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Verapamil-Sensitive Transport of Quinacrine and Methylene Blue via the Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Reduces the Parasite's Susceptibility to these Tricyclic Drugs., van Schalkwyk DA, Nash MN, Shafik SH, Summers RL, Lehane AM, Smith PJ, Martin RE., J Infect Dis. March 1, 2016; 213 (5): 800-10.

Ventricular cell fate can be specified until the onset of myocardial differentiation., Caporilli S, Latinkic BV., Mech Dev. February 1, 2016; 139 31-41.   

Visualizing and Analyzing Branching Microtubule Nucleation Using Meiotic Xenopus Egg Extracts and TIRF Microscopy., King M, Petry S., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1413 77-85.

Voltage Clamp Fluorometry of P-Type ATPases., Dempski RE., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1377 281-91.

Validation of the sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) test in the amphibian Xenopus laevis using in situ nick translation and comet assay., Pollock K, Gosálvez J, Arroyo F, López-Fernández C, Guille M, Noble A, Johnston SD., Reprod Fertil Dev. November 1, 2015; 27 (8): 1168-74.

Validation of computer-assisted sperm-motility analysis in the amphibian Silurana tropicalis., Larroze S, Pickford DB, Holt WV., Reprod Fertil Dev. September 1, 2015; 27 (7): 1049-56.

Vesicular stomatitis virus enables gene transfer and transsynaptic tracing in a wide range of organisms., Mundell NA, Beier KT, Pan YA, Lapan SW, Göz Aytürk D, Berezovskii VK, Wark AR, Drokhlyansky E, Bielecki J, Born RT, Schier AF, Cepko CL., J Comp Neurol. August 1, 2015; 523 (11): 1639-63.   

Vasopressin receptors V1a and V2 are not osmosensors., Lykke K, Assentoft M, Fenton RA, Rosenkilde MM, MacAulay N., Physiol Rep. August 1, 2015; 3 (8):   

Varenicline Interactions at the 5-HT3 Receptor Ligand Binding Site are Revealed by 5-HTBP., Price KL, Lillestol RK, Ulens C, Lummis SC., ACS Chem Neurosci. July 15, 2015; 6 (7): 1151-7.   

Variation in NRT1.1B contributes to nitrate-use divergence between rice subspecies., Hu B, Wang W, Ou S, Tang J, Li H, Che R, Zhang Z, Chai X, Wang H, Wang Y, Liang C, Liu L, Piao Z, Deng Q, Deng K, Xu C, Liang Y, Zhang L, Li L, Chu C., Nat Genet. July 1, 2015; 47 (7): 834-8.

Variations of sediment toxicity in a tidal estuary: a case study of the South Passage, Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary., Gao J, Shi H, Dai Z, Mei X., Chemosphere. June 1, 2015; 128 7-13.

Variability of Potassium Channel Blockers in Mesobuthus eupeus Scorpion Venom with Focus on Kv1.1: AN INTEGRATED TRANSCRIPTOMIC AND PROTEOMIC STUDY., Kuzmenkov AI, Vassilevski AA, Kudryashova KS, Nekrasova OV, Peigneur S, Tytgat J, Feofanov AV, Kirpichnikov MP, Grishin EV., J Biol Chem. May 8, 2015; 290 (19): 12195-209.

Voltage-dependent gating of KCNH potassium channels lacking a covalent link between voltage-sensing and pore domains., Lörinczi É, Gómez-Posada JC, de la Peña P, Tomczak AP, Fernández-Trillo J, Leipscher U, Stühmer W, Barros F, Pardo LA., Nat Commun. March 30, 2015; 6 6672.   

Vitellogenesis of diphyllobothriidean cestodes (Platyhelminthes)., Yoneva A, Scholz T, Bruňanská M, Kuchta R., C R Biol. March 1, 2015; 338 (3): 169-79.

Vasotocin and isotocin regulate aquaporin 1 function in the sea bream., Martos-Sitcha JA, Campinho MA, Mancera JM, Martínez-Rodríguez G, Fuentes J., J Exp Biol. March 1, 2015; 218 (Pt 5): 684-93.

