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Green Fluorescent Protein As a Cell-Labeling Tool and a Reporter of Gene Expression in Transgenic Rainbow Trout., Takeuchi Y, Yoshizaki G, Takeuchi T., Mar Biotechnol (NY). September 1, 1999; 1 (5): 448-0457.

GAT1 (GABA:Na+:Cl-) cotransport function. Database reconstruction with an alternating access model., Hilgemann DW, Lu CC., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 1999; 114 (3): 459-75.   

GAT1 (GABA:Na+:Cl-) cotransport function. Kinetic studies in giant Xenopus oocyte membrane patches., Lu CC, Hilgemann DW., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 1999; 114 (3): 445-57.   

GAT1 (GABA:Na+:Cl-) cotransport function. Steady state studies in giant Xenopus oocyte membrane patches., Lu CC, Hilgemann DW., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 1999; 114 (3): 429-44.   

Giant eyes in Xenopus laevis by overexpression of XOptx2., Zuber ME, Perron M, Philpott A, Bang A, Harris WA., Cell. August 6, 1999; 98 (3): 341-52.   

Glucokinase regulatory protein is essential for the proper subcellular localisation of liver glucokinase., de la Iglesia N, Veiga-da-Cunha M, Van Schaftingen E, Guinovart JJ, Ferrer JC., FEBS Lett. August 6, 1999; 456 (2): 332-8.

Gli3 is required for Emx gene expression during dorsal telencephalon development., Theil T, Alvarez-Bolado G, Walter A, Rüther U., Development. August 1, 1999; 126 (16): 3561-71.

Generation of GTP-bound Ran by RCC1 is required for chromatin-induced mitotic spindle formation., Carazo-Salas RE, Guarguaglini G, Gruss OJ, Segref A, Karsenti E, Mattaj IW., Nature. July 8, 1999; 400 (6740): 178-81.

Germline development in vertebrates and invertebrates., Saffman EE, Lasko P., Cell Mol Life Sci. July 1, 1999; 55 (8-9): 1141-63.

Gene structure and amino acid sequence of Latimeria chalumnae (coelacanth) myelin DM20: phylogenetic relation of the fish., Tohyama Y, Kasama-Yoshida H, Sakuma M, Kobayashi Y, Cao Y, Hasegawa M, Kojima H, Tamai Y, Tanokura M, Kurihara T., Neurochem Res. July 1, 1999; 24 (7): 867-73.

GSH transport in immortalized mouse brain endothelial cells: evidence for apical localization of a sodium-dependent GSH transporter., Kannan R, Mittur A, Bao Y, Tsuruo T, Kaplowitz N., J Neurochem. July 1, 1999; 73 (1): 390-9.

Germline cysts: a conserved phase of germ cell development?, Pepling ME, de Cuevas M, Spradling AC., Trends Cell Biol. July 1, 1999; 9 (7): 257-62.   

Gating of BDNF-induced synaptic potentiation by cAMP., Boulanger L, Poo MM., Science. June 18, 1999; 284 (5422): 1982-4.

Glutaric aciduria type I: pathomechanisms of neurodegeneration., Ullrich K, Flott-Rahmel B, Schluff P, Musshoff U, Das A, Lücke T, Steinfeld R, Christensen E, Jakobs C, Ludolph A, Neu A, Röper R., J Inherit Metab Dis. June 1, 1999; 22 (4): 392-403.

Gli proteins encode context-dependent positive and negative functions: implications for development and disease., Ruiz i Altaba A., Development. June 1, 1999; 126 (14): 3205-16.   

Guanine nucleotides, including GMP, antagonize kainate responses in Xenopus oocytes injected with chick cerebellar membranes., Aleu J, Barat A, Burgos JS, Solsona C, Marsal J, Ramírez G., J Neurochem. May 1, 1999; 72 (5): 2170-6.

GDF5 coordinates bone and joint formation during digit development., Storm EE, Kingsley DM., Dev Biol. May 1, 1999; 209 (1): 11-27.

