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Developmentally Regulated Post-translational Modification of Nucleoplasmin Controls Histone Sequestration and Deposition., Onikubo T, Nicklay JJ, Xing L, Warren C, Anson B, Wang WL, Burgos ES, Ruff SE, Shabanowitz J, Cheng RH, Hunt DF, Shechter D., Cell Rep. March 17, 2015; 10 (10): 1735-1748.

Derricin and derricidin inhibit Wnt/β-catenin signaling and suppress colon cancer cell growth in vitro., Fonseca BF, Predes D, Cerqueira DM, Reis AH, Amado NG, Cayres MC, Kuster RM, Oliveira FL, Mendes FA, Abreu JG., PLoS One. March 16, 2015; 10 (3): e0120919.   

Distinct patterns of endosulfatase gene expression during Xenopus laevis limb development and regeneration., Wang YH, Beck C., Regeneration (Oxf). March 13, 2015; 2 (1): 19-25.   

Distinct action of the α-glucosidase inhibitor miglitol on SGLT3, enteroendocrine cells, and GLP1 secretion., Lee EY, Kaneko S, Jutabha P, Zhang X, Seino S, Jomori T, Anzai N, Miki T., J Endocrinol. March 1, 2015; 224 (3): 205-14.   

Distinct functionality of dishevelled isoforms on Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2 (CamKII) in Xenopus gastrulation., Gentzel M, Schille C, Rauschenberger V, Schambony A., Mol Biol Cell. March 1, 2015; 26 (5): 966-77.   

DNA interstrand cross-link repair requires replication-fork convergence., Zhang J, Dewar JM, Budzowska M, Motnenko A, Cohn MA, Walter JC., Nat Struct Mol Biol. March 1, 2015; 22 (3): 242-7.   

Distinct roles of the DmNav and DSC1 channels in the action of DDT and pyrethroids., Rinkevich FD, Du Y, Tolinski J, Ueda A, Wu CF, Zhorov BS, Dong K., Neurotoxicology. March 1, 2015; 47 99-106.

Differential requirement of F-actin and microtubule cytoskeleton in cue-induced local protein synthesis in axonal growth cones., Piper M, Lee AC, van Horck FP, McNeilly H, Lu TB, Harris WA, Holt CE., Neural Dev. February 25, 2015; 10 3.   

Dynamics of nucleosome assembly and effects of DNA methylation., Lee JY, Lee J, Yue H, Lee TH., J Biol Chem. February 13, 2015; 290 (7): 4291-303.

Development of a new approach for targeted gene editing in primordial germ cells using TALENs in Xenopus., Nakajima K, Yaoita Y., Biol Open. February 6, 2015; 4 (3): 259-66.   

Discovery of a novel general anesthetic chemotype using high-throughput screening., McKinstry-Wu AR, Bu W, Rai G, Lea WA, Weiser BP, Liang DF, Simeonov A, Jadhav A, Maloney DJ, Eckenhoff RG., Anesthesiology. February 1, 2015; 122 (2): 325-33.

Distinct features of cap binding by eIF4E1b proteins., Kubacka D, Miguel RN, Minshall N, Darzynkiewicz E, Standart N, Zuberek J., J Mol Biol. January 30, 2015; 427 (2): 387-405.   

Different expression domains for two closely related amphibian TAARs generate a bimodal distribution similar to neuronal responses to amine odors., Syed AS, Sansone A, Röner S, Bozorg Nia S, Manzini I, Korsching SI., Sci Rep. January 12, 2015; 5 13935.   

Differential effects of quercetin glycosides on GABAC receptor channel activity., Kim HJ, Lee BH, Choi SH, Jung SW, Kim HS, Lee JH, Hwang SH, Pyo MK, Kim HC, Nah SY., Arch Pharm Res. January 1, 2015; 38 (1): 108-14.

Development of the vertebrate tailbud., Beck CW., Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. January 1, 2015; 4 (1): 33-44.   

Distinct patterns of compartmentalization and proteolytic stability of PDE6C mutants linked to achromatopsia., Cheguru P, Majumder A, Artemyev NO., Mol Cell Neurosci. January 1, 2015; 64 1-8.