Valproate-induced neurodevelopmental deficits in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., James EJ, Gu J, Ramirez-Vizcarrondo CM, Hasan M, Truszkowski TL, Tan Y, Oupravanh PM, Khakhalin AS, Aizenman CD., J Neurosci. February 18, 2015; 35 (7): 3218-29.   

Visual and functional demonstration of growing Bax-induced pores in mitochondrial outer membranes., Gillies LA, Du H, Peters B, Knudson CM, Newmeyer DD, Kuwana T., Mol Biol Cell. January 15, 2015; 26 (2): 339-49.   

Vangl2 cooperates with Rab11 and Myosin V to regulate apical constriction during vertebrate gastrulation., Ossipova O, Chuykin I, Chu CW, Sokol SY., Development. January 1, 2015; 142 (1): 99-107.   

Vertebrate Cranial Placodes as Evolutionary Innovations-The Ancestor's Tale., Schlosser G., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 2015; 111 235-300.

Vitamin supplementation by gut symbionts ensures metabolic homeostasis in an insect host., Salem H, Bauer E, Strauss AS, Vogel H, Marz M, Kaltenpoth M., Proc Biol Sci. December 7, 2014; 281 (1796): 20141838.

Voltage- and ATP-dependent structural rearrangements of the P2X2 receptor associated with the gating of the pore., Keceli B, Kubo Y., J Physiol. November 1, 2014; 592 (21): 4657-76.

Variable combinations of specific ephrin ligand/Eph receptor pairs control embryonic tissue separation., Rohani N, Parmeggiani A, Winklbauer R, Fagotto F., PLoS Biol. September 23, 2014; 12 (9): e1001955.   

Vernakalant activates human cardiac K(2P)17.1 background K(+) channels., Seyler C, Schweizer PA, Zitron E, Katus HA, Thomas D., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 29, 2014; 451 (3): 415-20.

Vangl-dependent planar cell polarity signalling is not required for neural crest migration in mammals., Pryor SE, Massa V, Savery D, Andre P, Yang Y, Greene ND, Copp AJ., Development. August 1, 2014; 141 (16): 3153-8.   

Voltage-dependent blockade by bupivacaine of cardiac sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Zhang H, Ji H, Liu Z, Ji Y, You X, Ding G, Cheng Z., Neurosci Bull. August 1, 2014; 30 (4): 697-710.

Venus kinase receptors control reproduction in the platyhelminth parasite Schistosoma mansoni., Vanderstraete M, Gouignard N, Cailliau K, Morel M, Hahnel S, Leutner S, Beckmann S, Grevelding CG, Dissous C., PLoS Pathog. May 29, 2014; 10 (5): e1004138.   

Visualization and interpretation of eukaryotic DNA replication intermediates in vivo by electron microscopy., Neelsen KJ, Chaudhuri AR, Follonier C, Herrador R, Lopes M., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2014; 1094 177-208.

Vertical signalling involves transmission of Hox information from gastrula mesoderm to neurectoderm., Bardine N, Lamers G, Wacker S, Donow C, Knoechel W, Durston A., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (12): e115208.   

Voltage-dependent potassium currents expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes after injection of mRNA isolated from trophozoites of Giardia lamblia (strain Portland-1)., Ponce A, Jimenez-Cardoso E, Eligio-Garcia L., Physiol Rep. December 8, 2013; 1 (7): e00186.   

Villification: how the gut gets its villi., Shyer AE, Tallinen T, Nerurkar NL, Wei Z, Gil ES, Kaplan DL, Tabin CJ, Mahadevan L., Science. October 11, 2013; 342 (6155): 212-8.

Voltage affects the dissociation rate constant of the m2 muscarinic receptor., Ben Chaim Y, Bochnik S, Parnas I, Parnas H., PLoS One. September 3, 2013; 8 (9): e74354.   

Validation of Alexa-647-ATP as a powerful tool to study P2X receptor ligand binding and desensitization., Bhargava Y, Nicke A, Rettinger J., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 23, 2013; 438 (2): 295-300.

