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The Extended Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay: A Thyroid-Specific and Less Animal-Intensive Alternative to the Larval Amphibian Growth and Development Assay., Ortego LS, Olmstead AW, Weltje L, Wheeler JR, Bone AJ, Coady KK, Banman CS, Burden N, Lagadic L., Environ Toxicol Chem. August 1, 2021; 40 (8): 2135-2144.   

The Amyloid Precursor Protein C99 Fragment Modulates Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels., Manville RW, Abbott GW., Cell Physiol Biochem. July 28, 2021; 55 (S3): 157-170.

Thermodynamic profile of mutual subunit control in a heteromeric receptor., Schirmeyer J, Hummert S, Eick T, Schulz E, Schwabe T, Ehrlich G, Kukaj T, Wiegand M, Sattler C, Schmauder R, Zimmer T, Kosmalla N, Münch J, Bonus M, Gohlke H, Benndorf K., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 27, 2021; 118 (30):

Temporal transcriptomic profiling reveals dynamic changes in gene expression of Xenopus animal cap upon activin treatment., Satou-Kobayashi Y, Kim JD, Fukamizu A, Asashima M., Sci Rep. July 15, 2021; 11 (1): 14537.   

The dorsal blastopore lip is a source of signals inducing planar cell polarity in the Xenopus neural plate., Mancini P, Ossipova O, Sokol SY., Biol Open. July 15, 2021; 10 (7):   

Twinfilin1 controls lamellipodial protrusive activity and actin turnover during vertebrate gastrulation., Devitt CC, Lee C, Cox RM, Papoulas O, Alvarado J, Shekhar S, Marcotte EM, Wallingford JB., J Cell Sci. July 15, 2021; 134 (14):   

The Wnt/PCP formin Daam1 drives cell-cell adhesion during nephron development., Krneta-Stankic V, Corkins ME, Paulucci-Holthauzen A, Kloc M, Gladden AB, Miller RK., Cell Rep. July 6, 2021; 36 (1): 109340.   

The molecular basis of coupling between poly(A)-tail length and translational efficiency., Xiang K, Bartel DP., Elife. July 2, 2021; 10   

Two de novo GluN2B mutations affect multiple NMDAR-functions and instigate severe pediatric encephalopathy., Kellner S, Abbasi A, Carmi I, Heinrich R, Garin-Shkolnik T, Hershkovitz T, Giladi M, Haitin Y, Johannesen KM, Steensbjerre Møller R, Berlin S., Elife. July 2, 2021; 10   

The long and short of it., Passmore LA, Tang TT., Elife. July 2, 2021; 10   

The role of cell lineage in the development of neuronal circuitry and function., Hartenstein V, Omoto JJ, Lovick JK., Dev Biol. July 1, 2021; 475 165-180.

Three-dimensional folding dynamics of the Xenopus tropicalis genome., Niu L, Shen W, Shi Z, Tan Y, He N, Wan J, Sun J, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Wang W, Fang C, Li J, Zheng P, Cheung E, Chen Y, Li L, Hou C., Nat Genet. July 1, 2021; 53 (7): 1075-1087.   

Tau, XMAP215/Msps and Eb1 co-operate interdependently to regulate microtubule polymerisation and bundle formation in axons., Hahn I, Voelzmann A, Parkin J, Fülle JB, Slater PG, Lowery LA, Sanchez-Soriano N, Prokop A., PLoS Genet. July 1, 2021; 17 (7): e1009647.   

Tension modulation of actomyosin ring assembly and RhoGTPases activity: Perspectives from the Xenopus oocyte wound healing model., Kato T, Ghadban L, Boucher E, Mandato CA., Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). July 1, 2021; 78 (7): 349-360.

The gastrin-releasing peptide/bombesin system revisited by a reverse-evolutionary study considering Xenopus., Hirooka A, Hamada M, Fujiyama D, Takanami K, Kobayashi Y, Oti T, Katayama Y, Sakamoto T, Sakamoto H., Sci Rep. June 25, 2021; 11 (1): 13315.   

The highly conserved FOXJ1 target CFAP161 is dispensable for motile ciliary function in mouse and Xenopus., Beckers A, Fuhl F, Ott T, Boldt K, Brislinger MM, Walentek P, Schuster-Gossler K, Hegermann J, Alten L, Kremmer E, Przykopanski A, Serth K, Ueffing M, Blum M, Gossler A., Sci Rep. June 25, 2021; 11 (1): 13333.   

