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Search Results

Characterization of the grapevine Shaker K+ channel VvK3.1 supports its function in massive potassium fluxes necessary for berry potassium loading and pulvinus-actuated leaf movements., Nieves-Cordones M, Andrianteranagna M, Cuéllar T, Chérel I, Gibrat R, Boeglin M, Moreau B, Paris N, Verdeil JL, Zimmermann S, Gaillard I., New Phytol. April 1, 2019; 222 (1): 286-300.

Calcineurin-dependent Protein Phosphorylation Changes During Egg Activation in Drosophila melanogaster., Zhang Z, Ahmed-Braimah YH, Goldberg ML, Wolfner MF., Mol Cell Proteomics. March 15, 2019; 18 (Suppl 1): S145-S158.

Class A scavenger receptors mediate extracellular dsRNA sensing, leading to downstream antiviral gene expression in a novel American toad cell line, BufoTad., Vo NTK, Moore LC, Leis E, DeWitte-Orr SJ., Dev Comp Immunol. March 1, 2019; 92 140-149.

Cytochrome P450 1A transcript is a suitable biomarker of both exposure and response to diluted bitumen in developing frog embryos., Lara-Jacobo LR, Willard B, Wallace SJ, Langlois VS., Environ Pollut. March 1, 2019; 246 501-508.

Cooperativity in proton sensing by PIP aquaporins., Vitali V, Jozefkowicz C, Canessa Fortuna A, Soto G, González Flecha FL, Alleva K., FEBS J. March 1, 2019; 286 (5): 991-1002.

CDK phosphorylation of Xenopus laevis M18BP1 promotes its metaphase centromere localization., French BT, Straight AF., EMBO J. February 15, 2019; 38 (4):

Chromosome alignment maintenance requires the MAP RECQL4, mutated in the Rothmund-Thomson syndrome., Yokoyama H, Moreno-Andres D, Astrinidis SA, Hao Y, Weberruss M, Schellhaus AK, Lue H, Haramoto Y, Gruss OJ, Antonin W., Life Sci Alliance. February 4, 2019; 2 (1):   

cAMP binds to closed, inactivated, and open sea urchin HCN channels in a state-dependent manner., Idikuda V, Gao W, Su Z, Liu Q, Zhou L., J Gen Physiol. February 4, 2019; 151 (2): 200-213.   

Chromatin Characterization in Xenopus laevis Cell-Free Egg Extracts and Embryos., Wang WL, Onikubo T, Shechter D., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. February 1, 2019; 2019 (2):

Chromosome Cohesion and Condensation in Xenopus Egg Extracts., da Silva EML, Rankin S., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. February 1, 2019; 2019 (2): pdb.prot097121.

Claspin - checkpoint adaptor and DNA replication factor., Smits VAJ, Cabrera E, Freire R, Gillespie DA., FEBS J. February 1, 2019; 286 (3): 441-455.

Comparisons of SOCS mRNA and protein levels in Xenopus provide insights into optic nerve regenerative success., Priscilla R, Szaro BG., Brain Res. February 1, 2019; 1704 150-160.   

Comparative electrophysiological analysis of the bile acid-sensitive ion channel (BASIC) from different species suggests similar physiological functions., Lenzig P, Wirtz M, Wiemuth D., Pflugers Arch. February 1, 2019; 471 (2): 329-336.

Cloning, function, and localization of human, canine, and Drosophila ZIP10 (SLC39A10), a Zn2+ transporter., Landry GM, Furrow E, Holmes HL, Hirata T, Kato A, Williams P, Strohmaier K, Gallo CJR, Chang M, Pandey MK, Jiang H, Bansal A, Franz MC, Montalbetti N, Alexander MP, Cabrero P, Dow JAT, DeGrado TR, Romero MF., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. February 1, 2019; 316 (2): F263-F273.

Crystal structure of the plant symporter STP10 illuminates sugar uptake mechanism in monosaccharide transporter superfamily., Paulsen PA, Custódio TF, Pedersen BP., Nat Commun. January 24, 2019; 10 (1): 407.   

