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Insect Biochem Mol Biol 2024 Oct 01;173:104180. doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2024.104180.
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The role of OR5, which is highly expressed in the winged grain aphid Sitobion miscanthi, in specific recognition of EBF.

Fan J , Wang B , Zhang T , Yu M , Wang M , Zhang S , Su C , Xu J , Jiang X , Zhang Q , Wang G , Chen J .

Winged parthenogenetic aphids are mainly responsible for migration and dispersal. Aphid alarm pheromone (E)-β-Farnesene (EBF) has dual effects on repelling and stimulating wing differentiation in aphids. Previous studies have shown that the odorant coreceptor SmisOrco is involved in the perception of EBF by S. miscanthi; however, its EBF-specific odorant receptor (OR) and the difference between winged and wingless aphids remain unclear. In this study, the Xenopus oocyte expression system and RNAi technology were used to detect the transmission of EBF signals, and it was found that the olfactory receptor SmisOR5 is an EBF-specific OR in S. miscanthi and is specifically highly expressed in the antennae of winged aphids. Furthermore, when OR5 was silenced with dsRNA, the repellent effect of EBF was weakened, and aphids showed more active aimless movements. Therefore, as a specific OR for EBF, the high expression level of SmisOR5 in winged aphids suggests a molecular basis for its high sensitivity to EBF. This study advances our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of aphid EBF perception and provides novel ideas for effective management and prevention of the migration of winged aphids.

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??? Insect Biochem Mol Biol