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Search Results

Pre-meiotic transformation of germplasm-related structures during male gamete differentiation in Xenopus laevis., Reunov AA, Reunova YA., Zygote. February 1, 2016; 24 (1): 42-7.

Post-translational Regulation of Hexokinase Function and Protein Stability in the Aestivating Frog Xenopus laevis., Childers CL, Storey KB., Protein J. February 1, 2016; 35 (1): 61-71.

Pharmacology and Structural Analysis of Ligand Binding to the Orthosteric Site of Glutamate-Like GluD2 Receptors., Kristensen AS, Hansen KB, Naur P, Olsen L, Kurtkaya NL, Dravid SM, Kvist T, Yi F, Pøhlsgaard J, Clausen RP, Gajhede M, Kastrup JS, Traynelis SF., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 2016; 89 (2): 253-62.

Protein kinase OsSAPK8 functions as an essential activator of S-type anion channel OsSLAC1, which is nitrate-selective in rice., Sun SJ, Qi GN, Gao QF, Wang HQ, Yao FY, Hussain J, Wang YF., Planta. February 1, 2016; 243 (2): 489-500.

Ptbp1 and Exosc9 knockdowns trigger skin stability defects through different pathways., Noiret M, Mottier S, Angrand G, Gautier-Courteille C, Lerivray H, Viet J, Paillard L, Mereau A, Hardy S, Audic Y., Dev Biol. January 15, 2016; 409 (2): 489-501.   

Phosphorylation at serine 52 and 635 does not alter the transport properties of glucosinolate transporter AtGTR1., Jørgensen ME, Olsen CE, Halkier BA, Nour-Eldin HH., Plant Signal Behav. January 1, 2016; 11 (2): e1071751.

Phosphorylation of RS1 (RSC1A1) Steers Inhibition of Different Exocytotic Pathways for Glucose Transporter SGLT1 and Nucleoside Transporter CNT1, and an RS1-Derived Peptide Inhibits Glucose Absorption., Veyhl-Wichmann M, Friedrich A, Vernaleken A, Singh S, Kipp H, Gorboulev V, Keller T, Chintalapati C, Pipkorn R, Pastor-Anglada M, Groll J, Koepsell H., Mol Pharmacol. January 1, 2016; 89 (1): 118-32.

pdzrn3 is required for pronephros morphogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Marracci S, Vangelisti A, Raffa V, Andreazzoli M, Dente L., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (1-3): 57-63.   

Purification and Fluorescent Labeling of Tubulin from Xenopus laevis Egg Extracts., Groen AC, Mitchison TJ., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1413 35-45.

Purification of Human and Mammalian Membrane Proteins Expressed in Xenopus laevis Frog Oocytes for Structural Studies., Boggavarapu R, Hirschi S, Harder D, Meury M, Ucurum Z, Bergeron MJ, Fotiadis D., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1432 223-42.

Platelet derived growth factor B gene expression in the Xenopus laevis developing central nervous system., Giannetti K, Corsinovi D, Rossino C, Appolloni I, Malatesta P, Ori M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (4-6): 175-9.   

Proteinaceous Pheromone Homologs Identified from the Cloacal Gland Transcriptome of a Male Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum., Hall KW, Eisthen HL, Williams BL., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (2): e0146851.   

Plant Aquaporins: Genome-Wide Identification, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, and Advanced Analytical Tools., Deshmukh RK, Sonah H, Bélanger RR., Front Plant Sci. January 1, 2016; 7 1896.   

Pr-SNTX, a short-chain three-finger toxin from Papuan pigmy mulga snake, is an antagonist of muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α2βδε)., Yamauchi Y, Kimoto H, Yang X, Filkin S, Utkin Y, Kubo T, Inagaki H., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. January 1, 2016; 80 (1): 158-61.

Proteome-wide dataset supporting the study of ancient metazoan macromolecular complexes., Phanse S, Wan C, Borgeson B, Tu F, Drew K, Clark G, Xiong X, Kagan O, Kwan J, Bezginov A, Chessman K, Pal S, Cromar G, Papoulas O, Ni Z, Boutz DR, Stoilova S, Havugimana PC, Guo X, Malty RH, Sarov M, Greenblatt J, Babu M, Derry WB, Tillier ER, Wallingford JB, Parkinson J, Marcotte EM, Emili A., Data Brief. December 25, 2015; 6 715-21.

Perfluoroheptanoic acid affects amphibian embryogenesis by inducing the phosphorylation of ERK and JNK., Kim M, Park MS, Son J, Park I, Lee HK, Kim C, Min BH, Ryoo J, Choi KS, Lee DS, Lee HS., Int J Mol Med. December 1, 2015; 36 (6): 1693-700.