Class A Scavenger Receptors Are Used by Frog Virus 3 During Its Cellular Entry., Vo NTK, Guerreiro M, Yaparla A, Grayfer L, DeWitte-Orr SJ., Viruses. January 23, 2019; 11 (2):   

Conserved allosteric pathways for activation of TRPV3 revealed through engineering vanilloid-sensitivity., Zhang F, Swartz KJ, Jara-Oseguera A., Elife. January 15, 2019; 8   

Colloid osmotic parameterization and measurement of subcellular crowding., Mitchison TJ., Mol Biol Cell. January 15, 2019; 30 (2): 173-180.   

Connexin43 mutations linked to skin disease have augmented hemichannel activity., Srinivas M, Jannace TF, Cocozzelli AG, Li L, Slavi N, Sellitto C, White TW., Sci Rep. January 10, 2019; 9 (1): 19.   

Convection-Induced Biased Distribution of Actin Probes in Live Cells., Yamashiro S, Taniguchi D, Tanaka S, Kiuchi T, Vavylonis D, Watanabe N., Biophys J. January 8, 2019; 116 (1): 142-150.   

Cleavage Blastomere Deletion and Transplantation to Test Cell Fate Commitment in Xenopus., Moody SA., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. January 2, 2019; 2019 (1):

Cleavage Blastomere Explant Culture in Xenopus., Moody SA., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. January 2, 2019; 2019 (1):

ChIP-Sequencing in Xenopus Embryos., Hontelez S, van Kruijsbergen I, Veenstra GJC., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. January 2, 2019; 2019 (1):

Copper uptake mechanism of Arabidopsis thaliana high-affinity COPT transporters., Sanz A, Pike S, Khan MA, Carrió-Seguí À, Mendoza-Cózatl DG, Peñarrubia L, Gassmann W., Protoplasma. January 1, 2019; 256 (1): 161-170.

Comprehensive analysis of formin localization in Xenopus epithelial cells., Higashi T, Stephenson RE, Miller AL., Mol Biol Cell. January 1, 2019; 30 (1): 82-95.   

Cloning and characterization of zebrafish K2P13.1 (THIK-1) two-pore-domain K+ channels., Staudacher I, Seehausen S, Gierten J, Illg C, Schweizer PA, Katus HA, Thomas D., J Mol Cell Cardiol. January 1, 2019; 126 96-104.

Curare alkaloids from Matis Dart Poison: Comparison with d-tubocurarine in interactions with nicotinic, 5-HT3 serotonin and GABAA receptors., Spirova EN, Ivanov IA, Kasheverov IE, Kudryavtsev DS, Shelukhina IV, Garifulina AI, Son LV, Lummis SCR, Malca-Garcia GR, Bussmann RW, Hennig L, Giannis A, Tsetlin VI., PLoS One. January 1, 2019; 14 (1): e0210182.   

Culture and Host Transfer of Xenopus Oocytes for Maternal mRNA Depletion and Genome Editing Experiments., Houston DW., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1920 1-16.

Conditional Demyelination and Remyelination in a Transgenic Xenopus laevis., Mannioui A, Zalc B., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1936 239-248.

Cesium Inhibits Plant Growth Primarily Through Reduction of Potassium Influx and Accumulation in Arabidopsis., Adams E, Miyazaki T, Saito S, Uozumi N, Shin R., Plant Cell Physiol. January 1, 2019; 60 (1): 63-76.

Cdc42 Effector Protein 3 Interacts With Cdc42 in Regulating Xenopus Somite Segmentation., Kho M, Shi H, Nie S., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 542.   

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of Plasmid-Bound Proteins in Xenopus Egg Extracts., Wolfe KB, Long DT., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1999 173-184.

Comparative analysis of p4ha1 and p4ha2 expression during Xenopus laevis development., Martini D, Giannaccini M, Guadagni V, Marracci S, Giudetti G, Andreazzoli M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2019; 63 (6-7): 311-316.   

