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Grainyhead-like 2 downstream targets act to suppress epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition during neural tube closure., Ray HJ, Niswander LA., Development. April 1, 2016; 143 (7): 1192-204.

Genotoxic and carcinogenic products arising from reductive transformations of the azo dye, Disperse Yellow 7., Balakrishnan VK, Shirin S, Aman AM, de Solla SR, Mathieu-Denoncourt J, Langlois VS., Chemosphere. March 1, 2016; 146 206-15.

Guidance of Axons by Local Coupling of Retrograde Flow to Point Contact Adhesions., Nichol RH, Hagen KM, Lumbard DC, Dent EW, Gómez TM., J Neurosci. February 17, 2016; 36 (7): 2267-82.

Genome-wide analysis reveals conserved transcriptional responses downstream of resting potential change in Xenopus embryos, axolotl regeneration, and human mesenchymal cell differentiation., Pai VP, Martyniuk CJ, Echeverri K, Sundelacruz S, Kaplan DL, Levin M., Regeneration (Oxf). February 1, 2016; 3 (1): 3-25.   

GABAA Receptor Modulation by Phenyl Ring Compounds Is Associated with a Water Solubility Cut-Off Value., Brosnan RJ, Pham TL., Pharmacology. January 1, 2016; 98 (1-2): 13-9.

GABA-A Receptor Modulation and Anticonvulsant, Anxiolytic, and Antidepressant Activities of Constituents from Artemisia indica Linn., Khan I, Karim N, Ahmad W, Abdelhalim A, Chebib M., Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. January 1, 2016; 2016 1215393.   

Genes regulated by potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 15 (Kctd15) in the developing neural crest., Wong TC, Rebbert M, Wang C, Chen X, Heffer A, Zarelli VE, Dawid IB, Zhao H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (4-6): 159-66.   

Gulo Acts as a de novo Marker for Pronephric Tubules in Xenopus laevis., Xie Y, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Wang H, Liu Y, Wang H, Li M, Zhao H, Zhou Q, Lv X., Kidney Blood Press Res. January 1, 2016; 41 (6): 794-801.

Gasotransmitters in Biology and Medicine: Molecular Mechanisms and Drug Targets., Yang G, Sener A, Ji Y, Pei Y, Pluth MD., Oxid Med Cell Longev. January 1, 2016; 2016 4627308.

Gmnc Is a Master Regulator of the Multiciliated Cell Differentiation Program., Zhou F, Narasimhan V, Shboul M, Chong YL, Reversade B, Roy S., Curr Biol. December 21, 2015; 25 (24): 3267-73.   

Genetics, Morphology, Advertisement Calls, and Historical Records Distinguish Six New Polyploid Species of African Clawed Frog (Xenopus, Pipidae) from West and Central Africa., Evans BJ, Carter TF, Greenbaum E, Gvoždík V, Kelley DB, McLaughlin PJ, Pauwels OS, Portik DM, Stanley EL, Tinsley RC, Tobias ML, Blackburn DC., PLoS One. December 16, 2015; 10 (12): e0142823.   

GIRK Channels Mediate the Nonphotic Effects of Exogenous Melatonin., Hablitz LM, Molzof HE, Abrahamsson KE, Cooper JM, Prosser RA, Gamble KL., J Neurosci. November 11, 2015; 35 (45): 14957-65.

Global analysis of asymmetric RNA enrichment in oocytes reveals low conservation between closely related Xenopus species., Claußen M, Lingner T, Pommerenke C, Opitz L, Salinas G, Pieler T., Mol Biol Cell. November 5, 2015; .   

G protein-coupled receptors Flop1 and Flop2 inhibit Wnt/β-catenin signaling and are essential for head formation in Xenopus., Miyagi A, Negishi T, Yamamoto TS, Ueno N., Dev Biol. November 1, 2015; 407 (1): 131-44.   

GATA2 regulates Wnt signaling to promote primitive red blood cell fate., Mimoto MS, Kwon S, Green YS, Goldman D, Christian JL., Dev Biol. November 1, 2015; 407 (1): 1-11.   

Grapevine and Arabidopsis Cation-Chloride Cotransporters Localize to the Golgi and Trans-Golgi Network and Indirectly Influence Long-Distance Ion Transport and Plant Salt Tolerance., Henderson SW, Wege S, Qiu J, Blackmore DH, Walker AR, Tyerman SD, Walker RR, Gilliham M., Plant Physiol. November 1, 2015; 169 (3): 2215-29.

Gremlin1 induces anterior-posterior limb bifurcations in developing Xenopus limbs but does not enhance limb regeneration., Wang YH, Keenan SR, Lynn J, McEwan JC, Beck CW., Mech Dev. November 1, 2015; 138 Pt 3 256-67.   