GluR delta 2 and the development and death of cerebellar Purkinje neurons in lurcher mice., Heintz N, De Jager PL., Ann N Y Acad Sci. April 30, 1999; 868 502-14.

Genes for calcineurin B-like proteins in Arabidopsis are differentially regulated by stress signals., Kudla J, Xu Q, Harter K, Gruissem W, Luan S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 13, 1999; 96 (8): 4718-23.

Getting tRNA synthetases into the nucleus., Schimmel P, Wang CC., Trends Biochem Sci. April 1, 1999; 24 (4): 127-8.

G-protein-coupled receptors act via protein kinase C and Src to regulate NMDA receptors., Lu WY, Xiong ZG, Lei S, Orser BA, Dudek E, Browning MD, MacDonald JF., Nat Neurosci. April 1, 1999; 2 (4): 331-8.

Goosecoid and mix.1 repress Brachyury expression and are required for head formation in Xenopus., Latinkic BV, Smith JC., Development. April 1, 1999; 126 (8): 1769-79.

GLI3 mutations in human disorders mimic Drosophila cubitus interruptus protein functions and localization., Shin SH, Kogerman P, Lindström E, Toftgárd R, Biesecker LG., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 16, 1999; 96 (6): 2880-4.

Genetic selection of mutations in the high affinity K+ transporter HKT1 that define functions of a loop site for reduced Na+ permeability and increased Na+ tolerance., Rubio F, Schwarz M, Gassmann W, Schroeder JI., J Biol Chem. March 12, 1999; 274 (11): 6839-47.

Gain of function mutation of the alpha7 nicotinic receptor: distinct pharmacology of the human alpha7V274T variant., Briggs CA, McKenna DG, Monteggia LM, Touma E, Roch JM, Arneric SP, Gopalakrishnan M, Sullivan JP., Eur J Pharmacol. February 5, 1999; 366 (2-3): 301-8.

GATA transcription factors and cardiac development., Charron F, Nemer M., Semin Cell Dev Biol. February 1, 1999; 10 (1): 85-91.

G-proteins are involved in 5-HT receptor-mediated modulation of N- and P/Q- but not T-type Ca2+ channels., Sun QQ, Dale N., J Neurosci. February 1, 1999; 19 (3): 890-9.

Gating of cx46 gap junction hemichannels by calcium and voltage., Pfahnl A, Dahl G., Pflugers Arch. February 1, 1999; 437 (3): 345-53.

Genomic structure, alternative transcripts and chromosome location of the human LIM domain binding protein 1 gene LDB1., Drechsler M, Schumacher V, Friedrich S, Wildhardt G, Giesler S, Schroth A, Bodem J, Royer-Pokora B., Cytogenet Cell Genet. January 1, 1999; 87 (1-2): 119-24.

Glycolipid glycosyltransferase activities during early development of Xenopus: effect of retinoic acid., Rossi F, Gornati R, Rizzo AM, Venturini L, Bernardini G, Berra B., Cell Biol Int. January 1, 1999; 23 (2): 91-5.

Genomic organisation of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss TGF-beta., Daniels GD, Secombes CJ., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1999; 23 (2): 139-47.

Guanine nucleotide binding proteins in cultured renal epithelia: studies with pertussis toxin and aldosterone., Sariban-Sohraby S, Svoboda M, Mies F., Am J Physiol. January 1, 1999; 276 (1): F10-7.

General applicability of chicken egg yolk antibodies: the performance of IgY immunoglobulins raised against the hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha., Camenisch G, Tini M, Chilov D, Kvietikova I, Srinivas V, Caro J, Spielmann P, Wenger RH, Gassmann M., FASEB J. January 1, 1999; 13 (1): 81-8.

Groucho/transducin-like enhancer of split (TLE) family members interact with the yeast transcriptional co-repressor SSN6 and mammalian SSN6-related proteins: implications for evolutionary conservation of transcription repression mechanisms., Grbavec D, Lo R, Liu Y, Greenfield A, Stifani S., Biochem J. January 1, 1999; 337 ( Pt 1) 13-7.

