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Biochemistry (Mosc) 2004 May 01;695:485-96. doi: 10.1023/b:biry.0000029845.11184.30.
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Analysis of the cell cycle and a method employing synchronized cells for study of protein expression at various stages of the cell cycle.

Uzbekov RE .

Study of protein expression during the cell cycle requires preparation of pure fractions of cells at various phases of the cell cycle. This was achieved by the development of methods for cell synchronization. Successful cell synchronization requires knowledge of the duration of all phases of the cell cycle. So, in the present review these interrelated problems are considered together. The first part of this review deals with basic methods employed for analysis of duration of cell cycle phases. The second summarizes data on treatments used for cell synchronization. Methods for calculation of percent of cells at various stages of the cell cycle in fractions of synchronized cells are considered in the third part. The fourth part of this review deals with a method of study of protein expression during the cell cycle by means of immunoblotting of synchronized cell fractions. In the Appendix, basic principles are illustrated with practical examples of analysis of the cell cycle, synchronization, and study of expression of some proteins at various stages of the cell cycle using synchronized XL2 (Xenopus laevis) cells.

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??? Biochemistry (Mosc)