Glutamate cycling may drive organic anion transport on the basal membrane of human placental syncytiotrophoblast., Lofthouse EM, Brooks S, Cleal JK, Hanson MA, Poore KR, O'Kelly IM, Lewis RM., J Physiol. October 15, 2015; 593 (20): 4549-59.   

GABAA currents are decreased by IL-1β in epileptogenic tissue of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: implications for ictogenesis., Roseti C, van Vliet EA, Cifelli P, Ruffolo G, Baayen JC, Di Castro MA, Bertollini C, Limatola C, Aronica E, Vezzani A, Palma E., Neurobiol Dis. October 1, 2015; 82 311-320.

Gabapentin inhibits the activity of the rat excitatory glutamate transporter 3 expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Gil YS, Kim JH, Kim CH, Han JI, Zuo Z, Baik HJ., Eur J Pharmacol. September 5, 2015; 762 112-7.

Gain-of-Function Mutations in ZIC1 Are Associated with Coronal Craniosynostosis and Learning Disability., Twigg SR, Forecki J, Goos JA, Richardson IC, Hoogeboom AJ, van den Ouweland AM, Swagemakers SM, Lequin MH, Van Antwerp D, McGowan SJ, Westbury I, Miller KA, Wall SA, WGS500 Consortium, van der Spek PJ, Mathijssen IM, Pauws E, Merzdorf CS, Wilkie AO., Am J Hum Genet. September 3, 2015; 97 (3): 378-88.   

GABA(A) receptor modulation and neuropharmacological activities of viscosine isolated from Dodonaea viscosa (Linn)., Karim N, Irshad S, Khan I, Mohammad A, Anis I, Shah MR, Khan I, Chebib M., Pharmacol Biochem Behav. September 1, 2015; 136 64-72.

Genome-Wide Identification and Expression of Xenopus F-Box Family of Proteins., Saritas-Yildirim B, Pliner HA, Ochoa A, Silva EM., PLoS One. September 1, 2015; 10 (9): e0136929.   

Glutathione release through connexin hemichannels: Implications for chemical modification of pores permeable to large molecules., Tong X, Lopez W, Ramachandran J, Ayad WA, Liu Y, Lopez-Rodriguez A, Harris AL, Contreras JE., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2015; 146 (3): 245-54.   

Generation of a synthetic GlcNAcylated nucleosome reveals regulation of stability by H2A-Thr101 GlcNAcylation., Lercher L, Raj R, Patel NA, Price J, Mohammed S, Robinson CV, Schofield CJ, Davis BG., Nat Commun. August 25, 2015; 6 7978.   

GABA signalling modulates plant growth by directly regulating the activity of plant-specific anion transporters., Ramesh SA, Tyerman SD, Xu B, Bose J, Kaur S, Conn V, Domingos P, Ullah S, Wege S, Shabala S, Feijó JA, Ryan PR, Gilliham M., Nat Commun. July 29, 2015; 6 7879.   

GM130 Regulates Golgi-Derived Spindle Assembly by Activating TPX2 and Capturing Microtubules., Wei JH, Zhang ZC, Wynn RM, Seemann J., Cell. July 16, 2015; 162 (2): 287-99.

G-quadruplex DNA and ligand interaction in living cells using NMR spectroscopy., Salgado GF, Cazenave C, Kerkour A, Mergny JL., Chem Sci. June 1, 2015; 6 (6): 3314-3320.   

Glutamylation of Nap1 modulates histone H1 dynamics and chromosome condensation in Xenopus., Miller KE, Heald R., J Cell Biol. April 27, 2015; 209 (2): 211-20.   

Gene expression profiles in Rana pirica tadpoles following exposure to a predation threat., Mori T, Yanagisawa Y, Kitani Y, Sugiyama M, Kishida O, Nishimura K., BMC Genomics. April 2, 2015; 16 258.   

Global gene expression during early differentiation of Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis gonad tissues., Haselman JT, Olmstead AW, Degitz SJ., Gen Comp Endocrinol. April 1, 2015; 214 103-13.   

Germ layer formation during Xenopus embryogenesis: the balance between pluripotency and differentiation., Cao Y., Sci China Life Sci. April 1, 2015; 58 (4): 336-42.

Genome-wide snapshot of chromatin regulators and states in Xenopus embryos by ChIP-Seq., Gentsch GE, Patrushev I, Smith JC., J Vis Exp. February 26, 2015; (96):   

Gene expression pattern of KIFC3 during spermatogenesis of the skink Eumeces chinensis., Hu JR, Liu M, Hou CC, She ZY, Wang DH, Hao SL, Yang WX., Gene. February 10, 2015; 556 (2): 206-12.