Corrigendum: Xenopus tropicalis: Joining the Armada in the Fight Against Blood Cancer., Dimitrakopoulou D, Tulkens D, Van Vlierberghe P, Vleminckx K., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 210.

Contribution of Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics to Discoveries in Developmental Biology., Hashimoto Y, Greco TM, Cristea IM., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2019; 1140 143-154.

Comparative Embryonic Spatio-Temporal Expression Profile Map of the Xenopus P2X Receptor Family., Blanchard C, Boué-Grabot E, Massé K., Front Cell Neurosci. January 1, 2019; 13 340.   

Changes in Ca2+ Removal Can Mask the Effects of Geometry During IP3R Mediated Ca2+ Signals., Piegari E, Villarruel C, Ponce Dawson S., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 964.   

Characterization of a Dopamine Transporter and Its Splice Variant Reveals Novel Features of Dopaminergic Regulation in the Honey Bee., Zhang V, Kucharski R, Landers C, Richards SN, Bröer S, Martin RE, Maleszka R., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 1375.   

Coupling of a viral K+-channel with a glutamate-binding-domain highlights the modular design of ionotropic glutamate-receptors., Schönrock M, Thiel G, Laube B., Commun Biol. January 1, 2019; 2 75.   

Control of Xenopus Tadpole Locomotion via Selective Expression of Ih in Excitatory Interneurons., Picton LD, Sillar KT, Zhang HY., Curr Biol. December 17, 2018; 28 (24): 3911-3923.e2.   

CellSpecks: A Software for Automated Detection and Analysis of Calcium Channels in Live Cells., Shah SI, Smith M, Swaminathan D, Parker I, Ullah G, Demuro A., Biophys J. December 4, 2018; 115 (11): 2141-2151.

Cell Transplantation as a Method to Investigate Spinal Cord Regeneration in Regenerative and Nonregenerative Xenopus Stages., Méndez-Olivos EE, Larraín J., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. December 3, 2018; 2018 (12):

Chick cranial neural crest cells use progressive polarity refinement, not contact inhibition of locomotion, to guide their migration., Genuth MA, Allen CDC, Mikawa T, Weiner OD., Dev Biol. December 1, 2018; 444 Suppl 1 S252-S261.

Characterization of Pax3 and Sox10 transgenic Xenopus laevis embryos as tools to study neural crest development., Alkobtawi M, Ray H, Barriga EH, Moreno M, Kerney R, Monsoro-Burq AH, Saint-Jeannet JP, Mayor R., Dev Biol. December 1, 2018; 444 Suppl 1 S202-S208.   

Characterization of potential TRPP2 regulating proteins in early Xenopus embryos., Futel M, Le Bouffant R, Buisson I, Umbhauer M, Riou JF., J Cell Biochem. December 1, 2018; 119 (12): 10338-10350.   

Combined functions of two RRMs in Dead-end1 mimic helicase activity to promote nanos1 translation in the germline., Aguero T, Jin Z, Owens D, Malhotra A, Newman K, Yang J, King ML., Mol Reprod Dev. December 1, 2018; 85 (12): 896-908.   

Calcineurin promotes APC/C activation at meiotic exit by acting on both XErp1 and Cdc20., Heim A, Tischer T, Mayer TU., EMBO Rep. December 1, 2018; 19 (12):

CDC20B is required for deuterosome-mediated centriole production in multiciliated cells., Revinski DR, Zaragosi LE, Boutin C, Ruiz-Garcia S, Deprez M, Thomé V, Rosnet O, Gay AS, Mercey O, Paquet A, Pons N, Ponzio G, Marcet B, Kodjabachian L, Barbry P., Nat Commun. November 7, 2018; 9 (1): 4668.   

Cell migration in the Xenopus gastrula., Huang Y, Winklbauer R., Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. November 1, 2018; 7 (6): e325.

Cell cycles during early steps of amphibian embryogenesis: A review., Desnitskiy AG., Biosystems. November 1, 2018; 173 100-103.

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