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Highly selective tuning of a silkworm olfactory receptor to a key mulberry leaf volatile., Tanaka K, Uda Y, Ono Y, Nakagawa T, Suwa M, Yamaoka R, Touhara K., Curr Biol. June 9, 2009; 19 (11): 881-90.

Highly specific responses to amine odorants of individual olfactory receptor neurons in situ., Gliem S, Schild D, Manzini I., Eur J Neurosci. June 1, 2009; 29 (12): 2315-26.   

How to load a replicative helicase onto chromatin: a more and more complex matter during evolution., Lutzmann M, Méchali M., Cell Cycle. May 1, 2009; 8 (9): 1309-13.

Homologue of mammalian apolipoprotein A-II in non-mammalian vertebrates., Choudhury M, Yamada S, Komatsu M, Kishimura H, Ando S., Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). May 1, 2009; 41 (5): 370-8.

How does a millimeter-sized cell find its center?, Wühr M, Dumont S, Groen AC, Needleman DJ, Mitchison TJ., Cell Cycle. April 15, 2009; 8 (8): 1115-21.

Hypo-functional SLC26A4 variants associated with nonsyndromic hearing loss and enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct: genotype-phenotype correlation or coincidental polymorphisms?, Choi BY, Stewart AK, Madeo AC, Pryor SP, Lenhard S, Kittles R, Eisenman D, Kim HJ, Niparko J, Thomsen J, Arnos KS, Nance WE, King KA, Zalewski CK, Brewer CC, Shawker T, Reynolds JC, Butman JA, Karniski LP, Alper SL, Griffith AJ., Hum Mutat. April 1, 2009; 30 (4): 599-608.

Heteromeric assembly of inward rectifier channel subunit Kir2.1 with Kir3.1 and with Kir3.4., Ishihara K, Yamamoto T, Kubo Y., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. March 20, 2009; 380 (4): 832-7.

Histone H3 lysine 36 dimethylation (H3K36me2) is sufficient to recruit the Rpd3s histone deacetylase complex and to repress spurious transcription., Li B, Jackson J, Simon MD, Fleharty B, Gogol M, Seidel C, Workman JL, Shilatifard A., J Biol Chem. March 20, 2009; 284 (12): 7970-6.

High-resolution multi-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of proteins in human cells., Inomata K, Ohno A, Tochio H, Isogai S, Tenno T, Nakase I, Takeuchi T, Futaki S, Ito Y, Hiroaki H, Shirakawa M., Nature. March 5, 2009; 458 (7234): 106-9.

HvLsi1 is a silicon influx transporter in barley., Chiba Y, Mitani N, Yamaji N, Ma JF., Plant J. March 1, 2009; 57 (5): 810-8.

Highly purified Th17 cells from BDC2.5NOD mice convert into Th1-like cells in NOD/SCID recipient mice., Bending D, De la Peña H, Veldhoen M, Phillips JM, Uyttenhove C, Stockinger B, Cooke A., J Clin Invest. March 1, 2009; 119 (3): 565-72.

High levels of genetic variation at MHC class II DBB loci in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii)., Cheng Y, Siddle HV, Beck S, Eldridge MD, Belov K., Immunogenetics. February 1, 2009; 61 (2): 111-8.

hnRNP I inhibits Notch signaling and regulates intestinal epithelial homeostasis in the zebrafish., Yang J, Chan CY, Jiang B, Yu X, Zhu GZ, Chen Y, Barnard J, Mei W., PLoS Genet. February 1, 2009; 5 (2): e1000363.   

High-affinity interaction of sartans with H+/peptide transporters., Knutter I, Kottra G, Fischer W, Daniel H, Brandsch M., Drug Metab Dispos. January 1, 2009; 37 (1): 143-9.

Human and rat Nav1.3 voltage-gated sodium channels differ in inactivation properties and sensitivity to the pyrethroid insecticide tefluthrin., Tan J, Soderlund DM., Neurotoxicology. January 1, 2009; 30 (1): 81-9.

Heteromeric co-assembly of two insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha subunits: influence on sensitivity to neonicotinoid insecticides., Liu Z, Han Z, Zhang Y, Song F, Yao X, Liu S, Gu J, Millar NS., J Neurochem. January 1, 2009; 108 (2): 498-506.

