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FEBS Lett 1988 May 09;2321:9-11.
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Structural basis for autogenous regulation of Xenopus laevis ribosomal protein L1 synthesis at the splicing level.

Gultyaev AP , Shestopalov BV .

It is known that the injection of the Xenopus laevis ribosomal protein L1 gene into oocytes causes the accumulation of immature L1 transcripts due to a specific block of splicing of the second and third introns. In this paper the secondary structures of these introns in pre-mRNA have been constructed. It has been shown that they share homology with 28 S rRNA. The putative RNA-binding segment of L1 has also been predicted. These results are interpreted as the structural basis for autogenous regulation of X. laevis ribosomal protein L1 synthesis at the splicing level.

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