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Vet Parasitol 2024 Jun 01;328:110153. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2024.110153.
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Cloning, expression, and functional identification of aquaporin genes from Eimeria tenella.

Wang J , Qu Z , Ma X , Olajide JS , Cai J .

Avian coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria spp., is one of the major parasitic diseases in chicken. Aquaporins (AQP) are essential mediators of water regulation and nutritional intake in parasites, and it may be a suitable molecule for chemotherapeutic target and vaccine candidate. We identified two aquaporin genes in Eimeria tenella (EtAQP1 and EtAQP2) with their full sequence, and the expression profiles were analyzed across different stages of E. tenella life cycle. The expression of EtAQP1 and EtAQP2 in Xenopus oocytes renders them highly permeable for both water and glycerol. Sugar alcohols up to five carbons and urea pass the pore. The immunohistochemical analysis confirms the restriction of antiserum staining to the surface of transfected Xenopus oocytes. Like other AQP family, EtAQPs are transmembrane proteins that are likely important molecules that facilitate solute uptake for parasite intracellular growth and therapeutic targets.

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