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Lysosomal sorting mutants of coronavirus E1 protein, a Golgi membrane protein., Armstrong J, Patel S, Riddle P., J Cell Sci. February 1, 1990; 95 ( Pt 2) 191-7.

Lipofection of cDNAs in the embryonic vertebrate central nervous system., Holt CE, Garlick N, Cornel E., Neuron. February 1, 1990; 4 (2): 203-14.

Local accumulation of acetylcholine receptors is neither necessary nor sufficient to induce cluster formation., Stollberg J, Fraser SE., J Neurosci. January 1, 1990; 10 (1): 247-55.

Localization of endogenous galactoside-binding lectin during morphogenesis of Xenopus laevis., Milos NC, Ma YL, Varma PV, Bering MP, Mohamed Z, Pilarski LM, Frunchak YN., Anat Embryol (Berl). January 1, 1990; 182 (4): 319-27.

Location of hemopoietic stem cells influences frequency of lymphoid engraftment in Xenopus embryos., Turpen JB, Smith PB., J Immunol. December 1, 1989; 143 (11): 3455-60.

Lysine 539 of human band 3 is not essential for ion transport or inhibition by stilbene disulfonates., Garcia AM, Lodish HF., J Biol Chem. November 25, 1989; 264 (33): 19607-13.

Localization of intracellular proteins at acetylcholine receptor clusters induced by electric fields in Xenopus muscle cells., Rochlin MW, Peng HB., J Cell Sci. September 1, 1989; 94 ( Pt 1) 73-83.   

Localized synthesis of the Vg1 protein during early Xenopus development., Tannahill D, Melton DA., Development. August 1, 1989; 106 (4): 775-85.

Latencies of membrane currents evoked in Xenopus oocytes by receptor activation, inositol trisphosphate and calcium., Miledi R, Parker I., J Physiol. August 1, 1989; 415 189-210.

Large scale isolation of nuclei from oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Ruberti I, Beccari E, Bianchi E, Carnevali F., Anal Biochem. July 1, 1989; 180 (1): 177-80.

Lithium changes the ectodermal fate of individual frog blastomeres because it causes ectopic neural plate formation., Klein SL, Moody SA., Development. July 1, 1989; 106 (3): 599-610.

LH-stimulation of the adenylyl cyclase system in follicles and oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Mancebo MJ., Rev Esp Fisiol. June 1, 1989; 45 (2): 111-6.

Long-term cultures of neurons from adult frog brain express GABA and glutamate-activated channels., Wetzel DM, Lee VM, Erulkar SD., J Neurobiol. June 1, 1989; 20 (4): 255-70.

Local positional cues in the neuroepithelium guide retinal axons in embryonic Xenopus brain., Harris WA., Nature. May 18, 1989; 339 (6221): 218-21.

Lithium-induced teratogenesis in frog embryos prevented by a polyphosphoinositide cycle intermediate or a diacylglycerol analog., Busa WB, Gimlich RL., Dev Biol. April 1, 1989; 132 (2): 315-24.

Low-concentration N-acetylaspartylglutamate suppresses the climbing fiber response of Purkinje cells in guinea pig cerebellar slices and the responses to excitatory amino acids of Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with cerebellar mRNA., Sekiguchi M, Okamoto K, Sakai Y., Dev Biol. March 13, 1989; 482 (1): 87-96.

Loss of competence in amphibian induction can take place in single nondividing cells., Grainger RM, Gurdon JB., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1989; 86 (6): 1900-4.

Loss of material from the retrograde axonal transport system in frog sciatic nerve., Snyder RE., J Neurobiol. March 1, 1989; 20 (2): 81-94.

Liver cell specific gene transcription in vitro: the promoter elements HP1 and TATA box are necessary and sufficient to generate a liver-specific promoter., Ryffel GU, Kugler W, Wagner U, Kaling M., Nucleic Acids Res. February 11, 1989; 17 (3): 939-53.

Lipoxygenase metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids in oocytes of the frog Xenopus laevis., Hawkins DJ, Brash AR., Arch Biochem Biophys. February 1, 1989; 268 (2): 447-55.

Localization of nucleic acid sequences by EM in situ hybridization using colloidal gold labels., Hamkalo BA, Narayanswami S, Lundgren K., Am J Anat. January 1, 1989; 185 (2-3): 197-204.

Light microscopic analysis of the gravireceptor in Xenopus larvae developed in hypogravity., Briegleb W, Neubert J, Schatz A, Kruse B., Adv Space Res. January 1, 1989; 9 (11): 241-4.

Localization of mRNA and axis formation during Xenopus embryogenesis., Melton DA, Ruiz i Altaba A, Yisraeli J, Sokol S., Ciba Found Symp. January 1, 1989; 144 16-29; discussion 29-36, 92-8.

Long-term starvation in Xenopus laevis Daudin--III. Effects on enzymes in several tissues., Merkle S., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1989; 94 (4): 783-8.

Lumbar lateral motor column development in triploid Xenopus laevis., Sperry DG., J Comp Neurol. December 15, 1988; 278 (3): 446-52.

Location of a region of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor involved in selective effector coupling., Kubo T, Bujo H, Akiba I, Nakai J, Mishina M, Numa S., FEBS Lett. December 5, 1988; 241 (1-2): 119-25.

