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Plant Mol Biol 1987 Jan 01;81:47-51. doi: 10.1007/BF00016433.
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Isolation and sequence analysis of a nuclear tRNA(met-i) gene from soybean.

Palmer JM , Folk WR .

A gene encoding the initiator methionine transfer RNA (tRNA(met-i)) has been isolated from a soybean genomic library. The nucleotide sequence of the gene is colinear with the previously determined sequence of bean and wheat germ tRNA(met-i) (3, 8) except for a transversion at site 51/63 in stem IV. Microinjection of the soybean gene into Xenopus oocytes caused the transcription of an RNA product equal in size to mature Xenopus tRNA(met-i). Hybridization of a restriction fragment containing the tRNA(met-i) gene to digests of soybean DNA reveals that the gene occurs in only one to a few copies per haploid genome.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 24302523
??? Plant Mol Biol

Genes referenced: mt-tr trna

References [+] :
Benton, Screening lambdagt recombinant clones by hybridization to single plaques in situ. 1977, Pubmed