Dissecting microtubule structures by laser ablation., Decker F, Brugués J., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2015; 125 61-75.

Downregulation of hPMC2 imparts chemotherapeutic sensitivity to alkylating agents in breast cancer cells., Krishnamurthy N, Liu L, Xiong X, Zhang J, Montano MM., Cancer Biol Ther. January 1, 2015; 16 (4): 518-27.

Direct regulation of siamois by VegT is required for axis formation in Xenopus embryo., Li HY, El Yakoubi W, Shi DL., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2015; 59 (10-12): 443-51.   

Database and Informatic Challenges in Representing Both Diploid and Tetraploid Xenopus Species in Xenbase., Vize PD, Liu Y, Karimi K., Cytogenet Genome Res. January 1, 2015; .

Distribution of the T2-MITE Family Transposons in the Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis Genome., Hikosaka A, Uno Y, Matsuda Y., Cytogenet Genome Res. January 1, 2015; 145 (3-4): 230-42.

Direct injection of cell-free Kir1.1 protein into Xenopus oocytes replicates single-channel currents derived from Kir1.1 mRNA., Sackin H, Nanazashvili M, Makino S., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2015; 9 (4): 196-9.   

Determination of Alkali-Sensing Parts of the Insulin Receptor-Related Receptor Using the Bioinformatic Approach., Deyev IE, Popova NV, Petrenko AG., Acta Naturae. January 1, 2015; 7 (2): 80-6.   

Differential mechanisms of action of the novel γ-aminobutyric acid receptor antagonist ectoparasiticides fluralaner (A1443) and fipronil., Asahi M, Kobayashi M, Matsui H, Nakahira K., Pest Manag Sci. January 1, 2015; 71 (1): 91-5.

Developmental expression of the N-myc downstream regulated gene (Ndrg) family during Xenopus tropicalis embryogenesis., Zhong C, Zhou YK, Yang SS, Zhao JF, Zhu XL, Chen HH, Chen PC, Huang LQ, Huang X., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2015; 59 (10-12): 511-7.   

DNA Ligases I and III Support Nucleotide Excision Repair in DT40 Cells with Similar Efficiency., Paul-Konietzko K, Thomale J, Arakawa H, Iliakis G., Photochem Photobiol. January 1, 2015; 91 (5): 1173-80.

DNA ligase III acts as a DNA strand break sensor in the cellular orchestration of DNA strand break repair., Abdou I, Poirier GG, Hendzel MJ, Weinfeld M., Nucleic Acids Res. January 1, 2015; 43 (2): 875-92.   

Direct interactions promote eviction of the Sir3 heterochromatin protein by the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling enzyme., Manning BJ, Peterson CL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 16, 2014; 111 (50): 17827-32.

Divergent antiviral roles of amphibian (Xenopus laevis) macrophages elicited by colony-stimulating factor-1 and interleukin-34., Grayfer L, Robert J., J Leukoc Biol. December 1, 2014; 96 (6): 1143-53.

Differential regulation of the glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST by GSK3β., Jiménez E, Núñez E, Ibáñez I, Draffin JE, Zafra F, Giménez C., Neurochem Int. December 1, 2014; 79 33-43.

Dynein light intermediate chains maintain spindle bipolarity by functioning in centriole cohesion., Jones LA, Villemant C, Starborg T, Salter A, Goddard G, Ruane P, Woodman PG, Papalopulu N, Woolner S, Allan VJ., J Cell Biol. November 24, 2014; 207 (4): 499-516.   

Developmental analysis of spliceosomal snRNA isoform expression., Lu Z, Matera AG., G3 (Bethesda). November 21, 2014; 5 (1): 103-10.   

Dissecting ubiquitin signaling with linkage-defined and protease resistant ubiquitin chains., Schneider T, Schneider D, Rösner D, Malhotra S, Mortensen F, Mayer TU, Scheffner M, Marx A., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. November 17, 2014; 53 (47): 12925-9.

