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Leucine repeat adaptor protein 1 interacts with Dishevelled to regulate gastrulation cell movements in zebrafish., Cheng XN, Shao M, Li JT, Wang YF, Qi J, Xu ZG, Shi DL., Nat Commun. November 7, 2017; 8 (1): 1353.   

Loss of Fourth Electron-Transferring Tryptophan in Animal (6-4) Photolyase Impairs DNA Repair Activity in Bacterial Cells., Yamamoto J, Shimizu K, Kanda T, Hosokawa Y, Iwai S, Plaza P, Müller P., Biochemistry. October 10, 2017; 56 (40): 5356-5364.

Lethal digenic mutations in the K+ channels Kir4.1 (KCNJ10) and SLACK (KCNT1) associated with severe-disabling seizures and neurodevelopmental delay., Hasan S, Balobaid A, Grottesi A, Dabbagh O, Cenciarini M, Rawashdeh R, Al-Sagheir A, Bove C, Macchioni L, Pessia M, Al-Owain M, D'Adamo MC., J Neurophysiol. October 1, 2017; 118 (4): 2402-2411.

Lentiviral Delivery of miR-133b Improves Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury in Mice., Theis T, Yoo M, Park CS, Chen J, Kügler S, Gibbs KM, Schachner M., Mol Neurobiol. August 1, 2017; 54 (6): 4659-4671.

Lineage commitment of embryonic cells involves MEK1-dependent clearance of pluripotency regulator Ventx2., Scerbo P, Marchal L, Kodjabachian L., Elife. June 27, 2017; 6   

Luteinizing Hormone is an effective replacement for hCG to induce ovulation in Xenopus., Wlizla M, Falco R, Peshkin L, Parlow AF, Horb ME., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 442-448.   

Light-mediated Reversible Modulation of the Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Pathway during Cell Differentiation and Xenopus Embryonic Development., Krishnamurthy VV, Turgeon AJ, Khamo JS, Mondal P, Sharum SR, Mei W, Yang J, Zhang K., J Vis Exp. June 15, 2017; (124):

Limited genomic consequences of hybridization between two African clawed frogs, Xenopus gilli and X. laevis (Anura: Pipidae)., Furman BLS, Cauret CMS, Colby GA, Measey GJ, Evans BJ., Sci Rep. April 24, 2017; 7 (1): 1091.   

Linker histones: novel insights into structure-specific recognition of the nucleosome., Cutter AR, Hayes JJ., Biochem Cell Biol. April 1, 2017; 95 (2): 171-178.

Long term effects of carbaryl exposure on antiviral immune responses in Xenopus laevis., De Jesús Andino F, Lawrence BP, Robert J., Chemosphere. March 1, 2017; 170 169-175.

Leftward Flow Determines Laterality in Conjoined Twins., Tisler M, Thumberger T, Schneider I, Schweickert A, Blum M., Curr Biol. February 20, 2017; 27 (4): 543-548.   

Low Expression in Xenopus Oocytes and Unusual Functional Properties of α1β2γ2 GABAA Receptors with Non-Conventional Subunit Arrangement., Baur R, Sigel E., PLoS One. January 3, 2017; 12 (1): e0170572.   

Loss of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator Impairs Intestinal Oxalate Secretion., Knauf F, Thomson RB, Heneghan JF, Jiang Z, Adebamiro A, Thomson CL, Barone C, Asplin JR, Egan ME, Alper SL, Aronson PS., J Am Soc Nephrol. January 1, 2017; 28 (1): 242-249.

Leptin Induces Mitosis and Activates the Canonical Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway in Neurogenic Regions of Xenopus Tadpole Brain., Bender MC, Sifuentes CJ, Denver RJ., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2017; 8 99.   

Localization in Oogenesis of Maternal Regulators of Embryonic Development., Escobar-Aguirre M, Elkouby YM, Mullins MC., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2017; 953 173-207.

La-related protein 6 controls ciliated cell differentiation., Manojlovic Z, Earwood R, Kato A, Perez D, Cabrera OA, Didier R, Megraw TL, Stefanovic B, Kato Y., Cilia. January 1, 2017; 6 4.   

Loss of function of NaPiIIa causes nephrocalcinosis and possibly kidney insufficiency., Dinour D, Davidovits M, Ganon L, Ruminska J, Forster IC, Hernando N, Eyal E, Holtzman EJ, Wagner CA., Pediatr Nephrol. December 1, 2016; 31 (12): 2289-2297.