Gli3 (Xt) and formin (ld) participate in the positioning of the polarising region and control of posterior limb-bud identity., Zúñiga A, Zeller R., Development. January 1, 1999; 126 (1): 13-21.

Genetic analysis of Xenopus transcription factor IIIA., Bumbulis MJ, Wroblewski G, McKean D, Setzer DR., J Mol Biol. December 18, 1998; 284 (5): 1307-22.

GABA(B)-receptor subtypes assemble into functional heteromeric complexes., Kaupmann K, Malitschek B, Schuler V, Heid J, Froestl W, Beck P, Mosbacher J, Bischoff S, Kulik A, Shigemoto R, Karschin A, Bettler B., Nature. December 17, 1998; 396 (6712): 683-7.

GABA(B) receptors function as a heteromeric assembly of the subunits GABA(B)R1 and GABA(B)R2., Jones KA, Borowsky B, Tamm JA, Craig DA, Durkin MM, Dai M, Yao WJ, Johnson M, Gunwaldsen C, Huang LY, Tang C, Shen Q, Salon JA, Morse K, Laz T, Smith KE, Nagarathnam D, Noble SA, Branchek TA, Gerald C., Nature. December 17, 1998; 396 (6712): 674-9.

Granin proteins (chromogranin A and secretogranin II C23-3 and C26-3) in the intestine of amphibians., Trandaburu T, Ali SS., Ann Anat. December 1, 1998; 180 (6): 523-8.

GATA-1 inhibits the formation of notochord and neural tissue in Xenopus embryo., Shibata K, Ishimura A, Maéno M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 9, 1998; 252 (1): 241-8.   

Gap junctions are involved in the early generation of left-right asymmetry., Levin M, Mercola M., Dev Biol. November 1, 1998; 203 (1): 90-105.   

Germinal vesicle material is dispensable for oscillations in cdc2 and MAP kinase activities, cyclin B degradation and synthesis during meiosis in Xenopus oocytes., Fisher D, Coux O, Bompard-Maréchal G, Dorée M., Biol Cell. October 1, 1998; 90 (6-7): 497-508.

Gene expression screening in Xenopus identifies molecular pathways, predicts gene function and provides a global view of embryonic patterning., Gawantka V, Pollet N, Delius H, Vingron M, Pfister R, Nitsch R, Blumenstock C, Niehrs C., Mech Dev. October 1, 1998; 77 (2): 95-141.   

Genomic organization and chromosome localization to band 19p13.3 of the human AES gene: gene product exhibits strong similarity to the N-terminal domain of Drosophila enhancer of Split Groucho protein., Hou EW, Li SS., DNA Cell Biol. October 1, 1998; 17 (10): 911-3.

Gene and cDNA structures of flounder insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I): multiple mRNA species encode a single short mature IGF-I., Tanaka M, Taniguchi T, Yamamoto I, Sakaguchi K, Yoshizato H, Ohkubo T, Nakashima K., DNA Cell Biol. October 1, 1998; 17 (10): 859-68.

Gating kinetics of Shaker K+ channels are differentially modified by general anesthetics., Correa AM., Am J Physiol. October 1, 1998; 275 (4): C1009-21.

Glutamate receptor activity is required for normal development of tectal cell dendrites in vivo., Rajan I, Cline HT., J Neurosci. October 1, 1998; 18 (19): 7836-46.

GABA(C) receptor antagonists differentiate between human rho1 and rho2 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Chebib M, Mewett KN, Johnston GA., Eur J Pharmacol. September 18, 1998; 357 (2-3): 227-34.

Growth regulation of the expression of mouse cDNA and gene encoding a serine/threonine kinase related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC7 essential for G1/S transition. Structure, chromosomal localization, and expression of mouse gene for s. cerevisiae Cdc7-related kinase., Kim JM, Sato N, Yamada M, Arai K, Masai H., J Biol Chem. September 4, 1998; 273 (36): 23248-57.

Graded retinoid responses in the developing hindbrain., Godsave SF, Koster CH, Getahun A, Mathu M, Hooiveld M, van der Wees J, Hendriks J, Durston AJ., Dev Dyn. September 1, 1998; 213 (1): 39-49.

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