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Ontogenez 1984 Jan 01;156:616-25.
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[Dynamics of the redistribution of pigment granules in the dermal melanophores of anuran amphibians. 1. Dispersion].

Nikeriasova EN , Golichenkov VA , Dorfman IaG .

The dispersion of melanosomes in the dermal melanophores of the Xenopus laevis larvae has been studied by time--lapse cinematography. The process began with the appearance of distally directed melanosome flows in the cell cytoplasm. During the subsequent migration of pigment granules, the flows branched forming branches of the 2nd and higher orders. The whole cytoplasm became filled with a layer of melanosomes. During the dispersion, the movement of melanosomes in a flow is replaced by their dispersion all over the cytoplasm; these processes alternated. In the peripheral part of the cell devoid of melanosomes, membrane vesicles appeared and the cytoplasm was distinctly divided into ecto- and endoplasm. The ectoplasm contained numerous microfilaments and single microtubules, the endoplasm did not contain any cell organelles, except single electron-dense melanosomes. The active role of plasma membrane in the intracellular movement of melanin granules is suggested.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 6521976