pinguet N, Deshpande P, McKinney S, Kwoh S, Munoz J, Labarca C, Collins AC, Marks MJ, Lester HA., J Neurosci. December 7, 2005; 25 (49): 11396-411.

NAB1 is an RNA binding protein involved in the light-regulated differential expression of the light-harvesting antenna of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii., Mussgnug JH, Wobbe L, Elles I, Claus C, Hamilton M, Fink A, Kahmann U, Kapazoglou A, Mullineaux CW, Hippler M, Nickelsen J, Nixon PJ, Kruse O., Plant Cell. December 1, 2005; 17 (12): 3409-21.

New tools for visualization and analysis of morphogenesis in spherical embryos., Tyszka JM, Ewald AJ, Wallingford JB, Fraser SE., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2005; 234 (4): 974-83.   

Notch in the pathway: the roles of Notch signaling in neural crest development., Cornell RA, Eisen JS., Semin Cell Dev Biol. December 1, 2005; 16 (6): 663-72.

NH2-terminal heterogeneity in the KCC3 K+-Cl- cotransporter., Mercado A, Vázquez N, Song L, Cortés R, Enck AH, Welch R, Delpire E, Gamba G, Mount DB., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. December 1, 2005; 289 (6): F1246-61.

NMDA receptors as targets of heavy metal interaction and toxicity., Marchetti C, Gavazzo P., Neurotox Res. November 1, 2005; 8 (3-4): 245-58.

Nrarp functions to modulate neural-crest-cell differentiation by regulating LEF1 protein stability., Ishitani T, Matsumoto K, Chitnis AB, Itoh M., Nat Cell Biol. November 1, 2005; 7 (11): 1106-12.

Neural and eye-specific defects associated with loss of the imitation switch (ISWI) chromatin remodeler in Xenopus laevis., Dirscherl SS, Henry JJ, Krebs JE., Mech Dev. November 1, 2005; 122 (11): 1157-70.   

NGF and IL-1beta are co-localized in the developing nervous system of the frog, Xenopus laevis., Jelaso AM, DeLong C., Int J Dev Neurosci. November 1, 2005; 23 (7): 575-86.

Nup155 regulates nuclear envelope and nuclear pore complex formation in nematodes and vertebrates., Franz C, Askjaer P, Antonin W, Iglesias CL, Haselmann U, Schelder M, de Marco A, Wilm M, Antony C, Mattaj IW., EMBO J. October 19, 2005; 24 (20): 3519-31.

Novel insights regarding the operational characteristics and teleological purpose of the renal Na+-K+-Cl2 cotransporter (NKCC2s) splice variants., Brunet GM, Gagnon E, Simard CF, Daigle ND, Caron L, Noël M, Lefoll MH, Bergeron MJ, Isenring P., J Gen Physiol. October 1, 2005; 126 (4): 325-37.   

Nerve-dependent and -independent events in blastema formation during Xenopus froglet limb regeneration., Suzuki M, Satoh A, Ide H, Tamura K., Dev Biol. October 1, 2005; 286 (1): 361-75.   

Nodal signaling and the evolution of deuterostome gastrulation., Chea HK, Wright CV, Swalla BJ., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2005; 234 (2): 269-78.

Novel TRPM6 mutations in 21 families with primary hypomagnesemia and secondary hypocalcemia., Schlingmann KP, Sassen MC, Weber S, Pechmann U, Kusch K, Pelken L, Lotan D, Syrrou M, Prebble JJ, Cole DE, Metzger DL, Rahman S, Tajima T, Shu SG, Waldegger S, Seyberth HW, Konrad M., J Am Soc Nephrol. October 1, 2005; 16 (10): 3061-9.

Novel Daple-like protein positively regulates both the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway and the Wnt/JNK pathway in Xenopus., Kobayashi H, Michiue T, Yukita A, Danno H, Sakurai K, Fukui A, Kikuchi A, Asashima M., Mech Dev. October 1, 2005; 122 (10): 1138-53.   

Neptune is involved in posterior axis and tail formation in Xenopus embryogenesis., Takeda M, Kurauchi T, Yamazaki T, Izutsu Y, Maéno M., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2005; 234 (1): 63-73.   

Nuclear localization signal peptides induce molecular delivery along microtubules., Salman H, Abu-Arish A, Oliel S, Loyter A, Klafter J, Granek R, Elbaum M., Biophys J. September 1, 2005; 89 (3): 2134-45.

NH3 and NH4+ permeability in aquaporin-expressing Xenopus oocytes., Holm LM, Jahn TP, Møller AL, Schjoerring JK, Ferri D, Klaerke DA, Zeuthen T., Pflugers Arch. September 1, 2005; 450 (6): 415-28.

Novel plant substances acting as beta subunit isoform-selective positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors., Baur R, Simmen U, Senn M, Séquin U, Sigel E., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 2005; 68 (3): 787-92.

Nucleoporin domain topology is linked to the transport status of the nuclear pore complex., Paulillo SM, Phillips EM, Köser J, Sauder U, Ullman KS, Powers MA, Fahrenkrog B., J Mol Biol. August 26, 2005; 351 (4): 784-98.

Non-equilibrium behavior of HCN channels: insights into the role of HCN channels in native and engineered pacemakers., Azene EM, Xue T, Marbán E, Tomaselli GF, Li RA., Cardiovasc Res. August 1, 2005; 67 (2): 263-73.

Nedd4-2 isoforms differentially associate with ENaC and regulate its activity., Itani OA, Stokes JB, Thomas CP., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. August 1, 2005; 289 (2): F334-46.

New "Birtoxin analogs" from Androctonus australis venom., Martin-Eauclaire MF, Ceard B, Bosmans F, Rosso JP, Tytgat J, Bougis PE., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 29, 2005; 333 (2): 524-30.

Nuclear import of mPER3 in Xenopus oocytes and HeLa cells requires complex formation with mPER1., Loop S, Pieler T., FEBS J. July 1, 2005; 272 (14): 3714-24.

Nephrin expression and three-dimensional morphogenesis of the Xenopus pronephric glomus., Gerth VE, Zhou X, Vize PD., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2005; 233 (3): 1131-9.   

NeuroD1 in the endocrine pancreas: localization and dual function as an activator and repressor., Itkin-Ansari P, Marcora E, Geron I, Tyrberg B, Demeterco C, Hao E, Padilla C, Ratineau C, Leiter A, Lee JE, Levine F., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2005; 233 (3): 946-53.

New method to measure water permeability in emptied-out Xenopus oocytes controlling conditions on both sides of the membrane., Ozu M, Dorr R, Parisi M., J Biochem Biophys Methods. June 30, 2005; 63 (3): 187-200.

NCAM 180 acting via a conserved C-terminal domain and MLCK is essential for effective transmission with repetitive stimulation., Polo-Parada L, Plattner F, Bose C, Landmesser LT., Neuron. June 16, 2005; 46 (6): 917-31.

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