Pou5f3.2-induced proliferative state of embryonic cells during gastrulation of Xenopus laevis embryo., Nishitani E, Li C, Lee J, Hotta H, Katayama Y, Yamaguchi M, Kinoshita T., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2015; 57 (9): 591-600.   

Positive Allosteric Modulation of Kv Channels by Sevoflurane: Insights into the Structural Basis of Inhaled Anesthetic Action., Liang Q, Anderson WD, Jones ST, Souza CS, Hosoume JM, Treptow W, Covarrubias M., PLoS One. November 24, 2015; 10 (11): e0143363.   

Proteomics of Primary Cilia by Proximity Labeling., Mick DU, Rodrigues RB, Leib RD, Adams CM, Chien AS, Gygi SP, Nachury MV., Dev Cell. November 23, 2015; 35 (4): 497-512.

PnPP-19, a Synthetic and Nontoxic Peptide Designed from a Phoneutria nigriventer Toxin, Potentiates Erectile Function via NO/cGMP., Silva CN, Nunes KP, Torres FS, Cassoli JS, Santos DM, Almeida Fde M, Matavel A, Cruz JS, Santos-Miranda A, Nunes AD, Castro CH, Machado de Ávila RA, Chávez-Olórtegui C, Láuar SS, Felicori L, Resende JM, Camargos ER, Borges MH, Cordeiro MN, Peigneur S, Tytgat J, de Lima ME., J Urol. November 1, 2015; 194 (5): 1481-90.

Pinnatoxins E, F and G target multiple nicotinic receptor subtypes., Hellyer SD, Indurthi D, Balle T, Runder-Varga V, Selwood AI, Tyndall JD, Chebib M, Rhodes L, Kerr DS., J Neurochem. November 1, 2015; 135 (3): 479-91.

Picomolar sensitivity to inositol trisphosphate in Xenopus oocytes., Demuro A, Parker I., Cell Calcium. November 1, 2015; 58 (5): 511-7.

Protein phosphatase 1 is essential for Greatwall inactivation at mitotic exit., Heim A, Konietzny A, Mayer TU., EMBO Rep. November 1, 2015; 16 (11): 1501-10.

Poly(ADP-ribose)-binding promotes Exo1 damage recruitment and suppresses its nuclease activities., Cheruiyot A, Paudyal SC, Kim IK, Sparks M, Ellenberger T, Piwnica-Worms H, You Z., DNA Repair (Amst). November 1, 2015; 35 106-15.

PP1 inactivates Greatwall to release PP2A-B55 from mitotic confinement., Mochida S., EMBO Rep. November 1, 2015; 16 (11): 1411-2.

Phosphorylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K at an extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation site promotes neurofilament-medium protein expression and axon outgrowth in Xenopus., Hutchins EJ, Belrose JL, Szaro BG., Neurosci Lett. October 21, 2015; 607 59-65.

Putting it all on pigmentation: Heuristics of a bold and stochastic cell fate decision., Xing J, Lee RE., Sci Signal. October 6, 2015; 8 (397): fs17.

Proton-dependent glutamine uptake by aphid bacteriocyte amino acid transporter ApGLNT1., Price DR, Wilson AC, Luetje CW., Biochim Biophys Acta. October 1, 2015; 1848 (10 Pt A): 2085-91.

Prdm12 specifies V1 interneurons through cross-repressive interactions with Dbx1 and Nkx6 genes in Xenopus., Thélie A, Desiderio S, Hanotel J, Quigley I, Van Driessche B, Rodari A, Borromeo MD, Kricha S, Lahaye F, Croce J, Cerda-Moya G, Ordoño Fernandez J, Bolle B, Lewis KE, Sander M, Pierani A, Schubert M, Johnson JE, Kintner CR, Pieler T, Van Lint C, Henningfeld KA, Bellefroid EJ, Van Campenhout C., Development. October 1, 2015; 142 (19): 3416-28.   

Phase transition of spindle-associated protein regulate spindle apparatus assembly., Jiang H, Wang S, Huang Y, He X, Cui H, Zhu X, Zheng Y., Cell. September 24, 2015; 163 (1): 108-22.   

PTEN regulates cilia through Dishevelled., Shnitsar I, Bashkurov M, Masson GR, Ogunjimi AA, Mosessian S, Cabeza EA, Hirsch CL, Trcka D, Gish G, Jiao J, Wu H, Winklbauer R, Williams RL, Pelletier L, Wrana JL, Barrios-Rodiles M., Nat Commun. September 24, 2015; 6 8388.   

