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Brain distribution and evidence for both central and neurohormonal actions of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in Xenopus laevis.
Roubos EW
Lázár G
Calle M
Barendregt HP
Gaszner B
Kozicz T
We tested the hypothesis that, in the amphibian Xenopus laevis, cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CARTp) not only has widespread actions in the brain but also acts as a local factor in endocrine pituitary cells and/or is neurohemally secreted into the circulation to control peripheral targets. CARTp-immunoreactive cells occur in the olfactory bulb, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, septum, striatum, nucleus of Bellonci, ventrolateral nucleus, central thalamic nucleus, preoptic nuclei, and suprachiasmatic nucleus, and particularly in the medial pallium, ventromedial nucleus, hypothalamus, Edinger-Westphal nucleus, optic tectum, raphe nuclei, central gray, nucleus of the solitary tract, and spinal cord. From the hypothalamic magnocellular nucleus, CARTp-containing axons run to the neurohemal median eminence, and to the neural pituitary lobe to form neurohemal terminals, as shown by immunoelectron microscopy. Starvation increases the number of CARTp-cells in the optic tectum by 46% but has no effect on such cells in the torus semicircularis. CARTp does not affect in vitro release of alpha-melanophore-stimulating hormone from pituitarymelanotrope cells. Our results support the hypothesis that in X. laevis, CARTp not only has multiple and not exclusively feeding-related actions in the brain but is also secreted as a neurohormone 1) into the portal system to control endocrine targets in the pituitarydistal lobe and 2) from neurohemal axon terminals in the neural pituitary lobe to act peripherally. The differences in CARTp distribution between X. laevis and Rana esculenta may be related to different environmental and physiological conditions such as feeding, sensory information processing, and locomotion.
Fig. 1. A–L: Distribution of CARTp-immunoreactivity in schematic
drawings of the brain of Xenopus laevis. The left upper panel
shows the transverse planes chosen for the illustrations. Planes A–C
are from the telencephalon, D and E are from the diencephalon, F–I
are from the mesencephalon, J and K are from the rhombencephalon,
and L shows the spinal cord. The locations of immunoreactive
perikarya and of nerve fibers (black small dots) are shown in the right
half of each drawing. Neuroanatomical abbreviations (see list) are
designated at the left.
Fig. 2. Distribution of CARTp-immunoreactive cells and fibers in
the telencephalon and the preoptic area. A: Immunostaining in the
main olfactory bulb. Only a few cells are stained in the internal
granular layer (igl). Sagittal section. B: Immunoreactive perikarya in
the medialpallium (mp) and the septum (s). Sagittal section. C: Immunoreactive
neurons and fiber terminals in the nucleus accumbens
(Acc) and the striatum (Str). D: Three groups of immunoreactive
neurons in the preoptic area (POa). Sagittal section. E: Intensely
stained neurons in the magnocellular preoptic nucleus (Mg). Note
caudal extent of the nucleus over the optic chiasm (oc). Sagittal
section. gl, glomerular layer; lv, lateralventricle; ml, mitral cell layer;
olfn, olfactory nerve. Scale bar 100 m in A; 200 m in b–E.
Fig. 3. CARTp-immunoreactive perikarya in the diencephalon and
the mesencephalon. A: Immunoreactivity in the rostral diencephalon.
Note stained cells in the nucleus of Bellonci (B; arrows). B: Immunoreactive
cells and fibers in the infundibulum (inf) and the dorsal
hypothalamic nucleus (dHy). C: Stained cells of the magnocellular
preoptic nucleus (Mg) in the wall of the infundibulum (inf). Note that
their long dendrites are oriented laterally, toward the surface of the
brain. D: Immunoreactive cells in the hypothalamus and the Edinger-
Westphal (EW) nucleus and intensely stained axon terminals in the
neural lobe of the pituitary gland (pn). Sagittal section. Rostral is to
the left. E: Immunostained infundibular neurons with long dendrites
at the level of plane E in Figure 1. Note stained perikarya in the
ventromedial (VM) and the posterior entopeduncular nuclei (epp).
F: Immunostained fibers in the pars nervosa (pn) of the pituitary
gland and median eminence of the hypothalamus. The intermediate
pituitary lobe (pi) is immunonegative, whereas some cells in the distal
lobe (pd) reveal weak immunoreactivity. G: Detail of the median
eminence, with small and less numerous stained dots in the internal
zone (iz) and large stained dots and short varicose fibers in the
external zone (ez). Hd, dorsal habenula; Hv, ventralhabenula. 3rd,
third ventricle. Scale bar 200 m in A,B; 100 m in C,E; 300 m in
D; 150 m in F; 15 m in G.
