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Cells Tissues Organs 2022 Jan 01;2116:736-753. doi: 10.1159/000514579.
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Signaling Control of Mucociliary Epithelia: Stem Cells, Cell Fates, and the Plasticity of Cell Identity in Development and Disease.

Mucociliary epithelia are composed of multiciliated, secretory, and stem cells and line various organs in vertebrates such as the respiratory tract. By means of mucociliary clearance, those epithelia provide a first line of defense against inhaled particles and pathogens. Mucociliary clearance relies on the correct composition of cell types, that is, the proper balance of ciliated and secretory cells. A failure to generate and to maintain correct cell type composition and function results in impaired clearance and high risk to infections, such as in congenital diseases (e.g., ciliopathies) as well as in acquired diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). While it remains incompletely resolved how precisely cell types are specified and maintained in development and disease, many studies have revealed important mechanisms regarding the signaling control in mucociliary cell types in various species. Those studies not only provided insights into the signaling contribution to organ development and regeneration but also highlighted the remarkable plasticity of cell identity encountered in mucociliary maintenance, including frequent trans-differentiation events during homeostasis and specifically in disease. This review will summarize major findings and provide perspectives regarding the future of mucociliary research and the treatment of chronic airway diseases associated with tissue remodeling.

PubMed ID: 33902038
PMC ID: PMC8546001
Article link: Cells Tissues Organs
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ctnnb1 dll1 dvl2 foxi1 foxj1 frzb il4 jag1 lrp6 notch1 notch2 smad1 smad4 stat6 tp63 wnt8a

Disease Ontology terms: ciliopathy [+]
References [+] :
Abdullah, Defective postsecretory maturation of MUC5B mucin in cystic fibrosis airways. 2017, Pubmed