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Biofizika 2003 Jan 01;482:236-9.
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[The role of lipid-nucleic acid interactions in the reconstruction in vitro of the nuclear shell with pores].

Kuvichkin VV , Uteshev VK .

Previous studies of triple complexes DNA-phosphatidylcholine liposomes-Me2+ showed that, upon complexing, along with aggregation, a partial reversible fusion of liposomes takes place. In this case, DNA acts as a fusogen. The addition of the extract from Xenopus laevis or Drosophila melanogaster oocytes to the triple complex leads to a complete fusion of initial liposomes 100-200 nm in size and the formation of giant liposomes of up to 100-500 microns in size. Upon the addition of liposomes to the extract from Xenopus or Drosophila eggs, either fragments of the nuclear envelope with pores or structures like annulate lamellae are formed. The diameter of pores in these formations is approximately twice as small as in the native nuclear envelope, which may be associated with a lower surface tension of the lipid bilayer. This fact is in agreement with our model of the formation of nuclear pores suggested earlier.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 12723347