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Dev Biol 2022 Mar 01;483:157-168. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2022.01.007.
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Hif1α and Wnt are required for posterior gene expression during Xenopus tropicalis tail regeneration.

Patel JH , Schattinger PA , Takayoshi EE , Wills AE .

Regeneration of complex tissues is initiated by an injury-induced stress response, eventually leading to activation of developmental signaling pathways such as Wnt signaling. How early injury cues are interpreted and coupled to activation of these developmental signals and their targets is not well understood. Here, we show that Hif1α, a stress induced transcription factor, is required for tail regeneration in Xenopus tropicalis. We find that Hif1α is required for regeneration of differentiated axial tissues, including axons and muscle. Using RNA-sequencing, we find that Hif1α and Wnt converge on a broad set of genes required for posterior specification and differentiation, including the posterior hox genes. We further show that Hif1α is required for transcription via a Wnt-responsive element, a function that is conserved in both regeneration and early neural patterning. Our findings indicate that Hif1α has regulatory roles in Wnt target gene expression across multiple tissue contexts.

PubMed ID: 35065905
PMC ID: PMC8881967
Article link: Dev Biol
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis
Genes referenced: axin2l cdx4 en2 fgf20 hif1a hoxa10 hoxa11 hoxa13 hoxa3 hoxa4 hoxa5 hoxa7 hoxa9 hoxb4 hoxb7 hoxb8 hoxc10 hoxc8 hoxc9 hoxd10 hoxd11 hoxd13 hoxd9 otx2 prickle1 sall1 sall4 snai2 sox2 wnt5a wnt5b
GO keywords: tissue development [+]
Lines/Strains: Morpholinos: hif1a MO3 hif1a MO4

GEO Series: GSE174798: NCBI
Phenotypes: Xtr.Tg(pbin7:GFP)+ 2ME + posterior tail amputation (Fig. 4 C c2) [+]

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References [+] :
Barriga, The hypoxia factor Hif-1α controls neural crest chemotaxis and epithelial to mesenchymal transition. 2013, Pubmed, Xenbase