Pulsed EPR spectroscopy distance measurements of DNA internally labelled with Gd(3+)-DOTA., Wojciechowski F, Groß A, Holder IT, Knörr L, Drescher M, Hartig JS., Chem Commun (Camb). September 18, 2015; 51 (72): 13850-3.

Prediction of Functionally Important Phospho-Regulatory Events in Xenopus laevis Oocytes., Johnson JR, Santos SD, Johnson T, Pieper U, Strumillo M, Wagih O, Sali A, Krogan NJ, Beltrao P., PLoS Comput Biol. August 27, 2015; 11 (8): e1004362.   

Perisynaptic Schwann Cells at the Neuromuscular Synapse: Adaptable, Multitasking Glial Cells., Ko CP, Robitaille R., Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. August 20, 2015; 7 (10): a020503.

Pharmacological profile of zacopride and new quaternarized fluorobenzamide analogues on mammalian α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Bourdin CM, Lebreton J, Mathé-Allainmat M, Thany SH., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. August 15, 2015; 25 (16): 3184-8.

Proteomics analysis of Xenopus laevis gonad tissue following chronic exposure to atrazine., Chen X, Wang J, Zhu H, Ding J, Peng Y., Environ Toxicol Chem. August 1, 2015; 34 (8): 1770-7.

Positive modulation of synaptic and extrasynaptic GABAA receptors by an antagonist of the high affinity benzodiazepine binding site., Middendorp SJ, Maldifassi MC, Baur R, Sigel E., Neuropharmacology. August 1, 2015; 95 459-67.

Paraxis is required for somite morphogenesis and differentiation in Xenopus laevis., Sánchez RS, Sánchez SS., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2015; 244 (8): 973-87.   

Passive stiffness of hindlimb muscles in anurans with distinct locomotor specializations., Danos N, Azizi E., Zoology (Jena). August 1, 2015; .

Preventing replication fork collapse to maintain genome integrity., Cortez D., DNA Repair (Amst). August 1, 2015; 32 149-157.

Pore dimensions and the role of occupancy in unitary conductance of Shaker K channels., Díaz-Franulic I, Sepúlveda RV, Navarro-Quezada N, González-Nilo F, Naranjo D., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2015; 146 (2): 133-46.   

Predicting Variabilities in Cardiac Gene Expression with a Boolean Network Incorporating Uncertainty., Grieb M, Burkovski A, Sträng JE, Kraus JM, Groß A, Palm G, Kühl M, Kestler HA., PLoS One. July 16, 2015; 10 (7): e0131832.   

Preparation of Xenopus laevis retinal cryosections for electron microscopy., Tam BM, Yang LL, Bogėa TH, Ross B, Martens G, Moritz OL., Exp Eye Res. July 1, 2015; 136 86-90.   

Peptoid-Substituted Hybrid Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from Papiliocin and Magainin 2 with Enhanced Bacterial Selectivity and Anti-inflammatory Activity., Shin A, Lee E, Jeon D, Park YG, Bang JK, Park YS, Shin SY, Kim Y., Biochemistry. June 30, 2015; 54 (25): 3921-31.

Probing the Redox States of Sodium Channel Cysteines at the Binding Site of μO§-Conotoxin GVIIJ., Zhang MM, Gajewiak J, Azam L, Bulaj G, Olivera BM, Yoshikami D., Biochemistry. June 30, 2015; 54 (25): 3911-20.

Planar Pol(o)arity., Sedzinski J, Wallingford J., Dev Cell. June 8, 2015; 33 (5): 494-5.

Protein-Carbohydrate Interaction between Sperm and the Egg-Coating Envelope and Its Regulation by Dicalcin, a Xenopus laevis Zona Pellucida Protein-Associated Protein., Miwa N., Molecules. May 22, 2015; 20 (5): 9468-86.   

Purification and characterization of cholecystokinin from the skin of salamander Tylototriton verrucosus., Jiang WB, Hakim M, Luo L, Li BW, Yang SL, Song YZ, Lai R, Lu QM., Dongwuxue Yanjiu. May 18, 2015; 36 (3): 174-7.

Phospholipase C and D regulation of Src, calcium release and membrane fusion during Xenopus laevis development., Stith BJ., Dev Biol. May 15, 2015; 401 (2): 188-205.

Preventing farnesylation of the dynein adaptor Spindly contributes to the mitotic defects caused by farnesyltransferase inhibitors., Holland AJ, Reis RM, Niessen S, Pereira C, Andres DA, Spielmann HP, Cleveland DW, Desai A, Gassmann R., Mol Biol Cell. May 15, 2015; 26 (10): 1845-56.   

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