Loop B serine of a plasma membrane aquaporin type PIP2 but not PIP1 plays a key role in pH sensing., Yaneff A, Sigaut L, Gómez N, Aliaga Fandiño C, Alleva K, Pietrasanta LI, Amodeo G., Biochim Biophys Acta. November 1, 2016; 1858 (11): 2778-2787.

Low-cost functional plasticity of TRPV1 supports heat tolerance in squirrels and camels., Laursen WJ, Schneider ER, Merriman DK, Bagriantsev SN, Gracheva EO., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 4, 2016; 113 (40): 11342-11347.

Lethal and sublethal effects of phthalate diesters in Silurana tropicalis larvae., Mathieu-Denoncourt J, Martyniuk CJ, Loughery JR, Yargeau V, de Solla SR, Langlois VS., Environ Toxicol Chem. October 1, 2016; 35 (10): 2511-2522.

Loss of expression of protein phosphatase magnesium-dependent 1A during kidney injury promotes fibrotic maladaptive repair., Samarakoon R, Rehfuss A, Khakoo NS, Falke LL, Dobberfuhl AD, Helo S, Overstreet JM, Goldschmeding R, Higgins PJ., FASEB J. October 1, 2016; 30 (10): 3308-3320.

Ligand Binding at the 4-4 Agonist-Binding Site of the 42 nAChR Triggers Receptor Activation through a Pre-Activated Conformational State., Indurthi DC, Lewis TM, Ahring PK, Balle T, Chebib M, Absalom NL., PLoS One. August 16, 2016; 11 (8): e0161154.   

Life cycle exposure of the frog Silurana tropicalis to arsenate: Steroid- and thyroid hormone-related genes are differently altered throughout development., Gibson LA, Koch I, Reimer KJ, Cullen WR, Langlois VS., Gen Comp Endocrinol. August 1, 2016; 234 133-41.   

Label-free Quantification of Proteins in Single Embryonic Cells with Neural Fate in the Cleavage-Stage Frog (Xenopus laevis) Embryo using Capillary Electrophoresis Electrospray Ionization High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (CE-ESI-HRMS)., Lombard-Banek C, Reddy S, Moody SA, Nemes P., Mol Cell Proteomics. August 1, 2016; 15 (8): 2756-68.

Leapfrogging: primordial germ cell transplantation permits recovery of CRISPR/Cas9-induced mutations in essential genes., Blitz IL, Fish MB, Cho KW., Development. August 1, 2016; 143 (15): 2868-75.   

Liddle-Mutation of the β-Subunit, but not the γ-Subunit, Attenuates Protein Kinase C-Mediated Inhibition of Human Epithelial Sodium Channels (hENaC)., Robins GG, Sandle GI., J Membr Biol. June 1, 2016; 249 (3): 271-9.   

Luminal Ca(2+) dynamics during IP3R mediated signals., Lopez LF, Dawson SP., Phys Biol. May 27, 2016; 13 (3): 036006.

Lens regeneration from the cornea requires suppression of Wnt/β-catenin signaling., Hamilton PW, Sun Y, Henry JJ., Exp Eye Res. April 1, 2016; 145 206-215.   

Lunar Phase Modulates Circadian Gene Expression Cycles in the Broadcast Spawning Coral Acropora millepora., Brady AK, Willis BL, Harder LD, Vize PD., Biol Bull. April 1, 2016; 230 (2): 130-42.

Loss-of-function mutations in SCN4A cause severe foetal hypokinesia or 'classical' congenital myopathy., Zaharieva IT, Thor MG, Oates EC, van Karnebeek C, Hendson G, Blom E, Witting N, Rasmussen M, Gabbett MT, Ravenscroft G, Sframeli M, Suetterlin K, Sarkozy A, D'Argenzio L, Hartley L, Matthews E, Pitt M, Vissing J, Ballegaard M, Krarup C, Slørdahl A, Halvorsen H, Ye XC, Zhang LH, Løkken N, Werlauff U, Abdelsayed M, Davis MR, Feng L, Phadke R, Sewry CA, Morgan JE, Laing NG, Vallance H, Ruben P, Hanna MG, Lewis S, Kamsteeg EJ, Männikkö R, Muntoni F., Brain. March 1, 2016; 139 (Pt 3): 674-91.   

Large-scale microtubule networks contract quite well., Belmonte JM, Nédélec F., Elife. January 28, 2016; 5   

Localized JNK signaling regulates organ size during development., Willsey HR, Zheng X, Carlos Pastor-Pareja J, Willsey AJ, Beachy PA, Xu T., Elife. January 28, 2016; 5   

Low-voltage scanning electron microscopy study of lampbrush chromosomes and nuclear bodies in avian and amphibian oocytes., Kulikova T, Khodyuchenko T, Petrov Y, Krasikova A., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 36878.   

lin28 proteins promote expression of 17∼92 family miRNAs during amphibian development., Warrander F, Faas L, Kovalevskiy O, Peters D, Coles M, Antson AA, Genever P, Isaacs HV., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2016; 245 (1): 34-46.   