Localization of c-myc expression during oogenesis and embryonic development in Xenopus laevis., Hourdry J, Brulfert A, Gusse M, Schoevaert D, Taylor MV, Mechali M., Development. December 1, 1988; 104 (4): 631-41.   

Loop I of U1 small nuclear RNA is the only essential RNA sequence for binding of specific U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle proteins., Hamm J, van Santen VL, Spritz RA, Mattaj IW., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 1988; 8 (11): 4787-91.

Lack of axon regeneration of isthmic neurons in juvenile Xenopus., McCart R, Straznicky C., Neurosci Lett. October 5, 1988; 92 (2): 143-8.

Localized maternal mRNA related to transforming growth factor beta mRNA is concentrated in a cytokeratin-enriched fraction from Xenopus oocytes., Pondel MD, King ML., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 1, 1988; 85 (20): 7612-6.

Locations of methyl groups in 28 S rRNA of Xenopus laevis and man. Clustering in the conserved core of molecule., Maden BE., J Mol Biol. May 20, 1988; 201 (2): 289-314.

Lack of keratan sulphate in the human notochord., Salisbury JR, Watt FM., J Anat. April 1, 1988; 157 175-9.

Localization of kinesin in cultured cells., Neighbors BW, Williams RC, McIntosh JR., J Cell Biol. April 1, 1988; 106 (4): 1193-204.

Levitide, a neurohormone-like peptide from the skin of Xenopus laevis. Peptide and peptide precursor cDNA sequences., Poulter L, Terry AS, Williams DH, Giovannini MG, Moore CH, Gibson BW., J Biol Chem. March 5, 1988; 263 (7): 3279-83.

Lymphocyte- and macrophage-derived growth factors., Wahl SM., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1988; 163 715-31.

Lectin binding on carbohydrate compounds of the flask cells in the claw-frog kidney., Jonas L, Ostwald C., Acta Histochem. January 1, 1988; 84 (2): 217-25.

Long-term starvation in Xenopus laevis Daudin--II. Effects on several organs., Merkle S, Hanke W., Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol. January 1, 1988; 90 (3): 491-5.

Light microscopy of GTP-binding protein (Go) immunoreactivity within the retina of different vertebrates., Terashima T, Katada T, Okada E, Ui M, Inoue Y., Dev Biol. December 15, 1987; 436 (2): 384-9.   

Linker scanner mutagenesis of the Xenopus laevis ribosomal gene promoter., Reeder RH, Pennock D, McStay B, Roan J, Tolentino E, Walker P., Nucleic Acids Res. September 25, 1987; 15 (18): 7429-41.

Levels of microtubules during the meiotic maturation of the Xenopus oocyte., Jessus C, Thibier C, Ozon R., J Cell Sci. June 1, 1987; 87 ( Pt 5) 705-12.

Liver parenchymal cell proliferation during secondary induction with estradiol-17 beta in Xenopus., Spolski RJ, Wangh LJ., Dev Biol. June 1, 1987; 121 (2): 301-5.

Localization of Xenopus homoeo-box gene transcripts during embryogenesis and in the adult nervous system., Carrasco AE, Malacinski GM., Dev Biol. May 1, 1987; 121 (1): 69-81.   

Loss of functional sperm entry into Xenopus eggs after activation correlates with a reduction in surface adhesivity., Stewart-Savage J, Grey RD., Dev Biol. April 1, 1987; 120 (2): 434-46.

Lithium inhibits morphogenesis of the nervous system but not neuronal differentiation in Xenopus laevis., Breckenridge LJ, Warren RL, Warner AE., Development. March 1, 1987; 99 (3): 353-70.

Laboratory production in vivo of infectious human papillomavirus type 11., Kreider JW, Howett MK, Leure-Dupree AE, Zaino RJ, Weber JA., J Virol. February 1, 1987; 61 (2): 590-3.

Lipid metabolic pathways operating in amphibian full-grown oocytes., Alonso TS, Bonini de Romanelli IC, Pechén de D'Angelo AM., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1987; 86 (1): 167-71.

Lack of synthesis of pentamer IgM in Xenopus oocytes after injection of poly(A)+ RNA from hybridoma cells., Lipoldová M, Holán V, Cerná J, Takác M, Vancatová A, Zadrazil S., Folia Biol (Praha). January 1, 1987; 33 (2): 81-6.

Location of a delta-subunit region determining ion transport through the acetylcholine receptor channel., Imoto K, Methfessel C, Sakmann B, Mishina M, Mori Y, Konno T, Fukuda K, Kurasaki M, Bujo H, Fujita Y., Nature. December 18, 1986; 324 (6098): 670-4.

Lack of correlation between extensive accumulation of bisnucleoside polyphosphates and the heat-shock response in eukaryotic cells., Guédon GF, Gilson GJ, Ebel JP, Befort NM, Remy PM., J Biol Chem. December 15, 1986; 261 (35): 16459-65.

Linkage arrangement in the vitellogenin gene family of Xenopus laevis as revealed by gene segregation analysis., Schubiger JL, Wahli W., Nucleic Acids Res. November 25, 1986; 14 (22): 8723-34.

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