Generation of BAC transgenic tadpoles enabling live imaging of motoneurons by using the urotensin II-related peptide (ust2b) gene as a driver., Bougerol M, Auradé F, Lambert FM, Le Ray D, Combes D, Thoby-Brisson M, Relaix F, Pollet N, Tostivint H., PLoS One. February 6, 2015; 10 (2): e0117370.   

Glycine transporters GlyT1 and GlyT2 are differentially modulated by glycogen synthase kinase 3β., Jiménez E, Núñez E, Ibáñez I, Zafra F, Aragón C, Giménez C., Neuropharmacology. February 1, 2015; 89 245-54.

GABAA α5 subunit-containing receptors do not contribute to reversal of inflammatory-induced spinal sensitization as indicated by the unique selectivity profile of the GABAA receptor allosteric modulator NS16085., de Lucas AG, Ahring PK, Larsen JS, Rivera-Arconada I, Lopez-Garcia JA, Mirza NR, Munro G., Biochem Pharmacol. February 1, 2015; 93 (3): 370-9.

GSK3 and Polo-like kinase regulate ADAM13 function during cranial neural crest cell migration., Abbruzzese G, Cousin H, Salicioni AM, Alfandari D., Mol Biol Cell. December 15, 2014; 25 (25): 4072-82.   

Genome-wide view of TGFβ/Foxh1 regulation of the early mesendoderm program., Chiu WT, Charney Le R, Blitz IL, Fish MB, Li Y, Biesinger J, Xie X, Cho KW., Development. December 1, 2014; 141 (23): 4537-47.   

Glycine and GABA(A) ultra-sensitive ethanol receptors as novel tools for alcohol and brain research., Naito A, Muchhala KH, Asatryan L, Trudell JR, Homanics GE, Perkins DI, Davies DL, Alkana RL., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 2014; 86 (6): 635-46.

Gating of the kir2.1 channel at the bundle crossing region by intracellular spermine and other cations., Huang CW, Kuo CC., J Cell Physiol. November 1, 2014; 229 (11): 1703-21.

Gd(III)-PyMTA Label Is Suitable for In-Cell EPR., Qi M, Groß A, Jeschke G, Godt A, Drescher M., J Am Chem Soc. October 29, 2014; 136 (43): 15366-78.

Global identification of Smad2 and Eomesodermin targets in zebrafish identifies a conserved transcriptional network in mesendoderm and a novel role for Eomesodermin in repression of ectodermal gene expression., Nelson AC, Cutty SJ, Niini M, Stemple DL, Flicek P, Houart C, Bruce AE, Wardle FC., BMC Biol. October 3, 2014; 12 81.   

Getting to know your neighbor: cell polarization in early embryos., Nance J., J Cell Biol. September 29, 2014; 206 (7): 823-32.   

Genetically induced dysfunctions of Kir2.1 channels: implications for short QT3 syndrome and autism-epilepsy phenotype., Ambrosini E, Sicca F, Brignone MS, D'Adamo MC, Napolitano C, Servettini I, Moro F, Ruan Y, Guglielmi L, Pieroni S, Servillo G, Lanciotti A, Valvo G, Catacuzzeno L, Franciolini F, Molinari P, Marchese M, Grottesi A, Guerrini R, Santorelli FM, Priori S, Pessia M., Hum Mol Genet. September 15, 2014; 23 (18): 4875-86.   

GlialCAM, a CLC-2 Cl(-) channel subunit, activates the slow gate of CLC chloride channels., Jeworutzki E, Lagostena L, Elorza-Vidal X, López-Hernández T, Estévez R, Pusch M., Biophys J. September 2, 2014; 107 (5): 1105-1116.   

Global absolute quantification reveals tight regulation of protein expression in single Xenopus eggs., Smits AH, Lindeboom RG, Perino M, van Heeringen SJ, Veenstra GJ, Vermeulen M., Nucleic Acids Res. September 1, 2014; 42 (15): 9880-91.   

Ginseng gintonin activates the human cardiac delayed rectifier K+ channel: involvement of Ca2+/calmodulin binding sites., Choi SH, Lee BH, Kim HJ, Jung SW, Kim HS, Shin HC, Lee JH, Kim HC, Rhim H, Hwang SH, Ha TS, Kim HJ, Cho H, Nah SY., Mol Cells. September 1, 2014; 37 (9): 656-63.   

GluCl a target of indole alkaloid okaramines: a 25 year enigma solved., Furutani S, Nakatani Y, Miura Y, Ihara M, Kai K, Hayashi H, Matsuda K., Sci Rep. August 26, 2014; 4 6190.   

Gtpbp2 is required for BMP signaling and mesoderm patterning in Xenopus embryos., Kirmizitas A, Gillis WQ, Zhu H, Thomsen GH., Dev Biol. August 15, 2014; 392 (2): 358-67.   

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