Differential role of STIM1 and STIM2 during transient inward (T in) current generation and the maturation process in the Xenopus oocyte., Serrano-Flores B, Garay E, Vázquez-Cuevas FG, Arellano RO., BMC Physiol. November 15, 2014; 14 9.   

Developmental enhancers are marked independently of zygotic Nodal signals in Xenopus., Gupta R, Wills A, Ucar D, Baker J., Dev Biol. November 1, 2014; 395 (1): 38-49.   

Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (DSCAM) is important for early development in Xenopus tropicalis., Morales Diaz HD., Genesis. October 1, 2014; .   

Different oxysterols have opposing actions at N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors., Linsenbardt AJ, Taylor A, Emnett CM, Doherty JJ, Krishnan K, Covey DF, Paul SM, Zorumski CF, Mennerick S., Neuropharmacology. October 1, 2014; 85 232-42.

Dexmedetomidine increases the activity of excitatory amino acid transporter type 3 expressed in Xenopus oocytes: the involvement of protein kinase C and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase., Do SH, Park SJ, Shin HJ, Paik HS, Zuo Z, Yoon HJ, Ryu JH., Eur J Pharmacol. September 5, 2014; 738 8-13.

Dynamic phase microscopy reveals periodic oscillations of endoplasmic reticulum during network formation., Vyshenskaya TV, Tychinsky VP, Weiss DG, Kuznetsov SA., Biochemistry (Mosc). September 1, 2014; 79 (9): 907-16.

DIPA-family coiled-coils bind conserved isoform-specific head domain of p120-catenin family: potential roles in hydrocephalus and heterotopia., Markham NO, Doll CA, Dohn MR, Miller RK, Yu H, Coffey RJ, McCrea PD, Gamse JT, Reynolds AB., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 2014; 25 (17): 2592-603.   

DNA ligase III and DNA ligase IV carry out genetically distinct forms of end joining in human somatic cells., Oh S, Harvey A, Zimbric J, Wang Y, Nguyen T, Jackson PJ, Hendrickson EA., DNA Repair (Amst). September 1, 2014; 21 97-110.

Down-regulation of K⁺ channels by human parvovirus B19 capsid protein VP1., Ahmed M, Almilaji A, Munoz C, Elvira B, Shumilina E, Bock CT, Kandolf R, Lang F., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 8, 2014; 450 (4): 1396-401.

Diverse functions of kindlin/fermitin proteins during embryonic development in Xenopus laevis., Rozario T, Mead PE, DeSimone DW., Mech Dev. August 1, 2014; 133 203-17.   

Developmental hematopoiesis: ontogeny, genetic programming and conservation., Ciau-Uitz A, Monteiro R, Kirmizitas A, Patient R., Exp Hematol. August 1, 2014; 42 (8): 669-83.

Disrupted coupling of gating charge displacement to Na+ current activation for DIIS4 mutations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis., Mi W, Rybalchenko V, Cannon SC., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2014; 144 (2): 137-45.   

Deep proteomics of the Xenopus laevis egg using an mRNA-derived reference database., Wühr M, Freeman RM, Presler M, Horb ME, Peshkin L, Gygi S, Kirschner MW., Curr Biol. July 7, 2014; 24 (13): 1467-1475.   

Demonstration of proteolytic activation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by combining current measurements with detection of cleavage fragments., Krappitz M, Korbmacher C, Haerteis S., J Vis Exp. July 5, 2014; (89):   

Differential regulation of CASZ1 protein expression during cardiac and skeletal muscle development., Amin NM, Gibbs D, Conlon FL., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2014; 243 (7): 948-56.   

Drosha protein levels are translationally regulated during Xenopus oocyte maturation., Muggenhumer D, Vesely C, Nimpf S, Tian N, Yongfeng J, Jantsch MF., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 2014; 25 (13): 2094-104.   

Dopamine: a parallel pathway for the modulation of spinal locomotor networks., Sharples SA, Koblinger K, Humphreys JM, Whelan PJ., Front Neural Circuits. June 16, 2014; 8 55.   

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