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The Peptide PnPP-19, a Spider Toxin Derivative, Activates μ-Opioid Receptors and Modulates Calcium Channels., Freitas ACN, Peigneur S, Macedo FHP, Menezes-Filho JE, Millns P, Medeiros LF, Arruda MA, Cruz J, Holliday ND, Tytgat J, Hathway G, de Lima ME., Toxins (Basel). January 15, 2018; 10 (1):   

The regulation of heat shock proteins in response to dehydration in Xenopus laevis., Luu BE, Wijenayake S, Malik AI, Storey KB., Cell Stress Chaperones. January 1, 2018; 23 (1): 45-53.

Transcriptome analysis identifies genes involved in sex determination and development of Xenopus laevis gonads., Piprek RP, Damulewicz M, Kloc M, Kubiak JZ., Differentiation. January 1, 2018; 100 46-56.   

Targeted deletion of the aquaglyceroporin AQP9 is protective in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease., Stahl K, Rahmani S, Prydz A, Skauli N, MacAulay N, Mylonakou MN, Torp R, Skare Ø, Berg T, Leergaard TB, Paulsen RE, Ottersen OP, Amiry-Moghaddam M., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (3): e0194896.   

TPX2 promotes cell proliferation and migration via PLK1 in OC., Ma S, Rong X, Gao F, Yang Y, Wei L., Cancer Biomark. January 1, 2018; 22 (3): 443-451.

Targeted Electroporation in the CNS in Xenopus Embryos., Wong HH, Holt CE., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1865 119-131.

Targeted Genome Engineering in Xenopus Using the Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nuclease (TALEN) Technology., Van Nieuwenhuysen T, Vleminckx K., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1865 55-65.

Two Tier Hox Collinearity Mediates Vertebrate Axial Patterning., Durston AJ., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2018; 6 102.   

The N terminus of Ascl1 underlies differing proneural activity of mouse and Xenopus Ascl1 proteins., Hardwick LJA, Philpott A., Wellcome Open Res. January 1, 2018; 3 125.   

Thyroid hormone levels and temperature during development alter thermal tolerance and energetics of Xenopus laevis larvae., Ruthsatz K, Dausmann KH, Peck MA, Drees C, Sabatino NM, Becker LI, Reese J, Hartmann L, Glos J., Conserv Physiol. January 1, 2018; 6 (1): coy059.   

The nonproton ligand of acid-sensing ion channel 3 activates mollusk-specific FaNaC channels via a mechanism independent of the native FMRFamide peptide., Yang XN, Niu YY, Liu Y, Yang Y, Wang J, Cheng XY, Liang H, Wang HS, Hu YM, Lu XY, Zhu MX, Xu TL, Tian Y, Yu Y., J Biol Chem. December 29, 2017; 292 (52): 21662-21675.

The Human DNA glycosylases NEIL1 and NEIL3 Excise Psoralen-Induced DNA-DNA Cross-Links in a Four-Stranded DNA Structure., Martin PR, Couvé S, Zutterling C, Albelazi MS, Groisman R, Matkarimov BT, Parsons JL, Elder RH, Saparbaev MK., Sci Rep. December 12, 2017; 7 (1): 17438.   

The Epithelial Sodium Channel Is a Modifier of the Long-Term Nonprogressive Phenotype Associated with F508del CFTR Mutations., Agrawal PB, Wang R, Li HL, Schmitz-Abe K, Simone-Roach C, Chen J, Shi J, Louie T, Sheng S, Towne MC, Brainson CF, Matthay MA, Kim CF, Bamshad M, Emond MJ, Gerard NP, Kleyman TR, Gerard C., Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. December 1, 2017; 57 (6): 711-720.

Tight temporal coupling between synaptic rewiring of olfactory glomeruli and the emergence of odor-guided behavior in Xenopus tadpoles., Terni B, Pacciolla P, Masanas H, Gorostiza P, Llobet A., J Comp Neurol. December 1, 2017; 525 (17): 3769-3783.

The SLC2A14 gene, encoding the novel glucose/dehydroascorbate transporter GLUT14, is associated with inflammatory bowel disease., Amir Shaghaghi M, Zhouyao H, Tu H, El-Gabalawy H, Crow GH, Levine M, Bernstein CN, Eck P., Am J Clin Nutr. December 1, 2017; 106 (6): 1508-1513.

The effect of food properties on grasping and manipulation in the aquatic frog Xenopus laevis., Anzeraey A, Aumont M, Decamps T, Herrel A, Pouydebat E., J Exp Biol. December 1, 2017; 220 (Pt 23): 4486-4491.

Two MATE Transporters with Different Subcellular Localization are Involved in Al Tolerance in Buckwheat., Lei GJ, Yokosho K, Yamaji N, Ma JF., Plant Cell Physiol. December 1, 2017; 58 (12): 2179-2189.