Lateral Line Scene Analysis in the Purely Aquatic Frog Xenopus laevis Daudin (Pipidae)., Elepfandt A, Lebrecht S, Schroedter K, Brudermanns B, Hillig R, Schuberth C, Fliess A., Brain Behav Evol. January 1, 2016; 87 (2): 117-27.

Lysine Acetylation Facilitates Spontaneous DNA Dynamics in the Nucleosome., Kim J, Lee J, Lee TH., J Phys Chem B. December 3, 2015; 119 (48): 15001-5.

Light Induces Ultrastructural Changes in Rod Outer and Inner Segments, Including Autophagy, in a Transgenic Xenopus laevis P23H Rhodopsin Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa., Bogéa TH, Wen RH, Moritz OL., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. December 1, 2015; 56 (13): 7947-55.

Lack of phosphomannomutase 2 affects Xenopus laevis morphogenesis and the non-canonical Wnt5a/Ror2 signalling., Himmelreich N, Kaufmann LT, Steinbeisser H, Körner C, Thiel C., J Inherit Metab Dis. November 1, 2015; 38 (6): 1137-46.

Low concentrations of metal mixture exposures have adverse effects on selected biomarkers of Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Yologlu E, Ozmen M., Aquat Toxicol. November 1, 2015; 168 19-27.

Light sensitivity in a vertebrate mechanoreceptor?, Baker GE, de Grip WJ, Turton M, Wagner HJ, Foster RG, Douglas RH., J Exp Biol. September 1, 2015; 218 (Pt 18): 2826-9.

Less is More: Design of a Highly Stable Disulfide-Deleted Mutant of Analgesic Cyclic α-Conotoxin Vc1.1., Yu R, Seymour VA, Berecki G, Jia X, Akcan M, Adams DJ, Kaas Q, Craik DJ., Sci Rep. August 20, 2015; 5 13264.   

Low efficiency IDO2 enzymes are conserved in lower vertebrates, whereas higher efficiency IDO1 enzymes are dispensable., Yuasa HJ, Mizuno K, Ball HJ., FEBS J. July 1, 2015; 282 (14): 2735-45.

Labeling strategy and signal broadening mechanism of Protein NMR spectroscopy in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Ye Y, Liu X, Xu G, Wu Q, Zhang Z, Yao C, Liu M, Li C., Chemistry. June 8, 2015; 21 (24): 8686-90.

Locomotor corollary activation of trigeminal motoneurons: coupling of discrete motor behaviors., Hänzi S, Banchi R, Straka H, Chagnaud BP., J Exp Biol. June 1, 2015; 218 (Pt 11): 1748-58.

LiZIP3 is a cellular zinc transporter that mediates the tightly regulated import of zinc in Leishmania infantum parasites., Carvalho S, Barreira da Silva R, Shawki A, Castro H, Lamy M, Eide D, Costa V, Mackenzie B, Tomás AM., Mol Microbiol. May 1, 2015; 96 (3): 581-95.

LeNRT2.3 functions in nitrate acquisition and long-distance transport in tomato., Fu Y, Yi H, Bao J, Gong J., FEBS Lett. April 28, 2015; 589 (10): 1072-9.

Leptin Manipulation Reduces Appetite and Causes a Switch in Mating Preference in the Plains Spadefoot Toad (Spea bombifrons)., Garcia NW, Pfennig KS, Burmeister SS., PLoS One. April 22, 2015; 10 (4): e0125981.   

L596-W733 bond between the start of the S4-S5 linker and the TRP box stabilizes the closed state of TRPV4 channel., Teng J, Loukin SH, Anishkin A, Kung C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 17, 2015; 112 (11): 3386-91.

Loss of functional endothelial connexin40 results in exercise-induced hypertension in mice., Morton SK, Chaston DJ, Howitt L, Heisler J, Nicholson BJ, Fairweather S, Bröer S, Ashton AW, Matthaei KI, Hill CE., Hypertension. March 1, 2015; 65 (3): 662-9.

Lidocaine preferentially inhibits the function of purinergic P2X7 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Okura D, Horishita T, Ueno S, Yanagihara N, Sudo Y, Uezono Y, Minami T, Kawasaki T, Sata T., Anesth Analg. March 1, 2015; 120 (3): 597-605.

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