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Mol Biol Cell 2022 Dec 01;3314:br26. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E22-06-0194.
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Dishevelled controls bulk cadherin dynamics and the stability of individual cadherin clusters during convergent extension.

Huebner RJ , Wallingford JB .

Animals are shaped through the movement of large cellular collectives. Such morphogenetic processes require cadherin-based cell adhesion to maintain tissue cohesion and planar cell polarity to coordinate movement. Despite a vast literature surrounding cadherin-based adhesion and planar cell polarity, it is unclear how these molecular networks interface. Here we investigate the relationship between cadherins and planar cell polarity during gastrulation cell movements in Xenopus laevis. We first assessed bulk cadherin localization and found that cadherins were enriched at a specific subset of morphogenetically active cell-cell junctions. We then found that cadherin and actin had coupled temporal dynamics and that disruption of planar cell polarity uncoupled these dynamics. Next, using superresolution time-lapse microscopy and quantitative image analysis, we were able to measure the lifespan and size of individual cadherin clusters. Finally, we show that planar cell polarity not only controls the size of cadherin clusters but, more interestingly, regulates cluster stability. These results reveal an intriguing link between two essential cellular properties, adhesion and planar polarity, and provide insight into the molecular control of morphogenetic cell movements.

PubMed ID: 36222834
PMC ID: PMC9727802
Article link: Mol Biol Cell
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: cdh3 dvl1 dvl2
GO keywords: cadherin binding

Article Images: [+] show captions
References [+] :
Arslan, Holding it together: when cadherin meets cadherin. 2021, Pubmed