The Arf GEF GBF1 and Arf4 synergize with the sensory receptor cargo, rhodopsin, to regulate ciliary membrane trafficking., Wang J, Fresquez T, Kandachar V, Deretic D., J Cell Sci. December 1, 2017; 130 (23): 3975-3987.   

Targeted Base Editing via RNA-Guided Cytidine Deaminases in Xenopus laevis Embryos., Park DS, Yoon M, Kweon J, Jang AH, Kim Y, Choi SC., Mol Cells. November 30, 2017; 40 (11): 823-827.   

The ectodomain of cadherin-11 binds to erbB2 and stimulates Akt phosphorylation to promote cranial neural crest cell migration., Mathavan K, Khedgikar V, Bartolo V, Alfandari D., PLoS One. November 30, 2017; 12 (11): e0188963.   

The role of cell body density in ruminant retina mechanics assessed by atomic force and Brillouin microscopy., Weber IP, Yun SH, Scarcelli G, Franze K., Phys Biol. November 16, 2017; 14 (6): 065006.

The constant threat from a non-native predator increases tail muscle and fast-start swimming performance in Xenopus tadpoles., Mori T, Yanagisawa Y, Kitani Y, Yamamoto G, Goto-Inoue N, Kimura T, Kashiwagi K, Kashiwagi A., Biol Open. November 15, 2017; 6 (11): 1726-1733.   

The North American bullfrog draft genome provides insight into hormonal regulation of long noncoding RNA., Hammond SA, Warren RL, Vandervalk BP, Kucuk E, Khan H, Gibb EA, Pandoh P, Kirk H, Zhao Y, Jones M, Mungall AJ, Coope R, Pleasance S, Moore RA, Holt RA, Round JM, Ohora S, Walle BV, Veldhoen N, Helbing CC, Birol I., Nat Commun. November 10, 2017; 8 (1): 1433.   

The Fast Component of hERG Gating Charge: An Interaction between D411 in the S1 and S4 Residues., Dou Y, Macdonald LC, Wu Y, Fedida D., Biophys J. November 7, 2017; 113 (9): 1979-1991.

The POZ-ZF transcription factor Znf131 is implicated as a regulator of Kaiso-mediated biological processes., Robinson SC, Donaldson-Kabwe NS, Dvorkin-Gheva A, Longo J, He L, Daniel JM., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 4, 2017; 493 (1): 416-421.

Trimethylation of Histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27me3) ChIP-PCR and transcriptional expression data of Ef1-alpha, cyp26A, HoxC10, HoxD10 and HoxD11 in the Xenopus XTC cell line., Vieira W, Sahin H, Wells K, McCusker C., Data Brief. November 4, 2017; 15 970-974.   

To swim or not to swim: A population-level model of Xenopus tadpole decision making and locomotor behaviour., Borisyuk R, Merrison-Hort R, Soffe SR, Koutsikou S, Li WC., Biosystems. November 1, 2017; 161 3-14.   

The K+ channel KZM2 is involved in stomatal movement by modulating inward K+ currents in maize guard cells., Gao YQ, Wu WH, Wang Y., Plant J. November 1, 2017; 92 (4): 662-675.

The α2β2 isoform combination dominates the astrocytic Na+ /K+ -ATPase activity and is rendered nonfunctional by the α2.G301R familial hemiplegic migraine type 2-associated mutation., Stoica A, Larsen BR, Assentoft M, Holm R, Holt LM, Vilhardt F, Vilsen B, Lykke-Hartmann K, Olsen ML, MacAulay N., Glia. November 1, 2017; 65 (11): 1777-1793.

The Nitrate Transporter Family Protein LjNPF8.6 Controls the N-Fixing Nodule Activity., Valkov VT, Rogato A, Alves LM, Sol S, Noguero M, Léran S, Lacombe B, Chiurazzi M., Plant Physiol. November 1, 2017; 175 (3): 1269-1282.

The Actions of Drug Combinations on the GABAA Receptor Manifest as Curvilinear Isoboles of Additivity., Shin DJ, Germann AL, Steinbach JH, Akk G., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 2017; 92 (5): 556-563.

The novel isoxazoline ectoparasiticide lotilaner (Credelio™): a non-competitive antagonist specific to invertebrates γ-aminobutyric acid-gated chloride channels (GABACls)., Rufener L, Danelli V, Bertrand D, Sager H., Parasit Vectors. November 1, 2017; 10 (1): 530.   

Tcf7l1 promotes transcription of Kruppel-likefactor 4 during Xenopus embryogenesis., Cao Q, Shen Y, Zheng W, Liu H, Liu C., J Biomed Res. November 1, 2017; 32 (3): 215-21.   

