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Mol Neurobiol 2000 Jan 01;221-3:1-9. doi: 10.1385/MN:22:1-3:001.
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Dendritic morphogenesis: building an arbor.

McFarlane S .

Neurons are polarized cells with an axon and a dendritic arbor extending from the soma. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying axon guidance are rapidly being elucidated, those that regulate the orientation, morphology, and elaboration of dendritic processes are largely unknown. Several recent papers address these issues, and propose a set of molecular strategies that control dendrite development. This review discusses these papers and what they reveal to us about how cell signaling orchestrates neuronal form and connectivity during development.

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??? Mol Neurobiol

References [+] :
Allendoerfer, Regulation of neurotrophin receptors during the maturation of the mammalian visual system. 1994, Pubmed