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Med Sci (Paris) 2009 Dec 01;2512:1173-6.
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[Intrabodies, potent tools to unravel the function and dynamics of intracellular proteins]

Moutel S , Perez F .

In the 1980s, progress in molecular biology enabled the manipulation and cloning of antibody fragments as functional scFv (single chain Fv). Because of their small size and relative ease of expression, scFv opened the road for new medical and biotechnological applications. scFvs can be easily expressed and targeted to different cellular compartments (cytosol, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, inner surface of the plasma membrane, etc.), using specific signals to target or retain them in a given compartment. Recombinant antibodies can thus be used as intracellular antibodies (intrabody) to neutralize, disrupt or track endogenous antigen. Intrabodies not only represent new tools for fundamental research to study the dynamics of endogenous proteins, but may also bring interesting options for applied research in terms of intracellular immunization for therapeutic use.

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??? Med Sci (Paris)