Vestibular lesion-induced developmental plasticity in spinal locomotor networks during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis., Beyeler A, Rao G, Ladepeche L, Jacques A, Simmers J, Le Ray D., PLoS One. August 12, 2013; 8 (8): e71013.   

Validation of novel reference genes for RT-qPCR studies of gene expression in Xenopus tropicalis during embryonic and post-embryonic development., Dhorne-Pollet S, Thélie A, Pollet N., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2013; 242 (6): 709-17.   

VEGFA-dependent and -independent pathways synergise to drive Scl expression and initiate programming of the blood stem cell lineage in Xenopus., Ciau-Uitz A, Pinheiro P, Kirmizitas A, Zuo J, Patient R., Development. June 1, 2013; 140 (12): 2632-42.   

Venomous secretions from marine snails of the Terebridae family target acetylcholine receptors., Kendel Y, Melaun C, Kurz A, Nicke A, Peigneur S, Tytgat J, Wunder C, Mebs D, Kauferstein S., Toxins (Basel). May 21, 2013; 5 (5): 1043-50.   

Voltage-sensor movements describe slow inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels II: a periodic paralysis mutation in Na(V)1.4 (L689I)., Silva JR, Goldstein SA., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 2013; 141 (3): 323-34.   

Voltage-sensor movements describe slow inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels I: wild-type skeletal muscle Na(V)1.4., Silva JR, Goldstein SA., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 2013; 141 (3): 309-21.   

Voltage-dependent inhibition of outward Kir2.1 currents by extracellular spermine., Chang HK, Shieh RC., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 1, 2013; 1828 (2): 765-75.

Voltage-dependent gating of the Cx32*43E1 hemichannel: conformational changes at the channel entrances., Kwon T, Tang Q, Bargiello TA., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2013; 141 (2): 243-59.   

Voltage-sensing domain of voltage-gated proton channel Hv1 shares mechanism of block with pore domains., Hong L, Pathak MM, Kim IH, Ta D, Tombola F., Neuron. January 23, 2013; 77 (2): 274-87.

Voltage dependence of proton pumping by bacteriorhodopsin mutants with altered lifetime of the M intermediate., Geibel S, Lörinczi É, Bamberg E, Friedrich T., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (9): e73338.   

Variation in the schedules of somite and neural development in frogs., Sáenz-Ponce N, Mitgutsch C, del Pino EM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 11, 2012; 109 (50): 20503-7.   

Voltage-driven Ca(2+) binding at the L-type Ca(2+) channel triggers cardiac excitation-contraction coupling prior to Ca(2+) influx., Gez LS, Hagalili Y, Shainberg A, Atlas D., Biochemistry. December 4, 2012; 51 (48): 9658-66.

Voltage sensitivities and deactivation kinetics of histamine H₃ and H₄ receptors., Sahlholm K, Nilsson J, Marcellino D, Fuxe K, Arhem P., Biochim Biophys Acta. December 1, 2012; 1818 (12): 3081-9.

Vertebrate kidney tubules elongate using a planar cell polarity-dependent, rosette-based mechanism of convergent extension., Lienkamp SS, Liu K, Karner CM, Carroll TJ, Ronneberger O, Wallingford JB, Walz G., Nat Genet. December 1, 2012; 44 (12): 1382-7.   

Voltage-sensing domain mode shift is coupled to the activation gate by the N-terminal tail of hERG channels., Tan PS, Perry MD, Ng CA, Vandenberg JI, Hill AP., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2012; 140 (3): 293-306.   

Visualization of retinoic acid signaling in transgenic axolotls during limb development and regeneration., Monaghan JR, Maden M., Dev Biol. August 1, 2012; 368 (1): 63-75.

Voltage-dependent conformational changes in connexin channels., Bargiello TA, Tang Q, Oh S, Kwon T., Biochim Biophys Acta. August 1, 2012; 1818 (8): 1807-22.

VUF10166, a novel compound with differing activities at 5-HT₃A and 5-HT₃AB receptors., Thompson AJ, Verheij MH, de Esch IJ, Lummis SC., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. May 1, 2012; 341 (2): 350-9.

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