Fig. 4. CARTp-immunoreactivity in the mesencephalon and
rhombencephalon. A: Pretectal region. Note heavy staining of neurons
in the central thalamic nucleus (C). B: Optic tectum. Note stained
cells in layer 9 and intense fiber staining in the periventricular layers
(pvl). C: Immunostained fibers and cells in the optic tectum (tect) and
the magnocellular nucleus (mt) of the torus semicircularis. D: Sagittal
section of the mesencephalon and the rhombencephalon. Note intense
fiber staining in the tectum and fasciculus retroflexus (arrow), and
heavily stained neurons in the central thalamic nucleus (C). E: Intense
fiber staining in the isthmic region. Note that the isthmic (Is)
and the interpeduncular (Ip) nuclei are free of immunostaining.
F: Stained cells and fibers in the superior raphe nucleus (r). aq,
cerebral aqueduct; cer, cerebellum; cg, central gray; Lpv, lateral thalamic
nucleus, posteroventral division; P, posterior thalamic nucleus;
Pn, pretectal neuropil; Pv, posteroventral tegmental nucleus; 4th,
fourth ventricle. For other abbreviations, see list. Scale bar 300 m
in A; 100 m in B,F; 200 m in C,E; 500 m in D.
Fig. 5. CARTp-immunoreactivity in the rhombencephalon and the
spinal cord. A: Neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract (nst,
arrow). B: Intense staining of fiber terminals in the ambiguous nucleus
(IX–Xm, arrow). Note stained cells dorsomedially. C: Neurons in
the gracile nucleus (Ng) of the dorsal column nuclei. D: Fiber terminals
and neurons in the intermediate zone of the spinal cord. Horizontal
section. E: Stained cells (arrows) medial and dorsal to the
lateral motoneurons in the spinal cord in a lumbar segment. Note
fiber staining in the dorsal horn (dh), and among unstained motoneurons
(vh). The midline is to the left. af, anterior funiculus; cc, central
canal; cg, central gray; lf, lateral funiculus; pf, posterior funiculus; sol,
nucleus of the solitary tract; 4th, fourth ventricle. Scale bar 100 m
in A–D; 200 m in E.
Fig. 6. Immunoelectron microscopy of CARTp immunoreactivity
in the neural lobe of the pituitary gland of X. laevis. A: Conventional
fixation. Low-power micrograph with neurohemal axon terminals (a)
and a capillary (c) with endothelial cell (e) and blood cell (b). B: Conventional
fixation. Round secretory granules (g) in neurohemal axon
terminal, with some immunogold particles (arrowheads) indicating
the presence of CARTp. C: High-pressure freezing and cryosubstitution
followed by silver intensification of postembedding immunogold
labeling, showing strongly immunopositive neurohemal terminals (a).
D: As in C but the axon terminal is shown in detail. E: As in C but
immunonegative, as sections were processed with antiserum preadsorbed
to CARTp. s, intercellular space. Scale bar 1 m in A,C; 100
nm in B; 250 nm in D; 300 nm in E.
Fig. 7. CARTp-immunoreactivity in the X. laevis optic tectum, showing more stained perikarya
(arrows) in starved animals (B) than in fed controls (A). Scale bar 25 m in A,B.
Fig. 8. Effect of starvation on the number of CART-immunoreactive neurons in the optic tectum
(expressed as average number per section); asterisk indicates statistically significant difference (P
0.01) between control and starved X. laevis. No effect is seen on the number of CART-immunoreactive
neurons in the torus semicircularis. Data are expressed as mean standard error of the mean (n 5).
Fig. 9. Absence of effect of increasing concentrations of CARTp
(10 10 to 10 6 M) on the release of 3H-lysine-labeled peptides (mainly
MSH; Scheenen et al., 1995) by dissociated melanotrope cells superfused
in vitro. Viability and capability of release of melanotropes
appears from stimulation by sauvagine (SA) and inhibition by dopamine
(DA). Vertical gray bars indicate 10-minute periods of CARTp
application. Each data point represents amount of radioactivity in a
2-minute sample. Secretion is expressed as percentage of control
(unstimulated) secretion level, which was set at 100% (n 4).