The ZAR1 resistosome is a calcium-permeable channel triggering plant immune signaling., Bi G, Su M, Li N, Liang Y, Dang S, Xu J, Hu M, Wang J, Zou M, Deng Y, Li Q, Huang S, Li J, Chai J, He K, Chen YH, Zhou JM., Cell. June 24, 2021; 184 (13): 3528-3541.e12.

The study of the determinants controlling Arpp19 phosphatase-inhibitory activity reveals an Arpp19/PP2A-B55 feedback loop., Labbé JC, Vigneron S, Méchali F, Robert P, Roque S, Genoud C, Goguet-Rubio P, Barthe P, Labesse G, Cohen-Gonsaud M, Castro A, Lorca T., Nat Commun. June 11, 2021; 12 (1): 3565.   

Temporal Gradients Controlling Embryonic Cell Cycle., Liu B, Zhao H, Wu K, Großhans J., Biology (Basel). June 9, 2021; 10 (6):

The Wnt-specific astacin proteinase HAS-7 restricts head organizer formation in Hydra., Ziegler B, Yiallouros I, Trageser B, Kumar S, Mercker M, Kling S, Fath M, Warnken U, Schnölzer M, Holstein TW, Hartl M, Marciniak-Czochra A, Stetefeld J, Stöcker W, Özbek S., BMC Biol. June 9, 2021; 19 (1): 120.   

The envelope protein of SARS-CoV-2 increases intra-Golgi pH and forms a cation channel that is regulated by pH., Cabrera-Garcia D, Bekdash R, Abbott GW, Yazawa M, Harrison NL., J Physiol. June 1, 2021; 599 (11): 2851-2868.

The Use of Xenopus for Cell Biology Applications., Philpott A., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. June 1, 2021; 2021 (6):

Thyroid Disrupting Chemicals in Mixture Perturb Thymocyte Differentiation in Xenopus laevis Tadpoles., McGuire CC, Lawrence BP, Robert J., Toxicol Sci. May 27, 2021; 181 (2): 262-272.

TLR5-Mediated Reactivation of Quiescent Ranavirus FV3 in Xenopus Peritoneal Macrophages., Samanta M, Yim J, De Jesús Andino F, Paiola M, Robert J., J Virol. May 24, 2021; 95 (12):

The cytokine FAM3B/PANDER is an FGFR ligand that promotes posterior development in Xenopus., Zhang F, Zhu X, Wang P, He Q, Huang H, Zheng T, Li Y, Jia H, Xu L, Zhao H, Colozza G, Tao Q, De Robertis EM, Ding Y., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 18, 2021; 118 (20):   

The voltage sensor is responsible for ΔpH dependence in Hv1 channels., Carmona EM, Fernandez M, Alvear-Arias JJ, Neely A, Larsson HP, Alvarez O, Garate JA, Latorre R, Gonzalez C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 11, 2021; 118 (19):

The Negative Allosteric Modulator EU1794-4 Reduces Single-Channel Conductance and Ca2+ Permeability of GluN1/GluN2A N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptors., Perszyk RE, Zheng Z, Banke TG, Zhang J, Xie L, McDaniel MJ, Katzman BM, Pelly SC, Yuan H, Liotta DC, Traynelis SF., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2021; 99 (5): 399-411.

The Multifaceted Roles of USP15 in Signal Transduction., Das T, Song EJ, Kim EE., Int J Mol Sci. April 29, 2021; 22 (9):   

The ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2/NEDD4L regulates both sodium homeostasis and fibrotic signaling to prevent end-stage renal disease., Manning JA, Shah SS, Nikolic A, Henshall TL, Khew-Goodall Y, Kumar S., Cell Death Dis. April 14, 2021; 12 (4): 398.

The Neuropeptide Nocistatin Is Not a Direct Agonist of Acid-Sensing Ion Channel 1a (ASIC1a)., Kuspiel S, Wiemuth D, Gründer S., Biomolecules. April 13, 2021; 11 (4):

The GARP Domain of the Rod CNG Channel's β1-Subunit Contains Distinct Sites for Outer Segment Targeting and Connecting to the Photoreceptor Disk Rim., Pearring JN, Martínez-Márquez J, Willer JR, Lieu EC, Salinas RY, Arshavsky VY., J Neurosci. April 7, 2021; 41 (14): 3094-3104.

The combined adverse effects of cis-bifenthrin and graphene oxide on lipid homeostasis in Xenopus laevis., Li M, Zhu J, Wu Q, Wang Q., J Hazard Mater. April 5, 2021; 407 124876.

The Xenopus spindle is as dense as the surrounding cytoplasm., Biswas A, Kim K, Cojoc G, Guck J, Reber S., Dev Cell. April 5, 2021; 56 (7): 967-975.e5.   