The R81T mutation in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of Aphis gossypii is associated with neonicotinoid insecticide resistance with differential effects for cyano- and nitro-substituted neonicotinoids., Hirata K, Jouraku A, Kuwazaki S, Kanazawa J, Iwasa T., Pestic Biochem Physiol. November 1, 2017; 143 57-65.

Two single-point mutations shift the ligand selectivity of a pheromone receptor between two closely related moth species., Yang K, Huang LQ, Ning C, Wang CZ., Elife. October 24, 2017; 6   

The L530R variation associated with recurrent kidney stones impairs the structure and function of TRPV5., Wang L, Holmes RP, Peng JB., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 21, 2017; 492 (3): 362-367.   

The enigmatic xenopsins., Arendt D., Elife. October 19, 2017; 6   

The Chd1 Chromatin Remodeler Shifts Nucleosomal DNA Bidirectionally as a Monomer., Qiu Y, Levendosky RF, Chakravarthy S, Patel A, Bowman GD, Myong S., Mol Cell. October 5, 2017; 68 (1): 76-88.e6.

The C-terminal kinesin motor KIFC1 may participate in nuclear reshaping and flagellum formation during spermiogenesis of Larimichthys crocea., Zhang DD, Gao XM, Zhao YQ, Hou CC, Zhu JQ., Fish Physiol Biochem. October 1, 2017; 43 (5): 1351-1371.

The flexible cytoplasmic loop 3 contributes to the substrate affinity of human monocarboxylate transporters., Futagi Y, Sasaki S, Kobayashi M, Narumi K, Furugen A, Iseki K., Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. October 1, 2017; 1859 (10): 1790-1795.

The tyrosine Y2502.39 in Frizzled 4 defines a conserved motif important for structural integrity of the receptor and recruitment of Disheveled., Strakova K, Matricon P, Yokota C, Arthofer E, Bernatik O, Rodriguez D, Arenas E, Carlsson J, Bryja V, Schulte G., Cell Signal. October 1, 2017; 38 85-96.

The desert plant Phoenix dactylifera closes stomata via nitrate-regulated SLAC1 anion channel., Müller HM, Schäfer N, Bauer H, Geiger D, Lautner S, Fromm J, Riederer M, Bueno A, Nussbaumer T, Mayer K, Alquraishi SA, Alfarhan AH, Neher E, Al-Rasheid KAS, Ache P, Hedrich R., New Phytol. October 1, 2017; 216 (1): 150-162.

The RNF146 E3 ubiquitin ligase is required for the control of Wnt signaling and body pattern formation in Xenopus., Zhu X, Xing R, Tan R, Dai R, Tao Q., Mech Dev. October 1, 2017; 147 28-36.   

Targeting protein for Xenopus kinesin-like protein 2 knockdown enhances radiation sensitivity of human lung squamous carcinoma cell., Yang J, Gao F, Xu X, Wang Y, Zhu S., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. October 1, 2017; 44 (10): 1060-1068.

The Sorting Nexin 3 Retromer Pathway Regulates the Cell Surface Localization and Activity of a Wnt-Activated Polycystin Channel Complex., Feng S, Streets AJ, Nesin V, Tran U, Nie H, Onopiuk M, Wessely O, Tsiokas L, Ong ACM., J Am Soc Nephrol. October 1, 2017; 28 (10): 2973-2984.

The crystal structure of full-length Sizzled from Xenopus laevis yields insights into Wnt-antagonistic function of secreted Frizzled-related proteins., Bu Q, Li Z, Zhang J, Xu F, Liu J, Liu H., J Biol Chem. September 29, 2017; 292 (39): 16055-16069.

The brain is required for normal muscle and nerve patterning during early Xenopus development., Herrera-Rincon C, Pai VP, Moran KM, Lemire JM, Levin M., Nat Commun. September 25, 2017; 8 (1): 587.   

The functional interaction between nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and Ly-6/neurotoxin proteins in Locusta migratoria., Bao H, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Yu N, Liu Z., Neurochem Int. September 1, 2017; 108 381-387.

The AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator S 47445 rescues in vivo CA3-CA1 long-term potentiation and structural synaptic changes in old mice., Giralt A, Gómez-Climent MÁ, Alcalá R, Bretin S, Bertrand D, María Delgado-García J, Pérez-Navarro E, Alberch J, Gruart A., Neuropharmacology. September 1, 2017; 123 395-409.

Toxicity Effects of Functionalized Quantum Dots, Gold and Polystyrene Nanoparticles on Target Aquatic Biological Models: A Review., Libralato G, Galdiero E, Falanga A, Carotenuto R, de Alteriis E, Guida M., Molecules. August 31, 2017; 22 (9):

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