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Ontogenez 2003 Jan 01;344:262-6.
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[Attachment of DNA loops to an artificial matrix does not affect the origin of replication initiation in early development of African clawed frog].

Vasetskiĭ ES .

Replication initiation proceeds in a random fashion in early development of Xenopus laevis. The replication origins become fixed only at later stages of development after the mid-blastula transition. Specification of replication origins occurs at the same time with the specification of the DNA attachment to the nuclear matrix. Replication origins of many species coincide or are located in the vicinity of sites of DNA attachment to the nuclear matrix. The present work was dedicated to development of an experimental system where DNA loops were specifically attached to an artificial matrix and a study of an effect of this attachment on specificity of DNA replication initiation in extracts of Xenopus laevis oocytes. We have found that DNA attachment to the artificial matrix increases the efficacy of DNA replication as compared to the control, but does not affect the replication specificity. It is likely that the transition from non-specific to specific replication is determined by a combination of several factors, and specificity of DNA attachment to a matrix alone is not sufficient for specification of a replication origin.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 12942736