High throughput electrophysiology with Xenopus oocytes., Papke RL, Smith-Maxwell C., Comb Chem High Throughput Screen. January 1, 2009; 12 (1): 38-50.

How cohesin and CTCF cooperate in regulating gene expression., Wendt KS, Peters JM., Chromosome Res. January 1, 2009; 17 (2): 201-14.

Heterelogous expression of plant genes., Yesilirmak F, Sayers Z., Int J Plant Genomics. January 1, 2009; 2009 296482.   

Hydrophilic nasal gel of lidocaine hydrochloride. 1st Communication: Preparation, formulation optimization and in vitro release study., Hu KL, Mei N, Feng L, Jiang XG., Arzneimittelforschung. January 1, 2009; 59 (11): 543-9.

High extracellular potassium ion concentration attenuates the blockade action of ketanserin on Kv1.3 channels expressed in xenopus oocytes., Liang ZT, Wang XP, Zeng QT, Liao YH, Zou AR, Li L, Tu DN., Chin Med J (Engl). December 20, 2008; 121 (24): 2584-91.

Homotrimeric complexes are the dominant assembly state of native P2X7 subunits., Nicke A., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. December 19, 2008; 377 (3): 803-8.

Heterologous expression and purification of the serotonin type 4 receptor from transgenic mouse retina., Salom D, Wu N, Sun W, Dong Z, Palczewski K, Jordan S, Salon JA., Biochemistry. December 16, 2008; 47 (50): 13296-307.

Hindbrain-derived Wnt and Fgf signals cooperate to specify the otic placode in Xenopus., Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP., Dev Biol. December 1, 2008; 324 (1): 108-21.   

Heme metabolism enzymes are dynamically expressed during Xenopus embryonic development., Shi J, Mei W, Yang J., Biocell. December 1, 2008; 32 (3): 259-63.   

Huntingtin-interacting proteins, HIP14 and HIP14L, mediate dual functions, palmitoyl acyltransferase and Mg2+ transport., Goytain A, Hines RM, Quamme GA., J Biol Chem. November 28, 2008; 283 (48): 33365-74.

Histone N-terminal tails interfere with nucleosome traversal by RNA polymerase II., Ujvári A, Hsieh FK, Luse SW, Studitsky VM, Luse DS., J Biol Chem. November 21, 2008; 283 (47): 32236-43.

Hepatoma up-regulated protein is required for chromatin-induced microtubule assembly independently of TPX2., Casanova CM, Rybina S, Yokoyama H, Karsenti E, Mattaj IW., Mol Biol Cell. November 1, 2008; 19 (11): 4900-8.

High-resolution cryo-SEM allows direct identification of F-actin at the inner nuclear membrane of Xenopus oocytes by virtue of its structural features., Walther P., J Microsc. November 1, 2008; 232 (2): 379-85.

Hairy2 functions through both DNA-binding and non DNA-binding mechanisms at the neural plate border in Xenopus., Nichane M, Ren X, Souopgui J, Bellefroid EJ., Dev Biol. October 15, 2008; 322 (2): 368-80.   

Hairy2-Id3 interactions play an essential role in Xenopus neural crest progenitor specification., Nichane M, de Crozé N, Ren X, Souopgui J, Monsoro-Burq AH, Bellefroid EJ., Dev Biol. October 15, 2008; 322 (2): 355-67.   

Histone 2B (H2B) expression is confined to a proper NAD+/NADH redox status., Dai RP, Yu FX, Goh SR, Chng HW, Tan YL, Fu JL, Zheng L, Luo Y., J Biol Chem. October 3, 2008; 283 (40): 26894-901.

Hypertrophy of mature Xenopus muscle fibres in culture induced by synergy of albumin and insulin., Jaspers RT, van Beek-Harmsen BJ, Blankenstein MA, Goldspink G, Huijing PA, van der Laarse WJ., Pflugers Arch. October 1, 2008; 457 (1): 161-70.

How Xenopus laevis embryos replicate reliably: investigating the random-completion problem., Yang SC, Bechhoefer J., Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. October 1, 2008; 78 (4 Pt 1): 041917.

