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Dev Biol 1990 Dec 01;1422:486-8. doi: 10.1016/0012-1606(90)90371-o.
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Counterproductive transcriptional and translational regulation of elongation factor 1-alpha synthesis during early development in sea urchins.

Peeler MT , Kelso-Winemiller L , Wu MF , Skipper JK , Winkler MM .

We have isolated a cDNA clone encoding elongation factor 1-alpha (EF1-alpha) and used probes prepared from this cDNA to measure levels of EF1-alpha transcripts during early development. We also determined the fraction of EF1-alpha transcripts in polysomes during this time period. Following the blastula stage there is a sharp increase in the amount of EF1-alpha mRNA. This pattern of accumulation is similar to other previously described sea urchin mRNAs. However, while the level of EF1-alpha mRNA is increasing, the fraction of EF1-alpha mRNA in polysomes decreases. Thus, there is an apparently counter-productive decrease in efficiency of recruitment into polysomes occurring concurrently with an increase in the overall amount of EF1-alpha mRNA.

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??? Dev Biol
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