The M-phase regulatory phosphatase PP2A-B55δ opposes protein kinase A on Arpp19 to initiate meiotic division., Lemonnier T, Daldello EM, Poulhe R, Le T, Miot M, Lignières L, Jessus C, Dupré A., Nat Commun. March 23, 2021; 12 (1): 1837.   

Transcriptomic analysis of the trade-off between endurance and burst-performance in the frog Xenopus allofraseri., Ducret V, Richards AJ, Videlier M, Scalvenzi T, Moore KA, Paszkiewicz K, Bonneaud C, Pollet N, Herrel A., BMC Genomics. March 23, 2021; 22 (1): 204.   

The Scf/Kit pathway implements self-organized epithelial patterning., Chuyen A, Rulquin C, Daian F, Thomé V, Clément R, Kodjabachian L, Pasini A., Dev Cell. March 22, 2021; 56 (6): 795-810.e7.

Theory for Durotactic Axon Guidance., Oliveri H, Franze K, Goriely A., Phys Rev Lett. March 19, 2021; 126 (11): 118101.

The intracellular environment affects protein-protein interactions., Speer SL, Zheng W, Jiang X, Chu IT, Guseman AJ, Liu M, Pielak GJ, Li C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 16, 2021; 118 (11):   

Thyroid Hormone Receptor Is Essential for Larval Epithelial Apoptosis and Adult Epithelial Stem Cell Development but Not Adult Intestinal Morphogenesis during Xenopus tropicalis Metamorphosis., Shibata Y, Tanizaki Y, Zhang H, Lee H, Dasso M, Shi YB., Cells. March 3, 2021; 10 (3):   

Targeting GABAC Receptors Improves Post-Stroke Motor Recovery., van Nieuwenhuijzen PS, Parker K, Liao V, Houlton J, Kim HL, Johnston GAR, Hanrahan JR, Chebib M, Clarkson AN., Brain Sci. March 2, 2021; 11 (3):   

Transportome-wide engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae., Wang G, Møller-Hansen I, Babaei M, D'Ambrosio V, Christensen HB, Darbani B, Jensen MK, Borodina I., Metab Eng. March 1, 2021; 64 52-63.   

The skin microbiome of Xenopus laevis and the effects of husbandry conditions., Piccinni MZ, Watts JEM, Fourny M, Guille M, Robson SC., Anim Microbiome. February 5, 2021; 3 (1): 17.   

Trim-Away mediated knock down uncovers a new function for Lbh during gastrulation of Xenopus laevis., Weir E, McLinden G, Alfandari D, Cousin H., Dev Biol. February 1, 2021; 470 74-83.   

The Ubiquitin Ligase TRAIP: Double-Edged Sword at the Replisome., Wu RA, Pellman DS, Walter JC., Trends Cell Biol. February 1, 2021; 31 (2): 75-85.   

The carboxy terminal coiled-coil modulates Orai1 internalization during meiosis., Hodeify R, Dib M, Alcantara-Adap E, Courjaret R, Nader N, Reyes CZ, Hammad AS, Hubrack S, Yu F, Machaca K., Sci Rep. January 27, 2021; 11 (1): 2290.   

The molecular dynamics of subdistal appendages in multi-ciliated cells., Ryu H, Lee J, Noh H, Shin M, Kumar V, Hong S, Kim J, Park S., Nat Commun. January 27, 2021; 12 (1): 612.   

The RNA helicase DDX3 induces neural crest by promoting AKT activity., Perfetto M, Xu X, Lu C, Shi Y, Yousaf N, Li J, Yien YY, Wei S., Development. January 19, 2021; 148 (2):   

Transgenerational metabolic disorders and reproduction defects induced by benzo[a]pyrene in Xenopus tropicalis., Usal M, Veyrenc S, Darracq-Ghitalla-Ciock M, Regnault C, Sroda S, Fini JB, Canlet C, Tremblay-Franco M, Raveton M, Reynaud S., Environ Pollut. January 15, 2021; 269 116109.

tRFtarget: a database for transfer RNA-derived fragment targets., Li N, Shan N, Lu L, Wang Z., Nucleic Acids Res. January 8, 2021; 49 (D1): D254-D260.   

The anticonvulsant zonisamide positively modulates recombinant and native glycine receptors at clinically relevant concentrations., Devenish SO, Winters BL, Anderson LL, Arnold JC, McGregor IS, Vaughan CW, Chebib M, Absalom NL., Neuropharmacology. January 1, 2021; 182 108371.

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