How DASPMI reveals mitochondrial membrane potential: fluorescence decay kinetics and steady-state anisotropy in living cells., Ramadass R, Bereiter-Hahn J., Biophys J. October 1, 2008; 95 (8): 4068-76.   

Helix XI contributes to the entrance of the serotonin transporter permeation pathway., Torres-Altoro MI, White KJ, Rodríguez GJ, Nichols DE, Barker EL., Protein Sci. October 1, 2008; 17 (10): 1761-70.

Homer proteins shape Xenopus optic tectal cell dendritic arbor development in vivo., Van Keuren-Jensen KR, Cline HT., Dev Neurobiol. September 15, 2008; 68 (11): 1315-24.

Highways for mRNA transport., Singer RH., Cell. September 5, 2008; 134 (5): 722-3.   

High affinity Zn2+ inhibitory site(s) for the trypsin-like peptidase of the 20S proteasome., Chouduri AU, Mishina K, Shimizu T, Yamazaki M, Tokumoto T, Yamada S., Arch Biochem Biophys. September 1, 2008; 477 (1): 113-20.

HMSN/ACC truncation mutations disrupt brain-type creatine kinase-dependant activation of K+/Cl- co-transporter 3., Salin-Cantegrel A, Shekarabi M, Holbert S, Dion P, Rochefort D, Laganière J, Dacal S, Hince P, Karemera L, Gaspar C, Lapointe JY, Rouleau GA., Hum Mol Genet. September 1, 2008; 17 (17): 2703-11.

Human solute carrier SLC6A14 is the beta-alanine carrier., Anderson CM, Ganapathy V, Thwaites DT., J Physiol. September 1, 2008; 586 (17): 4061-7.   

Hemitoxin, the first potassium channel toxin from the venom of the Iranian scorpion Hemiscorpius lepturus., Srairi-Abid N, Shahbazzadeh D, Chatti I, Mlayah-Bellalouna S, Mejdoub H, Borchani L, Benkhalifa R, Akbari A, El Ayeb M., FEBS J. September 1, 2008; 275 (18): 4641-50.

Human nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy: pharmocogenomic profiles of pathogenic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta-subunit mutations outside the ion channel pore., Hoda JC, Gu W, Friedli M, Phillips HA, Bertrand S, Antonarakis SE, Goudie D, Roberts R, Scheffer IE, Marini C, Patel J, Berkovic SF, Mulley JC, Steinlein OK, Bertrand D., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2008; 74 (2): 379-91.

Human FXYD2 G41R mutation responsible for renal hypomagnesemia behaves as an inward-rectifying cation channel., Sha Q, Pearson W, Burcea LC, Wigfall DA, Schlesinger PH, Nichols CG, Mercer RW., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. July 1, 2008; 295 (1): F91-9.

How ATP inhibits the open K(ATP) channel., Craig TJ, Ashcroft FM, Proks P., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2008; 132 (1): 131-44.   

Human DNA ligases I and III, but not ligase IV, are required for microhomology-mediated end joining of DNA double-strand breaks., Liang L, Deng L, Nguyen SC, Zhao X, Maulion CD, Shao C, Tischfield JA., Nucleic Acids Res. June 1, 2008; 36 (10): 3297-310.   

How drugs interact with transporters: SGLT1 as a model., Loo DD, Hirayama BA, Sala-Rabanal M, Wright EM., J Membr Biol. May 1, 2008; 223 (2): 87-106.

HIF-1alpha signaling upstream of NKX2.5 is required for cardiac development in Xenopus., Nagao K, Taniyama Y, Kietzmann T, Doi T, Komuro I, Morishita R., J Biol Chem. April 25, 2008; 283 (17): 11841-9.   

Histamine action on vertebrate GABAA receptors: direct channel gating and potentiation of GABA responses., Saras A, Gisselmann G, Vogt-Eisele AK, Erlkamp KS, Kletke O, Pusch H, Hatt H., J Biol Chem. April 18, 2008; 283 (16): 10470-5.

HPLC-based activity profiling approach for the discovery of GABAA receptor ligands using an automated two microelectrode voltage clamp assay on Xenopus oocytes., Kim HJ, Baburin I, Khom S, Hering S, Hamburger M., Planta Med. April 1, 2008; 74 (5): 521-6.

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