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Dev Genes Evol 2013 Mar 01;2231-2:117-29. doi: 10.1007/s00427-012-0400-1.
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Islet1-expressing cardiac progenitor cells: a comparison across species.

Pandur P , Sirbu IO , Kühl SJ , Philipp M , Kühl M .

Adult mammalian cardiac stem cells express the LIM-homeodomain transcription factor Islet1 (Isl1). They are considered remnants of Isl1-positive embryonic cardiac progenitor cells. During amniote heart development, Isl1-positive progenitor cells give rise mainly to the outflow tract, the right ventricle, and parts of the atria. This led to the hypothesis that the development of the right ventricle of the amniote heart depends on the recruitment of additional cells to the primary heart tube. The region from which these additional, Isl1-positive cells originate is called second heart field, as opposed to the first heart field whose cells form the primary heart tube. Here, we review the available data about Isl1 in different species, demonstrating that Isl1 is an important component of the core transcription factor network driving early cardiogenesis in animals of the two clades, deuterostomes, and protostomes. The data support the view of a single cardiac progenitor cell population that includes Isl1-expressing cells and which differentiates into the various cardiac lineages during embryonic development in vertebrates but not in other phyla of the animal kingdom.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 22526874
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC3552366
??? Dev Genes Evol

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: atm fgf8 isl1 ltbp3 nkx2-5 shf shh tbl1x tbx2 tbx5

???attribute.lit??? ???
References [+] :
Abu-Issa, Heart field: from mesoderm to heart tube. 2007, Pubmed